Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1968, p. 13

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finemnunungd XBajys Locale Faulty Arlene oma nomadiun It whet methodii any fii nonmetal14mm nearDrMolauxlathena new lindlng in median that Yea ouch method exiata can locatoaad identity Ihlchd and la being used with great to small narrowed arteries or trauma by the large medical arteriolque the culprit that centrea And with all menu thlt ll little oxygen to the mm firth1mm nucleolus molmaueusr momma Iler Weather GIMI Ride Soon go no e311 31 In one llattinoltquneuol ma Lucy xrXauurm um 1111 In 132 thrr soon How 3mm 11 roman 33 canon Hon aim 74am nun with AIIH thinn non nude 1l AV LUCY om Man hvna Unda no sDommntlry Hovh tiiell in for llrmul IlMovll inrot am one 2Star ma sGet smut Home Poll 74m in éhmunh WEI all I30 iron dCI gt Hill lStnonovar Tokyo Henr moo sarunnar manor MORNINGANQAHERNQDN one no 1mm soqu bnux The Cat Him0n lllImm him smm tart can If 74mm 360 nnoom Ttmu PM hump my Kangaroo am 41de1 um Lawnn llBedcmotaeiil no 4way our Paria 7Klnl Kan Dxock and no lt Hooch euro 7all06kfljhlf I+Cartoon thoun Lilo Manon cmvaa Iatovt 40 Emu no no my 1xiooonm of mo zMom Ant osum Hem Lsuplnnua lGrorge orhoanun lllldala moo scoot wool aNew lOn 1au if no story On rm Ono um iivmhir 52 am at 421 Fl 7Muh ntha hinnallr irpdtrghuu radium nmnm lntomi SATURDAY AUGUST EVENING DFllntotonea Illoauaa 1qu JD Pam dPottleoat Junction 100 11131 58111 Zdeh eynm People jGarrbonaGoriil 9Dozn nebulae tflamllor araooaaenlzrtein Jr ATEwho no aorta Laurilam ncmoona llIWNn Hood moo Imck Tracy oshauan exme norm Recurrent Lhlovie Vulcan son or luoltorl uwmutna fiwn tin one 10 Bin Perm hill on Anatomy unfit 1W 4731lNI In wutaar spam LT all plum awn uxoou noon mo zNIleLtmtlon ilfl World 51 at iggoiebrlty Emil Weakenmln rr mo ilil Saint smzn canonml Arrtaoarr roo 7m rootqu Inom Lively Ball uvlmbon Man What mutant aaly Tamsone fim llGunmoh Havana 09 F510 Herd lainadi 43m sMovle no Livahv set tram Omanm human oarrnnmizn MORNING arm AFTERNOON tnflndubkdl oo 241 ecmd fire men 1Bullwinkie 91 iIContinlnm Inlniatuxta use zcoronour Hoectrum how usomz Hutle liFlthlr Heehu mo 30an Eliendlf Hflnfln um spam no LArrlculturo grain Van Winkle rfilbl Answcxf tauvtna word 23w 31ennll fifififlm Myth oar rm Eagle tzzoo 115 ur Sgérefxurt Hm lu may Gun in The Worldt 9qu ibunl 210 JFavorlta sum 7Lmll and Anawen llCamen on Canada 900 gangsta on my 1cathedni Ohtmn Illa we on kCromoadr urtutm Journal 16 $123 auo so no non mm mm Furl in Have The Nation LiOutdoora Uououted 2150 Mwoulli at 7475 Navy leoorr uMv Favntih Martian SUNDAY SEPTEMBER EVENING HI sBonanza zAnlmai Killldo len Campbell eNew soom 1Movie 11waltmanu 311 in gown1°53 Tilt Run For nae Sun intros rootoan IDocumentlnr 5mm Newlywed Glml JLnnotn ma 331am Dlanav mu ogennuo llatwk more uo zPouttcat Datlnx Game flag Soclely llGentla sea lain Lllid SCI llflie Golden MoonNow Walther Emu iMmAlllla Millfl linanlel Boom lmwr um new an so stmrte New Wait Diane Vanle Hm luoaanamka Century lng went as shown by mum circulation to tho heart muscletromanp ther WM Soedfl an cam Wm internal oi patient with angina pectoria Aha heart vpaln whichimulta when the heart muscle la not getting enough circulation to match tho dcmanda on that muscle gourmet BRIDGE try not arckzn South dealer North South vtdnerable Opening lead lack of dia monda ihlrremaritable deal occurr ed in the match between Spain and Switzerland When Built and Togores held the North South cards or Spain the bidd Norths two