Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1968, p. 10

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Come Alive The IIIE BARRIE EXAMINER DAY AUGUST 30 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICE CASH RATES Engoxcmtlits dimmer and Delthr Birth Announcements mum to Cards at Dunks 125 words additional words pa word Ill Simian no verso Verso per count lino xiii Coming Events BIRTHS 11111an Itr and uh Reina Klemcntil tnee Judy tnfflilt or doc Inadednwne Ave uahawa an happy to announce the birth of ton Timothy Paul Saturday Aunlxt Itch I96 In Danna Gem eral HorquL Iiaanthy Poul urine rd lbs 11 or ENGAGEMENTS Mallth KENDALL in and 31rd lnnn Ileneden houmiew Ontario are plusrd Io announce the enauement at their eldest dauxhter Darlene stem to lur pavtd Charles Kendall son of Mr and 1m Aurlen Kendall shanty Bay The wedding arul use since nnSatuiday September Hits at time United Church Toronto llllltlIlDGBCLARK The en uremenl ls snnouneed of Miss Pr IrIrIa Anne uuroldae daughlcr or In John aurbldlre of harria and the late Ilr iiurbldre to Mr Nor man Peter Clark son of Air and Mn Norman clara or liars1e riva manure to use place In Weat mtnrter Presbyterian Church ans ria on Siturday September 21 use at pm DEATHS JOIINSNN rohn Edwin sud dcrllv at his home its Sanford 51 lllrrlc on Thursday August 29 loss Iohn Edwin Innhatnn In his uoth veer Beloved huroaad nl Vio lct Vlarose and dear lather oI L11 lian lllrs Iv hammers and Raymond both or Simurf Also sur vived by seven xrandchlldrea and nine great rrandchildrcn Brother or Mrs Elth Scott or Toronto lieetinr at the Jennett Funeral llornr 152 aradrord Slrccl Barrie Thence to St Pauls Anglican church or service on Saturday at pan lnternvcnt st Pauls Anxlle an Ccmclcry Tha cartrel will be open In the church from pm until time of service BARNES John lhmu Itt Intifa nood rrlvaie Ilospitnt name on Thursday August 19 tons inhn Jlmés Barnes Ion DI HIE Ill Mr and Mrs Aaron armor Rrsllnl at the Ionnctt runer home 152 Hriflluid Street Barre IM service on Saturday at II and interment Blrrlc cemetery anNo In At the Royal yie torla Hospii on Wednesday Au gust so 1965 my Crone beloved our of Ihe latc nert ll crane and dear mother at Plorrlr lMli Roberts odilh thus ulelteyl ltonrle E7an Mrs Leighton and Trudy lilrr it Cochran all or name Fed Loon lec sarsateno Nay titre Lunuhl um Prndocnsud by Minnie flitn times Also grvlved by alhlllgludfhgdlflll Infl rreasran ten es na the lennett Funeral Home 152 llradlord street aarrle lnr service on Saturday at use Mn interment Barrie Ilnlon cemetery IN MEMORIAM IIOYLE In loving moment of dry dear husband Radcliffe wbnlplsscd away August anth lens This day we do remembers A1 laying thought we lives To and no lonyer with us But In our hearts still lives Escr remembered by MIrIoriu Ind ramlly CARDS or THANKS mnmomrt wish to thank nrrea and ataTr of tin hnanital Ileneour Arlzlidclcon Read and by poaald hand11 tor their kind mess and help during my illness Tnank you clauda rorunoton COMING EVENTS BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 230 pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond 0mm WH Want Adjectiou may accepted until pm CALL mazes CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 Classllledadvcrtlscmrntr and noti cos for these page must he re cclvcd by pmdny preceding publication nr noon on Saturday with the exception oI Classified Display advcrifscmerlts which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day 311le LETTER uox ltrirhlrzs chier or so cents is made tor use of Examiner Box Number Identity of Box Nwmber userr La 1133 confdlelllitilh Poplin to one be ed only to days after last publication W0 MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CIslI niseount Rates apnly If naldulth days single insertion or per Two consecutive insertions the per word per insertion Three tonrecuuoe Insertions it our word oer lnreriiou total use Six cori reeutiye Insertions side or word ner lnsrrtiou InIal 3104 unltlnle Insertions they be ordered rubleet tn cancellation when satisfactory rerulIr ohtilned to per rent Id itlon ch WEmanure 11 not paid