fcallllnns srorr Etoperty Destruction Bothered BridWoliev nudiul trcatrnenl at Bath Illa story was partially true lie had zaflhpig Published av chin 10 Hayï¬eld 8M Ifrrio Ontario KWaa Publisher Willing To Monmon Managing itorh rnuumu Allover not non lylol 301me Jrlg James in 1Aug as am Government Tightens 011 Highway Trufflefillet Amendments to Ontarios Highway Traffic Actwill affect practically all or ers of the provinces roadways The law doesnt recognize ignorance as reason for its being broken so it is imperative that all drivers become familiar with these chan es many which are now in effect an others which will become effective next week SPEEDERS Magistrates have been given the power to suspend the licence of any driver convicted of speeding 80 mph or more above the legal llrnlt CERTIFICATES of mechanical fitness As of Nov certificate must be is sued in all private sales of used cars SCHOOL Buses Municipalities are empowered to decide on flashing red lights on school buses and whether mot orists must stop where the speed limit is more than 35 ph MOTORCYCLISTS Operators and assengers of motorcycles must wear helmets standards for which are still to be announced SLOWMOVING VEHICLES On Sept the redvandorange sign for slow moving vehicles will be required on farm tractors and selfpropelled imple ments using highways PEDESTRIANS Municipalities will have authority to prohibit pedestrians on highways under their Jurisdiction DOWN MEMORY LANE wan oavs so vsaasaeo Barrie Examiner Aug 29 1918 Pte James italsion Lefroy reported killed in action Aug Pte Chester Thomp son 35 of Vespra reported dead Aug after battle in France Lt Cliff NetL lands of Barrie killed in overseas action Aug 11 Mr and Mrs WiliiamBoag of Sophia St West Barrie received word that their son Sgt William Boag had been killed in action Billy volunteered to be battalian runner and had filled this hazardous post buta Week when he met death He was member of St An drews Presbyterian Church and DrE Breretons young mens Sunday School class More than 40 of Dr Breretons class have donned uniform since war began four years ago Mr and Mrs William Hunter Alliston re ceived word that their son Bill was dan gerously illt He left Aldershot Camp No va Scotia or overseas three weeks ago Pte Stanley Carpenter Barrie re ported suffering illness after being gass ed SgtMajor Frank Johnson Barrie awarded Meritorious Service Med al for devotion to duty Bags of corn were marketed in town at 25c doz Few tomatoes yet black rot having hit crop hard The Bluebird an Artcraft motion picture said to be one of finest of when speedlimlt is 50 mph or more it will also beillegal for pedestrians to cross on flashing green lighten less there is pedestrian control sig nal at the intersection Botb are effee title Sept TRAILERS Personswill be pro hibited from travelling in house or boat trailer on highways as of Sept TURN SIGNALS It will be illegal after Sept to use turn signals for any other purposethan indicating turns lane changes or moving from parked position SAFETY FEATURES The govern ment will be ableto adopt specifica tions for safety features to avoid dump ing of substandard cars on the Ontario market VEHICLE WIDTH Six more inches will be allowed to the maximum vehicle width of 90 inches on Ontario highways heforea special permit is required ODDMEIER All motor vehicles other than motorcycles mustvhave odd meters in working order Running down the list it is apparent that theseamendments can affect oper ators of just about any kind of vehicle and also pedestrians Learning and prac tising them now might be good insurance against violation of the law after they all come into effect yet made willstart at Grand Opera House next Monday and Tuesday with net proceedsto Barrie Soliders Aid Every likelihood of coal shortage next winter Barrio Fair will have baby show this year Display of hydran gcas at Harry Jamiesons home on High St much admired Sgt Grant Longv man Barrie wounded Oct 26 1917 and rendered unfit for combat service has been posted to inspectiondept at Whit ley Camp Winfield lililier of Mary StBarrie has been returned from long overseas service to complete studies at University of Toronto Sgt William Sommerville Barriewho was wounded year ago has been awarded Military Mes dalu Flt Lt Jack Orr Royal Air Force former member Bank of Com merce staff inBarriereported missing Lt Stewart former assistant principal Central School reported suf faring from gunshot wounds also gas poisoning Pte Li Middleton Elmvale has been killed in action Former principal of East Ward School Barrie Lt Bell of Oro Station re ported killed inaction Pte Bloxham 23 of Holly killed in action Aug 16 Casualties are coming very hea vilyas Germans putting on tremendous pressure on Western Alliesvin France and Belgium OTHER EDITORS VIEWS RID AMERICA 0F HATRED Christian ScienceMonitorJ Mary Baker Eddy the founder of this newspaper many years ago warned mankind that Hatred inflames the brutal propensities