IAtdgjilo Flows In Force LAGOS AF Food and medical applies now are liva ing In aignillcant quantities to the niiillonavol war refugees in areas controlled by ledIrII Nigeria Hot In apical the massive land aea andalroperaiion It still is obvious that only the fringes ottba problem are beng touched No known how many pro piam belnmxiielpebtzmoti many are federal lines and In the bush report train voluntary rr llfa teamln one of the hardest hltareaa aays ttkndlilonrlhere ar terrible Many are far tooweak to rur v2 on member of ihe team stopped his car to move threeyeanold cbild sitting in themiddir of the road can aortas He said than he picked the child who felttha bones were going to fall apart Dutch Red Cross team working In the Nsukka area re ports that in three weeks It Its ited villages and treated more than 0000 patients Ivltt the moment there are about 120 foreign volunteers working in the ï¬eld West Gertnaii Rodents team It expected to leave soon for the Aba area and another It expected toarrive in Lagos shortly Danlrbvtenmworking in Agbor the midwest state will soon be joinedby Norwegian and Swedish teams Dithera from Yugoslavia Ireland and Inimi are expected to arrive II NINE Manylirilish teams Including onea sponsored by Oafain and ran are open ng lresred areas The International Red Cross is hoping to build upa reserve nipplon 10000 tons of food for distribution through depots In Enugu Calabll and Eabor ihia wouldbe two month sup ply has titan 5000 tone of food now is stockpiled in Nigeria is To Medicare Plén HALIFAX CP Health Minister Donahoettoday announced Nova ScotIa will in troduce pubucmedlcal Insurv ance plan April 1369 Called Nova Scotia Medical Services Insurance the plan will Involve nn premium pny mentator any persona In the province at three months residency It thus dilfera Irom achemea Introduced July In British Columbia and earlier In Saskatcbaw Where minimal doctore tees are charged Mr Donnhoeaaid the Nova Scotiaplan to cost about 20 000000 In its first year oi opera lion will be financed about equally by the federal and prov Inclal government Congress Becomes illforts wgtsnmoroit UP loris toughen ragidatlona about gunialemm cheduied towiesume in Congressthis out the tidentay have run support for tighter baa waned since the as sassinations ofIlev Marlin Lu ther King and Senator Robert Kennedy lha periodtiit including congressional recess at given thattrludittJonalfllï¬lnemtefl at gun conrn ran gspe towhi up organized diaaeoti The other high 1500 Mills most opposed to gun controls and many apparently members of clubs afï¬liated with the Na tional llitla Associationtuned 3t draylt aw tortha rmt ory coun Mon go mery Md Hundreda were 5T0 Tougher Gun Sale Rules worried away It was the largest me could rccallin tiw cointty Li answering aregistration no marker WHITES ARE CDNCERNED Montgomery County is rich white and concerned about the Negroarea violence that brainc curreddn the District of Coloni4 his here where many Montgog mory Countyvresldenta work Weeks agoCongreaa an proved legislation that bans the mailorder sale of retolvers and pistols The Ilousa oi Represent sliver has approved the ram legislation ifor titles and shot guns The Senate expects to it with it Wednesday or Thursday At that time Maryland Senator Josoph flydingr Democrat will try again to wrlte me real teeth Into thebill cats or the min Atlantic Treaty In conventional forces that have probah aZtod ri li Iy mm 1m use its gt Eithth ark rd stewards Monday recommended the lifetime suspension jockey Iliii Skuae and horseowncr and at leasta liveyear suspension for second rider The remmnendatims Ioliowedy an ave nyymassocmran airless VicePreaidént Hubert Humphrey redtcts somersduc tionoi ted States forces in Vietnam may Jbe possible by early next year and says sub stantiva =Vielnam peaca negotia tions maybe under way byJan nary5 gt The Democratic presidential candidate also accusedrliepubli can opponent Richard Nixon Monday of demonstrating can iuslon over the nuclear non prolileratlon treaty up for San ate confirmation Nixon taking day oil from campaigning said in stator merit tha United States should enormous cyLiK monitored Vienna said they signed Inn agreement on the deliver Sovietnatural gos oCzc oslo VaniaThe agreement psychiatrists report to be madeoniilc hippie accused of inur said also provides on oi pipeline it was riginally violeada must material irade Minister Iyremoved from Humphr on his campaigntour nd power andability starving Biafrans in the Nigerian civil war In other political develop ments Prospccts that former Keo tucky governor Happyt Chandler would be named thirdspaity candidate George Wallaces vicepresidential run ning mate ladedarnid hints his civil rights record is an obsta cle Scnator Edward urea nedy Dem Masssays Hum phrey andhis vicepresidential running mate Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine are best equipped tohandie the problems Kennedy