within Buttons on CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are smeared on convenience to the ladyerurerr rnerernre the classified Advertising ueoarunent require allumvsétuey to lrlndlv rlvfllfih ver semcnt III Gillie rrler first inrartinn In or any error or omissions maybe rc nantd helare lnordrr th mrv be reetllled rnr the to dav ouhlleallnn The Dare miner is responsible for only one luenrrertly printed inser gyln or my dyertirelmenluand then Ecxrn nor on and that Involves the misprlut Error XEMEI do not1ersen tho value or adytrlirnrnent are not eligible for correction by makeanode Tllo Darrin xamlnev reserved the right fy revise or select any or that lScper lino prices on request REAL rsrArE PROPERTY FOR SALE AILS Realtor GRIESBACH 7289844 SHANIY BAY 31210 Storcy and half lovely little home very convenient to schools and shopping hill basement garage $3000 down Please call Laddic for details JOHNSON SCHOOL AREA bedroom brick home ulih at tractive living room kitchen with separate dining area full basement Stove and dryer in cluded in sale Owners will hold first mortgage to the down phy mcnt Immediate possession available Owner leaving Bar no GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION owner very anxious to show you his excellent year round busi ness Nels close to 510000 Full line of equipment includedtow truck hoist jacks etc Also in cluded room bungalow full basement beautiful grounds On main highway approximately 25 miles from Barrie Catherine llnrrls Betta Laddlo Grlesbach him ltulra am scanran GREENHOUSES Thriving family business lyl ville agcover 10000 square feet un der cover Lord and Burnham greenhouses new 00 hp boiler lots of water on pressure trucks large tractor snow blow er small equipment also good homes large storage shed $160000 Conlact TOM and DOR OTHY FITZSIIIIMINS Church iII 4564520 ESTATE SALE Illain street in Barrie suitable duplexing baths furnished including drapes stove refrig erator etc $16000 Contact TOM and DOROTHY FITZSIM MINS Churchill amaze SIMOOE HOMES AND WAGES 418000 season chalet load ed with extras builtin cup boards TV indirectlighiing garage workshop tastefully decorated also room cot tage 4000 cleared lot close to lake with access 4551 large rooms water on pressure lots close to lake 418000 lakefront includes 15 inboardoutboard 140 hp new boat Contact TOM and DOROTHY FZEETJZSIMMINS Churchill 4564 4372517 72358 BEAUIFUL BRICK HOME 10 rooms overlooking lake near downtown Must be sold to close estate Only 522500 Contact wt BABCOCK Barrie 794 FAMILY FDME $19900 room brick house bedrooms spacious RIICIICU dining room fireplace in living room wallto wall carpeting Interior must be seen to be ap preciated Centrally located 011 wellrtrecd street near Ilillcrest School Terms Call ED GRE 7184123 TWO FOR ONE $15000 full price Double house each with separate entrances porch and healing equipment One side complete room house bathroom garage Other side rooms bathroom large lot Sit uated in Elmvale Cll ED GREEN 7mm AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie nestles Colbaurne SIIDIId 4364307 MscLeod Barrio 7204750 Wood oro mates Spencer Thornton 45MB Fltzsimmlns Cithlil 4564620 Snow stroud 4363110 Ed M4123 reen13arrie tom Fitzsimmius Ch 111114 1111 EGLIIITONCAVETZGE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 PEIERS WILES LTD $14900 storey stucco home excel lent location in the centre of Barrie bedrooms 11 baths large living room and kitchen Only $14900 20A OWEN ST 7204410 my EXAuanlt WANT ADs ruouc poodle MARY MORRISON REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ILr raoro has me om or mam ArrnAlsAIs uonmnam humus OIIAWAY AVE with an interest rate of duty diifi his year old bedroom back split level carries for $11 per month hill basement fmtily room 116 such rooms plvcddrlvuway Lat 57 lrlssletuaahowltloyouuilawedrend EAST END New bedroom bungalows with garage $21300 They are locatedclose to shopping school and bus line There is still about to select your owncolour of paint and tiles near mo Only at throw from Oodringtoll m1 yard This bedroom bungalow with car port csrrlu for $110 per moodi at