dlllnlllJlflflm mi EM In Villa Honth lam Al in Royal Vlelortl frankt on Kanoy sentember wowmeanings fin isoiwni miner loi many FREE From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very useiul assortment oi well known items or mother and baby Yours FREE when you place May announcement oi yourbabya arrival in the Birth Notice Column oi EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce ment writer will assist you in wording your announce ment and arrange or you to receive your tree Moth ers Pnlr lrorn PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 72824l4 Barrie and District Residents Only PHONE 7292414 ENGAGEMENTS cruxm GREEN Slndn Ann CW 15 56F 12 re st name will 32 with KNIth GOMUII omen ï¬rnoï¬Ã©nm tango Emobi hr ree Mnr St hanging nu hired at centrr rilted cnumn aurie nrl sent in at 200 pm BROWNING YOUNG Mr and am Nelson Bmwntnr of Church ill wish lg announce the ennu inent or air daughter Ruth my to Mr Harvey Eula Young Ion or am uur Young and the ill nor Young or Dinm 1h ll in in line Salim Mei lmheronzégnmmg tiling cinuen Churchill Ontario MIEWNIILI 3m MI It Rt MICDDIIIN 51an whiz to announce the emutment of hcll LEIIIIXIIQY Sharon Anne in Hf all on ullm Galan 52230 of llurte The wedding will hke Eiuinbaasi gm sAtilrif in September 14 1968 DEATHS gumcu nn arm ttn Rnyu victor Horplrl Wldnu Selime any lrrntnn beloved btlshlnd nt Violet Kcelch 150 punid street Barrie loving father or high or Arizona chapel irldry or nm Interment Binla Union cemetery COMING EVENTS ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Ivy Presbyterian Church SUNDAY SEPT 11 AM AND 730 RM Guest speaker REV JMEPH MUCHAN Area representative or Leprosy Mission ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesdayrzé p111 Friday 26 and 743 pm Saturday 10 am 33 Collier Street Basement or Jerrys TV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 Classiï¬ed udveflislmenlr Ind nntl eu rnr these pages must be re celved by non any preceding publication or non on Saturday with the exception of chrslrled Display ndvullsemanlr which mun he in hv 1200 noon mrrdliu dry BLIND Lmlzn nox nmms charge of 50 no in use or nitnun Box iiimag identity or Box Number men in La rtrlntly conralentlaL 11 lie to Letter Boxer will beheldwnnlsr 10 than alter int publicationu worth MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVEHBING Cash Discount nrus Ilmly tr bald witn ln1day5 Slngln inruunn 5c per word fixm unmemtive inwilnnr Me on word nei insertifln Trim connecutlve insertions mr word nei imurtton total Slxmon motive in lane is per word ner insertion to soa Multiple inlertlonl may be ordered mblect Iouncniintian when mama remit obtained in per cent amour all go ant pain witnin In gnaana on CORRECTION All Mine innrum amen rru accepted or oonvnnienu to the martinir rnerunrn the cur izn Advertlsln Department re im Idver to klndlyue leek overturnean him run liter rim lnienlan tn mariat luv mar or omissions run re parted belorl NIm in orduviblt semi my on nettlledinr the iollt inwinn dnv nuhllnltlon lha Hall rle2xnmln£r tr reroonaiblelor only one luporrettly printed lnuri Ilvn a1lnvndvtgtrtlsemcnt Inljtllen only to the extent or nnnion at an or lnvnlvu the mhorlnLErrnn minim mltlflnkhl vIluu ol in advertamen are not niiri or correctional mm mile Exlnliher too BAYFIELD or mi rm PROPERTY FOR SALE KEITH REALTOR BRICK BUNGAIDW Modern bedrooms broad lnorn in living room dining room kitchen beautliuliy land reaped lot with walkin min large mention room patio with builtin barbecue Contact MYRTLE MICLEOD Barrie 7234759 150 ACRE FARM with 40 am bush river run ning through property sroom trams bungalow good pressure system and lurnace not tar from Angus Contact MYETIE W1 Barrie 7734759 DOWNDOWN BARBIE AREA Small lnsul brick senddetached house bedrooms masonably priced Contnct MYRlLE Mac LEOD Barrie 7284759 0PM HOUSE We are holding open house so you can lust walk in and see this room older brickbome at Dalton Street bedrooms spacious kitchen dining room Md beanM neitlngx New school aodtbo price irooly 313000 Yul you are seeing right snow To nae thll gem an Johnaairenmml nmx low down payment can be ar ranged or an older home duo taxed wltbemelient tenantl located near General Eleurlc and other plants Call today and let me show you this no am Marion Newman iinw NEW NEw Luxury living in modern bedroom new borne area in right price is right with down payment to match Your choice of all the color planning At this price youll feel like Jesse James and $3500 down moves you in For inspection callliin Stewart mam ï¬replace in wallioroom carpet ad living room doubleg arage Fool tree to walk in Na obliga tilnn 24 pm Friday Septem her GREEN 7234123 HITS 111 REALNR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babooclr Barrio 7285035 Golboume Strand 4361381 Manned Barrie 7154759 Wood on 4812433 Spoocer Thornton 158921 Fitzaimmins Chhil 456M Snow stroud mug Ed Green Barrie min Tom Fitzsimmin Churchill 1567520 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 MLS Realtor DéWsnap 7263369 Eric ammo axrnn large warm and cheerful bed ronm home on beautiful landscaped lot Prestige area Truly fine lamin home Call Anita Swill 5000 intravenous