Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1968, p. 12

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ANNOUN EMENJIS SPECIAL noncm CASHrRAIESi Waits Merriam and Death Birth Announcements mama40 Qrds OI Thanh 25 tidditlonnl words ENGAGEMENTS macs MORAN an and sin fistula Gram uI Barrie mount an cranes llk an II Church nu Saturday September II ncloel masonswan no sin Iran Gordon an or Stroud wish to announce its cnlllemllfl or tnen dlulhter leudl Mary In Mr Neil Burns Sturgeon tan or run and sin Kenneth so can or caumtii The did Ill take aim on Salurdl seotemner Ices It oclock st Jamea vu lied cnu Llvud Ontari MARRIAGES mu STONE Dn autumnj Annual 17 icon in IlruotILVnLnlie couren Cathie Ann daughter or Mr and Airs Stone at Brooklyn Ontario to Mr Rotter Dale lev and or Mr and Mn Neely oI strand DEATHS Iurmsrou John naniu Sud dcllly II in home in Sanford st Barrie on Thursday Annual 29 use Ionn Edwin Jonhston In nu sou rear Beloved numna ul Vio let Vienna and dear Illilel or Lil Allen Mr Baltimore ea Ruinuna both or sound Also lur vireo in men Krkndrhiidren Ind ninetreat grandchildren IIIDIYIU or one Etnci Scott at Tomato Nesting ll Illl Innylclt hmenl Home is Bradlord SireeI emu Theme to at Paul Anxiiun Church service on Saturday at pJn Interment 5L Illll AllKIIc In Cemetery The emet will be nncn In tne church Iron pm until time or service mums Ionu June At lnIIls wood Private Hospital Barrie on Thursday Aulztlsl as loss Ionn Jlrncs Barnes son ur the lite on Ind Mrs Aaron Barnes ltesilnl at Ute JemIctt Innera liume 152 Rnotum Strcct time Inr service on Saturday ii an Interment lhrric Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM Evans In lovinr rtmemhrlnca or titor mother and urunomulner Mn Mangfinynn who ousted awly so JAivin ilurlorln and Family COMINGEVENTS GERMAN CANADIAN CLUB cordially invites you to DANCE Saturday August 31 at pm AN and AF CLUB Dunlap St WHICH DAY vx MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Ihoto M15 Realtor RIGHLAND PARK VILIAIIE 60 south on Highway 11 to city limits or CNR tracks turn lett oi 3rd road after railroad tLit lie Avchue and our model homes are on the Iirsi road to the left ONLY ONE HOME LEFT FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SPLIT LEVEL 8300 Featuring low taxes aluminum storms and screens and finished to NBA specifications eicl 15 new homes new under construc tion or Fall occupancy For further iulormailon call Gordon Coulis INVESTMENT PROPERTY 111 store irontage main sectioit oi Dunlop Street For Iurther particulars call Gordon Cantu MIDIIUIIST Attractive 3bedroom 2storey brick home located on beauti iul treed lot approximately 170 170 overlooking Willow Crock For inrther ter Coulis EVENINGS GORDON lil courrs 7237215 SANDY COUIlS mm WALTER COUIIS 7mm PETERS WILES LTD Realtor INCOME HOME $14300 apartments newly decorated new oil furnace Will give you 10 return alter mortgage payments and taxes on your $1620 down payment 20A OWEN sr Erie 7282410 particulars call wu ilcsReaitar ASKTOSEE THIsMoDEL No1 MODELS BUILTRY iviAerR CRArTSMEN HOMER JG SPRING lSBRANDT oouALITY ERICK aLENDED erII No MAINTENANCE ALUMINUM ALL SERVICES PAID Port ALL SERVICES UNDERGROUND GRAVELLED DRIVEWAY EXCELLENT MORTGAGE RATES science ALL IIOIIES OVER 1200 SQ FT FINISHED awoR sPACE WlTiiAD DIIIONAL ROOMS ROUGHED IN IIIIEPLACES BIDWELLI MLS REALTOR in punchI allele 7284430 no You om Mflflllle Rind nIIIILIJIl Tzsoool SHELSWELL and WIILSON filmman MORTGAGE BROKER nxduuirr maniac ions ron alt amuse lnd DRIVEJI Hemem ST No SkIBLEITIM nr Friend to nilPiling 11 Miami In titer Coll unmet L01 Fort sat mfifltdflidfl unu cum Itle 79 Ill tenuou nIII Illa near Barrio In In loll II not Lnt we Phone mum Tuna TM PenAu Pm net1e on Irin Iuia ag from wooded ouuoluz lutl In reunmenl no tax Hum no new plaid tor nela once open or an tootau Toronto Follow hiri waylo vtnoeu street nut in Slrutlltdiand INSURANCE MOVINGL Dont iorget to trauliar yore Amsumnca and if you need extra merllza of any kind SIEVENSONS II DUNK ST 7204001 meanness mnem Istand 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL all FARMS AND QOHMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 or VALUAIIONs If You Need Money rru conxhlidlte debt Pu oil under plum nimmee com nit nu Honi improvements IAny worthwhile uns Write or Phone 72643981 Mortgage Funding oven SimpsonSears 121 DUNLOP 31 Member Ontario