our interest ALLANDALE AREA bedroom bungalow kitchen living room garage paved driveway Low down payment Al Rosa RE Wild Bill blackness Ru 726M216 Dick Hartley mm Russell Smith Res 7209908 Richard Rhycrnfl modal HAROLD FORSTE COMPANY so sryneld Street rhino ILLS neurons Mortgage NEIL Available 75645 Free Customer Parking 49 MARSHALL STREET Vcry attractive Isiorey bedroom colonial style brick home Large Leshapc living dining room lteal family size deluxe kitchen with built his Family room with fireplace and glass doors to polio Double garage Call Itlta Scandrctt at 72341305 LAKEFRONT PROPERTY 186 Feet of Lake frontage by 450 feet depth In the Shanty Bay area Call Lou Goedelnondt at 7284866 to inspect the property EVENING CALL CUIlLY Kmoslmhmol moths uunnm Ir laooltl GLORIA KossAn mam Kloomstm ME Noam rhoms LOU Gommohm L0th Ir luv 7101564 cosm slarAltriIIla RITA sCANDIIm 72H cur GOODIEAD EMORY LLER 7264881 IREALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST PAINSWICK Building suitable for storage workshop or small business on the highway Pull asking price only $2200 Also five acres in Innistil with small frame building situated on paved road Telephone Harvey Weber CHOICE BUILDING LOT size 130 five miles from edge of city calls to Sammy Benharn IT MAY NOT BE GOOD collage weather but it is good cottage buying little and have bedroom bargain that you should see 80 150 foot lot with hedge all round for privacy partially in sulaicd and fully furnished Asking $0500 All reasonable offers considered Call Ken Miller LOVELY BEDROOM HOME with nice bright kitglten living room and piece hath private well forced air all heatynew pressure water pump close to city limits on paved road Sce Gard Spencer HOUSE AND ONEHALF This spacious three bedroom bunga low is completély modern and tastefully decorated Of special in terest is the selfcontained apartment with separate entrances that will substantially defray the cost of owning this home It is situ ated on 230 It lot that features lovely garden with willow trees and includes large garage Attractiver priced at $17900 with the owner taking back one private mortgage Please direct your enquiries to Peter Mouton Robert Flewelliug 7285083 Gordon Spencer ltimely Weber 4303815 Kenneth Miller ercy Ford 7287930 Sammy Benham 72W Pctsr llIahtoli Emory Miller 7161801 John Cole mom 609200 mu mom 71mm 240 situated approximately Qualifies for VLA Please direct your 4351314 moans nilWIT RQ CHOLKAN CO LTD MLS REALTOR to Collier St Barrie 71114401 Angus 4495661 Shelburne mam Wasaga Beach 4293640 FAMILY HOME Lovely bedroom brick home with finished rec room close to schools and bus route Call Dolly Mortcll 72801774 for fur ther particulars FULL PRICE 512500 Low down wm put you In this nice little home with acres $12500 Cozy little home nestled in We acres of pine trees This little gem has its own swimming pool surrounded by patio at your back door For further in formation please call Margaret Klein 72111033 MOBILE HOME 72ele Price includes swimming pool and cement patio This is ideal for the young couple stoning out For further details call Hannah Peotlhnd 7200028 CUTE AS BUGS EAR In the best part of Barrie tucked away behind the trees stands this cute little albedroom Has large level lot is on home just waiting to be bought Why pay high rentl 10 40 mo bile home with 10 utility extension located on nicely landscaped In acre lot close lo Camp Borden Has paved drive llnd concrete walks Full price $4900 incl ing stove and frigerator Call Fat or Theresa Byrne 4206117 owns ilouc Lovely older home in Cooks lown Ideal location for com muting to Toronto or Earre For moredetails call Marg Wakefield 4195485 UNIQUE The most desirable area in Bar rie This beautqu little home is offered for the first time to the right person It has gar age paved drive and large quiet street has garage and viewwotth more than the price of 312000 $2500 down Move in tomorrow Call Ed or Marilyn Jennings 72801100 WHAT BUYI steal at $17500 If you like gracious living in pleasant sur roundings then this is it Too much to be seen to explain For all details please call wllf bedrooms For further