omlvnmï¬m BEVER aboard plane that man at Alirinion LY Atkinson timt oi Vancou ver and Christine Waud were Hi tempted tohiiaclr at Mon treat airport yesterday Miss accompanied the gunman to thetlight deck CP erephotot jacket Gets Be sltougm13v=rm MONTREAL CPLA sixloot Wgro from Texas was to ap pear in court in suburban Dor vsl today to answer charges re lating to an attempt Wednesday to hijack an Air Canada Vis count turbopro aircralt en route to Tcrontn trorn Saint John Null The manwho identiï¬ed him set as Charles Lavern Beasley oi Dallaswas held or ones oning aiter ROMP and Arr Canada oliialals mused him he would recelvoyiarylnm and would be betteroil to mid Canada instead or arcing tha gt1 planetogotncuba thepolice at Dorval pre pa ed to lay merges on the am vice ol the Immigration depart ment United States authorids were also investigating the case gt The FBI said they had war rant for the arrest at man named Charles Lavern Beasley $14000 August holdup oi the Farmers and Merchants State Bank at Ladonla Tex The man held here who booked the flight in Haliiax under the name of Garveyt made statement that he was wanted by the Central Intelli ce Agency oithe US he cilsa he Was member oi the mama BEASLEli militant élacb Power moves meat nudes drama meant hitaching attemptin il Can adas 31yearhlstory began fewmimics alter the plane took nit irom Saint John flbeman holding 22 revolver at the bend of slew Medical Research WillRetain Its eliutonomy UilAWA CF The ederal cabinet has decided that the Medical Research Couucil will retain the anumomy it had be fore controversial cabinet order this summer made the council partoi the iederal hPalth department reliable sourcede Way The erlglnnlvorder approved in July resulted in widespread the scienï¬iie com munity thatgthe Councils sys tem of awarding researehand other grants would be limited oilowing series of priviate negotiations the cabinet has ayeedthat the Counciiwilicon mt scheine in the heart oi Tor $1000 Burlington lVianvSurrentlers little Oot Hiél ca earning areas yeprold hurlingtonyman Davidlralandinto sutrenderinga high powered rifle he had useddo keep aunnmaron tliic tIn as beioï¬ exch that it will repot to Health Minister Munro UntilJulyrthe Council report ed to the chairman of the cabineta committee onsniere dt industrial research Thechairman was Treasury Board lresident Druryr atthat time industry minister When thej cabinet shifted iihe council into the heallhgdepar nient cie ti iie groups ex pressed feats thatnthe change would open the door to govern ment linancial controlsover the summonyear grants gramof the council redevelop ontowlaichoould mean morethan ï¬construetionj the next years lies and citizensat hayr Plan Motion Picture vForJEitpo 70 homo CPSixv1anadlantilm or Wednesday un plans iora multiirnage motion lctura sys theyhope mi show or the ilrstrtlm ï¬t Expo Osalrap an lett geradisembarked3an ardess and pushing her beiora him lotto the aircmits flight deck ordered pilot Capt Ronald Hollett of Toronto course Were flying to Cubahe said Yes sir replied Capt llol Capt Hoilettvand first oi llcer Robert Bromleyofl Ottawa convinced himtbe alrcrait need ed to be reluelled or flight to Cuba and the you agree stop in Montreal There the 17 olher on sublim aircrait by Can ada which continued itsjourney Toronto Using thenircraits radio the man lnsistedthat only oneper son he allowed reiuelthe plane at Dorval airport here and airportauthorities acceeded to therequest SOViéti PltAGliE3 trimlllost occupa Lion troops appeared today to be withdrawing irom Czechoslova kiasmator citiesto new posi tions inane countryside Dawn town Prague was generally clear oi Russian tanks iortha first time since theflinvasion three weeks ago TheSoviets during thetnigbt evacuated the capitals lasttank encampment in park between the main railwaystation and St Wenceslas Square Similar evacuations were re ported from Bratislava Kosice and arm the latter preparing or several thousand foreign vis tors tojits annuallnternnlional to change Czechs OTTAWA CF Lucien La momux was reelectad Speaker oi the human today as Canadas 18th Parliament opened in mood cieasygoing friendliness The independent membertfor StnrmontDundas was saluted imm all sides of thaHouse as he wasushered to the Speakers chair by Prime Minister lru dcan and Opposition Leader Stanï¬eld Leaders otiall three