Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1968, p. 5

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ll toy train was molar attraction for the youngsters attending the annual picnic barbecue ier employees at MansfieldDemon General STATUS or WOMEN Commission Company and their families held Sunday afternoon on the grounds oi the company Shown above Shari Campbell LEFT and Girls Punting share duties of engineer oi th train Promotion PLACES Venomsaammumaunmuuw sonsmnmsn st amea United Church in Stroudwlhbetbeseeoooitha mendgo ol Glenda Marylin ao to Neil Burgess Sturgeon on Sept 18 Miss Mason is the daudater oi Mr and am June Gwdoa lisson oi Stroud The bridegroom elect is the son oi KennethSiurgecn nobonru woonmo Roger Dale Neely son of air and Mn it Neely oi Strondwaa mnrrled on Aug 17 The bride is the former Miss Cathy Ann Stone daughter not his and hirs Stone cuoocuoo RIDES FOR THE Kiost which was propelled byan electric motor around the cur culsr track Other attractions ior tbesmali iry were pony rides clowns and races and games Examiner Photo Head Reports Visit With Eskimo Women onawa CPt Mrs Flor race Eird chairman oi the at commission on the status women says justcom pieted northern trip gave her deep iecling at warmth or Eski mo women had the warmcst feeling for the Eskimo womena real empathysho said in an inter ew Thursday She recalled chatting with Es kimo women at Eskimo Point NWT high on the northwest ern rdge or Hudson Bay They all sat in circle with their babies on their knees About sixold ladies were there Eskimos have great rev not for age because an Eskis mo has to be an exceptional person to live beyond age 32 One woman said she wanted to tell me how hard it was to be owidow it sounded inst exactly like our society almost dried at this point Another time at Coral Har bour NWT on Southampton Island at the mouth oi Hudson Bay she watched the inyous reaction at an Eskimo woman who had just been assured by judge that she could keep her child The court merely wished to record the adoption not take the child away as the woman ieared fThe adoption court is very important Eskimos value children greatly Mis Bird explained li family has lots or children the parents may let childless couple take one This is all line according to their customs but it is diiticult in the matter of loudly allow ances and inherittacos The government is trying to respect their adoption practices while trying to keep proper record Another group in the North nursesprove that woman TIGHT nun DAY model walk through downtown Montrca area wearing wlu shir boulian Greenbcrg claims that days sleepwearcan pass ior daywear and he has crestu ed at thime wardrobe which cantbe worn during the day 0P Pholot can do just about anything she sets her mind to it emissary Mrs Bird said They diagnose illnesses take xrays do public health nursing dent with physical and mental illness are on duty 24 hours day and deliver babies without the aid oi doctor or hospital iaeliitles Mrs Bird also said many teachersln the North are aware that their job is to educate without taking away the chil drens culture Eskimo girls acting as Inter preters and nurses assistants are doing an invaluable job Mrs Bird flew thousands oi miles visiting remote areas as well as larger centres such as Whitehorse and Yellowknife with iellow commissioner Lola Laoge oi Clareshnlm Alta of Brooklyn Ontario The wed ding was held in Brooklyn Unit ed Church LONDON VISIT Mr and Mrs llarry Holdcrolt accompanied by their daughter Ann and son John made tour oi London during their summer holiday in England The Holdcroite returned ior the that time in it years in their native Staiiordshlre The family was reunited with the childrens grandparents Mrs Holdcroit and Mr Anti Mrs Beard visit to both the new cathed ral at Coventry and tho Liebiield Cathedral was included in their itinerary The Ann Hathaway Cottage was among the historic sights they toured in Stratlord and boat trip up the Avon River was highlight at their holiday They visited with Mr and Mrs Alan Brooks in Essex Mr and Mrs Brooks ore tamer rest dentsoilonisiii The Holdcroits travelled to England with the Kempenlelt Credit Union Charter Flight EUROPEAN TOUR Mr and Mrs floss Campbell Mills have returned irorn sixweek holiday in Europe and Great Britain During their stay in Holland they visited re latives at liiaastrlcht Mr and Mrs Bill TordiiiThey traveii ed down the Rhine River in Germany to Switzerland and Austria and later visited Paris Brussels Amsterdam and Lux embourg Flying to London the couple travelled through northern Eng land to Scotland through the KEEP it THE TRIM Start The Fall Season Right By Planning Slimming Program By IDA JEAN KAIN There is nothing like chal lenge to start the season right toss you timely you threw calorie caution to the summer breezes and gained iive pounds or to take them oii now 0n vacation it is easyto up the appestat the term given the appetite regulating mechanism Just law weeks of high living can upset the natural habit pat tern that regulates your food in take As you settle back into routine you may iind your appe tite sharpened To continue to satisly your increased appetite whl lessen your mistonce to overeating 0n the quantity score the time to beaterted is when appei titeiirst storm to get out oi hand It is overeating that cre ates avoracious appetite Grad ually more food Is required to give that ieeling oicontent The weight regulating mechanism work efficiently as long as there is no great variation be tween the amountof iood eaten and tbecaloiies expended But when you take second helpinge and two with rich desserts you