Founder of the Calladifln Family Camping Federation Bill liohb left or Weston was lent gt liilYRhlï¬Eiii E9177 All There are many ways in which the modern family can enjoy camping holiday from thasimple tent to the tent troll er all the way to the sophistie ated camper or house trailer Close to 200 families camping in Innishlbeach park this week end use allthese methods and rhany use combinations of tents trailers and campers Members of the Canadian Family Camping Federation they are here for their annual convention Vith about four to five people per family aboutlouo extra vis itors are in the park until Mon day Members in western style hats and distinctive club jackets walked from camp to camp welcoming old friends and new families HOSPITALITY TENT hospitality tent set up near the camp of national board cirairmanDougMoy of Hamil ton offered advice coffee and donuts to members as they ar played country and stern ï¬nale as the carsrolled lowly Today is sotasldeiforrrecrea tlon There will he aschlldrcns lield day this afternoon and early evening Later on it will be the parentsfturn to enjoy themseluesfK nunl conven on E11 practices Dannis calla duh is planne Barrie Several members at CFCF live here and Mr May says ltvmat be long before there is camp ing family club in thearca At solutio Mr along with cot ouod erBiiI Robb of Weston organ lzed the CFCF three years ago when they felt the need for mutual assistance and fellow ship omong camping families Their motto is fCanadas Friendliest Camping Families and it is exempliï¬ud by the crests which adorn member ship jackets Some help keep Canada egreenr Others exert campers to practise con4 servation Another to the the momentum memhtrs are being sought by La waite The CFCF has servationofï¬ecr end hasvniso been helping number nicnmp site owners lodetielop their iae ilities to meet needs of the mod amicamplng family nisfiireeveiosephCochr oer wi welcome the campers sun do at pay Early Monday mo ng members will pull up stairs and head home oth little motto of ours said hirf Mayis Dcave ndpn behind City County Lossssoooo 55 Winter Barri will lose $10000 and the county 0000 as result or the federal governments de cision yesterday to kill the win fer works program it was learn ed tod Prime Minister Trudeau said yesterday the government has decided not to provide incentives for municipal works in the win ter 111968 69 Undcr the program the gov ernment would have paid $10 000 of the cost of Sunset Manor home lor the aged in Collin wood The home is already under construction Jack Coleman county treasurer says the loss or the grant is serious hack for the home He believes the county mayhave to cut costs or getthe required funds from another project FINANCE PROGRAM in report to the County the terworks program for the winte in 196369 Mr Coleman said the amount approved for the project by the county and the Ontario depart ment of social and family ser vrces was 500000 of which the Ontario government would pay halts This meant that countys share would he 8800900 andfin aneing has been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board Mr Coleman said certain re venues would hecoming from federal sales tax refunds but the $40000 would have to he raised somehow JAMIES PROBLEM As to harrieAld Les Jolliffe chairman of public works said the loss of $10000 would affect the citys proposed tree re moval project and interfere with sewer work Mr Joiliffe estimated that 100 trees had been removed last thtert work may hav to be kWhg cut down if the parks budget eant handle it said Mr VJollif to Mr Joiliiiexsaid construction work is usually not done under this program and therefore wouldnt be effected MARINE ransom roaomo ca Marine forecasts for Great Lakes issued at 830 am Western Lake or Windsrsoutheast ill to 15 knots shifting to northwest 15 to 10 till nightt Showers Eastern Lake Superior Winds southeast in knots increasing to 15 mightPartly cloudy Show ers likey might Lake liorpn Georgian Bay Lake rifle Winds southeast lD knots in easing to is tonight Fain Lake Qatari Wind easterly 10 knots ih rant PRICE TORONTO 13 Wholesale to retail car eggsaverage weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Friday large medium 45s small 32 Eggs Wholesale prices to country stations fibre eases quot edhy committee of wholesal egg dealerst extra large 515 large Edith medï¬lm 345 small 2415 3032 25 Butterpricem Canadian Dairy 03ml dr earlots tryingjdw 62 bu halo Score 63 selli£ng 63 COLLEGES GROWING About 20 new colleges are esA tahhshed hnh ly in the United State GEORGIAN BAY CARPET service PHONE 42km STAYNER SHOP ATHOME rug Aeryian fultrangebf carpetiachiding Nyionlooh wool fPropylon SERVICE ONLYl tenderahle conceited tsvwhiehyre ceived vfederal assistane under the program included the redev elopment oi the Lakcshore in addition tosewer and deadtr Ffltovél Ald Roberts finance chairman said from mane tary standpoint the city would lose because the federal and provincial grants combined paid 75 per cent of labor costs The program was rated by the former Conservati govern mentxfn the iirst threezyears of the prograrn the federal share of