51621 Men gummy leiIll no ComlnllMY elueln tth nnmmim Strictly Fl Quality my 5m MAHOGANY savanna 3255 urnin mm WHllEJPdlttT all 53 071 to LDGKSET its no CEnAR mnnsln Hinton Itlfx EthE onions fEno wola Damege as am rum lulu II ensh Worries RANDOMWEED sunk em idsxes FlllElltlLflS nouns um rend rnuorimsnslon $13800 2x tonu 312$qu xsr to 2r Ifto 2x 10 $788 BLACK ASPHALT Vxfl 177 illlLDlllflIOllllDostl Reel Wool in ex lll Illlllllllfs emlete tear Plum nnmbie and could nee or any rim IlltlllEIt tiItMEBlIAtlD Sellstoring comb none storm CENTRES TO SERVE YOU on court inmost THEJIA SHERWOOD56 FERNLEIGH CARTIER sq ft TRENT 632 sq on sq ft 952 1247 so lt $1087 1491 it own manymm Antonina summon can in Fdtnoue ThdrInoFllare Iénsumrlon tons in it eartonl or no Smaller lair some Herdware Hlngel lnotelledl nloltEEn nlcxonr ttllLLtlli onannr in 91588543 aurora mWSS aEpi its SASlltESS wmoows 34134014 so it so as sox 30 2131 sojxeo 2444 lln llllerl Elwood ï¬veotylaotsore mbmhera oltheGuiid oi St Jean da lt La Lande bearlng wooden cross elght feet long pallsed to nray at the grave at St Jean de Brabeul after walking on mliealrom Toronto to Mid land inn live day pliesIm age Gooilery Roulet trltht lorezroundt of Believilloh sludent at the Unlverslï¬yol Waterloo leadsthe worn in the lndien Churchoi St Joe pxicmnsm armors Guava animation gt eph the tire Christlnnmhrine in North America nortth or Mexico this consecrated chapel was reconstructed on the original site at Salote ilt Marla among the Herons lam49L Exhibition 0136 Farr Flower macaw Saunas sun Guthrie exhibitor Mrs DEAD STOCK SERVICE mam on cnmrmn onsas came adds zi an DAYS NICKfS DEAD STOC SERYIGE muttonnan DRY CLEANING snrien aanvrce STORAGE Meiapnoomc WM HANKIN NUSERVICE CLEANERS 715247 PLUMBlNGG HEATING eLENaaaE CLIFF can LlMl ED George Caldwell was leading winner in keen cornpetltlon tn the floral sectlon oi the llï¬tll modal tall air at the Qro Am cultural Society here yesterdny Mrsl lCaldwelts entries recelv ed ï¬rst awardsjor basket of gladloli zlnnlas snapdragons best rose and annlversary dln ner arrangements with second or marigolds end splkeglads Mrs Marion Campbell Guth rie won first or arrangement of roses in gorgeous display tn which Mrs Velma Bradley of Shanty Bay was second and Mrs Marjory Bell third The best asters were entered by Mrs Carolelehrgston and heat holldayenraage ghy Mrs Murray Bowen in keen comm tition with Mrs Caldwell second and Mrs Howard Campbell of Guthrie third is MFLOWERS Velma Bradley also won ms for cut flowers and spike glads and second for dahtias In which Mrs Jamteson won first Mrs Frank llale had the beat coll tlon obsweet peasiwith Mrs Earl Scott second and Mrs Jamiesnndhird Mrs Jamteson had the best collection of nasturtiums with Mrs Lloyd Sampson second Mrs Sampson won top award for maï¬golds MrsMar Bellwon ï¬rst award for the best arrangement of tinsel with Mrs Velma Brad ley second and Mrs Carola Liv ingston thlrd Mrs Bell was sec end or anniVersary dinner llan al arrangement and Mrs Campbell third Fendley judge was pleased with the high on lily of the exhl STRAWBERRY JAM The best strawbergy lem shown at the air was made by Mrs Carole Livingston with Velma Bradleysecond and Mrs George Lanyman third in close competition Top award tor reap berry jam went tollehna Brady ey Mal Mawdsle won ï¬rst or maplesyrup with Mrs Lloyd Fletcher second and Mrs Campbell thtrd Carole lem stonwnn first or canned cher ries with Velma Bradley second The heat bread and butter pickles were entered by Mi Hart with htrsCarole LNln second ahdleima Bradley Mrs Sharon Smith won orap ple jeltyi withan Bradley second and Mrs Har third First award or chill sauce was won by Mrs Edward Langman Anderson third The best maple cream candy was entered by MrsMarion CampbelL In the meat loal class Mrs Jack Anderson won ilrstwitn Mrs thllcrap second and Carole Livingston third Mrs Allan Shelswellnecelvad first for vegetable salad In six entries or chelsea hun Mrs Jaclr Anderson won ï¬rs Mrs Pitkey second and Mrs Gauge Longman third Mrsll Anderson received tap nward for the best collections baking The Argyle WI special lwn won by Mrs Stoddarh er rd The GuthrieWi special to to Mrs Win Van Winden with Mrs Richards second an MreD ilkay spec mm Mrs Don otteAthur with Mrs Shanon Smith second hrldMrs Edward Lanman third WOCOLATE Cm Joan Hatcher also received ï¬rst or best chocolate cake with Mrs Stoddart second and Mrs Pttlrey third MrsEd ward Langmanwon for wheat hreadand Mrs George Lang manetor whlte bread in the lng class Top award torrolls went to Mrs Edward bangsnan and for bunsto Mrs Marion Camp elL Theformer also wonder an mutï¬ns Mrs Hoydysampson won iorvnut toe and Velma Bradley or coliee cake andtea biscuits Besttasting lemon ple madehy Mrs Lloyd Say with Mrs Jack Anderson and and Vehna Bradley LloydSampson rcglst tor pumpkin pie pron me For decorated cake Mr Cameron was ï¬rst with mmwwsmmw BurtzJamleson second andMrs Richardson third while Mrs Allan Shelswell won for light layl er cake Mani Howard Cam hell won ï¬rstjor sugar cook The a1 collectionofco was entered to Mrs Shelswell with Mrs Bessie crï¬wtordsac ï¬m end and Mrs ShainnSrnlththlr while Mrs wonformu tard plekles Velma Bradley won in canned 11235 can ras