Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1968, p. 5

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improvement in Simeon Countys road program and other county changes were dis cussed by Leighton Clark EEEibN Stall With the wellimownliell Drivers one ol thancw attractions plans are well advanced tor the loss lnli l5 lair ol the Beeton Agricultural Societych will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept 11 and 25 The exhibition which dates back to the early era ol this pioneer beekeeping centre now rates as one oi the best agricul tural village lair in this part ol the province The lair annually attracts livestocklrom allparts ol Sim coe County and usually entries Irom neighboring York Butler in Peel and elsewhere Aver ageattendnnce in recent years tor the two day air has been around 10000 We are veryproud oi our Elmvale Menv1 canary none poacnnitgispoisciissro county engineer right and ilked Hunter retired clerk when they met recently at county building at Barrie The Plans well For FairfliAt Beeton lair and try to maintain as high standards as possible said Tecumseth Deputy Reeve Harry Cross who issecretary trea surar with Mrs Doris Gould ol Beeton assistant secretary Ei gin Rutledge is the president and he is supported by an active eit ecutive twins AND means Sulky races ior trotters and pacers have long been fea ture ol the day and they will be held on the second day Can adian Trotting Association rules will govern and the track will be in top condition it the wee ther is favorable gt The heavy and light horse shows always attract good entry and indications are they will do so again Heavy horse classes have been arranged lor Likes smoking ELMVALE Siam am Keeling line just linevan sweredEimvales oldest resi dentliarry Lillcy 93 stopping during stroll along Queen street here to tell how he lelt looking suntanned and much younger than hisvactuai age Mr Lilley pulled ata cigar or moment and then contin ued am allowed to smoke three cigars day so my doctor says and never miss have been smoking cigars for longtime andl dont think they have aliceted my health onebit much prefer them to cigarett DAILY wanes Mr Lilley takes daily walks through Elmvale streets and he believes the exercise helps to keep him lit For lew weeks he was missing and lriends united to inoure ahnut him was away in Rochester he tiraid explaining he was visiting his two daughters in that New York state city Mrs Peters and Mrs Hilda Nichols It is beautiful country To Demonstrate Pioneer Engines MIDHURST Stailt Dem onstrations of early gasoline engines and also steam trac tion engine are planned at Sim coe County museumsvpioneer day program on Sunday Sept ember ii Pioneer craits also will be demonstrated it was ed by Ross Channen tor Time will include spinningyhut ter making baking bread wood workingand rug make Qing Pioneer equipmen be used Located tour miles from Bar rie on Highway 75 thenruseum has hada busy summer with as many v15 rs as year in 1967 FANTASTIC SPECIMILES live centennial round Rochesterhut no better than right here around Elmf vale he said He said he ens loyed seeing his daughters and he appreciated the change Before moving to Elm vaie about 10 years ago Lilley lived at Goldwater where he operatedameat store mong his customers and friends was Eplett94 Simcoe Countys oldest ex warden fI meet him occasionally and we talk old times he said stating the last meeting was nearly Year ago But read where he is still going strong and was glad to know he continues to be well DLD MENUS Born in England ltir Lilley has lived in Canada long time havellved this country most of my life said ex plaining he came Ca 11 when young men more than 70 yearsago Foryears he was in the meet business amt John New Brunsw he came to this still has some old menus ol the era when cost or living We only Iraciian olwilat it is od as reflected by the prices Asked it he ever drank liquor annually By 1884 he wasoper ML vtnclai giants now 81000000 per year and cur1 rentlytiiere is new construe tion in virtual partsol the county Examiner Photo Ciydesdnles Percherons Bel glans and also lor general pun lose teams and specials six lob Ilsuliiy has good Iield oi entries with it two years ago Beel cattle classes include Shorthorns Herelords and Aber deen Angus while dairycaitle classes include Hoistetna ler seysI Ayrshire and Gnerneyl The good growing season should make an excellent dis play ol corn potatoesand veg etables in the gardenproduce acction Fruits include all and winter apples plums and peers WOMENS SECTION Much interest also is taken in the womens section of the lair Besides special Womens insti tute exhibits the displays in elude plants and flowers bak ing dairy produce and needle craitandrug making goods Beelon fairs date long hock helore the community was incor porated as village in 1364 plaque at the agricultural groundshonors David Allinson oi Jones pioneer beekeeper its first Beeton amtlaunder oi newspapen in we Mr Jones acquired50 acres or property where he pion eercdlarge scale honey pro dilation and by 1880 he Was on during 70000 pounds or honey atlng about 1006 apihries and students came lromvlar and ear to observe his method Pupils To and AtyCooksiown OODKSIOWN Stall Prizu Wiil be oliered for marching in asichool childrens parade to be held at Cookstown onSaturday Sept 14 from the United Church and also the school grounds to the tall lair Peter HawkerThea been ap pointed parade marshai and pupils in ciassesJ to twiil be admitted to the fair without charge Legion plaque will be awarded