Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1968, p. 11

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setloot flrrr lama NETmu beaten polled All iarliiasu ROBINSON HARDWARE inmost maul nun Am tune Iduh InfArmin WC STOVE ylwtnsunu in pool coalition ronnm more tar tool due aim mleiumale or Elia trunk one Iron hrs Aniline mo men out Built4 Tl mm lion nailit 7m pummel Ill up our Tnnnthly not on hum trial at ml INCH IBIIILMHH lor Hit mea in non condition Telphone mm in nu Dnrllhil record atrial ainln Trio GL ennoilian film layer an sEhnne 11306 wzsrmunousn liner nioer model in working cnndlllnn Tellphonn mam um ocloc marks heeutituilv upholitom to no therein mo nnlural Sultabll or iiiearn etc While wood toilet seat nmtieiliy new Telephone mom urenlnn lCKlN Mitchell Kill for rie curt own now Ill sell or Will huherun lo ehtcilena at once reiapnono 4342165 LARGE roLn Down scnnol Bin lilri will in union union men panel Teleononn mum cw runs or moon dyr EEAlrn niior Eonlnment or rule nr chairs Nlnhl dren uin Ind chair iinir orice em l4293315 alter Pin enlnr Triple Road Port lcN cnlfiMRJE Victoria Harbour um All Bitter Aummgenttn DenierA MddTrialva dunman 50 Bunion meson Tam to LB la inky whine cardboard nun pt to RIM lloun lne sue Ito AVIHIDII It Burl klnlw Mulnm allied er and er rude never at and mid rlmn water zbuttnn 1nntroi Nurlv wzm mmwoontyonwritar or sale xood condlllnn too ortgtnll price ms niaa tomlele set wlnlton 0th books 15 run nknles ihou size is new so By An 75am nur Command or am nininrenl tvleDna Boyl mm inokn sire it iiisea sire iol fit out clothes pulley nHlso utter Town lnwn mowers Iprlirrzd unitorn dinnee repair and re firzwnmtna Snecini mili nus roe atudante Rentl 35hr iimflea rir oo ren ren le urntea star Typewriter co Dunlap street was mas ARTICLES FOR RENT GENT AND CABIN trailers term on en nurle Tint Srlwiiwnlnfiufimnuiueid ARTICLES WANTED WANIED 1000000 Ieetoi good standing it elm inches in diameter igmore Should he tell undol nodouality Would preferlarge quantity Take advantage at this liue to the Dutch elm disease Would alsoconsider man with experie co to spot and buy tim ber who knows Simcoedislrict We also buy large quantity of had maple andsoli maple highest cash prices paid Write direct or phone Willard Grein Aytoii Ont 1519665W33 Aytoii Lil Blah seemuhmn Siammigi aware it wanted at Motor Limitdlflo Idlotd dnohnna moons oLo cmNA Silver Gllnwue cram Turnituro ele Antique eel an zoo Dilllion Went mam CAMFING EQUIPMENT 15661Nlnmon llll Tuner Li Cm cludel Zinnon ll id irnliy Ionm np wneol dtnlnn Ital rt Rnrune Call veal131 BOATS AND more CHRYSLER OUTBOARD MOTOR Sales and Service RIDGEROAD MARINE v9 elbdgeroad Con 01o 4515234 Emmott Ind hn film trail All In very oe motor Al is Telephone 4745170 goon eondmo alter on elixir chan lnbolrd rkl Dnuhh milo any hull Con gang use Emvsullomlly nod he re orhrr rollale trade Tiagins 1s rolvr Cabin anIidu not beam 525 no enizlncl mlllaglhy niinr mom or hen elier hetero senteniher Telephone Tia1717 me non yll Clhin Crulrzr with him on do R1 outboard molar Puliy announiihno Ii ellnhon 7184751 up Fool cAmN crilher with in thnnidarnot at non NAME filth ll FOOT nrwooo ybnlid hpng electric 19 ckion or at It Nicks DEAD STOCK minn Mm mo annoxl omenle FEED seen cum IEIAN Ch mn ine melon Trioirhon more re mum ininrrnrllnn énmu fillvfirhilfliilowlim lfiuu um ml cui Al llama In lo no FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Dolaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Cunplata lino of Dairy Farm Equipment SiQpIiu Bame Holly Hwy 11 mom CHARLES CHURCH Rum Supplies Service Can New Holland David Brown Butts 176 BURTON AVE 713237 CASH TRADE TERMS Euur ltllLK innk liliiieeper r1 can direct uplnlinn Good nondi iian