Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1968, p. 14

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NDTlCE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation oi the City oi Barrie lorapprov at at Bylaw to regulate land we passed pursuant toSec tlon to oi The Planninghct TAKE NUTICEtbat the Cmncil at the emporium oi the Qty ot Barrie intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pun suant to the provisions oi Section 30 at The Planning Act for proval of Bylaw ShTl pamdmn the 22nd day oi July 1968 copyol the Elylaw is printed below note giving an explana tion at the purpose and cliect of the Ryiaw and stating the lands affected thereby is also printed below Any person interested may within fourteen till days after the date 01 this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the CiuY oi Barrie notice of his objection to approval of the said Ryvlaw together with statement oi the munds oi such obiection The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said Bylaw but before doing so it may appointa time and place when any ob lectlon to the Bylnw will be considered Notice oi any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an oblectlon and who have leJt with or delivered to the Clerk un dersigned the address to which notice at hearing to be sent The last date tor tiling objections will be Septanber51968 DATED at the City at Barrie this 2an day of August 1968 SFRAUGHAN City Clerk box 100 EARRIE Dntflrlo EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF EYLAW 65W THE REASON Tile amendment in Hits Eylnw provides that unless all dwelling unlu ol row housing developmcnts ace on an opened street at iowance the arrangement of the dwelling units in row housing development must be approved by the Council and the applicant or such approval must file site plan for consideration of council THE PURPOSE The amendment is to avoid problems which have arisen in row housing development where dwelling units do not taco on an opcncd street allowance and to cnable row housing development to take place on irregularly shaped lots EYLAW NUMBER 6877 Bylaw ol the Corporation at the City oi Earrieio amend ByLaw Number mo WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to nmmend laylaw Number zaaos provisions with respect to dwelling multiple attached or rowhousing and in accordance with the report oi the City Develop ment Committee oi the Council NOW THEREFORE the Council at the Corporation at the City oi Barrie enacts as follows THAT ByLaw taco be and the same is hereby amended by deleting the text of the definition in Section 135 and substituting the allowing thcrdor 235 Dwelling mul pie attached or raw housing means building containing three or more separate one or more storey one lemilydwclling units having common or party wall between each adiaccntdwelling unit and in which each dwelling unit is taccd on an opened street at lowanae and except where the Council oi the Corporation of the City at Barrie has approveda site plan which permits different arrangunent oi the dwelling units THAT Bylaw 2550 beand the same is hereby amended by ting the text of Section 353 and substituting theilollowi 83 Permitted building or structures One tamily detached dwellings semidetached dwellings duplex dwelling double duplex dwelling triplex dwelling converted dwellings and accessory buildings public School public utilities public libraries police station limb multiple attached is attached dwellings shall be erected unless each unit of such multiple attached dwelling faces on an opened street allowance except in ac cordance with and until site plan showing location or proposed building bl height of proposed buildin dimensions of proposed ding gt id location of entrances and exits tel area and location of lands to be used or oftstreet parking ti use ol lands not covered or to be covered by buildings g1 architectural elevations ot proposed buildings is approved by the Council of The Corporation oi the City of Harris and accessory buildings to the loregoing THAT ByLaw Number 2850 be amendedby ot Section 86 and substituting the allowing th 863 permitted buildings or structures One tamily detached dwellings samidetachcd dwellings duplex dwelling double duplex dwelling triplex dwelling converted wallings apartmentydwéllings public schools vpublic util es public libraries police station fireha public parks and playground buildings and house the uses permitted in Section 1162 Multiple attached dwelling provided that Inn multiple at tached attached dwellings shall be erected unless each unit of such multiple attached dwelling faces on an opened street allowance except in accordance with and until site plan ahowin location oi proposed buildin height at proposed buildinm cl dimensions of proposed but location of entrances and cxlts to are and location of lands to be used tor ott street