direct payroll costs was $59 Prime Minister rTrudeau said that the amount of useful and constructive work done under the winter works programhaa Shanty Buy Drivesin he Veogance of Sheplos The Lost Contioen So 001 this Jtivieiei The paper our ettentrom the mayor recommea hoard of 219 the directors Key Club The Troubadors unyshorethioto Hater Johnny imperial The Producers tit ed in the theftsol close to $2000 worth of cigarettes and other merchandise fromsiores lii Bar ric and lnnisfilduring the early morning hours yesterdaytfol ice believe onemsn was resp sible for all break ins and for the theft of two rs EdmundJohn Stephen 25 RR Phelpston lain custody Ha has been charged bygti3arrie pollen withtwo counts of car theft one count of Vhrealchenter andtheft inconnection with break in at Mikes Milk store Studeht Leader Denies lidVOcaimg Burning Sghdols contra not too Peter Warrian presidenteeleet of the lioï¬oomernber Canadian Union of Students Friday denied advo =cating that students burn uni versity hidldings it necessary to gain their demands for greater voice in university at fairs newspaper report distribu tedhy Th Canadian Press had quoted as saying atn union convention sessio This the year wereally sock it to the administrators Burn their buidingsdown if Wdrrian said his ContinedtakGraham lipsbaw Edrnily Band plusrhrighlyht the Grand Canyon series oflbreair ins resultt or Danton Street from which Somepeflplemow say this is the ye rwo really sock it to the administrations sodt it to their buildings and burn them down been decreasing it neeessar And it mayh lei Houla for several minute cued though he admitted French isnt the best An tat preter was at hand but many times Mr Bentley preferred to use his mixture nfFrcnch and sign language He unlined Borriol tourist and industrial situation and Ienlr ruler Ml think this convention would be real opportunity to seil Barrie the mayor said Guyana the Cover iirlsl 511oo worih of cigarettes were stolen and one count of break and enter with intent to steal at Flash Muffler Service also on Duhlop Street Eastt The first car stolen station wagon belonging to auxiliary police constable Arnold rews of Cook Street was foud abandoned and out of gasoline near cemetery in Vespra township Some of the cigaret tesptoien from Mikes Milk were iound cached in the come tery The second car stolen from the residence of Charles Brown on Maple Avenue was reported illegaliy parked in lnnisfil township to Constable John Straughan of the township pol ice On investigation break sins at the Red and White Store and the oidAicona Beach general store were discovered About $1000 worth of eigarettes had been taken By this timethe car had left All stolen prop ty has been recovered 1A description of theear rw sent to the Barrie police and Constable limEus made the arrest Stephen was employed are groom at New Woodbine race track in Toronto neanoitriow from Celly tral Collegiate Kc terdayintroducc Barrie Police Dept Asmueh aswe hate to admit it we are in the lastvthroesof summer The forecasters pro mise ideal weather Policemen throughout the Province vare bracing themselvcaior whatis usually the busiest weekend of the yearl For most people all signals are GO 0n the face of it the situation should be excellent Unfortun alely it wont be though for our experience has shown that ciil lens of this country tend to get all the more frantic toward the end of summer Like Dee 2i shoppers we seem to indulge ourselves tan much we are ln lrenzy to ar rive at destinations we shove and shoulder one another more than usual the beer and liquor storeiina ups seem much longer than necessary 25 all ofthese opportunities would never present themselves Vagoin And for somenthey Vï¬ll the waterbe warm on ough for sivimmingnext week Will We have occason tovisit our friends later this fall Will we have wet andmiseroble autumnr Do wehnve enough ton to last us the winter Per haps nothing will he the same ever again Letsgo now and iestiwe miss oacprecious mom ent of fun lets Enquickly it will be worth the chances we take along theway Viilittp Easy does it There no other answer for our dite mar Easy does it The woil ofrsirens sig nal the end of every longweelo end for many who do not so to Mayor Bentley ondodred him to help them obtain the OntarioQuebecMnri time convention for Barrie during the Easter holidays ihchnayor gave them letter ist looks hardufacts and admits that though theweathcr ls line the roads good the cottage country beautifulI and the autos and boats and trailers are in ex cellent condition the attitudes of lot of people are faulty and not few weekenders are most unwise mild rendering of the untiunkingl Barring circumstances com plcfeiy beyond our control we should all back at our pta of employmentand hock schools Tuesdayrseptl Alvin we should then be ableto agraefltl it has been wonderful suihr mcr and adeilghlfui weekendi Actuoily fall does notr really begin until about Sept 21 there is no need to hurry much after all lets not pooln Why not slow down some An dont treat this weekend though it wasthe last you wouï¬i ever enjoy or it may be fsat Foods For take out an mom