You seoaen jflllllllfltlltllPOliT Walla Publisher 16 Bayllold Strut Barrie Outino McPherson VMahagi Editor llliannTIIfor General Manager MOXDAY AUGUST VPAGE Housing Shortage Herder come People On LoWer In During the June election Ill Canada the problem of housing got into cam aign speeches This proves that mem bers of the newicabinel arewell aware ofthe needs for adequate housing and It shows that since the building booms of the late 10405 and early 19505 we have not learned to provide for those tn lowmiddle income brackeLs We have seen the costs of lots going up Now it is in vogue for all lots to be serviced with sewers street lighting wat er paved streets and all of the other amenities If the developer does thework according to prescribed rules be is en titled to reasonable profit If the city does the work then the new home owner must either pay in cash for the services or have the cost spreadover the life of his mortgage and add to the interest charges Either way the man with small fam ily secondhand car modest furnish ings and takehome pay which bears little resemblance to those Dominion Bureau of Statistics average earnings is up against rough times in finding 30 commodation He is lucky to get house under $20000 which is lot of money to commit llfost urban centres are running short of land on which to establish residential areas As the urban sprawl continues it becomes more costly to provide essential services and the federal and provincial taxes on building materials and labor continues to run at almost the prohibi tive levels Is there tendency in home construc tion however to build rather garrish structures in order to get the higher prices the Galt Evening Reporterasks One can look back to the wartime hous 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 24 1948 Pol ice moved in and closed Lions Club an nual carnival at post office square foll owing complaint by local minister about ames of chance Canon CDfIJ miner resident of Barrie for many years and former chancellor University of Toronto addiessed Rotary Club subjectvCanada is our inheritanceylet us adorn it Ferguson ap pointed Hydro regional manager Geo gian Bay will take up residence in Bar rie would be takenof water in Kempenfelt Bay by Simcoe County Health Uni People lined streets to watch big ions parade prior to carnival Derry OSulli van was marshal Float winners were Lowes furniture Carusos fruit store Westons bread Boulderfel greenhouse Canadian Tire Lakeview Dairy Barrie Tent 82 Awning Judges were Mayor Grant Mayor Jack MacLaren Dr Georg Seymour Arthur Johnston and aKenne Robinson Bank of Toronto opEned fine new building on Bradford St in Allandale where Fred Stevenson has been manager for past 12 years Branch was opened 50 years ago as pay office for Grand TrunkRailway Orig inally in Bothwell Black on Essaltoad it was moved later to new YMCA build ing on Tiffin St close to station Harry Morison Lay of Barrie appointed ornERlcoivons VIEws Christian Science Monitor Thore are few thingsmore hypnotic than cliche which everyone begins re peating sheeplik Before long almost everyone is accep ng it as true national publications write impressive if some times rather silly articles on it psycho logists pedagogues and preachers take it up and in short while it is the topic of the day His only after the passage of time that We gradually discover that we have been the victims of rumor hittruth exaggeration and the general iiiiagina Lion We have always felt and we still feel tha this is what is happening to the United States and to good part of the rest of the world as well when it talks about the generation gap Wehave seri ously doubted that this phenomenon was remot as widespread or as serious as pessimistic pundits would have us be ieve It strikes us that as has happened so often before the attention given the views and acts of small minority has blinded the public eye to the more reas suring truth aboutthe great maj We are happy to notethat survey just conductedjat the University of South ern California tends to hear us out Ac cording to recent polling of 300 men and women undergraduates there 80 Fer cent said that they had close ie aiionsliip there is no generation ap in th ilies We donut know if such pro ti would hold throughthegenera1 po ulationy but we should doubt very seriously if any morethan one outof every five young persons wereseriously alienat Tme hisfelders MEMORY LANE lt Dr Scott stated that tests with their parentsand that ing unitsniost of which are still in use They were simple in design and adequate in sizefhey didnt go up on largescale lols but they had more or less same ness to them that while not altogether aesthetic by toda standards were and still arequite ulitarlan In British Columbia where there has been shortage similar to that in Ont ario the