par mg fuse oi lands not covered or to be covered bybuildtngs tgl architectural elevations of proposed buildings is approved by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie and accessory buildings to the foregoing THIS ByLaw shall come into force and have effect immediately upon the final passing thereof subject to such approval as may be required under the provisions of the Planning Act if any READ first second and third time and finally passedthe 22nd day at July All 1963 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OPBANRIE BENTLEY MAYOR STRAUGHAN CLERK IN THE MATTER OF TILE DRAINAGE BYLAW BY THE TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA BitLAW N0 1254 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA byIaw to raise $3000001 to aid in the construction of tile stone or timber drain THE council of the Township of Vespra Drainage Act enacts as follows The Reeve for Mayor may from time to time subject to the provisions oi this bylaw borrow on the credit of the corpora tion at the Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $30 90000 as determined by the Council and may in the manner hare matter provided issue debentures oi the corporation in suehf sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrowed withzeoupons attached as provided in section orthceAct jeot to section it olThe Tile DrainagcAcl when the Council is opinion that the application or any person toborrow money for the purpose at constructing tile stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part the Council may by resolution direct the Reeve tor Mayor to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow Stun not exceedingthe amount applied tor and may lend the same to thc applicantlon the pletion ot the drainage works special annual rate shallbe imposed levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the dam in respect at which the moneyis borrowed sufticientior the payment at the principal andlnterest as provided by the Act PASSED the 1st day ot August 19661 ciarkEarl Richardson Reeve Wellington Dohson CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHlP OFVESPRA alto notice that the above is truecopy ol aByLaw passed the Council of the Townshipoi Vespra on the frat dayof lose and all persons are required to take notice that any onewho desires to apply to have the or any part there quashedmust serve nntlce of his application uponthe Head Clerical thlsmunlcipality withinho days after publication of this notice SupremeCourtot Ontario within onejmonth atterthe said Thisnotlcawas tirst publishedon the Hill day the last publication willhe on the zolhrdny it August is IEARL nlCHAnpsoN Clerk lety his decidedto FIFTY cams coins 15 complete of August 1966 and Ill new junior lair Which will take him Sept 11 This wlllbe opento schooljchlldreada the tour tortilla IP shlps Sports will commenceat no in the morning with full days activities good attendance at not children is hoped tor The parade Sept wllIv lnn clubs commercial entries vlted to take part Mr and tire Ken Pegsml Mrs BessieCopelandhave re turned alter two weeks holiday at Gllford bench Rev Mliroy will oc cupy tha pulpltsta Cookstotin Thornton and Holly at the re gular hours Sept He and his family had months acallon lo the north Mrs Olive McMaster spent lew days recently in Detroit where she visited her brother and sister in lavi Mr and Mrs Carl Burilng Word was received over the weekend of the death of Rev Frank 1V Newell at Toronto Mr Nevlltll wasmlnfster savcr ol years back at Nawinwn Rob insnn United church andafter several years occupied the pul pit ol Coollstown charge in 1969 Cookstown friends attending the luneral ded Mr and Mr By ALICE BROOKS The care leads the fashion parade Knit thls smart vcr slab with buckles fancy trim Top oil outfits with dash ing cape knit in record time with heavy lilfy wool quickie needles inch Pattern 7245 sizes 3246 included for each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept tit Front St Tomato Ontario Ontario residents add cents sales tax Print plainly PAT TERN NUMBER NAME AD DRESS New 1969 Needlecraft Catalog best fashions Most new designs to knit crochet sew weave embrolde say editors tree patterns inside 50 cents Book of 16 jiffy rugs com plete patterns inexpensive easy to make so cents Book No Deluxe Quilts ttfltterns Sendooc Book No useum Quilts patterns or 12 quilts so cents BookN Quilts for to days New exciting col laction 15 complete patterns in cents Book of prize afghans Knit crochet 12 alghans so cents 14 rustic uorlcr iN run Mammal between the Township South or Kings Highwa Township of Vespra wi at least once week or Examiner and the posting therealter consider and close and stopup th ance between the Totins South of Kbtgdllighway90 15 It Is he ip of Vespra ahd hliss Glynel Coutts Nob ert Ferguson Orbits visited Sunday withths tormers rand lather