details Lawrence 7284401 or 7234390 call Joe Dirracoln 72641561 D071ORSRDME ALL YOU NEED IS Near separate and public LITTLE IMAGINATION schools in the east end From To make this into your dream womans point of view it has home but where else can you host of luxuries to esse yourfind bedroom home with chores and its home for over an acre of good land in man to be proud oECall rne town forslzjoo Let me show and we will inspect this toge you today Call Pat Garter 431 ther Wanda Edwards 7287011 2099 no full charge lidVI Mmorrwmvigrisfl yzsoosl SIRE1m Lossl litiilt wtu Lawreaee 12min Psi my mm Carter fldHWP um Klein mom Wanda Edward ransom mm MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS an INEsoN MLS REALTOR HANDSOME CUSTOM BRICK bedrooms top quality family home on Castle Drive spacious en trance hall flaclous living room with formal fireplace large suite dining room Falnllyroom Hot water heating lcar attached garage and many extras Terms Call Elaine Inesoo Elaine Imammam Catharina Milne7500040 BIDWELL ups Realtor Mortgage funds available escallunlt sr LurHQNE 728d IIHISI mow rteom nooous motto 7284204 witMA albwzu Luci IVAN hmwurl 7E NANCY MCKENZIE IIEAL ESTATE ram nus times at INDUSTRIAL LAND of Barrie 4d hem next can be arranged We havcolhcr able In the note price rout IBRAND FLEX It 151 Oimberldod Street featuring tibia TV unclearbum service wires cod stove in each apartment chased with low down poyman Gillll Read mutt Don Campbdi 716W Fred Taylor 7281105 Paul Penman mails Smith Campbell M7383 SHELSWELL M15 REAL ESTATE RETIREMENT BUNGALOWI With too nice sized bedrooms three piece bath Asking $14000 Keith Mellastcr 06868 No 10560 IhIhIACULATE RANCH BUNGALOW on 03313130 and low iaxu $90 Some bush and this property makes this an ideal retirement home Vendorwlll consider holding mortgage For moves No 750 BE QUICK CALL NOW Only home Three bedrooms could be dining room Garage Lovelyrfencec lot street between Barrie and Allandalc monthly payments Call hits Brown 7207765 for details No lotll 110 Dunlop St East FRANK Photo Realtor 19 BAYIIELD STREET 314000 TOTAL PRICE 100 surfaced road good pond on pro bushVehdor will take back first mortgage 13o Acncs Dairy or beef form 125 acres workable large duplexed farm house good barn 60x40 feet Milk contract available close to 10 ACRES on Highway 26 lltldhursl urea wide flowing stream runs through or recreation park EVENINGS CALL Stan Hammond MDIE Magus 7156682 Leo Cavonallgh 7231017 Frank Nelle 7256696 ROGERS 7160961 ouNmP smear FRED 21er 7mm CARSON PHOTO MIS 50 WOMY STREET Norm Synnott Its2533 Bill Hamilton 7105325 IIILS Realtor 109 Bayfield 7281071 Appraisals Llstiuga Invited John WhitI WWII AND co OWEN ST 7ZBZd5 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON COUITS 72417275 SANDY COUIIS 7204183 WALTER COUTIS 7232311 RAWN Real Estate Broker S08 EAYFELD ST 7139451 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call Larry Torpey 4260715 Bill Rawn 4260999 Dink Draper 72353711 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appralsals Mortgages 49 COLLIER ST 7185580 Harry Michio Appraiser Ted Brigncll 7208160 Paddy Miles 7205200 522000 nowN PAYMENT On line older semidetached home room brick on fenced 72 125 ft lot with fruit trees shrubs and shade trees garage baths oil furnace Central lo cation on bus route Close to schools rare value Full price $15200 Telephone 7282140 PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOMEI Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER in Bradford St 720554 Prtlvltla slimNew on slow futu brdroollls Ilrlpllcl 11y room and double Iran on ui age 411 mnugl grin Irlnlnndltyy gw rnona TIEMid RE 13739 hillyranked lbdtutrlll land In the city to too Highway at good prion and terms mo monthly rental Can be pur FIVE MILES SOUTH OF BARBIE kitchen living room full basement Photo 111 EAsIAt the Elva Points Phone cvaNlNos CALL RuperchcGrnih Elmvale 7mm Bill Lang 7268114 enoLKAN co rgorEnrvfiroksAu mprtrr PROPERTY so me CAMPBELL REALTOR Am room brick hinglow pliia umroom and attached garage Indium uh ism Int ttracllvt Item model lug and REALTOR Telephone 7282592 BUS OPPORTUNITIES