Telephone 1mm John nincuair MASSEY PmGIianN reuvnroeeued eonsnine real and plclvuvr enod ll ll oonolllon Win hi an 191M Elmvlll LIVESTOCK Fon SALE nxohnnglvcow goals tenor Ale en In anrn tor and nine Telephone Tiaom rind WANTED weakJ ion Ind overNot emu Vianoon 6AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAIRS Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 35 Mary St 72753241 HIGHWAY 90 SHELL SEES103 Repair to niirmoticis of cars VrW FACTORYTWO MECHANIC PHONE 72837341 aimon to prn MOTORCYCLES use YAMAHA tor rule with on unites inlllllr it $515 in excellent condition1lilnh mlm utter Raysmslgécbr LER mam gutti veryi clun good tires rldl Askinn mo hut oflera comidnrefl Can he seen It Melrnre Avenue Telephone mriw 1961 AUSTIN 850 or rnle that after Telepho mama mo lono station Wlx luntione auto 1965 VALIANT Dunno zoo crlnidll nannnrd door zoo Also TANLJTaIlu with to room mattreue sl Dtnlnl Tent no Telephone ellloot 1963 CHEVROLET Baum door redn cylinder nutotnaiic new 25 cnmqptlenhhodyfion very eenn cu one or ruriher nnnieulus 13M vAuanm door mtlon wagon low milere road then in exreuent condition It LS misc ieienh or oeuiie WILL ACCEPT TRADE 1957 Honda 11Scrnmbizrr Excel lent condition accept minuteiinaon no rioor automatic motor rebutlt Body in very nondltlohkl phone males 196 YbYlllDUm Counteruni made automatic Tor lurthee in arm on telephone nouns my time 1961 HUMBER SNDE otter Telephon 1m PLYMOUTH tor role it metiiie with blink ro cylinder new vlhliawnii IdIo silica Mikejflu Telephone no 1059 my time m1 rpminn Llurehttld hilly ro conditioned needs inure body work uoo Telephnne 4mm $900 no rain Connie VIII ipenrl so niler uni reilonsenu pen nu plan mile nee5311 HI Irrru Ill ntonun isan lhnilfirfiunfln not cylinder the It In fisméirm $103 new Ill SNOWMOBILE SKlDOO69 Ai RONS Snowmobile Centre Sales Service Peru Accenorlal 81 ESSA RD 7236553 Watch for our big opening It 151 Min St Trade in now on SKIDADDLER low or $40 per month or the Caddy oi them III HANDY PRO HARDWARE ALCONA BEACH RD 4161770 1988 SKID00 ll he Immlcullu ennoliionuuo very llllie ror further nutlcllllll lelIPhnnr uiosli TRUCKS FOR SALE ital roan rl ku wheel drive Telphone mini container in cunv lllll Ton Tnidr lor aide an hiosnmyrrneoliisiunlilulur III II now or III truck Telephone uaIiii ion chhv ital lnn iilieil with me molar lonoo miien ALIo la foalPithmd Bani partly nonl pleled Inboard motor 30 loot comll Caninoi mom == PERSONALS CHILDRENS HORSES BOARDEDBROKEN TRAINED ANDSHOWN EXCELLENT FACILITIES CRESTHAVEN FARM SHANTY BAY ROAD 7288865 MN Av ABLE be int nrrithmd in hate reasonole will niny lein my iinre nrler pm 726 Ask or penny WAmn Arnhltloul Muileiin tn torn rrniin Le Drummer Grunts Pl phnut new ski YMDV ET hIbdlllikin in no ohm and tinno innom new unwnnhs WANTED or lelu lilrria ql Mixed Mlmtli Tenn fll nnu lender Call xemnviaw howl 72mm any iirne TRANSPORTAIIDNA uor elu nenl whirls to share drtvlnl with nnntherimv Thundlyvilvlflilllli Telephone naloos gt WOMENS COLUMN LEARN hAntDlmssmG Government Chartered School Tliorough training in ulllvrliu dies of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING scnoor WORSLEY ST moss Pernia stamps mentions Letterheads Euslness birds Weddingstadonery Cheques TREEEsmuArEs ON All PRINTING NEEDS Runnable AMEN REQUIRED Tor pntat EXAMINER Commercial Printing I0 HELP WANTED TRADE SCHOOL Have You Creative Hdiids Put your blind to work cranium modern heirityies Aninlerertlne nod EMILYpaid Career nwaltlrthe noonten or inni Paglia Beauty solute our nullified immeer will help to train Iyou and develop talent whichwl rewarding illetime or crenttvlty ALL 011 WRITE The Paul Pogue Beauty School nearest you Toan our YONG st eelrial LomoN 41499ng AVE EMPLOYMENT vaNTED WILL