Cash registers it city stores indicate that Ihe average mother is spending his to outfit her child for the coming school mer tsilor as child ma tire to eight years at age Back to Moot wardrobe for children in the pro teen CITY News THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUSI 19 IN Town conical pi LOUNGE The Wellingtoe Bill and Arlene Queens Hotel The Troubadors Hayshorc Motor Hotel ahnny Guy and the Cover Girls 11 Continental Graham Upshaw Roxy Prudence and the Pill Imperial The Producers Huronla Drtrreln Theatre MOVIES The Geod1he Bad and The Ugly Plus Busy body Shanty Bay Drtvbln The Vongahce of She plus The lost Continea SPORT SOFTBALL intermediate SemiFinals Borden Flyerr at Yandt Heating Queens Park 700 pm Crop at Universal To Start Soon Work is expected to start In Elmvaio on the construction of shortly on the construction of new area building for the Ont ario department of agricul ture and food According to word received from Toronto the Ontario department oi public works has been asked to arrange tor the calling of tenders Plans call for the new building to house the district agricultural offices and also provide an ade quate room for farmers meet lngs and conferences Ample parking is to be provided In telling about the plans Reeve Alex licsnlcy who is also county warden said he had been given confirmation oi re ports Elmvale had been chosen by dapartment officials Sim cne County council had passed resolution supporting the change as well as different farm organizations Elmvale village council and Elmvale Chamber of Commerce Main factor usually cited was the ample parking and Elm vales central location in North Simcoc The North Simeon Crop and Soil improvement Association selected Elmvale for its meet ing last January and also has held its spring soed fair there for some years Fins Agricultural Society fall fair held at the Elmvale and roantans biotin KING Ted Lewis of Highway 90 near Barrie displays our vleai clovers he found in the area mortise nitric antiserum seam The first meeting of the Bar rre Aquarium Society has been schedulai for Sept is the Barrie library beawardedf ï¬sh members wtllbe bringing en videoseason Sept with can boil at the home of William Dyment 35 Feel Street The event is intend as social get em bars and their wives before the club resumes Professional care Cooler Queens Patti use pm Work On New rarm Oiiice lit Elmvale district fair grounds has drawn visitors from miles round improved roads leading into Elmvale also was cited as an important factor in the deci sion Would Make Toronto Into City=3iaie TORONTQ cm Toronto board of mntrol Wednesday ap provcd proposal that could transform Toronto into city state governed by parliamen tary legislature Controller Allan Lamport said such aplan would bring party politics to city hall and would provide for powerful cabinet within city council to make ex ecutive decisionsi He said it would also mean that in an ci department heads Wflllid receive the status at deputy ministers and could handle administrative matters wlithnut constant council approv The board voted to to ask the Ontario govemmeat to study the proposal and see what changes would have to be made Mr Lowts whoahould be the kiest manin town says anywhere theres clover at the Cold Creek Con area located between Bolton and No late Guns will be available for rifle and trap evenls and there will be gunskeet shoot There will al be camping demonatr prize draws and film Generations Reasons PITTSBURGH ae nouncsment He played parts nineseasonsin the Nae Hon Hockey was wim Chicago and much before com years are setting at and teenagers are spoiling up to 11 it hack to centroid One large clothing store man blr summer are Isaugers during the busy season from mid August in mid Septem mourners per day Mothers have buying complete wardrobes for their children One clerk notedtbat customers have even purchased snowsutls bios customers use lay away Iplan ottered by store so that they can get the best merchandiu early in the season According to local sales clerks the most popular dressstyls for this fall is the leather look Imitation leather outfits selLfor $198 in sizes to or with iarg popular childrens wear include plaid skirts that sell at 10 and corduroy woollen and wit IIVQIS One large citystore that cat ers to childrens wear said that the majority of mothers shop during the second and third week of August Another sur prising tactor about back lo achool shoppers is that the children usually pick their own clothing But the biggest market of all is high school girls aged to is who can afford to buy large wardrobe with money saved from summer job This group can afford to pay up to $150 tor the bard essen tials such as Jumpers kilts blouses sweaters and dresses Then they or their parents will buy coat which often runs up to $I25 said the spokesman for the store One manager of store which caters to the teenage market said that they tendto shop at all times oi the year and not just in the fall if they see anyting they like then theyll buy it whether its in season or not The lad clothing sells well at all times be said Managers of stores selling school supplies such as note books typing paper and pencils report that sales are booming this week The aimage student buys $600 worth of supplies Dairy Princess Finals Tonight TORONTO CF Judges finishcd the lineup Wednesday night for tonights finals of the Ontario Dairy Princess Contest at the Canadian National Exhi bition The last three finalists select ed aftera round of milking competition are Deborah Cybul ski t7 ot Keene Peterborougb County dairy princess Beth Stansell 20 of AylmerElgin County princess and Sandra lupton iii of St Pauls Perth County princess WMrw Igersald that to par bent of er sizes runningto sto Other ber0ne store is averaging son Orr To comm can Judging and demonstration team ideNortb Simeon Ht cluhs will be going to the Can adian Natioiinl ExhibitlonI to take part in livestock and car csss judging competitions They will also be required to identify and classify weetk The dairying demonstration team pbove prepared its pre sentation and rehearsed last night in Midhurst at theVes pra township ball under the watchful eye of mister ag