cater to also appetite This is fattening practice Now the good news Recently added pounds come ott fairly easily It wont be hard to break the habit oi cating too much provided you take action now before the nip in the air ups your appestat stiliturther Here isa promise Ii you will get up from the table beiore you reach that satisfied feeling in 20 to 30 minutes you willicel content it is appetite not true hunger that entices you to out beyond your needs Nature gives signal but following vn cation it is quite normal tomis take the hankering for more food or realhunger Appeflté isselec Give yourself test What are you hurigryior Alter you finish the main course of thermal would you be happy to eat any iood SLICED TOMATO OR GREEN VEGETABLE it so go ahead But it you want only starch food or sweet or some favorite iood you are not hungry Right now is me time to snub appetite up short It has been said that the art of good timing includes knowing the moment when present action will eliciti nate iuture trouble Dont minimize the impor tance of dealing firmly with live to 10 added vacation pounds ihoseiive pounds can creep up to ten and alas ten can eventu ally get you twenty ihe letters prove it WHATTHE amt finances towns You CheckfiTnefSicfi Juniecue Jodi notes are blinded be met tba general nodal ills of tho dbl Diltrid um parties travelers and visitors an all lterna ct mm to rulers at this page Your help in newts tats mu will be greatly appreciated Pleauphoae The Barrie Ez lmlner mom and uh tor Andrey coonu aint no buts at the WeberDoom meaL loch to his oi Skye Return ing through Wales and south west England ta london they visited relatives Mr and Walter Wise belore returning vis BOAC to Canada They are now making their home in Port Perry HOLIDAY IN ENGLAND Mr and hirsAlex Dusome oi Puget St spent their summer hhudays in England The couple originally mat et auannual ialr lo Nelson and this year they took the opportunity to visit that some iair loe Dusomes travelled from Lancashire to Yorkshire Mrs Dusome is native of the York shirearea andtbis homecoming marked the end oi myear separation irom her sisters and brothers She was reunited with atwin sisterMrc Hazel Renaldi who lives in hiiddiesborougb sooner sister Mrs Edith Slater who lives in Clitheroc and twosis ters who reside in Hull Mrs Mary Cousins and Mrs lieryl Fenlck The Dusnmes also virit ed Mrs Eva Watson sister who resides in Nessie and iirs Dusomes hr other Kenneth Orolt oi Bridlingtonand Jack Crolt oi Ktlham The Dusomcs travelled to Brit oin on charter flightwith the Canadian General Electric So cial Club members Bulialo Bones Picked Clean EDMONTON to Got any buttan bones that need clean ing You have Well send them right along to Lathe Luode 16yearold high school student who works in the University of Alberta archeology department during the summer Miss Lunde is paid Si an hour ior typing and cataloguing eru iacts She also preserves bones and artiiacts soon afterthcy are brought in because they dis integrate quiclriyfl Its gassy lo she says Sometimes we get to praciise making arrowheads by hitting two stones oogether or ii Im working on an artifact and want to find out about it somwne will explain its history to me She has her like and dislikes about the job What like most are the dlgs Last summer lwas at digs all over Alberta What dislike most about the job is that the archeologin bring in bones from slaughter house and the Alberta Game Farm sometimes with meat still on and have to clean them STARS StiY ay ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Wednesday should be stimm latlng day Stars will blessprac ticaliy any worthwhile en deavor and material interests may be furthered through the assistance of an influential friend Some new opportunities for advancing jobwise inthe oiling no can BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that as of Octoberlst you will enter 3month period which should show nice ubtrend in your ti nanclal aiiuirs to be iollowed by stili turther boostsln late March May June and July In iact the latter three months will encompass your greatest moneymaking weeks in all or 1969 Do be conservative about spending in midOctober and during the tirst week of Novem ber however since despite starpromiscd gains you may beiacad with some unexpected IXWNSES Where job matteis arecon corned outstanding communities for recognition and advance meat arajlndicaled within the next two months also inJanu ary March Junenud iuly But youll have to put iorth best ei anovlouncsTsoiuc some Manes Tek lut mt cartoons Rscsrrlons Delivery Moore our torts oi cour And do make use of your to imagination and initiative in putting over good ideas which are bound to increase your prestige Creative workersand Virgo abounds in themmaylook iorward to pc riods of great productivity throughout the current niontb in January February and June Personal in at should prosper ior most of the 12 months ahead with romance high spot tor aiiVirgoaos Most auspicious perlods along these lines December February May and June Travel and so clal liie should prove highly stimulating between now and October ist in Januaryand throughout irn child on this as not be eminentiypraeticnl and me ticulous about detaila would make an excellent scientist re searcher or educator tow Low Skirts Ploin Dear All Landau lam widows oiageJiydear husband me with unite income want tonukeitdearthatlamoote richnoroan am lust comiort abiy fixed What am looking in Ann is husband between Strand so Years oi agexwho knows some thing about can Idrive 1966 Cadillac and am getting sick and tired or the repair bills Why the car shoidd need repairs