Martsx BmkenAuooIltIon ro cub Ivlillbic to march ulna We will even lend you money on Your moflllmi Enact Idoltlln 33 CollierSi EREALTOR RETREAT PROPERTY 22 acres good scenic land with creek easy terms Aiso 11 acres with cedar trees Mutual ANNE Thornton 4509211 100 ACRES river and SPENCER CARSON PHOTO III REALTOR is William sIREEr Norm Synnott 7282333 Bill Hamilton 7286325 tailiLa TELEPRONE moist Russ Carson 77413451 Rupert McGratli Eimvale 739nm 72H EMORY MILLER 726mm REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ssrgw LAND SURVEY ANNOUNCINO tne onenan uI ltoy Kirkpatrick Lno survey nIrIie 251 Ducltworlli 5L Barri mth Perma stamps Draw tickets Letterheads Business cards Wedding Elationer Cheques oN ALL PRINTINGNEEDS or OLDER HOME Stan Hammond Mike Magus Leo Cavaoaugh Freak Nelle double garage lnB GOLFVCOURSE Course has now bedu in operation tour yea and there is underground water piping to all greens Vlt is co pleter outfittedwith all machinery needed An older soiidbrl home with club house Ihdsnlck bar attached and has excellent ilving quartera Charlie head Don Campbell Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell REDan ourr AGEMile Inhalrnmcmhok FRANK NELLES Manama Mmmmr back Ilrat mortgage at We reach hltdien lot at 150 sUNNIDAIEIOWNSHIP 100 Rue clay loam large barn bedroom bungalow Lined price 315000 LISTED PRICE $110 000 down mutant One will like outernu Bu an eta Nashua 7W NO 760 maze or 7261421 in living mu diulu1 ample water supply EVENINGS CALL moon PHOTO ILLS REALTO Rm Imus WITHIN TWO MILE OI BARRIE 4bedroom bungalow with tallytype kitchenj with builtin stove eye pleasiut living room piece bath Ehtli basemcnthas completed recreation nyl standards lhia home has an Oyecoichfl area sc out that meets tod appearance min 7W3 7281205 moon 7281 mflil mm CHOLKANA CO LTD MLS REIILTOII it Collier St Barrie 7204401 Cecil Milli mart Milk Wainwright 7mm Ilom Foster mom Hugh Piowman Dong Campbell Ron Allan 4565341 Don Marshall 72821 LRichard Dick tirel 7258 Angus 4496661 Shelburne nacho Wasaga Bench more YES WE GUT N0 BANANAS but we dohave terms ior sale 0ver175 oithem Big Iarrns little terms dairy terms and beeltarms tobacco terms and garden form All prices all lo cam Gm us 11 Man Dire 1bedroom reirlgerator and no Jennings new CLOSE To scuoots Owners anxious to sell this bedroom home that is priced just right large living room dining room kitchen and bath INVESTMENT PROFERHm New duplex in village near Camp Borden Both sides rent ed Good ineome Phone Pat Brynn 4266717 APARTMENTS FOR RENTII stove supplied Due 2bedroom Both available immediately Call Dally Mortell 7200674 ONLY $3500 DOWN mom IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY iSATURDAY Advertisers Ireqlicntly ask this question Fortunately there Is no best day to Advertise Each day new wants arise bringing Big value Oin Barrie loExcluslve arcn Large lot Nice home Good Iarm land with creeks no buildings close to highway on good road Asking only $320 per acre Easy terms Con tact ANNE SPENCER Thornton 4589211 50 ACRES NOIIAWASAGA RIVER With 2009 lrontage acres cleared rest bush lliewood would easily pay or any clear ing Excellent location would be suitabe tor trailercamp Contact ANNE SPENCER Thornton 4589211 room Fully iinished rec room with bar Games room and laun dry roorh tiled For lurthei de tails call Hannah Pentland Low carrying humDow 3mm inspect now Call John Halter and builder who has made us mml proud topresent his homes If youre youngaud want price that is not outrageous let me show you his new homes De signed or the people of today and theycarry reasonably we seen the location on Baldwn Lane and yo 11 lull in thy with theyield II oull come moose curoon Spencer 4363515 Kenneth Miller 728793 7M Peter Mauton 72511101 John Cole Robert Fleweliing Harvey Weber Percy Ford Sammy Benham Emory Miller OPEN let Injnlisiil jSi DeWsnap 7258356 ANITA swmrT HARVEY SWIrr ERIC DEWSNAP mam 4761314 EXAMINER meson Com moon Printing nilms Ilams oreem WiS RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 EAYFLELD ST 7789451 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call Larry Torpey 4250715 BEDROOM BUNGALOWVI in immaculate condition with completely finished basement There area into extrasex ample cempletel intercom stereo thrungh in basement Vwnrdiw nutrition Insertion in IIer readers as old ones satist their wants We recommend that