int AND tins GARY aoss Aoam Evening wedding ceremony him mz nernun daret cannot drop out of his hand if he should tell Isleep tla will be awakened whenthe dearer burns dm=lo an tin unfit added Ascbairman of the Entertain cy Rescue and PintAid Conn mitten of the New York Fire mens Association dopef you will retract Lhatvstatctnent and tell your readersthcre lsno satawaytosmokaiobed thotaanohv av vravmt At Collier United Cht1ir¢h Donna Frances Puddcn and Gary Ross Adair exchanged vows at in evening wedding ceremony was conducted by REV David Proctor against back ground setting of candelabra while gladloli and pink and white Shasta mums Miss Km of Alliston presided at the organ The bride is the daughterpl hirsand Mrs Donald Howard Pudden of St Vincent St Bar ric The bridegrooms parents Mr and Mrs Earl Adair reside on Dundonnld St TRADITIONAL GOWN Given to marriage by her la thcr the radiantbride chase traditional gnwn of peau do sole designed with an Empirewaist Ind fitted bodice til Chantilly lace ovcr pcatt de sole Matching lace fashioned the fitted elbow length sleeves with scalloped edgcs White roses and lily of the valley surrounded with organza petals fashioned the brides head dress and held lingertip veil of silk illusion tulle She carried cascade at brilliant pink roses WEDDING ATTENDANTE ltliss Dianne Pudden was her sisters maid of honor Miss Gwen Adair and Itliss Lois Pud den the brides sister were bridesmaids ioe attendants wore floorlength gowns of hot pink flowered chitloo over matching pink talleta designed on the line and with sleeveless bodices Lily of the valley was entwined through the attendants collfures and they carried triangular cas cades or white and pink tinted carnations Lloyd Paltcnden of Barrie at tended as groomsman The ush ers were Harry Scanlon and Dal ton Corbett ofBarrle RECEPTION Following the ceremony guests were received in the church hall Receiving the brides mother similar make their home Ontario chose rose crepe dress with bodice and bellsleeves olrnat chlng French lace pink petal ed hat white accessories and corsage of pink Sweetheart rose buds enhanced hcr ensemble Assisting at the receptiiflt the bridegrooms mother was attir ed in an aqua silk crepe gown with lace sleeves hat of beige ulle and pink petals and corsage complemented her costume Leaving for motor trop hrough ltiuslrolta District and northern Ontario the bride don ned twopioce suit ol embroid ered linen white accessories and while orchid corsage On return the newlyweds will in London Oulolclty guests were pres out from Manitoba Quebec Littl don Lambeth Toronto Ottawa North Bay Sault Ste Maria iistonNcwmarket Aurora Rich mond Hill Niagara Falls Dur ham Petcrborough and Stayner SPEAKING MUSICAL PILGRIM Lloydw Tufldrd organist choirmaster of Collier St Unity ed Church and director or mud lc lor Barrie public schools spent the summer on muse lcal pilgrimage touring Bri rvtain and Europe He crossed the ocean both ways by air During two weeks in England he visited music festivals includ ing live evenings at Albert rHali inndon This included the night Russian tanks moved in lorFrague and the USSR State Orchestra received mixed re ception Nevertheless the great Russian ccllist played the lam ous Concerto by Dvorak Czech composer and got tremen dous ovation in our weeks on the Contin ent Mr Tullord visited such centres as Nuremhurg Rothen burg Munich Vienna Zurich lnnisbruclt and Salaburg which is Sound of Music country in Austria He attended the Man art Festival heard the Opera 0o oi Austria and the Vienna State Orchestra among many other wonderful musical treats TO VISIT ENGLAND Mr and Mrs Bill Danson of Park St are leaving for Eng land via BOAC flight lrom Toronto lnternationalAlrport on Saturday The couple will visit with Mr Dansons parents and also spend some time in London during the three weeks vacation WESTERN TOUR Mai and Mrs Alan Ger ow of Vancouver St have re turned from western motor tour in ch they spent month various cities in cluding Winnipeg Victoria and Calgary Vi During their stay in Victoria they visited Ma Gerows par ents Mr and Mrs Ger ow lnrCalgary they spent time with Mrs Gerows mother Mrs lioLlDAi 1N ENGLAND dren Peter Anne ahdlldbeff of Ottaway Ave spent nlnowcks in