sxmmsii rsLspHoNss mediation 71563 Classified AM miil All 0th Desirm 7W lo4lii Your No 201 UNIFORMED policemen and plainclothcsman itopl escort Mike Wallace CBSTV newsman off the Democratic convention floor Wednesday night in the aftermath ofa row between some New York delegates and security offi cials Wallace was taken to command post on the second foor of the International Am pliiiheatre and detained for 20 minutes He then returned to the floor us Ambassador Dies In iGUATEMALA CITY Reu ters huge police dragnet was under way today for gun men who ambushed USAm bassador lohn Garden llfcln in this Guatemalan capital and killed him with hailof pistol and machloegun hullcis The assassination in broad daylight Wednesday as the am bauador returned to hisemhas sy from luncheon was the third this ycnr ofao American official Col John Weber 47 and Lt Cmdr Ernest lifunro to Amer ican militaryadvisers to the Guatemalan forces were killed in an attack by terrorist group in January The hmhassadors Cadillac was moving along Reforms Avenue about 10 blocks from his embassy when Several youths leapt out of two small Japancsemade cars snowed open the rear door of the Cauil demonstrator withflhis hands to hishead is led by Chicago police down Michi gan Avenue lastnight durinz confrontationwith police and National Guardsmen AP Mrephotos Attempt TofStifleht1 CzeCh Liberalization psAGuc or Czechoslo vaks said goodbye to their shortlived press freedom today as part of the price for eventual withdrawal of occupying war saw pact forces illl the editorial offices of Prague radio and television he party newspaper Rude the national news agency CTK and some other ofï¬cial publica tions government overseers have ordersto apply the new press rules only two months since wave of liberalization swept away censorship Under the new clampdoiVn unwillingly concedlt edin Moscow talks after the in vasion by Soviet and otherWnr saw pact troops criticism of rltremlin policies will be barred Another clampdown was im posed on the countrys borders denying entry to foreign jour nalisishod tourists Business hlm awny room inthe building ahd later men and visitors on official trip will need visas and special cer tificates stating the purpose of their visit 3A sen of toplevel party meetings is in prospect todayas Czechoslovak Communist party léaderAlexander Dubcek strug ales to get skeptical nation to acéept the Moscow compromise An official of the party central committee Wednesday related how Dubcek was seized by Rus sian paratroops handcuffed and shipped by military aircraft to secret locationin Slovakia when he Russian troops invaded zcchoslovakin last week he official said Dubcck was on the telephone when the fins sians grabbed him snatched the iephone from his hand and ipped out the wires then led jllc was locked inanothcr flown to the secret military ren dcsvous in Simakin nlongv with National Assembly President Josef Smrkovsky Premier Old rich Carnilr and leaders They were kept hours few other Later they were flown to Mosv cow because President Ludvik Svoboda mused to negotiate with the Russians withoutthem The source said Svohoda re fused te bow to heavy Russian pressure including the threat that Slovakia would be made part of the Soviet Union and the Czech areas governed by mili tary occupation forces The status of new lsoman central committecof the Com munist party presidium elected at secret lfth party congress after the nv ngi trodps marched in was thrown into the melting put by the resignation from theconlrnittee Wednesday there for 24 of Gustav Husalt prime min lsterirorn Slovakia Husak challenged the legality of of llieslovali members were ab sent his appealed to Dubcek also Slovakto resign as welL The issue could cnuse seri our party rift but some observe ers sanlusaks resignation as opening the way for the 14Li congressto be declared invalid HERBS ONE How many make News And how many make mil lion Very fem dozen Maintain am CPSLENEWSf Nud Minisiéiéjséaisraier ST JOHNS Nfi CF John Crosbie former New foundland cabinet nunister saidjtoday he and another minister did not resign voluntarily May 14 from Premier Joseph Small Free radio broadcasts said the 14th congress because most Woods cabinet Their legislature seats were moved across the floor without previous warning to them said way Is Open For Womenliriests WlNDSOR CF ordination ofwomenaa deaconesses and iliairan RelieitLeaves Siinday fORONTOfCP nurse The bishop of St Clairsald Nediiesday the way is now open for the Anglican Church of Canada to discuss the and two engineers idio51irstJCah ladian relief team among 50 being sentto Biarra by tli WorldCotin cii of ChurchesleaveTdroiito for Geneva Sunday lac and began to drag Mcin out He rcsislednnd they opened fire ileeing as he slumped bleeding to the pavement to die almost immediately with nine bullets in his body in Washington state depar ment spokesman said President harvestv mus Cclif fAPl man posing as an electrician kidnapped the four yeurold son of Beverly Hills baniier