CARE lordltioren in my own home neuToweir and and TGIMGMJHQIW MALE HELP WANTED ian sunvnv uTECH1tIClANS Innlumenl ml nd chainedn lo Barrio area Jones 0L5 Telephoiielyniem or crrnenlon ointerl inn mealre ruiiy experienced with own too Tllnplinlie miaiz ltor are ntendv employment Must bo nhia in drive truck Toienhone nee ton 129mm or iunber imamtine zv Automotive Parts Salesman For rapidly owing or uni ation ullry cnmmerilurlte with 317111 lance mnuonnern ioyee benellto Curinth Tire nunis fig YOUNG MAN to help with nuiar time valuable sales tenll nrlnr you ouninur qualified Edoamut workingeonditlooe in now comicr mNIrrKoonic BOYLES lNDUsTRlEslliD 256Hughes RdQriliia JOIN AND MANAGEMENT CAREER in Canadas most exciting load ohIln AND DRIVEJNS HURONIA LTD Highway 11 Midllid Ontario In now receivingiappllrltloukior Assistant Manager Trainee lF YouAre interested in working hormone Ara willing to learn the ow system Iv Ciih accept responsibility ano minimum oiGrade 12 education their we are initiated in interviewinx you Experience in the food industry preferred but not euontl Above average starting ealrry car allowance haltol OMSlP bonus plon Apply In writing or hyphen io LVNN AND bmvnms HURONIA LTD Highway27llllDLAND0ntario 5268821 or 5267772 ll LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDIIORS ALL PERSONSbnvIng claims against the Estate ol ALFRED HORACE REES late ol the Township ol Tossoroiitio in the Courlty or Silncoepflontlcmnn who died on or about thn llth day DlApllIi lm must for ward same to the underlined on or belorothe 4th day oISepr temher 1563alter which data tho assets will be distributed amongst Iha parties entitled thereto and the ExecutiIx will FEMALE HELPWANTED not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then WQMEN MA ELLING BRUCE OWEN Esq CrHRST Banister and Solicitor start early with AVON Owen Street COSMETICS part oiiuii Tm EXAMINER WANT le 7232414 Solicitor or the Executiixn DATED AT BARRIE ONTARIO thin i9th day or Auguslrliisd I2 TENDERS ONTARIO PUBLIC WORKS ROOFING CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS will be ro oeived until 300 pm LOCAL TIME on gt WEDNESDAY SEPT inland lor the reroohng ol the Recre ntinn Hall Canteen and Barber Shop with built rooiing at the Ontario Hospfiai Edger Dow tarin Tender docuin LI ntay be on toinedlram Iory now available Write Mfl Toni Smotiik Box 45 BIllIOp or phone no 55le WERENCED HEAD COOK wanted immediately or nursing home Hours 10 am to pm lifor lurilier details telephone Mns BAKER Allislon $515122 METmull WILLIE re liked Annlv in nuunn need whom Blylimll HEIDI HUML URGENT noyrillar neouireo Livein Ap nly to lie ammo trut nr me phone mom Block parliament Toronto Ontario gt to Bid Dono our Perlormnlice Bond and 50 Payment Bond will be required as specified NOTE For further iii emotion regarding this tender Please eallMr Elston Department oi Public Works Toronto Ontario Telephone No 8654151 The lowest or any tender not necessarily acéepted HILLIAR Deputy Minister Tommy nisiiucij any raoiiu eonilrlantiiLw illnnrr no1 Peter Strect North ozuiln onleri Phona mam sun or in work spare time iervine miller customers House wives nrziemo No experience M191 PARTTIME Silentav sonn oxperlelicl oi handiuu earn nrermed Iy Unite clear Stone 20 honor PAMTm Help required for ninht duty at the Five Mlplu Nunliil Home Thornton Expuiciucn Terred Telephone mom mNrcm Bloomer reouired hv incl businln Apolionnt inurt have tons tyoinnxnnri be under is your or are Please send complete re nume in Box DAL BarriExaminer siiLEm DEPmAElE women or lixht housework our tn lo om even in Ton winner for rilht part Telephone 715301 heiw din toripun or up to Mn WANTEn NOW Teengen unin teh6m3°mmnsiiamli mi nuliol mic or on ur ex no an niro