England visiting relatives and friends alter BOAC lllghtfrnm Canada ltlr Vigle joined his lamiiy for the latter part or the holiday before they returned by sea to Canada on board the Em press of Canada embarking at Montreal Whileirt England the Wigle fondly were guests of ltirs Wigles parents Rev and Mrs Griffiths of Rotherdam log at warrington and Chiche ES OFF 10 COLLEGE Mr and Mrs Don Graves ol Cundles Rd entertained at farewell partyln honor of Greg Vulfenden who is leaving Barrie tor Potsdam New York Greg will study at Clarksoa College= During the evening he wad pre included Mr and Mrs Graves Mr and Mrs ltnAr cherMr and Mrs Doug Johns Garl Binnie Elwood Binnie Mr and Mrs Jack Graves Wayne ArcherI GordvBihnic Lew Graves bï¬chael Wolfendern Marsh Forget and MisaMarlena Forget gt Miss Ituby McCarthy at Tor onto St has returned to the city followinga 15 days motnr tour of the Maritime Provinces Miss McCarthy accompanied her brother and sistersinIatv Mr and Mrs McCarlhy of Dunn ville and her nephew VVance Carthy of Brantford on the ho OFVPEOPLE AND PLACES day tourne through New Enins wick Nov Scotla Cape Breton nd the Cabot Trail During their visitto Prince Edward Island Legs they were in Charlottetown for Old Home Week celebrattnns Enroute home the travellers vie Mrs taint title and ctut ited the provinde oL Quebe He nre Miss McCarthy retur dio Barrieshe spent two dariat her brothers annville residence coaav rnoeitv Annual play for the Corby Trophy at Barrie Golf Club will be held next Sunday starting at l2 noon This unique event originated by Mr and Mrs Jack corby who alsodonatcd the cup or husbands and wives No substituted theymust play Yorkshire and of slstara resid iQEBltIEfantt thats When the ltttt begins Afterwards the couples gather in the clubhouse or din ner and presentation to the win hersllandicaps count in this mixed competition shown so ECUADoa MissEeth Huddlaston mission ary nurse and matron oi Mist sionary Hospital in Quito Ecua dor left Barrie yatcrday morn seated with agilt Party guests inst return to her work Miss Huddleslon was called home in July due to the death of her mother the late Mrs Hud rdleston of Dufferin St WEEKEND GUESTS and Mrs Norbert Moran oi hitdhurst entertained their son arid daughterlinIaw Mr and Mrs Frank lBus Moran and children Pat Caroland Angela of Ottawa asholiday weekend guestsPeter Moran also spent the weekend at his parents home aller spending the sum mer months at summer school in London He resumed teaching urham liigh Schtiol this Filmetaro In Ottawa the hy repla ng the covers of Bedomokers run two risks Gas is asphyxiation thsolhec is fire Toe so called fsale way might awaken the smoker be fore he becomes roasted alive telegrams in mussels emu stau ket eta foam rubber mitten Jleuc take Iha word at fire mamIbo huntrind outloo many corpses 336 basaltic ft not dumb at me toqhava printadthat Womans letter and berets Ic oept lolashcs with the sret noodle necofreet advice it follows Do NOT smoke in bed he also mentions might be nearhoe Leiden ray in mania tr abeelu tattutti and ubirnedlogllhbl have tried my darndest to improve butlamabopeleucase low weekshgo my lather passed atvay and bad to ac knowledge many bouquets and ma aAnan EXAMINER rmnar seeramnnn ret Program For PreLISclioolers lit Shanty BayEducation Centre The Christian Education Con tra at St Thomas Church Shanty Bay is well on the way to completion One of the ï¬rst activities planned as service to the community in the build ing is school tor live year olds The school will operate each morning Monday through Friday excepting school hell days the hours will be from to 1130 and the opening date is set forch The school is inter denornln atlonal and therefore there will be no denominational bias to Special Courses 11 Me talHealth The Continuing Education Division of Georgian College of Applied Arisxapd Technology willbeollcring 20 week evening course in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing for graduate nurses beginning Oct 1969 The course which will be given Thursdaytevenings hi the Retraining Unitoi the Pene tanguishene Psychiatric Hospi tal will he taught by Mrs Elaine Nichoils RN BScN and Dr Boyd ltlCsup erintendcnt oi the Penelangui sltene Psychiatric Hospital