The United States nation founded upon the principles of the brotherhood of man has of late fallenincreasing victim to unleashed forces of hatred murder violence and brutality The shooting of Sen Robert coming almost upon the Martin Luther King Jrs murder and only four and onehalf years Kennedy heels of Dr after President Kennedys assassination cries out the vital necessity for ericans to combat immediately and tively thementat attitudes and ham LIT HAPPENED Ill cannon Withstand Cluloiau Finishes 32 HakeemBF ED BILLION DOLLAR OWNIZATION allerlllM AND ouoluaaoia dependable Gammon enouqu noes pimples TH EATENED $0 OFTEN THAT knibowurowu Mayhem some 01 MM ll passions which lead men to violence As The Christian Science Board of Directors said in public statement upon the occasion of the King tragedy that event should awakenvall Amer icansto the urgency of meeting hate with ractical humanity and brother hood ased on keener unders nding of the onejaod of all men who infin ite Love Haired is corrosive whose effects upon nation are as baneful and deadly asupon an individual It solves no problems it only intensifies them it opens no paths to progress it only shuts mens minds and hearts to that higher msp guide to progress lmonionnuloummummmmuummun nuns neckel bringblm into the OTTAWA REPORT gt By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Canadas nickel Intercity letter post will soon he only happymcmory To in crease poslal rates is one of the most urgent tasks facing the Dudeau government when Par liament assembles Following the inconvenience of the strikerlong suspension of postal services Canadians will soon have to meetythe coolin uing bill for wage increases This will mean that the stamps you buy in your post office will cost you more But even before the midsum mer strike CanadISPost 0f iice had been running into sharply deeper red deï¬cits In June of last year Postmas ter General Cote told Par llamcnt At the five cent rate for letters we make money But at the second class and third class postal rates we are losing about $10000000 year Three months later so badly OUEENS PARK Letter Riclte WillfSoon Be Memory had the administration and hrof ilabltity of the Post Ofï¬ce slipped till Cote had to intro duce inlarllamant measure to raise the rates on second and third class mail and also to in crcase the live cent rate for lab tors The dcilcit ontho Post Of flce had then risen to the rate of some $43000000 year But the hlundering incompetence of the Pearson government even ex tended to its performance in Parliament with the result that the opposition parties were able to Uirow out that measure HUGE POSTAL posses Six months went by1 and the government eslimaied that lhe yearly deliclt onpostel services had risen to about $71000000 Today it Is even higher standl lng at around 3100000000 in cluding the cost of the mers wage settlement estimati ed at the equivalent of 500000 yearv Firstciass mail Flesh Ideas ocean BY New Minister DON oaaanu TORONTOHon Torn Wells Minister without Portfolio Is not one of themost promi at man around here Tom was brought Into cabinet morethan year ago and to dale he hasnt ofilcially figured very much Unlike DArcy hchenugh who entered the government at the same time and then was cle voted to the important munici pal affairs portfolio this 36 yearold member from Metro Toronto is still waiting for his permanent call Lacking fulltime portfolio and any incidental duties which public eye lha pub ears of him now Ellie galrte Examiner ls Hayfield Street barrio ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office De uulciuvrsfl mï¬Wflifmiï¬m nLorid°hbnuï¬ol562 um mm mksmama unwmmmxwraMac wmemnsmmr partmont Ottawa and tfor payment of postage in cash Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $1500 yearly Single copies 10c 13y mail nan1e $2600 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor throw off slayear Out side Ontario $14 ear Out side Canada Bï¬tlshtppssey sions $15 year at and foreign $51 Year National Advertising Offices 4L51Unlversity Avenue Toron toI 640 Cathcart rea only when be from time malt handling an estimated haa beenone of the leaders in the move tohring party politics into the municipalarena as dis cussed here yesterday in other words progre sive and always tr gto look tothe future Some of his ideas can be bit farauthor atleast they usually arelhroughtprovoking Thistcertainly appli to one of his recent suggestions This is that MPPs should sit exol to as membersof local councils FAR our This of extremain What can provincial it eyenll ex Con traditionally are in con ct the province So ivhyhave representative of the enemy on lhnlr deliberations And WIIRllfiEmbEIS Would yBEST leEMA COMEDY utmost want to sit with councils even if only because of thc timethat would be represented Yet actually this would make lot of sensolt couldsaver councils lot of time There are many matters on which they are not too alert And also there is lot of detail they