Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1968, p. 4

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A11 Municipal The Ontario Municipal requested the governmentv all councils inithe province be elected on thasamedate andfor twoyear terms The twoyear term is not aninnova tion Many municipalities now have it including Barrie There has been no corn piaint either from citizens orelected re presentatives The system has worked we The Secondary Schools and Boards Education Act recently was amended rovlde for twoyearterma for trustees lo be elected throughout Ontario the first Monday in December It would be incongruous to have these boards elect ed on this basis and councils elected on different oneand perhaps on differ ent days Originally all municipal councils were elected to oneyear terms This me have been satisfactory when municipal ice were small by comparison and their problems few The oneyear term does not suffice ior modern needs Many municipalities now are so large and the responsibilities of their councils so large and complex in both size and cuneils Two Yea cannotbec number ome conversant withailmun icipal business in one year it takes two years at least for him to become suffic vently well service argument forreien one the An yearth is that it makes it easier rld oi amediocrity 1romcouncii isnt convincin All agnew aldennan hismouth shirt for at new member of coundi informed to ender lilnMl can year and oneioouldprove hisimedioaity Members of the Commonsiand Legis latures are elected for fiveyear tertns That hasnt prevented somemediocrities getting elected to themor being re elected gt member of council in largomun icipality is often as important to the eofile or more so than member of ar meat or the Legislature Yet none would suggest MPs and We be elect ed on oneyear basis The complaint has been that we havehad too many elec tions in the past decade Ali members of municipal councils should be elected ona twoyear basis Threeyear terms might be even better DOWN MEMORYLANE to YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 30 1958 Thousands of citizens gathered at Allan daleCNR station to welcome members of Barrie Collegiatelland home from European Tour and participation in World Music Festival Kerkrade The Netherlands MayorWillard Kinda pre sented trophy to band president Douglas Morren Inevening big parade in which band played also citizsns band and pipe band wended way from Town Hall via main street to Queens Park for special concertat which Alderman Arthur Mor row was chairman Speakers included President Grant MayorL Chamber of Commerce Chairman Frank Higginson District Collegiate Board Principal Bowman Central Collegiate Band Dir ector Alien Fisher who introduced members He paid tribute to tour man ager Jack Rodgers the various men and women chaperones and Kenneth McKenzie band father who poured oil on troubled waters St Marys Separate School will institute kindergart en class this term for 42 childrenstat ed Principal Sister Saint Cletus Total enrolment is expected to be 430 St John Vianney School in Allandale will have 96 under Principal Kenneth McPherson George Longstaffe public schools admin istrator reported many more students more teachers this term Enrolment will OTHER EDITORSVIEWS newcnvcoucser NEEDS sruov Edmonton Journal Theres talk afoot that Mr Paul Hellyer will push for implementatioin of one of his main campaign themes the new city as the answer to the urban squeeze The new city isnt an original concept in urban planning rather the opposite but there are number ofauthorities who argue that it may offer way out of high housing costs and runaway nrb Van sprawl in our major Canadian cities The idea appeals the understand able desire to start With clean slate in urban planning to escape the mad dening frustration of trying to renovate existing cities cursed of past errors New cities allegedly could be bullt on cheap land it make use of the most Wmmnmmmmmmmmmmomunmmmnmmmmmmummnmmmmwmnmmmm LIT Hippmro morning by the dead and shirt on while reach 2700 with9d teachers Am brose Rivett office manager forBar rie Examiner since 1950 honored at staff ponytprlor to leavingfor Toronto and execu ve position at Thomson Newspa pers head office Jack Nixon defeat ed Ron Chantler in Elihole final for Bar rie golf title fourth time Historic plaque unveiled by Simcoe County War den Arthur Evans near Bond Headto commemorate The Scotch Settlement 1819 LawyerSCharles It Wilson and Gordon Mclurk headed Citizens Committee which opposed Town Conn cils plans for old gostcffice square President Dr Bilkey announced outstanding programsfor Barrie Com munity Concert Assocn includin Vien na Choir Boys Large gath for memorial service at African Episcopal Church in 010 near Edgar where escap ed Negroalaves 188050 worshipped ill