cnrlmnu carde Ind glltl tn mun more and Burn R°°2dsttw plied try the nonnrtrnent and in an WAY N0 Oxnartencelnended Oil irehumus tilunnteo neurone ffh with over no items ehown in color helpn you to net mnny nrdlt en Wrttl tooy rnr chriatrn mod on Inprovnl nnd Tree clt Inlue iinnnren Card Go Dept an onion Hamil SEALED TENDERS woman To The Manner Adanlnrlttln services 241 inrvirEtreet Room lips Toronto antnrlo Ind Idlt dnrled TENDER FOR sNow RE NmAcr mum ii ho re E12533 OCTOBER mo Plenr sneclflcltlnnl nnn lorrn of tender can no Ilen or con he ab taineo train the Caretaker rodent SMITH MANAK tntlve some bind barrows land roller Cease Tnz whitemdnure spreader row cultivator duiiip rek rle as AUGIION SALE Friday evening Sept II pm lbw It the BARRIE FAIR BARN RD BARRIE we at hoiuobold nrrniture ind 11anun plecai Then in one constande of antiques nnd three consignment minim One lot is only Ii illontha old Term cash Nd mane JERR mllGHLlN Auctioneer mid 2m lot lull tlet September file AUCTION SALE Monday Sapte bar to Illi Irp lor3WCiL AND NORVAL DUNSMORE At hot on demon vein Township one mllonorth Cloverlail on High Snla at all how am equipment ldcuding Illfltllllm¢k corn sitrln hdrvulor blower and lorego noon awnther plnuglu tools and turnltura Terms nrh No reserves lnnn sold Anann oohwnL auctioneer AUCTION SALE TUESDAY SEPTEMER lo AT PM SHARP For HAROLD ORSER At Lot 28 Concession Vesprn miles east of Highways 1627 at Mldhurst or mile west of Dalston iheuJi milo south Sela olcompleta Jersey herd head mnny trash and close springs cows and mum Herd health and uddere excellent Terms casthn reserves Owner going out at Jerseys AUCTION SALE of farm machinery dairy equip ment quantity of baled hay and straw and cattle The undersigned auctioneer his received instructionairom GEORGE BOWERS North Hall at Lot 2i Con 14 Tecumseth Township one mile trout on Saturday September AT Plil to Dell thelollowing lyeara old cnlvea At Aldenlol stein cow years milking bred April la Holsteinlcow years milking bred March bred lilny 31 Holstein heifer years bred Aug Holstein heifervcalves Holrte Hereford now yenra milking bred June Red Poll years calf by side marolnlnliolitein row years bred March 11 Ohm InISFHoIEte cow years March 19 CliarolaisHol zye zbredunnl at Char Holstein years bred July Charola Holstein lo montha ularfliiIISHDILH cattle uro retired Unarolais Hereford heiierJ years red April 13 Hereford heifer years bred May 2i Hereford heiier years bred Aug ti rtockers Charolaia cross 614 riloiilhnoid LANEOUS lnternati tractor good condition tachmenis furrowfplowgtrout end louderfl ft arborii now en Cockshiltt deiivry rake NewHolln No to Hal Hay buncher ulo elevator pi Wagonand ruck interla tional turrowplow Set at lnterllationnl Itilf tooth tooth cultivatorl llsetn of drag no quantity oi map iron ion pol water tank Number of st drtirnr hip gen water ptlm space heateri other articles DAIRY EQUDME mail in in machine or 20 cow Vik ing electric cream sepnra New Sunbeam clippers wl brush Teledr jennm IHAY AND STRAW 1000 bales oi hay zoo bales of straw approx 40 bushels oioau Cash as farm in cold npniianees Must illvn chluflelul In CW1 ledill commercial ileixlcle Tenor must lwllc Ante Avplv tn nerrnn Rnblnr rimm s1 psilino SLrut to my lonNsToN limits militia icinharrié QLKSWAGENgénta RE Bradford phoneAMiio responsible tor accidents or Owne and management not jury on premises day of ale Gordoh Eileynhd Andrew Androwl Clerks AALLEN HORNER auctioneer District ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer wésLoI Cookslown on limited CATTLE Holstein heiferr Holstein cow years milking llthlJEMENTS AND MlSiJr tractor with the loliowmg at cultivator internationdl epring ay my EBAle Mr and Mn Erlur Simeon millet tlr and