Reflects ELEANOR Ross is job to do or do oycra bedroom to make it haven for theadult place to study to entertain and daydream for the youngster The beautiful printed fabrics that are sowide in color and pattern establish the mood particularly the print chosen it the bedspread bright print is attractive and easiest to work aroqu Available are prints that are timeless beloved classic as welljas contemporary pattc and or modems the LL avantgarde To add individual ity to your bedroom cover one wall in printed fabric to match the spread or carry the print through to your curtains chair or table cover play their lrieads There are several different bcd spreads that will please them including fairytale prints and animal spreads Printed labrics 5er sen can alsobeused in the itv log room to display yourrper sonality and fit your mood An easy method isby changing slip covers atluning the changes to the so sons parha Feet 11 room ine tvely throw voilAWAdCPt Actress Marla Oberon lnnsllver lame gown atte ed formal dinner Thursday at the home at the Ambassador of Argentina Corn ltamos and Mrs Ramos Miss Oherou the wits ol wealthyko can Flo Canada staid ustriallst Bruno Paliai said fivetminute intarvtewbelore dinnerï¬at it er first visit She brought her wochildre Bruno to and Francesca Man and HisWorl Thefinterlia nal ir alter the ambassador nlLArgehti Miss eron is on her first ylsl toCanada CF Wire photo and hostessfwh calls Mcxlcn City home isayausho still does pictures occasionally er latest was Hotels Mlss Oberon 51 eaves Ch ada for Mexico Sundayw fa referring to Mon eals it any Chrlstlan lcaching given Au children dvho will be live by Dec 31 1965 will Ibo wcl lee toregister and monthly cbsrge thereafter The teacher engagedto con duct the school is Mrs Gay Welsman whohas had junior grades at Cralgvale and Stroud but since Gay will be very much occupied with anw baby when the scboolooens teachlng the school for them few months Lois will be re lcls or the Romper Room program which was popular as child participation school on the air eachhmorning or sever al years over the local tele sion channel Mrs Barbara Bowman will be the asslstant at theschool mother at six who has been faithful helptfljllt Lillie Helpersl once week pro gram forprc school children that has been run by volunteers BOT save years in Shanty itslhvhoped tilht many moth ers in the surrounding common ity will take advantage of the opportunity to have their chil dren of appropriate age take pail in this pro school pro gram Acetone Designer pillows using printed to ca that complement the room predominant colors Florala old and new as well as er es and plaids await your seine it These are done in host of co liesorange plnks rust blues and acid greens Fabric prints are looming large and fancifuiin the kitchen extending their lolli ence to lend dashto the room in wbichtha homemaker spends all much time One new idea is to eovcrwails or kitchen in printed fabric prepared for pasting Or if the kitchc ingl ed or repair fabrl to over it and it lookasg das new You repeat the curtains and chair upbotstery or avpretty unllcdeffe To evoke fashionex am in any roomrthere are beautiful tda printed wmdowsbadas Match apcry oreconrdinatethemwnh them to upholstery and solid aback drap es of the colors at the print StatusOqumen The phase of bearing the Royal Commission on the Status oIVWomen in Canada com mences Sept lirand ends Oct Eastern Canada hearings will open in Fredericton New Bruns wick vFinnl sessions will ta place in Ottawa Fromhaarings held in West ern and Centrhl Canadadifferent in cachseotion at th country have been reveal oat lrequent recomm datlons called for ar wide establishment guoddayg care centres lo working moth eri taxdeduction or boas old base borders in tidatter and colors ma bout secotid typed the thank ha come Time will hold initial four years caperlence teaching Mrs tLols Welsman will be membered by many as fbliss ors including the currerit favor but in relieving sires apent this is stresses and dillerlngdemands Dear Au Laden Wilma andl went toether fortbree years th or sure we would be marriedWben the told me she had another my she liked better was shocked but one would notca by hand boeniabla to read them Mr and Mrs Emerson