andpoliee searching for the boy said today there are similarities to an unsolved ab duction one year ago The mother of Stanley Stai fo Jr quoted his abductor as ll contact your husband later want $250000 in $10 hills The man wearing work clothes fled in the famflys new auto Police said they found the gonN coupon MAIN Johnson and State Secretary Dean llusk wereshocked and gricv by the slaying of the sfycorold career diplomat be lieved to he the first assassins lion oi US ambasader Washington asked Guatemala for full investigation ahandodcd auto seven hours later but wouldgive no details there are ties between the Stallord dill Kennet 1967 Kenneth sonof Herbert Young president of savings and loanassociation was re leased upharmed after three days when his father paid scream ransomlie lives 4V blocks from LifeStailoldS Both boys were kidnapped during the day Both fathers are civic leaders WRONG Coma trousers rues TORONTO CF The dn pnrtment of lands and forests is having color trouble This year it hIS made the weailng of black patches man datory for all persons pur chasing the Si smallgame lig cence gt The department ordered the patches three indies by six inches and madeof stiff plas lic and asked printer to pick color which contrasted with the landscape The patches came back white with black numbering Thatll never do said Dr fluorite chief of the departments fish and wlidiic branch Why theyll look just like the whiteAtailed deera white tail said another depart ment spokesman So the departmcnt has re called all the white patches and has ordered about 750000 at them reprinted in yellow inhuman Is TV Host VITAer lCP From belt bind ralseddeslr ina televi blon studio Wednesday in the national capital Judy LaMarsh earnest ainf law ay talked into the cameras rmer than making thcpublic aware 0t oci injustices Miss Labiarsh 44 accepted ougyear contract to do the show for ClOHTV an affiliate of the private 711V networlr Salter giving up her Parliamen tary seat inthe June 25 also Now after weeks of work final assembly rehearsal and taping of two halfhour shows was taking plae Network exec utives were to have private screening Friday of the reg merits if they give the word execu tive producer ï¬oyliaibish says number of shows will be pro The Examiner TODAY Ann Lunderso City NewsI ClaslitiEdIZ Iii 14 comicsis Deaths12 Districts Editorial4 rSportshtii ll Theatre4 rv Listingsll Weaihcna duced for airing this winter Expect Power Movement GUELPH Ont GP This is the year for students to sack it to university administratois but first student leadersmust move closer to the student maisses says PelerWarrlan presidenteiect of the Canadian Union otStudents Mr Warrian 25 oigOttawa told delegates to the CUS con gross here that studentsrwork ing with faculty must gaincon trol of their university and its decisionmakingpower opinion In canadiaiivlzschoolsv This Year Uultimatciy this will at the elimination of boards of gov ernors an autonomous or senil autonomous body in favorof onetiered representative demo cratic senate Before GUS canvbecome na tionalforce itmust weak within the consensus of student opin ionhe said That consensus has somewhere between revolu tionary vanguardaud the lowest common denominator of student Police Cities hm Hundreds of Protesters valence fAPlSome antiwar demonstrators and cage police batiledbeneaih the windows at the Conrad Hilton Hotel the Democratic national convention headquarter Sound Waves Cure Pains MONTREALJCEl High fre ancy sound ves are cuij log amputees ofrmysterlous stump pain that prevenistheir wearing an artiï¬cial leg the fifth international congress of Physical medicine was told today Alfred teaCentre liiilted StatesNaval Hospital Philadelphia said tha sound treatment brought cnma pieto freedom lrom pain in seven of if amputees and par tial relief in four in test at the the antiwar protesters slept in Wednesday night as Hubert celving the nomin on Early today as fliinois Nation al Guaiil formed is protective eircla around the Hilton some see dissident convention dele gates and youilisimarched down Michigan Ave candles and sang softly while park across the the hotel the international Amphithea tre site of theconventlon and street from five miles distant remained se cure behind police gnnrds and barbed wire fence lTear gas filtered throughout the largest hatelcin the ll Wednesday night even reachi the25thefloor suite of Humphrey clubs in ubduiiig the demonstrate triost of them While youths somaof boarded some cleancot Pnlice orrestbd til yoiith At lea 300 demonstroieraw guestsincluding Mrs of the new Parliame Juredmo pollcemens clubs as the youths surged into police linesnnd tempted to storm the hotel For short time Hilton 3M6 Carthywere vir prisoners in the hotel The were refused permission to leave by police as tra fir wereeetlnMichigdn just outside police cars were stoned and soinehotel windows we broken by pres sur of th crowds moas maybe prematu independent MP Luci moureuxfor lilbcralls itié°s°° limb one ii aw with nhn of