leetons 1361an Women Mmms mos And Enthusiasm Youthful OTTAWA CF no new trlean at women at St Patricks iCollege oi Carleton University Elooksand isyoung enough to libs student Suzanne Veil ll graduated Itrom St Pats only three years ago after taking fouryear course leading to bachelor oi tlrts degree in sociology keep telling the dean Its oing to be real tun job and the keeps saying ho no no yo got it all nrong Miss Veit said with laugh it ls however hard to image jlnc tliss eil taking her lob lightiy Flucntiy bilingual she 1leaves an impression of compe tence as well as lriendltness Born in armoulh NS Miss Vcits parents brought her to oitawa as baby After school and college she joined the Ca nadian University Service Over seas and taught high school in poor area oi rtbldlan the 350 tloopopulation capital city of West Africas ivory Coast was there for two years under CUSOs sponsorship tencblng in high school of nbout 400 students all bays taught English as second lan guage for Grndcs to 12 Miss Veit says love teaching There was no discipline problem because only to per cent of the students in the ivory Coast got to high Ischool So those who do want to learn ll they leave theres lineup of to people behind them waiting to get in SAW TIMDUKTU Miss Viet also spent about month in village too miles Iirom Abidjan on the Ivory iCoest One old old man was so happy to lind someone who could speak English to him He had learned the language in Ghnna and dont think he had spoken it in years Miss Vcit also took trip with two other teachers through the Ivory Coast and Mali We took mail boat up the Niger River and landed in Tim uirtu tour days later Timbuktu really the end oi the world Less than year ago Miss Vcil returned to Ottawa where she worked as assistant to the executive secretary of CUSO in Aprii this year she look holi day to Mexico and Guatemala returning to the surprise offer oi her present job really feel SI Pats is tremendous place to initiate new education and administra tive methods ducmi Phi DansAn ldiaamo Vithynltrrepiytoï¬aiateatbe medal he wurs it with pride and people respect him tor it But the person who wears Phi Rhetal Kspza wkvzyris gcuï¬yol rig KEYED UP lip Ttiat column pro linard of letters didntrcalue had so many Phi Beta Kipp in my reading sudiencer Mott at tho people who wrote said theyd like to wear their keys but they cant take thegrlbb ng hereby eo courage all members of Phi Beta Kappa to take out your keys and wear them it any wis SUZANNE VElT Titera is an ideal relation ship between the faculty and students because it is small tween both groups is good lm particularly in foreign studentsin giving Canadian students here the op portuoity at getting to know college and communication be these students well and proliting from their culture and expert interested coco Involvell Younger Age Group STOCKHOLM it Sweden where abortion laws are moreliberally interpreted than in most other countries is moving towards selldetermina tion for pregnant women special committee formed in 196 jurists medicaiex ports and womeomembers of Parliament is working on the iinal stages of report empha sizing womans right to decide the issue The flexibility Swedish abortion laws has become in creasingly apparent in recent granted in Stockholm and other big cities soared but there is still an old guard of doctors gy biliwiil chair the old guard Dr Kieli Oebrberg of the nccologlsts and wellara oiiic in the provinces who kee conservative attitude The committee is hopin reportand subsequentdrait go the views oi lhc mental weliare boarda mem ber of the committeedisclosed recently that as percent at plications for legal abortions rn Sweden last year were granted compared with szper centin 1960 We are now virtually as liberal as Poland where only about two percent ofrapplicanta are relected he told reporterl More and more Swedish women are seeking abortions at an increasingly younger age WHAT THE roar lonaow Some ert planetary innu ences rustle mporlonl to be extremelyhdctiulin personal re lationshipson Thursday The position of Mars especially will make those born under some Signs overly aggressive so dont step in where angels fear to tread son run ointnnav it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next izvmontha in your lite should prove highly stimulating on practically all counts As at last week you entered line planetary cycle which should prove most business gt0 occupational matters are concerned and this proiitable where the way out layeamlds 4H headers and as the vast majority are granted illegolabortions are on In 1960 most applicants were in the 3040M age group while now most are between to and 24 closely followed by the 15 to BYGONE DAYS Women prominent in the Democratic Party today re called some of their predeces sors of otherveras