township prior to American Civil War Inspiring address byltev Seymour Boyce of London Ont Testing re ceeds on new TransCanada pipe ne from Thornton south to Maple Hams district commander paid official visit to Barries Canadian Legion branch Opening ofbuilding addit ion at Barrie plant of Mansfield Rubber ncided with production of onemil lionth tire and two firsts in achieve nient among all Canadian tire manufac nrers moderntechnologies in areas like the massproduction of housing MrLHellyer arguesihat housing costs in new cities would be lower than exist housing costs that new cities would provide anopportunity for fresh start for those peo le dis news in cats lish idea to besnre It has yet enthat mass production will signif icantly lower using costs and exist ing new cities he bestknown exam ple being Reston Virginia have been far from an unequivocal uccess its dif icult fora person to keep his getting something off his ES no on own Kindma Lake EM HREWDIN some seems no one by Warncause cohosmuso Wit DRAPED THE pérflgngb midi lagc HEM IIIIW 77 MET Mrmemflo Mania our FAMILVWLKIEHIY wflamnm €525 nit47554qu moons ifs on ol twFaancsiardmoir 11t ceuruw canoes Wewuo SATIMSétlAaiwrslsmaows msyasajwe FflkfllFF OTTAWA REPORT 31111Tnesv7To tha municipal legislationand vane mentanflliochargeoftboad miotrtrationoi all matters con cerning municipalities varies fromdrawing up parvidi on audl In line rimlocal ministrativ decisions on aoann waacaooo ment and otherloui fun no Ontario Municipal Board ieaimalreferee watchdo When municipality wants to one part of another mould Polity the Board holds hearing anddecideswbether the Inner ationiia in thepuhlicvintcrest ignite often it will order tbea Reducei Slaughter 1911 Reads ny rarities monorIsoN OTTAWA The govern ments proposed homosexual hill provides that celebrant driving himself home mayba fined $500 and go to talifor three months Thatiaeems anodd thingto find in bill dealing with some deviation iiut the acceded homosexual hill is in fact grabbag of amendments to the Criminal Code covering various olfencesfrom using weapon or imitation thereof for neinr ions purposesto making bar passing te1ephonecslls in Ahirgrobbag also praiseworlhy attempt to luce the needles daughter on our highways Every month around 5M Co nadians are killed and 14000 in jured in traffic accidentsnot to mention the damage estimated at monsoon ihese are the most significant cause of death of young Canadians between the ages of 19 and 15 they rank second only to heart ailments as the GreatRenper in the country as whole according to gov ernmentspolreemao here AND ALEDONT MIX An macertalnahler but certainly high proportion of these tragediessre the result of driver being drunk one of the proposed amendments in this grahbag hill applieslo the driv er who has beendrinlriug to the extent that his ability is im paired The measurement of his impairment may be judged by breathaysertest The proposed amendment Everyone who drives rnotor vehicle or has the care or control of motor vehicle in motion or not havin consumed alcohol in 5ch quantity that the pro portion thereof in his blood exceeds 100 miliigrammes of alcohol in ma millilitres of blood is guilty p£anindicta ble offenceboran offence pun ishable summary convict tion ondis liable al for first offence to arflne not more than $301 and ot lellayfieid5treet harrie Ontario Authoriicd as second class mail by the Post OfficaDe pertinent Ottawa and for payment of postage in ass lteturn postage guarante Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted traclipiaon ram daily by carrier 50c weekly $2800 yearly Single copiesinmBy Barrie seem yearly do motor over lch the alcohol is con three months or to bothrtb sumcd also affects its level In forra sécond offence to im the blood Then there is the im prisonmant for not more than measurable factor of tbc three months and not less strengthoithe celebranta hand thnn fourteen days and which is not allowed form gtban $50 to imprisondient tor for each subsequent offence 1breathalysertest tuimprisonment for not more thsnlhree months tomsnmisrvrrm cams smaller epubuc Opinion 5Po11 says war may havehelpetl aniacrme some but they also say the push NAN councf sessions have it could be edthat no their one yearand Inot lass bddy shouid be if i°t timid hi att an cent and lama new $313 civil liberties and compels the guagathia means that the aver Wmll 5M will 33 Wm mum madencegsgainat himself But Imp mm mm another proposal amendmn than two average drinks of spir ml Pen 19 15W its orfive pints of beer or three months in jail or both on anyone whorefuseathetest if requested by pencaoificer Theovzrriding¢pointinthir discussion must surely be that There various alienating factors in this deal The an age person has about quarts ofblood in the body cidents and these