government is giving leader ship The BC plan was to hold con test for housing designs that would pro vide homes at $1132 for two bedrooms and $12000 for three bedrooms both exclusiveiof the lots At going rates for serviced lots that would put BC prices in line with those here But having regard to the lots and probably crowding them together bit then having few basic desi rather than extravagant ones it mig be pos sible to bring the housing cost down in many areas There will probably always be de mand for town houses and apartments But there will also be demand for people who want to have their ownde tached home one they can call the own If they cannot get it within an ur ban area they will reach out to the sub urban areas and that means city has lost taxpayers Ever since World War Two took over from depression there has been slug gishjlaxity in suitable urban develop ment That is why governments must work together now to provide some of the amenities which will keep common ities knitted andrprosperous We have overpriced ourselves so much that we have to pay dearly for place to live Through some element of greed all of us are more or 165510 blame controller of Chantecler Hotel in Laur enlians north of Montreal Following dispute with Lions Club President Rev Clements of Barrie Ministerial Assocn issued statement concerning stand against gambling Barrie Arena packed Sunday night for open house when pupils of Osborne Colsons sum mer figure skating school put on demon stration featuring Mary Jane Halstead Dori Tobin Alain Pian and Pierrette Paquin Crown AttorneyFrank Ham mond Will considerreport by Sgt Da Hamilton OPP concerning Sunday ope ation of amusements and stores at aga Beach Parks Board faced With growing vandalism mainly at Queens and Shear where playground equipment and benches are being damaged Canada has worst butter shortage in history Many people demand that oleoi margarine be permitted as substitute Amongthose entertained byKate Aitkenh womens director CNE were Mrs Montague Leeds Miss Ethel Crossland Mrs MarjorieHamilton Mrs FrankuGuilfoyle and Mrs GrantMayor of Barri William RDelaney stated firm wou ave active program building next winter Bob ier and Bill Hagan of Barrie junior base ball team pitched nohit games this sea son Carl Emms is third good pitcher on the club coached by Roy Emms Catcher Paul Meger is leading batter not points of friction some of them fa 1y serious No two generations in fluid society can eversee things in actly the same light Inniany this is good thing On the whole it sulted in human progress utItd BritisbDominions to send no SUBSERVIENT NEIGHBOR Chicago Daily News Despite the close ties Canada has nev er been subservient neighbor It has notbought US policy on Vietnam Cuba or Communist China in recent years and there are other differences UndEr the bluntspoken Trudeau these differences rarelikely to he brought into sharper focus than they wei national unity Trudeau seeksto forge shift in the direction of conflict In stead of fighting so hard among them selves the Canadians may direct more of atheirliosillitv award third pattyand But mutual interests will ing the difference go on outweig Pertinent Paragraphs on companies are worried if escalates much more dollar orth what coststo collect lelusively entitled to the use Tli doss not meanthatthere are tb but it is still essentially the lacked Greece an sre under thelmore tactful Lester Pearson Moreover oneoi the inevitable byproducts of the sort of QUEENSPARK Exhibition New iws MYVTtRdva OINT AFTER seems By panic monomers day ofgbt Canadian cabinet WAWAAlter Soviet unk rumbled into Prague fut nicai ministers rambled on discussing that development all throuri tbc following morning Tbey tbuc failed to transact any nan clonal business durinx what had been summoned Ihortsnd snappyAroutfne meeting Come plaining about on Iltemlrdl former forelgn minister Paul Martin indicated that this was the ultimate exercise in futility But while the cabinet wasim potentlyairlng its views in pri vate Parliament llill abounded with equally knowledgeable but similarly impotent tongues wag ging in public The bussito invasion of Czechoslovakia II brutal abrfdcement of freedom and shows how even short stop l0lt wards liberty is incompatible with Soviet communism com in Conservative leader Robert Stanï¬eld in statement issued from the fsstnnss of the federal government School of Languioges In Quebec City Crcditably he was taking an olher total immersion course there in French dcsplts the wis dam of the old Cliincsepmverb no doubt familiar to Prime lllln isler Trudeau which says You cannot teach an old Blue Nose new tongue oilicn ov THE Dnaw Still The Same Old CNE By DON OHEARN IORONIO The Canadian National Exhibition is Squawk ing along at present There have been some at tempts to give the