Williamson of Peel 5t marked their 50th wedding anniversary wterdpygaltern on and evep log at an open nusereception for family and friends Calvin Williamson of St Marys bro thcr ol the bridegroom assisted in welcoming the gues The bride is the former Miss Annie Gray of Ear The bridegroom wasrbarn in St Marys Ontario gt Thacnuple were married on Mary Barrie on Sept 1918 Their first homawas ln Toronto on Pa merstnn Ave BARBIE BARBER Mr Williamson was for to years an emplo ee of Willis KEEP IN THE TRIM at eep In lorlctflbollt the $600 the Wed in me Wilma and the any tool all for California and was under tho impressionglhey were mar it rled but was wrong Six months later aha came back to townlive months preg nant llerboylrlead had run out on her She was broke and sick Olden overland in Weston Ont lo the years proceeding his retirement he was barber here in Ban rle 14 gt ibe coupl two sons who reside with them in their Peel St home Thy are Edward Williamson and Ray Will iamson uoantns Mrs Williamson spends much of her leisure time with her favorite hobby needlework She enlcys knitting and crochellng as wcl as tatting Mrs Will iamson lsa member at the Beaver Rebekah lodge Mr Williamsonayfavorite form of recreation is enjoying as much titno as possible at his cottag Happiest lRéducers lire Those Who Team Diet And Exercise it adds to the joyoljlivlng Fact is thevbnppiest reducers are those who team Idiet and enter else together Exercise tones tightens apd ps thesagglng With exercise you look and feel marvelous Exercise plays role not only in weightcontrol Aumlnlste know lieyes that streets largely ohl he can nlgrs outdoor gt rbapsth ellicientexercise in which person could engage intersparsed can doubl ist inch die gets into the act and gallops gaily fihey are both streamlin in ltvsounds like fun sye or old young lady wans torog but is afraid it might make visiblevmuscles the way itidoos for memberaol the track vtcamAliear not easygoing jogging will not overdevelop leg muscles You could take cue from the dancers anl wear wnol tightamr kneelength wool socks for the cxercis sessions The wool plus the ex for beautiful legs surge retired Journal by diettng moderately and logging baa lostlo poutids in ngie month and two lull hips and thighs She now logging twotblrds of day andraports that gain takes away the tensions in an almost magical way Wilmaashed me to send her to California to visit her loin They had never seen the bah worked on the car for two In getting ltvready for the mond late the airport last week got letter from her saying she and ihehaby were not comics back She said Ibo has Job nntthero but have bunch she has teamed up again willt the guy who got pregnant What do you link ANONYMDUS Dear An Yourstory is rtbrcaker but lthink youll lucky In the long run if ma stays in Calilornia THESTIiRS SAY ESPREUJTA son TOMORROW llestrlctlons where personal relationships are concerned can tlnue unfortunately to deter mine to keep your spirit steady and to maintain serene dlsw sltion no matterwhat provpea wngiflcerrllli To goodperiod for either ro mance or social activities but be patient Better inlucncxs will prevail during the next hours teresting and productive yea Both material and personal in larcsta will be governed by gen erous stellar influences and through the spacing of achieve meat in these various areasoi your lite you should find the next 12 months continuous cycierof happiness surprises in your private lite for tance you are currently in an extra ordinarilypropltious period ttt romanceone Which will last for three weeksThen again beginning with December lst Cupid smiles and for the single there will be the possibility oi marriage heioro lheend of that month Next good months in sentimentalslatercs Febru ary May andvlun Most ausp cious periods for travel The balance oftbis month all of January exceptionally goodli and mid 1959 Wbera occupational and linen cial interests are concerned not hedlsmayed if both frat hoen at something of stand still lately Youare slated for gains both fronlsaartd soon child born onthis day will be endow Lb remarkaulo CANDLES CGO svearwua at holders mood brass pottery wrought iron gm drollna scentedcandi Handrolled soaps and sachets Gordon Fraser neelln carda