vEXCLU$VE PATENTED VSTART PART TIME Would youlllrovto become part of the exciting multimillion dollar plastie industry You can rttrt paittlmo and we will help you biiild fulltime business In In exclusive protected terri tory uith our new patented plan tic products which have an un limited proven markct None seasonal no doortodoor no competition on business location oak parquet floors refrigerator meow mm Hugh Plowman Doug Campbell Hols Allan Don Maratull WIS Richard Dick Deer 7268891 nd WI LLSON MORTGAGE BROKER lih moderate down payment Coll edge of city um large lot trout stream at back of more details call ltlrs Atlonson 16900 for this lovely brick lb if you do not require separate Ideal family home on quiet Low taxes and reasonable 7254422 or 7261423 NELLES required Inillal investment or $2960 is fully secured by inventory No franchise lea First year lugs should exccedflzmo For personal confidential inter view write Box ms harrle Ex 7331006 In buildings on hard to acres in crop balance crc farm Perth gocd clay soil pond on property Lake Slmcoc Barrie area bedroom bungalow 500 feet of property ldcalirailcr wANrEo ON OR BEFORE OCNBER 1968 man with business or sales experience to fill Sales position in one of Canadas largest companies Duties will centrevmiefly in Barrie and Im mediate district This Is per manent connection with good future for the man who quail fies Starting income 01007 Pension and other staff benefits are provided Only man who has lesided in Barrie for five years or longer and whose past record issatlafactbry used up ply IIEply In strlet confidence stating age address present position present earnings tele phone number and at least three local references Cecil Mills io75716 Frank Wainwright 726174 Torn Foster CONNELL Realtor moses CHAS ROGERS 730502 REALTOR TELEPHONE 7786481 Russ Carson 77664111 This issn unusual opportunity for the right man Write Box No D30 BARBIE EXAMINER MORTGAGES IllMEW lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere consumerism 90 or VALUATIONS If You Need Money oro consolidate debts tr existiaa mortxarea amrtrares conunr dua offense Improvements qAn worthwhila caure Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage FundingV over Simpson Sears 129 DUNLOP ar Member antrib Mortals arnlress Asaorlrtinn Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dmilop St Phone motto 1st and and mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buyyour prom lot and Zed lrioltgages COOK STREET compact liz storey house floors refinished new furnace new roof paved driveway Priced to sell MELROSE AVENUE Custom bililt 2storey bed rooms two attractive stone fireplaces two bathrooms spa cious dining room kitchen has breakfast area and loads of cup boards Angel stone on front of house attached garage Ouncr transferred MEAT MARKET Going concern just outside town on busy highway well equipped bedroom apartment attached NAPIER STREET Older bungalow in nice setting among ilew homes rooms and large sun porch garage Close to schools stores CONCESSION 11 INNISFIL 11 storey rooms attach garage water under pressure plus one extra lot Nike offer APARTMENT no RENT rooms private entrance Ad mayornunhau ults any good mood IDTS Flue selection of acreagesfrlu DriLv normu lerai neuralAI and 10 up Inspection leeawilf be deducted Irorn the proceeds or Lhadopn losn may be yenlo at any tim without notice othbbntlt PHONE 7260285 FOR LARGE CASH LOAN UpITO slooooool Yea homeowner canborrow as much as slomn when they our advantage or Avon of Modules loan Sew It Ally andeennorrunl heea at or Avco llpitar low reel la loan rater Your home owneruun Isexcel1£uf recurdty alluvdnx to longterm loan vyitii ma Iavourablg onus on mun bills threw steam or am hueumirfiodfiaimzu one inIIIII as Autatnn 107010 miss autism in BRAND NEW CONVERSATION PIECE THIS IS the perfect marriage of landand house Styled with to morrow in mind It has some1 thing your family needs 15 SQUAREFEEI plus large rec room Sure youve been looking around at one house after another that are all the some Thisonejs different and la CLOSE to everything public separate and high schools burches and down town