at lunch eon given the otliccr of womens act ties oi the Dem ocratic National Committee in DYCK 150 COLLIER ST Boneless PORK With ROASTS dressing BOLOGNA Whole or Holf Fresh PORK HOCKS Fresh in CHICKENS Avg rook stab KlBLETS for gt rooms on 27 Chicago Tuesday Left to right ltirs Willard Wirtz por traying Mrs Oscar Under wood 1924 Mrs Edward Day portraying Mrs Wood choostngfabrics and patterns and the oampicswiib be on dis Attend Course cycle will last until November lit hirtner uptrehds along these lines are starpromised in January March June and July The last three months of 1963 should prove highly advanta geous for monetary concerns and further opportunities to in crease your assets are indicated in late March May June and July One admonition however Do limit unwise spending and make no risky commitments in midOctober or during the iirst week of November or you could offset gains Thoie with crea Beta but week my blend told me she has hit on system that will allow her to eat whatever the pleases and not put on weight She packs in the rid iced and then she goes to the bathroom ant iorcea bend to throw up She claimsii the foodis not it her it will not make her help weight is this true or tails ASKER Dear Italian ltll titre foolish and dangerous When your iriend throws up the lood she also loses the gastric iuicct BARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST mo STARS SAY gt By ESTRELLITA Live leanings especially in the literary field will tlnd Septem her next January February and June highly inspiringand profitable Personal relationships will be governed by generally good as pects during the nextvyear with emphasis on romanco during the next week in December February May and June on travelaod social interests dur ing the next siir weeks in Janu aryond mid1969 child born on this day will beendowed with great ambition and the talents required to be extremely auccesslul in either creative areas or in the busi ness world willfhowever have to curb tendencies towardlm patience with those less gifted than himself scinaonouon IN novel TORONTO or Scarbor ough Viilasiekdefeated Toronto Leaslda tioto move intojhe iinal against Oshawa Thursday in the peewee baseball tourna ment at the Canadian National Exhibition Earlier pitcher Terry Thompson hit tworun homer in the first inning to give Oshawa 42 vi ryover Nia are Falls 91116 Ieehs ago ilo merscdlbonlsowiilnnna curtailmentanus utmroemtqwis LDCALA Dur Au Mosul am wide in willie in test my Katherynlaw died lit vannotawealthy man blithelettmcwpercemnlhia estate his balance In divided hetweenbtamdaughtcrs tracelved all from one at his daughters saying should be ed lady and sign over my share of latestre to he and her so ter because the will was written while my husband was alive which are essential In good health The girl rounds cuckoo SPEAKING ENTERTAINMENT Prior to the marriage oi Miss Stephanie Merrick to Bartlett Simmons which will take place Friday evening at 730 oclock in St Marys Church Barrie the couple have been guests of honor at several entertainments Mr and Mrs John Gall oi Downsview Ont were hosts oi supper party and presentation to the bridemoom and bride elect Jsmss Pratt oi Bar rte an usher at the torthcom in wedding entertained at dinner party in the Continental inn On Sunday evening follow ing the weddin rehearsal the bridegroom ecto parents Mr and Mrs Bartlett Simmons entertained the wedding party at bullet supper at their Dalton St residence Miss Merrick daughter of Mr and Mrs William Merrick oi Amelia St was guest or honor at cup and saucer shower at the home or Mrs Horace Beau mont Blake St Guests at the party were members oi bridge group oi which Mrs Simmons is member linen shower attended by iriends of the bride was given by Mrs William Nesbttt of Puget St era William Moran and daugh ter Judy entertained at mis cellaneous shower at their Wor sley St residence Miss Darlene Moran ltowar girl assisted at the party FROM SOUTH AFRICA Guests at the home oi Mr and lira linrold Johns oi Fran cos St have included Mrs Peter Krige of Hermanus South Africa and Mrs Sam Logan oi Robertson South Africa Mr and Mrs Robin Krige oi Tor onto have also been entertain ed by Mr and Mrs Johns TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs Thorno of Anne St entertained at troussenu tea in honor of her daughter Judy whose marriage to Dr Robert Charles Itssclstlne took place Saturday otternoon in central United ChurchBarrc Tea honour were performed by Mrs Mei Wallis of some sndhiri Fred illiis oivAurv ora Miss LindayWallis ind Mrs Jan McCurdy assisted in scrvt log the to guests Miss Susan Wallis looked aiter the trous seau rooms Butlett sodnow that be is deal am not entitled to anything because at the city District weddings putter traveliennnd station Hi all items at lamestru