Diet Cotttts Mr And Mrs Palmer Toronto and Mrs Lena Palmer Mon with Mrs lierb irarman lra Wllaothtra William Mrs but Murphy and Miss irene Mchluter spent tew days holiday in the Wau baushene district at the Wilsons cottage Mr and Mrs Tom Muyes Mrs Torn Graham and Mrs Herb Harman visited few days ot the past week with trleuda tn Fencion Falls HOME AND SCHOOL Preparations are being made for the first Home and School meeting the avening of Oct to have speak er who wl crpialn the role Home and School will play in the new County School Board system Also Home and School plan to have booth for Jun lor Fair Sept la Anyone Inter ested in helping please contact Mn William Gadsden FALL MEETINGS Mrs Tittin will be hostess to the first institute meeting of the season in her home the evening Sept STROUD huts nearluumoauno Mrs Trumanhlattia in bar rla hospital and bird lack Kimberley is patient Lhere after undergoing surgery last week BRIDAL SHOWER community shower was held in St JamesUnlted Church basement in honor of Glenda Mason bride elect who was assisted by her sister Donna Marie Kneeshaw Marie Good year and Mrs Lorna Coies mock wedding was acted bya groupoi girls Glenda will wed Neil Sturgeon next month ST JAMES CHUHCE The UCW of St James were In charge or the service on recent Sunday with congrega tlon being ushered by Mrs Sid Hill and Mrs Roy Gnadlallow Leaders were Mrs Herb Black Mrs Helen Wallacenand Mrs Elmer Pratt Choir members were Mrs Mason Mrs Small Mrs Spence Mrs Cochrane Mrs Brady Mrsilorton Mrs GORDON DOUGLAS BRUNTON Services were held Aug at Jennett mineral Home Barrie for Gordon Douglas Brunton 70 of Dradiord St Barrie Mr Brunton died Aug at Royal Victoria Hospital He was born June 51898 on Cumber land St Allsndale son ot Doug lasand AdaEruliton Seth 1922 he married Lil iian Eia Godden at St Georges Church Allaadala Mr Brunton ls survived by brother Alfred or Gravenhurst and sister Lll lieu of Toronto Silc nephews sons of Altred Bntnton Were pallbearers The other four sons were honorary pallbearers OMEN FRANCIS EELCOURT Services were held at St Pat ricks Church for Omar Francis Belcourt who died at Penetan guislteue General Hospital Aug ust Mr Beicourt at was born in Perkinstield Ont Nov tons soil of the late Mr and Mrs Louis Eelcourt of Perkiuslield He married Viola Kelly May 18 11336 tn St Patricks Church Phelpst Mr Relcourt la urvived by his wife Violaonc daughter Rita Mrs Ross McLean ot Minesing four sons Louis of Elmvalcheo of Barrie and Edward and Danny at horn also 10 grandchildren Also surviving are three bro thers and four sisters Ernest Road Allowance Esaalyin and the Township oi Vespra the said Notice for at least one month In six of the mo bourhood oi the said Road Allowance aif rif deemed ex places the immediate neigh llrst regular meeting artrol the Road Allow tlle Township of Essa and morepprtfcularlydesczibed in dralt ByLflWleliNl may beacon in theoiiices ol the Clerk of The Corporationol the Townshipaol Vespraat 17 Owen Street Barrie Ontario oiThe Corpor or by Counsel cant tilcnnnosou Clerk at the Corpora Townshlpoivv rli by its Solicitors esp ent pass Bylaw to attended Mrs Gordon Robertson ct Mrs Ann Robertm of house cours Basal Stroud attended tbeweddlng at MlultaySllth erland aneravld Sumovarln Maple Pmbyterlan church with reception at Summiterr dens Richmond Hill Presbyterian Gunch service will be It It Sept only Minister is preachan or call to replace Rev Bell who went to Oshawa lnJune St James United Church school will hold the re ly and promotion service at 1115 urn Sept in the church Douglas Stotosbury will be speaker All parents triencls visitors and new members will be welcome This will be the be1 ginning of the Sunday School alter the holidays and it is the hopes of the teachers and stall that they will have the cooper atlon ot parents to keep up good attendance GONEEN REUNION About 15 members at the GoheenFamlly met at lanlstil Tovinahlp Park Aug to for their 15th annual reunion President George Gohean ot Strand welcomed Gobecn guests from Indiana and Mlchlgan Elmer Cohen retired blur school teacher from lndiana re pllcd telling how he had an joyed the reunion iaPort Hope in 1965 Ernest Goheen brought greetingsfrom Michigan cou sins Mrs George Goheen gave travelogue at her trip to Hawaii last winter Secretary Raymond Gohcen of Newcastle read greet ings from Goheona unable to at tend from points as distant as Saskatchewan Calltornla Ver mont New York and Florida Ray Goheen ot Toronto in charge of the music supplied several good singing numbers including two duets trom Ancas ter cousins Ethaland lune daughters of Lavina Hazzard Prizes were awarded from from greatest distance Elmer Gohcen and family rom lndl anai grandmother With most descendants presen Helen Go been Newcastl couple most recently married Barbara Go heen and Sam McReclls Port Hope couple longest