have tolhandle now through personal visits that the decal member it well versed should be able to handle for them An incidental benefit would be that we would have hctter£prov nclal members They would have to do their homework and keep on top of municipal mat tors here The Canadl press ls elusiver entitled lo the use or republication of all hand dispatches in this paper cred ited tolt orThe Associated Press oi Rautera anllfalao the local nawavpnblisbed iher ago We maynever ee such jalde velopnlenl Hunt is thoughoprol oking isnt it poennanyrewr nce ihe Wlllto becn natured on italnpa has ordlnary serted inJuna lasLyear that the five cent letter post was making 15254000000 in his first year in ycnls later ensales of $3 000000 ihat deficit bad loa everage item is being handled Mr WeIIs two centsa loss which has to be madeup the taxpayer of mail being dispatched Lby every man woman and child in 5450 per postalrates which will beheerl rovinclal command ofv General Jeffrey gAndwItho Just been the spnrhplug in the capune of the rreuuthruu laulsblug Cop Racine and now be tried Amherst lo Ittltk Quee rlabi away Amherst and Admiral Bosewoo conilnuedto stayat lAulsburz after its up Iureand Wolfe complained been at Bath the lamina rear whero he met Kathleen Inwlher andï¬egnantcd to lol bar again This time may be came ensredo OTHER EVENTS gt rimCanadians and lndlan under Hertcl do flouvillo mam ered Havcrhill Mass fatsU5 armistice This damned French garrison tllllyhld been arranged on Aug takes up our time and atlanllon that could be better bestowed Amherst told Wolfe that ha was in favor of attacking Que bcc Immediately but said that Admiral Boscawen didnot lleve the plan was practicable Actually Amherst was very can tioua and probably agreed with Emcawen Wolfe was so upsetthat he wrote beg pardon fit the freedom but cannot lock coolly upon the bloody inroads of lhose hellhounds the Cann discs and if nothing further Is to be done lmust desire leave to quit the army Amherst refused to accept Wolfes rcsimlation and ordered himto destroy French settle mcnis along the Gulf of St Lawrence in preparation for the attack on Quebec Wdlfo carried out his orders reluctantly and was back in Louisburg by the end of September He reported have dnnaa great deal of mischielland spreodthe terrors oi1lis Majestys arms through the Gulf but have added nohn ing to the reputation oflhem All he had achieved was the dc structlon oiflshing and lumber ing villages and left their Inno cent people to face the winter vhéaoubhomu and adequate Wolfe then sailed for lingland letter post which according to the posunaslcrgencral was making moneyla year ago at the nickel rats is now being carried at deficit estimated at 825000000 yhar Second class mail consisting of newspapers magazines and other period cals is being handled ata deli cit of around 3000000 nyesr Third class mallfwhich includes householder unaddresaed circulars open envelopes con tainlng printed matter Chris mas cards and samples is showing detlcit of $20000 And the miscellaneous aemccs providedhy the Post Office such as the Savings Bank short ly in be closed down and the safe transfer of cash by money order show deficit of $13 000000 The only postal service which ls paying its way at current rates is fourth class mail com monly knmflnas parcel post REMEMBER PENNY HOST Postmaster General Cote as DRIVE CHILDRDI money yet today it is losing $25000000 year On sale of thatlolfice he reported nezi deficit of $11000000 abut tw to slooooopoo Those are figuresito short any efiicient business manager The Canadian Post Ofï¬ce is 750000000 items of mail this year With its operating deficit estimated at $100000000 the by the Post once at loss of That is anaverage ofm cés Canadaat an average loss of person no the Post Of iice These figures give some idea of the kind of increase in ed to putour Post Officeon the re lstlc noprofit ut on which it lMIToronto Slrnla and floral Railway received char for JIME rd Prince of Wales was taken on canoe trip in the St Lawrence River near Montreal with lndians pro vlding escorts toolDeath of William you illegkenzle Upper Canada rebel ea crt listCanadian party led by John Macdonald left Quebec to attend usuriouetown confer ence intSalvation held first service in Canada at Lon don Ont Various Methodist de nominations were united lainQuebec Bridge collapsed duringconslructlon 75 killed lillfPrincess Pats sailed from Montreal to light In Sec ond World War Blair raccoon let another man praise thee and not thine own moutbl stranger and notJhlao own tips Proverbs 21le It may be long wait but it will be worth it Whosoever shall exalthlmself shall be abused but he Lhat hurnbleth himself shall be exalted BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE BARRIE HURONIA IN THEATRE REE Mazee391 Adult Entertainment null 1pm on 9I0 pmgt NOW suowmo ullllllclluuoajslllce HE MABXBBOTHER BESTolALoouEnlloUllol shaggylead mats wlmudMMMWhN wuth tmoacolu lllne Illlua unuusau