paniadby Deputy Premier Fraiisek Hamouz and Foreign lav Vales began talks lmn am tely withKosygIn Also present on the Sthet weieForctgnMinistcrAn dre Gromka andPEputy rev miervlirtkolat albakové Prague sources said tha tallks lhadboen expected wi vicinity Iiumphrey is In Loo Angclcs for one day stay saidhcil have more to say about the campaign as time goes on Iiumphrcy eipressing optimr ism over exploratory peace talks in Paris toldh group of Philadelphia students Monday he believes substantiva nego Liations may begin balore the us presidential nauguration in January us Troups find Cong Cache SAIGONJAPl United States marines killadot NorthVictn4 mesa troops day just below the de zone and uncovered large cache of antmuuitionand sup plies iv marinaraere killed and within two miles of each other justmorthol the marina out post known as eHRock rile US headquarters reported Order federal Investigation Chicago Protest CHICAGO in fcdcral grand Jury investigation of dam onstrations police action abd nows coverage duringtho Dcm ocratic nailonnlconvcntion has been ordered by Chief Judge William Campbell oi Uditcd States district court Judge Clampch on onday ordered the September grand yury to Investigate alleged viola tions oi federal statutes during the convention Thomas Porno US dis trict attorney already hassiart ed aninvcstigntion and Judge Campbell ordered him to turn overto the grand jury all later for Only ihafcderalgrand jury has the total responsibility under our Constitution to hold sucbaprobolhiudga Campbell told the juro mastication unilie met Abdul Canada PARlS OPReuters Vlia lever Ftench side nt do Gaulles policy is toward ada and Quebec Frenchspeaki in Ottawa At his news conicrencc Mo day the president was asked whether he would modity Frances policy with regard to Quebec nn Lthat PierreElllot zaiwouniied in the twobattles Tnideauis inoIlice Certainly not saidwitbout elaboratio But do Gauiiemade itclcar that hodocsnott nir muchot motion hchas accumulated thus tonnrrow Solutions magmas mm tomorrow 557Dctailsoa Page OIiAWA CF Iaccd with the averclosorpossibliity at legislated end to the Lakcncad grain nnudlcrs strike company and union nogoilators went back into closed lolksabout in can mount The parties Monday talks carried over until am today Parliament gathers Thursday amidst growing outcry to leg Isinto on and to it strike which has bloakcdwhsat shipments through the Grcat Lakos since July iti Ncithcr union nor compa spokesmen commcntcd folio ing Mondays talks under the guidance nllabor department medlatorsD Iysoe of Van couver and William Kelly the departments obiet con The talks began at trontnaarrcm transplant patient died today alter suifcring stroke The stroke was the second setback suiiered by Mr Zaor so slncahe received his new heatMug 30 real Heart Institute said the pa tient diedat am on the 11th posloperative day His progress seemed avers bie until yesterday when he sui Iercd stroke alter which his never regained consciousness Tliatransplanted heart per federations suh as those of Canada and Nigeria De Gautie has be accused by some of suppnrtxng separa tism in Quebec ever since his nawlfamous call of Viva 1e Quebe Libra during his shor enccl Visitto Canada last yea HAS CAUSED ANGER Thepresidc has never given direct support to separatists Elli he has dealt directly with the provinceot Quehec on number of matters andftaused some anger in Ottaw Mondayh came ut as lose Récipieflt lDlefsj Eilg ZaorgGanadas third heart bulletin issued on Mont legislated and To spike Facing Lakehead Workers Labor liilnislcr Bryce Macka scy said In an interview ha has no Immediate plans to introduce legislation to end the striko as long as the parties keep talking However II the talks broke oltI will not hesitate to intro lines the appropriata legisla on FRESH Olinll Sole development at Monday meetings was rcporied to be trash niler by rcprescntailvca of the elevator companies Involved in tho duputar Howaver spokes man for thc parties declined to confirm whcuur such an olier was made The strike in its stth day has tied up elevator gralndrying op orailons at tuner when fwet crop condition Pr ai ri necessitating such treatment Heart In bulletin issued Monday night the Institute sald Mr Zaor had suffered cerebral accident secondary tor proexist ing ariari clarosis late Mon his heart pulse and remained stable Thelflrst reversalsuliered by the Turkish born resident at Sherbrooke was an acute thrornhosis blood clot It was relnoted in an oper ationperiormed two days alter the transplant operation as hehasevcrcometo ch support Ha answered question early in Mr President iris well known that FrancoQuebec relations are in wonderlul shape ing the last month freshlsib on has appeiiicdili Eranc Moreover Canada has alac ed Frenchspeaking prime tninister from Quebec whois pnrtaddo have shown desir not official to eet you Do yo think that thes events may modifyFrances ohcywi gardtto Quebec ir