on the basis of best marching in classes and Prizes also will heawarded or the best floats by school groups also for the bestdecor atedhicycies and best decorated doll carriages the best llr Lilley smiled and replied he was not teétotaier butsu tested nioderationwas best good health iijs the same wl commented moderation is good policy Mr Liliey likesElmvale and prais the lriendiy neighborly spirit which prevails in the viii age We havemndern stores said citing Why he village place era would preier living costs were cheaphe ex plained Prices Were cheap but wages wer alotiess too There was no the general prosperity that you seenow do not know oi any The average Canadianean pec olive72 years at birth head tiveo lhe hiesorejtssoclatlona warm log council to appoint Reeve Jonah Cochr terviow the government regard ing holding otthe Inuindpelol ectlonsprligr in the year hiisa Claytah recently elected president at the General 1h Coltgen Assocations male on behalfoifiabscntee ratepayers who want to have elections held ready put ti urn andieadeavthSJ to prove thefth this week beloriudndgepxctare uninformsuon will be divulged niiderahlyntore ioiorma lion halibeen and it maybe round that house is on roadway eimvoeischoo1 ELMVALE Staflt Wlth conhkuwon completed and lur nishlngs done Huronla Centen nial Elementary School is ready tor opening of classes ongnies day September The room county school whichwili serve Eirnvnle and Fios is located on Simcoe street Atwo lane road has been extended fromSimcoe and arotmdtheschool back to High wuy26 ltnown in Elmvale Yonge Streets DISTRICT BRIEFS vaseml coon MIDHURSI Siam Vespra township council which is head ed by lteeve Wellington Dobson wfll hoidglts next regular the ing on Monday September the Vespra township building on finiaystreetvhere The meeting was shifted dramthe tirat Mon dayslnceit is Day human mu COLDWAIEE iStallt Hur onia Agricultural Society will hold its annual three daylair at oldwater onThurda Fri day andSaturday September For Terrai gthu sewer lines beeocom pleted and waterjhydrant lor tireiprotectionls located at Sink coe and Houden streets New cement walkshave been con structed outside the grounds have been landscaped and ornamental modern street lights Installed area itiore thansoo pupiisn ex pected to attend whentheilrst term begins at the new school on Monday Septembers Th school incindes classes ior ergarton pupils rwlthpcrmissioo catch Inv doe cse holdings Amlehlnetbat sallym motor vehicle slid re riaiaven so motion it lly WWmlfllrifll is our he an In ionisili on trial or aixmonths ol coimcii Don at me batter licence livelihmrs only in W0 in dealers whohave to guarantee coma ha gothiasflrst dog in lactyllia Ii outlto but eels that dogs allowed to roam about should he plow uplle will ndeavdr to locate school ln the school rnent ol the grand jCone munitylinllWednesdoy even ing with ne of th bestfidlev iudlin COLLINGWOOD DRIVElNTHEATRE CHILDREN FREEPH ulky rating will be theolosiiig day tirillia be held on the BAXTER Stall Egacoun ciiv will meet at the township building here on Tuesday Scp tember 3ior its regular month ly meeting it gt was announced by Harold Bell clerk Ihelpsion Drain Teriders Called PIELFSTON Stall end ers have beencalled by Flo township council lor excavation work loria drain on lots and 7Concession between Phelpi sion and Fergusonvale spokesman ion the towmlnp said lion is lor clear drnining the area Th Jack Madden Ainley and Associatesorcn lingwood consulting engineers have the contract fdocuotents and lendersclose Tuesday september LUCILLE BALL iiENlil awn 71mrsMine and QVAN JOHN smmm Mahatmame rally WW lloflh Esra rideroad live ed to sharein the remainder proposeiria currently under ood natecl by Pet Shop at Dow among jother swank da posed ForEgbe Iioad annfr stall ave ton limit In required ior vehicles usingflonccaston 11 wooden bridge vermin raitwryirach An inspectlo of the oneldne Starlight yen Hlty mgnr Ibichhe purchaled It Smiths Falls member at the Canadian Blackj and Tan Association lor eightryenn Mr Ellison has owned several dogs but Mervin Ringo has been the lirsl towin noteworthy honors Earlier this year he wonviiie Bluo Iick Breedm Association trophy fat 5L animate nor Mr Milaona in room Ithia home here has large arrayol trophiesoonhy his prize dog which is much admkedgocally mom of Angus village board tees Mr biiison bridgewas madaaiter Essa wasaviormer chairman cotmcii supporteds proposal to clooethe crossing with diver sled road along the east side at the track and conetmction ot pew overhead bridge on No sidroad The one bridge then wouidiserve trollic lrom both reads it was pointedoutT plnn tr being taken up with the ENE IndliSfl mulled approval romthe Ontario rlelt pertinent at highway which would pay to per cent the cost The rallwast being ask preliminary estimate plac ed the oat oi akuitabie bridge ioi No trlliic It $150000 The ror exam Wm has renown noun NATIONAL CONSERVATORY or musicL la pleased to announce the opening at the tail term lot musical instruc tion Fall courses include accordion guitar piano drums Beginner instru meats supplied Studio 10 cated Fl Dunlop St Fully qualified teachers Free aptitude tests given in the home FOR FUR THER iNFORMATION CALL 726024 after pm STARTS ToMoRRow WWW Wound WALT good gt gt MiltflVlinlllng atst 5mm locations in the Spectacular Grand Servant SATURDAYrBoMONDAY CONTINUOUS FROM PM LASTCOMPLETE SHOW SUNDAY MATINEE 0NLY2 PM SUNDAY TUESDAY QNLY AT 730 PM condom rlwnzwcniawn EVENINGS ONE SHOW hisky

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