must be rson would reach the curbed Ontario Provincial Po forbidden level of alcoholin the lice now use the breathaiyser blood after amalierintake of and itsrrecent introduction to alcohol than big person Britain has achieved quite re stomaeb well lined with foodpor marlrahle effects in reducing lat will delay the absorption of deaths and accidents on the alcohol into the bloodihe time roads immature rue Iowa Cold Walels Chilly flis Ever some MacKENflE WASHINGTONJCP Czechoslovakia and Vietnam have this feature inmornmon The Soviet Union has been as anxious to assure the United States oflta claims to limited be retained how effective the val be iheyhave been badly strained they last as hterest in Czechoslovakia as wo the li has been to impress on More avowals oirestraint cluding pré thins iotheVietniam war curbing This is one noonon as the antimum Soviets proceed to crush methaj Mined odicailytha Czechoslovak filial progressive movement that last 3D co barely enormous ii The pattern fall by the two molar powers no of liml itlng shows of anan foreeto areas that they ieeiwiii not touch off third world war is here aee extr to attemp the feel the Soviet pressure on no manta to stay in linehaageaaed other informantajaay Preaident Johnsons warning last =week aboutunleashlng the age of Gnomes chosen revitalized damn telhedabout too Several urgent aywell have been aim beenheld overiwhat the continued sanctityroi says lsljhifl in the balsa rho in response to west power in CentraiEurope Germany and its ow ratherthonRomanla Romania does notaroose same degree of concern in os cow as Czechoslovakia 425 University AmmoToron tni M0 Catbcart St ThaC ndlso Press is erv elusiver entitled to the use broadbandfileot ail paw dispatches an Pigeon Czechosiovaks like Fran mpelied to electionaand the president and nexation of dliierent area than has been asked for quite often giving smaller area but recently also quite often order ing larger areas Theboard also keeps close eye and curb on local spending cartoons not ipalilywlilgetlnloodeep mournersswan use the beerd to more theme til llles one oilen itwiii ordereitherj rote orthi dispensationiorh opulentooteeofit ll thatlt new channelling municipality plannedmeoding for some ad haairksdatlmalormnnicl palitlea tor hveyear pmieot of their potential aspirantu ond already has good many time inltafiiea Onthebuisoitbese it tries to keep curb so that no munlo The board acolally is probe biv onset the moat criticised bodies in province if not the most criticized is criticism which the finder definiter doesnt sup wn The criticism Ir quite natural and understandabieuliocsl offi cials are under curbs through the board and they resem this But over the years it has done most valuable job and to the observer has been not only co mentions but most understand DefeatedBriiish 0n Hudson Bay By BOB BOWMAN can is probably the anniver sary of Pierre ichfoynesylcto ry over three English warships iniludson any in tow Some historians give the date as Sept in any case it was the biggest unvsl victory over won by France over Britain thanks to the greatmliitary lea from Pierre beitfoyna dlberviile had served with the French navy as boy Then he re turned to Canada and took part in numberof successful land nperationsragainst English posi tions culminating with the cap ture of Newfoundland during the winler oi teas Ha expected to go on from there and trygto can ture Boston and New York but lonisXiVordered him to at Ba lbervliie as he is generally called sailed in the Pehcan accompanied by two other French warships They were caught in theicenear Hudson Bay but lbervfllemanagud to free the Pelican nd iaile into Hudso alone Onnyept 161 hewasan Captain Fletcher of th am abirasignalled lbervlile no so render and drank glass of sherry on the bridge as salute inhis gallant enemy ibervilie returned the salute but refused tosurrender Suddenly the Hampshire heeled over in gust Mod and lbervilie was able to score wi broadside The ampshtr nk immediately with hands France had regained iiuds Bay and lbervllie was then sent to establish colony in Louisim no where his brotherBienVille became the first governor CANADIAN SCHENLEY APPOINTMENT eight alcohol contributes to traffic ac tack Emblfiwiflh Wm nhored near Hayes Rivervand numberbf his men were to shore when he saw three Eng hl viii hadooalip anchoraod rack is the nglls ships alone Ticy mm out of action Zone eifectiva YOURE UND lish wnrghips moving towards Kennedy Gener ager gt0ntariu aioo Canadian Schenley eriesLtdq has announced ll appolntrnentof Mr Selch to Supervisor Ce al Ontario immediate Mr Selch formerly repress tative for Canadian Schenley will be base in Barrie Now snowme pm 910 PM never has to ildr party ER ARREST no moratorium ABlAKE EDWARDS

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