nldera or this page Your help in supplying fhia nan win so malty IDpreclated Pious phone The Barrie Ex Imlner 1mm and aal tor Audrey Contron er Slhsl Rev bent at the Womens Depart men RENEW PARTY Following the Asselstlne Thoma wedding rehearsal Mr and Mrs Mel Wallis entertain ed members oi the wedding party at their Steele St resi dence on Friday evening Prior to the rehearsal the brides par ents itir and Mrs it lhorne entertained at bullet dinner party in their Anne St home FAMILY VISIT Mrs James Donaldson oi Vie torts St has returned lrom visit to Dryden Ontario Mrs Donaldson was the guest or her brother in law and sister in law Mr and Mrs Thomas Hlsiewood WEDDING GUESTS Out oi city guests attending the Assemble Thorns wedding in Centrni United Church Sat urday included the bridegrooma parents Mr and Mrs Robert Roy Asseistine of on other guests from Ottawa ware Mr and Mrs John Frail Mr and Mrs Clayton Knowlton Dr and Mrs Fred Buschlen Mrs David tion Miss Lana Asaelstlne Miss Shelly Asselstine and Miss Marcia Stewart Guests from the Maritimes in cluded Mr and Mrs Doug Thorns and Mr and Mrs Rod MacDonald of Sydney Scotia and Mrs Opal Haynes and Lawrence Hills of SL John New Brunswick Alsoatleniiing the wedding were Miss lune Asselstioa oi Hamiltonltliss Evelyn Hibbert Hibbcrt and George Hib best oi Sutton Mr and Mrs Howard oi Kitchener Mr and Mrs Robert Asselstina of Grim shy Mr and Mrs Paul Duli of Oshawa ltir and Mrs Fred Hills and daughter Kristy of The local leaders training school ior fall 4H Homemaking Ciubs projectWell Dressed and Well Groomcd was held Aug is and to at Stayner The so wo men attending the chool were om Sunnidale Nottawao Township Lee uresin the course and in slruction in at it it posture grooming and caring for clothes as well as hair styling cour tatured discussions on for dusters andhousecoats and instruction in pattern altera= tions The leaders sewed blous es to practise sawing techniques play at 4H Club meetings The leaders wtliorganize tell Homemaking clubs in otvn areas and will vpassonto the club members secrets of perso nal groomig Ench girl will make cotton duster inch or mmsim hallcup oi cottage cheese made from pasteurired skim row Wilson 1913AP Wire photo Evi9rattd FOWI Garden Pro scars CELERY tilt GREEN ONIONS rosech ounces gua antoad lb HINDSr OF rFully EEF539c SIDESQF BEEF 49c lb CARROTS VLarga Fresh Large VFresh itTTUCE milk has as much protein as three ounces of cooked meat roooa MARKET 25 215 in Buncha Vases 59 is sLIMs moth stlmj stousrs onwrgiswrirnsi Wm swarm rantAu SLIMS AND KILTS Queen SLIMS snstts ï¬ning stjiMs SWEATERS ANDBLOUSES maJAIIII MATCHING sKikTs mu Made creases ertdflmtsssss Kan swmeolsrv canr suns MAT HING SLIMS 115 VI SKIRTS arouses Trojan surorcorirs Tasrcuronrkrt sLtMs lied Edinborough Nova am not legsz related Rn promised me court light ii reluse and added You Ivuld surely lose my dear aodthe publicity would be dreadiui My latherint was dear man and alloyed having him in my home He didnot have nod relationshi with he daughters orthcir and Cr went very little time with them am hard it tor mm out don not to tittimldah Please tell me what to do SHADES 0F BLUE Dear Shades See lawyer and learn what your rights are Dont discus this with anyone and dont iiln anything without legal counsel persons AND PLACES Socialole an Inhaled cover the general nodal tila Aurora Mr and Mrs Jilin sclstina and sons John and Roy oi Falconbridge Mr and llirs Arihur Gliaaford nt Sault Ste Marie tttrlï¬and tttrs Stuart Way of Oakville Mr and lira Goodfeliow or Jsdisona Point Mr and Mrs loss Mr and Mrs it Hibbert and Mr and Mrs George McCailum and Mr and Mn Reg McCallurn ot Toronto neutrinos wconrrva Mrand Mrs AlbertGodrlen at Toronto St attended the wedding or their grandson John Spence to Miss Roberta Stetens The wedding was held at St Stephens On The Mount Church in Hamilton Mr Spence is the son oi Mr and Mrs John Spence Sr former residents of Barrio The newlyweds low to Nassau tor their honeymoon TOUR SCOTLAND Mr and Mrs Ed Baker oi Essa Bd took their summer holidays in Britain Their flight was made with the Canadian General Electric charter group Ailer spending some time in Madam the Bakers toured the east coast ol Scotland They is and inter stopped in Glasgow when they took an allday steamer trip down the ltiver Clyde stopping over at Tighnaehruaich The couple hoildayed in Brn dicli on the isle oi Arron For Mrs Baker it was homecomt ing since she is nativaoi the area llbe Bakers toured die west coast and then spent two days in London betoro returning home FROM MULT STE MARIE Mr and Mrs Hugh Grandy oi Lay St have as their guest Nick Gridzakr of Sault Ste Marie preterve this summers fresh iriiitlgoodness LADIESWEAR er fornext winte with Eerie ompleto instructions sccomp ach pone attic and kaï¬n