club bid was Stayman and naked South to ahow lour card major ii ho had one When Togores respond ed two spades Eullil assumed there would be good chance tor slam ii South had threo lcdes or his opening notrump Accordingly ho lumped to tour notrump which was Black wood and by implication agreed on spades trump But South had only two aces When he re aoonded five hearts North rinsed the bidding with livo apadea Had horse the Swiss Weat been aulliclently inspired he would have led the ace and an other club to deleat tho contract two trlcha alter hurt return lrom Elst But Hesse made the normal lead at diamond and Togores had notrwhle mrlng twelve tricks The Swiss East West oair were very concerned by the out come alnce it seemed likely that at the other table their North South teammates would reach our spades with North as deciarer and would surely go down against the normal lead of aingleton club by Eaai But strangely enough thair tears were not refilled when their teammates Fenwiclr ahd Caueilis had lucky bidding misunderstanding and inadvert ently wound up playing the hand at live clubs which could not be deiealed The bidding wen South Wod North not our Dbla aru 65 Pm Paar Pas Fenwiclr and Catzellia had greed to play transfer bids in response to one nouurnp and Norths four spade bid was apparently understood by south to ha transfer bid to cluns South consequently hid live clubs which North was only too happy to pass and lo that way the Swiaa pair arrived at the only game contract that could really be madel GRANT FOB ORCHESTRA QUEBEC CF iho Quebec Symphony Orchestra haa been granted $1500 by the cultural nflalra department or the com lag season The symphonya program will include almost mo concerts in the province and tour of Europe Yee huainoaa is good hutonly because kee expouua downand that includes youraalaryP only caosswoan A0305 apeeka Web footed bird 1L Spooky stungely 13 Pnlix to Sooten movies Vein alrat ldVot=nr 17 shun 19 Cane anatomy mountain Gnmpul Mini nnu Harem room neonmtg 10Hurricano center walnutrhea rplrticlea 11npun rumorm taunt malt manta mountain 21Cornnet 2qu 33vutor Paton omnplo matrokooard ttlllt Matron cotton 38Vohleia e1 Meadow mcllml tion AilMn 41 Flower nrtor gettu II mm in thawlnd ooaelonm toNoah flratoon DOWN LPunctuILioil marmath Alum wuapets HE TONIGHT MT Unit 24 Gloss 25 aria Anten rm LAC$ no cot am as MAE N5 um um wait mum PAiL LE locumo dlDeaerhL nu SIALE ten nous Thm an as roundr hum 42 Swallowed to Sing in way 41 Blast at harden Old Dominion atate nbht 48Exclnma preceding month oboe Illfiflfllfiill VAggflll Banana III ownpnll non annou algnlnnnlll fiflflfl Ififl Ill lime ms cars our pl 6451 GRANDMA auurr Jours DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 none THEN you Irma mncmmuqt WITH sourons woo 0me mm nrvra err THose BUYS Y0 Momma AtkinsonsAugust Acflon Bradiord Sh Barrio AT TODAYS GOODWILL USED CAR Spartal 1965 Cmair Monza door cylinder automatic with radio Lie raw LI aloe real man vehicle ow wnttawau Tires ounstoos AUCTION Your Action Miami New or Used Cari PONTIAC BUICK LTD mil noises so WHATle 5H5 EXPECTusltE ONLY MUGGS Er SKEETER BUZZ SAWYER AVE YOU RUB 7N5 LPITER FROM WKEXENGINEEP mmrzmso um tzmazt AGREATW manicure WELL do us ill VANlS TRUle WARNEDMEnlATTtiE MAN MIGHT MAKE tor OFFALSE CHARGES so xotonrtvsu My rr TRANSLKTED RAMIKEZ WKTE5 THAT VOUKEJEING HEATWnJHAT HE WILLASSIST YOU IF YOU won 101me omwwm FAG Mum QM nrvlwuufseom oN WARtaoNr P4NIctEANER ournymso nucKrnousr nwlawav

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