Mrs Richardlon It llnnovcr ro eontly lire RichMean II the armor Merton lloduon danzhterol illoduon narekeeperincnurciiuprlulo 11 Room collagen Room coltgel sisroan cotton Honincottogls 1room bottom broom cottuu 1ha above il buildinza in be dlrmnnliedbelore removal broom cottages 1min cottage lunltlnotel lormeri White Seanm The than its building may be removed Intact and will tn rubiecl to rreufrvcd bid Auction lobo conducted It the budding ultes commencing at III Street We mile wast of Main Street Village oi Wasagh Beach Auctioneer Mr Archer cuuiu galElm Ontario ings may he inipected Se lumber to September September In September between mo am and 500 pm For lurther Information contact the Plrlr Supérlnlendent Don pertinent ol Land Ind Forests Wnnga Bench Ontario Tele phone 706 imam Leman Forester Department ol Lands and Forests MAPLE Ontario VWELL tlnued to lecture In biology HELP You WRITE want en mar rs rnsullailixamlnu Ad Takarl will be happy to help you write ywr classified Add To pléoej you next want no dill mull dirk line on the win Ad Dent PATTERNs Amonnnooua When chili Winds blow you need jacket likerlhis IJIBLS ns wurmns ltlr fashionable 1raeeryri leaver curves yoke creates trout panel de sign Knit from neck down oi knitting st Pattern 7295 size 3238 Lucu ed EETYCENTB looms each paLIArn iin slams pl lofAlico Brooks care otThe Barrio Exarni er Needleernit Dept sofmntist Toronto Ontario Ontario rer TERN NUMBER NAME AD DRESS New 1969 Needlecraft catalog on ofisjtily rugs non pleto patterns the easy to make 60 cults is or to WI New exciting tol tte oils vine action fill anduu wuum Bail innme at this community and nonnunsnn the poet If Warehouse It Sliiit Sin Marie lnal nerves all of Norib urn Ontario Ire in Florida lhll leek attending coolerenco at their company loam LUCAS Sympathy Ir extended to the relative ol Joseph Lucas who outed away in Kingston roe willy Joe was born on the Filth Lille and grew up In this community Iunnding Filth Lino Ichool and Lelroy Contin nation lllr Lucls although In tailing henllh or om two years with an lncurubla disease tcon ll Queenr University until the end of last term NORMAN KING Friend ot Norman King Wm widened to learn of hisdeaih August on llr King lived all his tile on the Third Line prior to retiring in Barrio low year ago He was activo tn Churchill UnitedChurch community act Miles and was in valued 0mm oi the lnnlslli Telephone Com pany To lira King and other relatives deepest iylnpnthy liom this community Min Marie Dnnnelly enter tuinerl lrlenda and relativcailt birthday party in honor at her sister Miss Luella Donnelly at their summer home iilrs Frank Realty is moving Illinnlile apartmehl north oi Churchill GCIIUII Store GEORGE PRATT Gcorge Pratt native oi lullln iii and soon the lute Harry Pratt andAIlce Woneh passed away In NapaneoAugust 19 His family were Lydia and Grace lbolh deceasedl George Bruce and lira Mike licGraLh Alice lithe interment was Rivervlew Cemetery illicitleather Fleming has an copied position in an office at St Josephs Hospital Toron to iliss Donna Thompson is Newmarket with Household Fine Inca Company COUPLE RETIRE ltlr and Mrs James Oonrd were guests at luncheon in their honor given by lniiislree Limited at do Grassl Point Mr Oxford was presented with an engraved tray in recognition bl 20 years of laithiii service The Oxford have retired and will be living on Church Street in Lelroy invited were the ldmfly oi the honored guestsfhlrxund lllrs Cltllord Ruitan Mr and Mrs Lachlan Oxford Mr and Mrs Robert Eastman and Mr and Airs Elvie Fleming PATTERNS 4625 Childrens Sizes sjum El yeds it FlCl CENT In coins no stamps please lor each ttilirl Onlnrlo at dent dd cents rules

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