ed at $28500 and loaded with extras Chit any of the stall 7704401 mediate service simply by oleldiu up your Callahan and dialing year tnrm when losn would he replain lull nelta 2nd Morten an aer vieIla nit nIetul lervlcll PHOHE TOMA Pius uull merene Aoio Avco Delta Realtthd lu Wellinrtnn at aarrla Plul harrle no mo owN aurhla to hold mien LAND SURVEY Wowc ELI2 muted or any ltEALTOR 10 Collier St BARRIE RI atr Survey nltlee Dthukwofelh at nan1a Mum ray EXAMINER NANr1 ADS PHONE 7111241 KEITHMARSHALL mediate possession Mly 2nd are complete inlernutlmi or tru 7mm PROPERTY WANTED HOMES FARMS URGENTLY NEEorog In Burr Iliulgli0ro esprn or an ordering ber of buyers wishing iii the Barrio area Elsi hum to locoL Regions Representative Barrie 7166623 Anytime LePAGE LimitedRouter so honorsr whom ruvan Horaroi land turned to buy wrlIa nor not naminer atvlna full muralsrim wnlmv or mu Mull with will hflifilvl ahaqu My 41 monocul BIII ItalDI 17115333 in canon heal ma torsiron SALE Lin Fox our phone tic1m OUTIIIII Aunt school 75 the Irat sllact Idiap pm ll acltlsa near arm and tr infI shme lily moo area annex 100 yr 150 To tram mm nebulfiviiik herd and so arm Hwy 27 Phone 0111007 Inronto rormux Park ntttaa nn sud land any am wooded building iota lea retirement hamesiies Hydro aved roltil piped which Fell after open daily or call mind lornnlo Follow 27 blgbe way to vindcn street But to to strut ldidtaad lNSURANCE Dont meltwtvhmgiua er your INSURANCE and it you prod extra menu of our klno sea SONS in DUNIDP 51 minor MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS awesome MobIIe Homes ud General Glendale lravelux Paris and Service Cash 0va up to You 170 BURTON AVE 77308 IIENTALs orrics SPACE omen SPACE for rent one bloc from main streei la Talnphone ridma my mun HOUSESFOR RENT rIiznuoohl older ater melted house on lucnnn street monthly on year 55st Rogers and Co runs common name avrilshla Lnunedlalely hardwood ti piccd sth Located 1y mllaa nort of averetl mute trom bass uorden relephnne nlurion estseen an ELECIRICALLY heated home for rent bedrooms mudlm lrllehen and ramIly room In the vlll bi union after mm rquvIs bedroom house niece vaiiahlr to resoonaib anally alnlfl Stall run all turn lrlreirn Effie required Inuldfll are unify convenient to when and downtown If possible Plus write her 1140 harria name OK BEDROOM Hours 111an or Immediate vicinity for Iaaehu and rault lamlly Box nil Barri mminer VERY CENIRAL Three mam anarinreni Available now Telephone mom ruurrlallcb room apartment to rent nrlvrte entrancc adults only Available lmmedlrteiyt cfosn to ox Telephon mom nannoou Ilartment upstairs unlulnLahed heat hydro andhoi water supplied Ample parking lin be reen no pay eld street 394 AVAILAKLE September bed room apartment and bedron duplex Anglia area Also no conotnlcted Alliston area For further lulu tlnn telephone lzdecsdl we NICE girls required to sh house central location reasonable conditions For further pull lln telephone 72513997 Furnished Apartments land hedrnorn luxury Ina meats modern kitehen and 119 nilaces cable TV pi suit adults Central Telephone no 0331 week dnys trimmers Itulmimwl lam flvlrlir and dial rooai or contained Available October two monthly Io mlrlutls walk fronds downtown Televbonc 1209005 or onerous modem one bedroom nonrirnent In coun home located at therorner at is Ira mderr streets private entranca liltan nuhlns itovenand rcfrtleutocr supplied yro monthly suttahla would couple rtereel GROUND FLOOR Punished Bl dar Avmmena Drlvltl anrlrI parking Alla dalearea AVIIIIDII Sapient Telephone mm we liaonoosr Iplrtrncnts brand new modern nuudinr limit In one child Avll Iprerctl lll In ltolii days mozsl evanlnlr 111 Bedroom Maisonettes Under New Management Dining room or balcony privlfoah common entrance vercfrtlrr tar wlslier dryer al uttlitl parking supplied Will he dec Ono ycrr four 01704100 marl Full tlml luporlntrndenl ltooms To LET nousuunrrml rnnni with old and relrluarator close to downtow Sultshlo for young lady Iciaohqn mum Tat HOME PRIVILEGES rurn uh ilsbl Iritehe rlrlr milyyil nd areaat MT mp Teleoho

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