you start your no tomorrow and cancel it when you get rel suits Alter many years of perienee with millions of want ads we know tomorrow istire best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Harrie Exama iner Classified Section EARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS WORK WONDERS 7232414 23 LASSIFIEDK ADVERTISING TELEPHONE Classified advertisement In ces or these FIR rnus ceived by niu anyoreeeoinc publication or neon unSaturdIy with the exception ni Classified genial unwliementswhlch must noonnre BLIND L31 ancgfigilglsy rle an can an ts is made In Idenutv or Box may umber users It conldientini Replies to Boxer will be held only to day alter llligugnhlltatlnn llllNDlll CLASSIFIED ADVERTlsING Cash rDiscnunt thes apply 1r uzia willi divs single insertion 52 per consecutive lnsertinna 41¢ per word oerlnsertlon Trim consecutive Insertions 4c Der word per lnrcruun total was Six when utlslacto relulil uniinert Io per cent dltlnnai charge Ir not one within aeyeu days enuous on connncrlcna All phone insertion order are accepted II aconvanienee Ia tne seventeen nnercrm the clusiriea Aldvcnrdtlsnlgg Departfleait require 521s lecllet their advertisement gnmcdiatcly orusrIIit any cr orornlsxinnl may as re on the mllnll rrorl wli iiao no lessen the value at tho Idver ire ent are not eligible Iul Cum Hill by MIXEEODHI Th9 In Elxlmlnti rem Ihtl nei aux Numbort Bill Rawn 42641993 Dick Draper 2033711 Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlop St Plioue malls tst and Zedmortgages arranged on lowmonthly payments We boyfyourpiesem Istand 2nd mortgages uhhhhlediiisiiobieiiiiih GRETA 2mm 1135111 IANr YOUNG 1mm LAURANS KERR Alllrtnri uncle PETER GUBBIJS Iram5 $20m DOWN PAYMENT on Iineolder semidyétached home room brickyull fenced 72x lzsyit lut with Irnittrees shrubs and shade trees garage zbalhs oil iuroace Central lo cation on bus route Close to schools rare value Fullprice 515209 Telephone 7282146 RRAND NEW CONVERSATIO PIECE TIIIS is the pr ct marriage of land and house Styled with morrow in mi thing you family needs 1524 SQUARE large rec room CLOSE to eyerythio separate and high schools churches and dew SchoolTerms Cali ED GREEN var4123 room bathroom large lotSit uated Eimvalel KEITH AREA REPRE NTATIVES it has some REAUTIPUL IBRICK ROME lo rooms overlooking lake near downtown Must be sold to close estate only $2250 Contact EARL 5095 PAMILY HOME room brick house spacious kitchen dining room fireplace inliving room allto wallearpeting interio mustbe seen to be ap preciated Centrally located on IvelltreEd street near Hillcresi Two iOR ONE $15000 lull price Double house each with separate entrances porch and heatingequipment One side complete room house bathroomgarage Other side Cali OREEN 7234123 rm REALTOR Babcock Barrie Colboume Strand IL MacLeod Barrie Wood Dre peueer Thornton 7205005 4361367 7284750 48724948 Turn Fitzaimmius Churchill risemo 181 RONTO 12 EARCOCR Barrie 773 mil CLINTON AVE Barriéls itFihesi if LoCaiiolnj The easy caréand everlasiingbeautyof Aican Aluminum Siding IcléVerlyblendedjwilh AngelSioneo Brick2 PHONE 4873333 PRIVATE ALEN Innrvhedrognu ire room an All vices whi Néxt io5teele Si ScHoOi illustrated lsOne ofFive Dis Inciive Models with ih QualityfiBuilfiInF GEORQEDA strands and storms Gravelled driveway dryer Many extras including the plastlcized sidiug Lo wdded trout and rear Hookup Installation tor maintenance tug VIES HOMES 1m and THE NEW HIOMECOST ORIEXTRAS pr lidVivian Gunn together Will Mm Klein BillMackaess Russell Smith IRENE WILMA new MARY NEW HOME now under mostntction This home will be beautiiully ishedto your satisfaction Full ice $21900 Phone more Marx Walretield Ionton Newman John Halter Baker Lawrence Edward MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE Wanda Edwards Included in this low price is storeybriclr home featuring bedrooms It is situated on shaded street and is very can venicnt toboth public and high schooIsJMayl show you this graciouahomei Call Margaret Klein mien commEmacs more was REALTOR A1 Rosa Ree mans es 774W 25 Res 7239990 Mortgag FundsAvaiiable EVENINGS CA wouan moment nests GLORIA xfiua mam jE IINE Nils REALTOR Elaine Ineson 7mm 1110811150 Dick Hartley 7mm Richard Raycrnit jamst man Free Customer Parity Meme III Sour new metal IVAN am mle NANCY MBKENZIE ERVSI EVENING rIIRED mm

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