them from the fi McCarthy nor McGover del ate who WEATHER Summith bumble tempera tures today and Friday be calm full hint Friday75 For unitary see Page Three Not MThln loathi Copy 20 Pa Iievoil ilndilissension Surround Party CHICAGO CF ViceFresh dent Hubert Humphreyras iiy won the Democratic presi dential nomination on the first ballot late Wednesday night at party convention seething with revolt and threatened with vie lance in the streets nearby thecon vention sitc police and antiwar protesters clashed hvloodlly About 300 persons ivere iniured as police used clubs to root the protesters At least 140 arrests were made In command all the wayI Humphrey trampled the chal lenges of peace candidates Sen atcrs Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern to become the election opponent on Nov of Republican Richard NlXon The anticipated victory for the former druggist who roseup the political ladder from mayor of Minneapolis to 118 senator and then vlcepresldant had heeh guaranteed hours earlier by two events The Deep South threw its sup port to Humphrey and the man who might hav givénhim battle Senator Edward Ken nedy killed off any move to draft him as presidential can didate by refusing the candi daw In an announcement few hours before the convention began its third session Wednes day WINS WIDE MARI Humphrey as the choice at the party establishment rolled mm enven forMeCarthy Uhanningfiiiliip theD ct ofColIImiJ the first Negro presidcn candidate for nomi nation of 67 and there were lz3i to Edward Kennedy Under the party setupfrac tionai votes are given to some delegates because thereara more members than votes al lowed the state delegation The vicnpresidents methodi cally obtained victory was greet edyviih mixed enthusiasm and apprehension by securityhar assed delegates to this most guarded and restricted of all na tional conventions The selection of Humphrey promised to Lay before the vet ers choice between President Johnsons domestic and foreign policieswhich the vicepresi dent has backed solidly as member of the administration teamand proposed Nixon program thatvaries more de tails than essentials Humphrey Prepared to com plete the ticket today from an announced list that stiiljincluded McCarthy as possible running mate despite the Minnesota sen ators rejection of such sugges tions MUSKIEOR SRRIVER Most speculation focused on either Senator Edmunds Mus trio of Maine or Sargent Shriver ambassador to France The viceprdsidential choice is to be ratifiedat the conventionsflnal session tonight whenlresident Johnson is expected to make his only appearance Johnsons prompt response to Humphreys victory in state ment released at his Texas ranch was that the party had nominated an excellent and an especially well qnalified candi date He expressed hope thn all Democrats would unite be hind himand move ictoryjnithe ele ion But the degree of mind question Neither before the convention usual custom to pledge active allegiance McCarthy optioned low gratidations to Humphreybut told news conference it is still an opennflestéop tell on floorpacked wi federal and private security agents as well ll tha2delegates undvnawa thento haul away New York fusedt polled 655 being came the itinveniion uvnenr numerator the special documents required to get into thebarhedwircharr rlcadcd meeting SOUGllT SUSPENSION Dozens of angry dclegatcs watching filmed sequences of the street fighting ontelevision astbey sot iuiconventiou hall sought in vain to get the con vention susiicnded for two weeks and shifted to another city because ofivhnt they dc clared was the concentration eyes and Skinwere against protesters The thousands of young denim onstrators have been laying selge to Chicago and clashing glib police nightly since Sung useiiv Some of Vthe52oo guardsme pp standby duty were called in Another 7500 federal troops had been flown in Sunday Delegate after delegon charged before the television rcesiwere deliberately and ously goading and at tacking demonstrators and the press Police grabbed New York delegate Alex Rosenberg on the floor when he refused to show his credentials to Secret Service agents FIGHT BREAKS OUT Aiist fight broke out and Ro senberg and number of other protesting New York delegates were dragged out of the balk They were permitted to return to their seats later McG overn watching the scenes of battle inside and out side the hall was quoted by his campaign Senator Abraham Rihicoff of Connecti cut as being sickcned toyhis by theactions of the American television network reporters on the floor told th audience they were being iol lowed members by anony mousr men who gumsho their movements listening in to their conversations with dele gates and private canVersatioiis with their control booths Theiconvenllon began spe aial session athoon Wednesday togetto the centralsane Vietnam because dolegatesre volted early livedncsday at en during another ght sit plank hdd been fashioned hy ihesupportcrs of gt McCarthyaud McGovern plus iiinib on ith sin forecaa heend