at all is beyond me My hus band bought it brand new lust beiore he died It has only 17 000 miles on it When the repahmsn tolls me the carburetor needs replacing or the cylinders need grinding dont know what he is talking about so have to take his word or it In the meantime the hills are awiul am good cook and have nice home Please tell me how tameet respectable man who knows something about cars Love will come latchNEED HELP Dear Need Have you checked the garages romeo our Dear Ann Lenders had sev ersl aiiairs which ilnaliy came to my wifes attentionl was lousy husband and admit It but lve teamed my lesson and animations lm through tooling around The problem isbow to got things back on the track My wife says she iorgives me but she keeps reminding me oi tho past and pressing ior da tniis Every session ends up with her crying and telling me how much she has suitoredi To my way at thinking this rehash ing is hurting our progress My wile insists that Ann Landors recommends getting things out in the open and talking them out believe it would be better to lorgot the past and start with clean slate How about lti IlEPENTANT Dear Repeotanl Apparently your wile doesnt know the dliierence tr talking things out and beatinga sub ject into the ground am heart SUIT SEASON lied worsted suit tlelt tea turcs the boxy look emphasg ized skirt rown whacked worsted suit right has fitted jacket with slit packets and rouleau belt and is worn with minilength skirt Both crea tions from Winter collection at the London House at Worth or Photo Siiiprise Elements In Outdoor Shows Tononro or There are certain problems you have to arpect in staging an outdoor Amodels wtg could blow of lntbewind for instance Your commentary could he drowned outby speedboat races or an air Shaws roaring jets0c model could Slip on rainy run way and sprain her those were possibilities Joan Sutton thought of when she planned one of the 19 daily ash ion shows at this rs Cana dian National Extu She did not thinkythcy could all happenBut they all did BEMAWED CALM Untiappable loan staye calm however Into years in the fashion business she has learned thatand lot more Her almost infectious coolness enables her 14 models to Show garments in or minutes at the ONE bandsheii The average lesbianshow pace is one gar menta minute She has held theposltion of executive director oi the fashion institute since it was fanned ilz years ago by 55 Ontario manu facturers of womens and chil drens wear Joans job is to sell Ontario as aseULAk on CLEANING rrlccs Pants ti Lorilee Sloc Menl sum Fast Service HURONIA as may Fm Pickup out ctsAusRS hivenu marrow fashion centre worthy oi the Canadian womens loyalty Canadian woman are snobs she says in herwiliowy slightly iisping voiceTheyd rather go to New York or Paris to buy their clothes just to get label theyve heard of None of the fashions in the ONE show was made just tor the show Theyre all olivinerack gar ments Joan says proudly Although the garments are not special the models are Each was selected by designer 012g Cassini of New York We have some with ilatbos oms big hipswe even have Soyearold matron in the show pain Ktootsttooi ascents Sr Reopens Sept 58 Registrations noW open for preschool ed atlonal program Well equipped school in delightde sur roundings Morning or al tnrnnon claim ran now or registration lorms to avoid therwalilag lis Caddy liy in laser oi talking things out but couple oi airing sessions should be mouth Forgiving is an essential part at meninge lnd its usually the hills who has to do the lorglving lint equally important is iorgetting After wile iorslves she should target what she lorgnve NAME Dear Ann Leaders it hap pened again or the tooth time and am still burning My name is Dan Not Daniel Dan Dan is name all by it self it is not an abbreviation tor anything Dan means Judge Daniel means God is my judge These two names are as diiirrent as John is from Johan thon received live honor award certificates at my graduation Every award was made out to DanielI tor the simple reason that the school clerk is an igno ramus know this letterjs not important to many people but please print it anyway You Will be blessed by every Dan in tho world Thank youJUST PLAIN DAN Dear Jest Happy to oblige ES How do you lecl about Danny Boytt Reunion Marks School Oi 1869 SAANICH EC CH Con trary to an often seen television commercial this was one school reunion where all the ladies bad to look older Theoretically the youngest age possible was 65 tor the South Saanlch school was closed in 1913 Yet 92 personslormer teach ere students and guests gathared or the reunion on the site where the school was built iniEGB The site now is vacag but for the reunion the ntral Saanich school board cleared the weeds and debris Four onetime South Saanich school eachers attended tho gathering Mrs Helen Dawson 75 Mrs Mildred Ibbottson litre Ethel McElvy andltlrs Hallie Harding 97 Mrs Dawson said she enioyEd meeting one of her iormur puplt its now an alderman here He was quiet as boy but evidently hes lull of fun and miscbiei now Dr Mackenzie said he was about as young as you can be and still have gone to that school tens you out though is to see trces ovcr as feet tell where we used to play rounders Itemazed methere were no trees there then DEAD STOCK SERVICE been on complain nonsns CATTLE HOGS 24 on were NICKSTDEAD STOCK SERVICE Zenith tliiitl DRY CLEANING sumr Senvrcn sronaon MOTH rnoorryo war mnamnu NilSERVICE CLEANERS 7232471 PLUMBI NGC7 HEATING GLsnoaAs Plumbing Heating 190 aaynald oneooze SAND GRAVEL summons cttrr VARCQ LIMITED mnosi STONE MASON

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