married ElmerandrEdith Goheen of In dina Slocum eldest lady Mrs Emma La eldesl man George ppcll 67 youngest child Stephen Goheen t2 arid Refill both of Perkihsiield Gerard of Lalontalne Flora Mrs Adolph DoucettePene tang Therese Mrs Leo Mor eaul Harrie Cecile Mrs lip Ral Latontain Mrs Jas McGowan kinsfleld Pallbearers were slit neph ews Francis Moreau Raymund Eolcnurl Ir ncflis Beleourt Richard Ratlohn McGowan and Louis Relcourl Burial was in St Cemetery cplumnvot Soviet tanks is shown lined up in little side tononro tor 000000 satellite community planned for the borough of North York will start immedi ately Stanley Randall Ontario minister tot trade and develop ment announced Wednesday No companiesle build 579 public housing units in thalid geley communityyWorlcoa anotherttqfi private units act tootunltstor senior cltizenswfll begin ivlthln sixmonths Mr Randall spld OHCNUI TO BLAME TORONTO CF cord ners jury Wednesday absolved the Ontario Housing Corp Di ottwoyeamld LeelandHynes who tellesix storeyslrom an unscrewed window Three tcn ants in the sovenastorey subsiI dlzedrent apnrlmenl building testified earlier that thescreen had been missing from the wine dow for days Thebuildings su perintcndenl John Russell tes titled tenants sometimes tonk screensfrom laundryroom wl dows toreplaca broken ones in tileirown apartments JQBDRQPOUTS TORONTO tCPl About 250 students whowcre dentialrlto ivorlt even show up work CNE personnrlvu clal said Wednes 50 quit after Pay for casual labor rangcslrom $115 to $165 an hour average isbe tween SI ltd $150 or the CNEs ooo employees most of who are students EXECUTIVE EDITOR sr arttones out or Laurcnce Heavls 41 has been appointedwxecutive editor Patricks ORMAN KING Services were held August 73 at Stacklcys Funeral Home for Norman King 74 of St cent Square Barr Mr King died Aug He was born in Innisiil sen theiiate Audus King and Agnes Goodlel lowln 1916Mr King married Jessie Robertsonor Stroud He was member litCollier St United Church Barrie and former memberot sessionat that churchMr King was also amember of Minervalodge AF and Am Stroud and Barrie lawn bowling and curli Til TimesJourhal it was an nouneed Wed on y1 Mr Beavis porter when he came to Canada in 1954 He became cityeditor in 1959 and news in 1363 LthOR namvm Man can nouns CharlesHear clubs go and built up llev pr dairyhtarm With herd oroo urehredrcattlephas won Que ecs 196d liurial has at Sixth Cemetery in lnnlstil Pall bearers rlrector eneraladmi for ih department of althand welfare the lgovertizrnlent nnou eor oin SANDY WALLWIN Servl were held at Stecitley Home Rarrl year old Andre MONTREAL CPt Sid Dakin of Toronto led the fleet alter win Wednesday in the con uing North American sharlr class it it championships which fie beingheld 25 ago when he moved to Bellavtile after which ton and amember of the Anglican ias yearschampion had 15 points alter the days itionb ed on his two tlr place linishes Wedoesday ls sixth and elgh hpiace ville Ajax Wlliowdal Thor hill Orangevldaand Port Cred conducted by thoum nd herrele ibadcjred Figueroa no Stato tgu 229pottnder by th Waste Servlc Daniel Day Burial rial Union Demeter wollto BRIEFS gt4Satellite Started any blame intheJuiyltt death street near Old Town Square in Prague This picturewas lLlNGUALlSllI CF Marcel rosra OTTAWA Dubuc 49 of Ottaw and Winnl peg has been appointed adviserv on bilingual development with he Dominion Eureaujot Slade tics He is torworlr out require ments tor bilingual training in tile bureau to ensure hitcc of ianguagelrninlng fact has and the toll use or LJ guageg skill stalf hit director or public relations with tbeCentennial Commission acquired by the ubuc Was lormcrly gt SEEKS GUARANTEES VANCOUVER CF French gu its in Canada should be guaranteed thy human constitution Romeo Paouettc ghts charter In the government The sonar TANKS IN PRAGUE madafrom private mom AP Wirephoto commune 11 North YOrldi Constrttc ot financial admihistralion he tlouot the first phase of $715 llads treasurer ot Chcmcell Lim te rm director general ol thevhranehr Canadian Federation of British Columbia said Wednesday Mr Paquotle said at UnitedNlnrl lions highschool seminar at the University of BCthat without the charter there is nocertalilty recent concessions grantedyto the lrcnch language will be maintained outside Quebec EXPEL REPORTER ATHENS an The Greek government expelled West Germnn correspondent Walla day accusing her ot contin uous attacks against the Greekn regime aiso charged that the corresrmnocn Eva Goetz appeared befor meeting at the Republican club of Cologne on recent trip ttt West Germanyand suggested tourist and economic boycot oi Greece aged Whiskies are géntlyrblended into every drop of Adams Private Stock laVOur lng two races anyone PrivaieStOCk IS the 295wllisky whisky tttws LTD1Ul1lfllllviLllr

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