ricultural represents for North Slmcoe Richard Far ion who is coacbi them From leitto right Shear down Hazel Vasey Lynne Edwards and at rear Bruce Mosley All are members of the Vasey 4H Club tExaIn er Photo Urge Changes In Training Cr1ergv Rev David Proctor at Collier Street United Church and Rev Donald Jay of Central United Barrie were among delegates at the general council of the United Church of Canada in Kingston who heard report recommending radical changes in the tralning of clergy and personnel which was presented Wednesday With them is layman George Evans The report tabled at the nineday meeting of the churchs top legislative body which began nresday also rec ommends greater use of mass communications and reduc tion to five from eight in the numberof United Church lheo logical colleges Recommended also is screening of potential Iheologl cal candidates not only by inter view but by psychiatric consul tation The report stresses that min isters must be trained to under stand and use mass communi cations because these have taken over the educational and com munity functions that used to be handled by the church Noted Artist rWill Display WorkInBarriei Noted Canadian artist Arnold ltodgtrins of Leaskdsie 30 miles southeast of Barie will show number pi his paintings in the Barrie public library starting Sept His son Gary will hang zontal canvasses the exhibit whi will consist of new designs inhroad bori marshes iidal flats and lndiannnd Esk lmn studies Mr Hodgkins entered the Ont ario College of Art in lstson veterans scholarship and graduated with the college med in 1940 He then npeneda patch find them Exam iner photol silencing Aluminum Doors an ouch fabulous buys See the plate selection=toda look thats within your dgat to Pittsburgh studio in Toronto and teachingfiine prt He now resides at Deer oot his ownigallery near least dalerllle eachesa regular sum merlar school there and the began gallery lslopEn to the public He on oceassion been guest instructor with the Barrie Art Clu gt DDNAIE DRUGS Pekings officiatnews agency reportedjchina is donating un defined quantities of medicine and medical supplies to Guinea AtUMlNliM fwlnoows Almos every home has storage problem Th whyselislnrlng inim Alumnae LUMBER ii an forg free estimate Have Allandale do the measurin Get the expensive In other business Wednesday the churchs international af fairs committee urged that council again reconunend that the Canadian government ao cord diplomatic recognition Communist China UN ADMISSION The resolution 3150 asks that Canada support Chinas admis sion to the United Nations Also suggested was wide ranging churchsponsored study progra man China to arouse the conscience of Canadians and improve relations between the two countries We have too little informa tion about the Chinese cultural revolution and oreeahibtting an incomprehensible unwilling ness to obtain more the report ms The committee also predicted that war in the Middle East will be inevitable if Arabs and is raells do not soon begin talks to resolve their differences report on population explo sinn says civilization is doomed unless methods are devised to raiso economic expectations and reduce birth rates or calls on canada to develop programs for world population controii gt SayBodylound lit Bradford That Tomato Barrie Delegate lit Conventioii 0i United Senior Citizens Mrs EliubEth McGhie of Feel Street reprseoted Ban rles Senior Citirena Get To gether Club at the trio day United Senior Citizens of Cat arlo convention in Waterloo which ended yesterday Mrs Mchle said she was giestly pleased with the way business had been conducted and that the re election of the entire executive on the first vote was simply wonderful We had party Tuesday night and all the entertainment was our own she said It was marvelous to watch old people up there performing for us Not only were they unanimous on the election vote the sold but resolutions were parsed with minimum of discussion Most of the 27 resolutions passed were requests for legislation govern ing senior eitlzenaflwelfaro In the province Delegates at the twoday con ventlon ot the United Senior Cit izens of Ontario passed resolu tion wedncsday asking the feder al government to take over and nationalize the drug industry The restitution one at 21 pass FllliM PRICES TORONTO CPt Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Wednesday large 531 me diurn smin Eggs Wholesale prices to country stations fibre cases quot ed by committee of wholesale egg dealers Extra large 50 large use medium small ma m2 25 Butter prioerz Canadian Dairy Commission tendersble cariots Buying scores 61 buying to scorn at selling 63 DQNATES FOOD West Germany has made its second $750000 donation for oodvrelief tor the African races sionlst stain of Biafra NEW 70 ANY tviti TAKE Place liteach schooled BARBIEPunticqsoiiooi Ills ed will betorwardcd to the National Pensioners and Senior Citizens Federation or to the provincial lovtmmant Other resolution passed its eluded requests for Efllblishment of royal commission to investigate rates charged by homes for the aged in the province Governntcnt investigation and control of fees for eye lins rs and dentliresp Combined government fl nanclng of the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan and Ontario Hospital Services lnsur ance RELIEF SOUGHT Previous resolutions more lowcost housing for senior citizens nontaxabla old ago pensions and supplements nondaxabla income of $4000 for married pensioners and $1000 for single ones increases In monthly oldage pensions to on and assumption by federal and provincial governments of the till cost at education Ofï¬cers reelected to top posts Wednesdaywe LLoretto Toronto preside George Emits Burlingto vloeprut cretary Rose in corresponding more tary and Harry Count liagton treasurer representsabout 40000 senior citizens amen Ontuio DYCKS FOOD emu or our were Sides of bee 49¢ lb mill or beer Ho lh Hamburg Patties all bed lbs $225 Short kill or Bllde Rom It Grocery orders 81000 or over to discount no Collier at am iREoisTRnTIonor FRIDAY AUGUST sometime Hours or 1000 1130 AM AND duo is om onieiai par tor school raiirerm September Will 39 Full School September 1958 giantillith