op portunity Service station variety plus bedroom home with large highway frontage Property clear of mortgage Owner will con sider low down payment Call Harvey Swift 0$10900 EXCELLENT loca ion or any businas Large store front plus moms 13000 down real bargain Call Harvey Mt ANITA SWfll HARVEY SWIFT ERIC nnwsivnp near Estate Broker SPECIALlflNG lN RURAL PROPERTIES Envirqu lulu hr galowwithvlaige ving room dining room and latched and piecebath on mainllonr Finn ished recreation room laundry room and opiate bath inbase ment Hot water heating and lot beautifully landscaped Priced to sell with reasonable down payment BEDROOM UNGAIDW north of Barrie pi bath and new gas furnace Priced to sell at $7900 with low down payment Carriea or $67 per month prin cipal interest and taxes 519900 Terms ED momi Charlie Read molar BOWEN Si uphnisau MollTQAOEsl limvncann lot township or $2500 VACANT lot Township of Vespra yacant lots To poilnnlsiil BEDllOOtl liorneso end oi city $5800 DUPLEX located one blocktn main street $17M BEDROOMS Yr Vauehlownsllip oflnnislll 328300 BEDROOMS garage east end $24300 BEDROOM nplit level east end $27000A BEDROOM bad split North collegiate areajlleninnlhly 510500 SEVEN interestPrincipal and Taxes DO YOU WANT NEW HOME that is locatedrin the east end on an established street one block from shopping plum and bus to boaipuaiic and my schools nonhuman Heed rooms onlouredbnth ï¬xtures bufltingarage and manyquallty eiitras too numerous to mentionSfcallany one of our courteotn inspect All Rose lies W16 35126471 Dick Hartley 72877978 line close salesmen or an nppbinhrient to bill Madmess Russell Smith Rea jD 7739996 EAST OF ORJLIJA 100 acres oi vertront proper good dr land right up to the river Covered with secondgrowth mwood Ilsh also smailcreek runs throth corner of 1y an older home on the property and approximately 35 cleared land Ideal or retreat in the winter Owner anxious Don Campbell Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell 7260213 7204205 72873 CAMPBELL ram inns REALM priced to sell maria nuuluui mmnmn built with exceptional rooming view in lovely area on build lul lot wltli attached garage IDW down payment Bonnin the 120000 bracket For further detnis call Will Lawrence mr or 7mm 32000 DOWNIrLN mwn Cozy bedroom homeiin nice area with low taxes and low and price iiititer particular call Pat Carter loom no toll charge BEDROOM BUNGAIDW in most desirable location lealuring many extras such as baths completely ï¬nished recreation roomlarge lot For further details call Jirnlllggin son mam Wewmw Oaursd Miner ed 121 nt trees nouns in run counrii area lminaculato twobedr porch lull basaneiit For in some No we in buniop St East min Vespra Elaine ineso mam EMORY MILLER MLS Realtor 61Dunloprw 72él881 110an HARVEY WEB hinhard Raycrnit moon to Vin room Ind and wuldn tn lb Mien Inl We ice in the ridomni and Doug Campbell Ron Allen Don Marshall mzaai Richard Dick Beer mam and ownerwill hold rriortr man anon comun con ASKING mm wirii MODERATEDOWNVPAYMENT vendor will consider trot mortgage located on bus route this old le agroom llvlnngoom kitchen do lber hliormation call Keith Moldden crsna Darya bedroom custom side uuenwma higbreaitlast area annoy foomFire plane Attached doublo garage and many extras Must be seen Term Call Elaina lneson or appointment over1500 out at living living Mienflnlahedbemuit Buillon beaullltdiot 355 it Substanflnl down payoiwttie axaloi balance Calllriu 6W 10ng nr garagepnly Jib years bid CE includlng go living room with replace any iii Call hurl Lmibert moon Beach callam Dull mini No nosa IO 72mm or 72mm groom Jrs THE SEASON TO obvious Gall dylnsula anddould be easily winterized Drtri lot GORDON CONNELL um iltihda availabi TELEPHONE roman nus Carson mam McGratli Elmvale 7mm mm once my run SALE on RENT WIN In Am in in Iota via Ly ullood ruler an ill IllInhibi rry lln low rent um beforl It mm warmer ro RENT 0R BUY um maioNnn would uh in rent or man norm in quiet country vll materbl in Ora Townlhlo Moderately rioed nleur Box Barrie min nu mumvmiiiwn Wail ie mnniiin fuelvbarnl luv rams FOR SALE mncau cultivated in turn so hardwood rnn lent rurlnu me is mile south In lrlrne haul electrlclz aili Ill yelr rm mm Au ohulceclly lolm mi north or Blrrle Good rtnny Vendor will hnld lintrnorlsl Pl anion one no eare renununniry miter nni nun PROPERTY WANTED winter Anywherr nun hm ii rmicer Aim lnt wanted within mile or city ninl uii Cmonr mite morn saniniwst Phono mm railroadarmy ngaymell innsciiumvii iii flï¬ioll Hwy 21 10 Phone iii61 TarInto cubic woonm v11a late 51 zoo net Low dawn lyineni Close tohillytE lhlrn Ind ruiepanii mu Altman Insm PETER Guaam mam CALL US silks ywher in Ontario yheasonablekaten mYEXAMINERWANTADS PHONE 7mm my runtinr inlaid and Emory Hitler hell but TI Small Engines HOSSIPUM SERVICE ihone Coolistown envma Paving railinnxperwoforaarrie Free Esti ale Work guaranteed 7260031 134 Essa no ASPHALT nnrvnwnvs PARKING was BARNYAEDS Free estimates in theiolluwln areas Barrie Bradlord Allis ton Coilingwnod and Newmar ket Also ireoestimatea on an mentwork ARAGEJLO ES PATIOS lrlebhon TsuBON ext rem himmcnï¬rnntu dismi NORTHERN EAVESTROUGH Fllt Win lav in Mn rd on Movie REPAIRS