opposition parties praised Mr Lamoineux lint called or change in the method oi his appointment on Trudeau wmis 1mm angailowcr in hlslapel opened the session by nominating Mr Lamauréigo lie saistiga Spgalr ers na an epen ent gouidpolmprovagtbe work oi the ouse France Keeps Mum 0n PM lalement PriRlS Renters Th Frenchgovcrnment duly noted Prime Minister Trudeaus accu sation thatA France Sent an speakingrcanadians in Manitoba but will not makeany comment fled this stage oiiiciais said Imps trade fair startingSun ay number nfhpla were heardtaking oil loom Prague duringthe night This ebuid in dicate thinningvout oi theSo nua Sudans Punish saJomv gnnh or Striking high school studenu here set up picket lines around three Roman catholic schools today tosupport their protest against thrth system of classes startedlirbjall agent to agitate among French House Speaker in some the nomination but called Vior early considera tion of method oi choosing Speaker that wouldbe tree of Mr Lamoureux fluently bil ingual twearold lawyer irom Cornwall was ï¬rst elected as Liberal MP in 1062 elected Speaker in 1966 in the June 25 election he ran as an independent in stormoni Dundas and was opposed only by an NDP candi ing bilingual schools in Quebec number about is protest ing first moves in Montreal suburb of St leopard to nuke the language oi school lnstru on head only Léclye viettroops but there was no immediate confirmation Soviet military policewere on the roads outside the capital di recting trattic shopping trains and holding railway crossing gates open for convoys jeeps and tanks heavy concentration oi air bornefnnd armored troops are missed near 3Pragues interna tional lrp ort where most scheduled flights resumed this week Occasional armored cars were stillseen in the city and some tanks were stiilinsidej the Soviet Embassys grounds but they were hidden irom public vew l= mourcuxs tact and dlploinacy partisan considerationle and was delegationLAXp otedfto cent migrants from Europe who wanttheir children to learn bothl English and Fr neh thel ne Cree Emigrants lirr veinCanada MEAL More than so Czechoslovakian most hour were outside their country when Warsaw Pact troops invaded itlast month ar rived atrMontreaI international Airport wednesday tostnrte new lite Canada liorlh flioreanj Press Claims Pueblo Captain lidnlitsjSpymg TOKYO APl orthKorea aidthat the captain oi the United States intelligencegratis ering ship Puebla admitted to correspondents today vésselwasdeep sideNorth Korean waters itwascaptured Jan 23 Th North Korean Central hammered out settlement in alter appareniLY doing over the several limes in thefterrllorial waters of the Democraticlen mit espionage activities Negotiators an vilnrnediale ltatihcationt mawitcmiaigtoimo mauagementlnegotlatorshtor1 Laketread Ihis weekend too striking grain lTba settlement calls or we handlers andtheir loemployers increases oi 45 cents retreatHie to last Jan and 15 ents each can gh nightlong bargaining halfyear starting next Jamia 30 today at the inaistanee of total of 3105 spread overtho Minister llrycc hiaclra threeyear ills of new contract Sel The union originally sought shamanism announced the 51 settlement at 550 amEm ratification ah meeting at the lt last one years with beads of management negotla of it 116 paid him ton to deal directly with corn pony presidenta vbyiongdls ianae telephone yasrs Wheathe men went on strike ssdayr agotlrzey warahgetttng Union sermon said they mm WP other unsettled issues in the WW 7me mm was grain be submitted Voi uï¬yaitobanmarbitramhoarm rm ecom eathe unions and the labortnlnlslcr Tha unionlnvolved was Lodge 6500 theBrotherhood oi Rail way Airlinennd Steamship Clerks Freight HandlersEx press and Staci hot it understood Mr Neal had complained privately of his going over the heads of the company negotiators here to deal with company presidents in ngnnlpegrand the Lakebead cabinet Wednesday of Lord Gr hampexternal affairs and do ienca minister Graham resigne he use he saidbehold see Mr Bucher told the tlngcor smi respondegltuthhe Puebgor has fulltec ealequi en or en He was th second anageactlvities and intruded HHMVMH monthsx Internal ples Republic of Koreatu com said Bucher made the point larvright cn cs inteni silied foui days agoat on gress or the lthodsianFrontr new principal Qneens University started roce Padihls it Smlthis gm swrrmawna