Ex hypo asme old CNE it is glorified couniry fair in day when country fairs are more andmore falling behind the tempoof the timesarid show which compared to Expo looks like turnoffheccotury beach doll in long stockings and bulbous bathing costume citations sronri Churchill interfered WithiCanadian Affairs By30B sowpratv WinstovnChurchlll became such great leader during the Second World War that it was forgotten or forgiven lhathe had outrageously interfered Can an affairsearlier in his care Before the First WorldWar great political controversyfln Canada was whetherto give money to Britain to build war sbips or to spend the money on the creation of Royal Cana dian Navy The Conservatives were in favorot contributing in the Royal Navy and Churchill bad no compunctlonnabout send in messages to Ca da stip portlng their view finAug as 922 urkey at siiiisii army was helping Jo guard Smyrna which had been award ed to Greece by the Treatyof Versailles The British were trapped at Cha and were in danger of beln attacked by the young lur th Mustaplia Kemal Winston Cburcluliwas Colo nlsl Secretary and issued statement to the press urging Elbe om Escondith 16 Bnyfield Street Barrie Ontario Authoriced assecond class mail by the Post Office Dc pactment Ottawa and for payment of postage in cas Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays exceptedi Siibscrip on rates daily by carrier weekly $2600 Iyearly Single copies foe By mall Barrie moo Ontario$l2oo year throw off sisyear OutV side Ontario year Out side Canada British passes aions $15 yea and foreign 532 year National Adverti ng Offices 425 University Avenue lloron to 640 CatbcartStn Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canad sn Press is ex for republication of all news dispatches in this papcrcred lied to lt or The Associated Press or Reuters andalso the Return postage guaranteed Premier Roberts now wants to do Drapcau and make great big modern shnwout of the old ran He outlined seine great dreams forgnn audience at the EXdTEamS of an annual SPJC tacular which WfluId run through the summerboth modern show and national showcase The dreams sounded exciting There would be manmade ls landsas thcre wcrant Expo marinas waterside restaur ants creat outside exhibits total environment sort of thing troops He should haveccn suited the Commonwealth gav ernments first One of there suits of the First World War pins that the nations of the Com onwcaltb esla slieda policy consulted about Br sli dec on5in for eign affairs in which they would be involved Prime Minister iiackenziq King was in Toronto wbcnhe read Churchills message in the newspapers and hit the roof He stated immediately that Canada would not become in volved ithout the approval of Parliament Opposition leader Arthur lllelghen agreed and said that the TBpIySIItltlId have been Ready ready IMPERIAL WIMIHIEY DID TDEMIMTIIER WASHIITIIIIIE MMFMEDW WIMIUIH obstacles rtele sion acts and presumably drawing millions of tourists annually leaving colos sal amounts of money in the city the province nndthe coun try beautiful vision But can it come true After the success of Expo and Centennial Year nobody is going to automatically discount any Canadian dreamnot even dream conceived in normaly idcasfcrlle Toronto However it doesnttake mo mcnts thought toforcsce many st of course is the CNE its It is dowdy aid sho It is 90 years old and though attempts have been made to modernize it by pulling up new buildings and generally popping it upit still esscnlialy display of cows cahbages refrigera tors Can you actually completely redo the image of something that is so firmly established and stand Then will any annual show have the draw tliatthe premier envisionst America ls full of state fairs and other exhibitions lVill anything except one extravaganza such as Expo real ly drawI Will the rest of the country support national show in Torouloi You dont dismiss the pass ty but you have to question In the meantime however Mr Roberts is going end with plans for Ontario itself at the Ex new concept which he hopes to complete by ism It at least will he an improvement yylAST Mondoyond Tuesday true SUSPENSE THE uNs or NAVARONE riusrueacriouor THE DIRTY Dozen The BrassKnuckles Americans lllllllllllel antennaIns BRIGADE Trurlcnus loose about withdrawing Canadian forces from NATO in Europa amused iiccp four among the NATO countries there was the pungent comment of former Conservative leader JohnDicI cnbakcr repeating what he had teamed during hs recent visit to several European countries Wliat is now happening in Czechoslovakia is complete answer to any such policy it cannot be Justified on the part of Canada lve should make our contribution to the defence poser titre of NATO And we should also he doing something which has never been done to Rive flesh and blood to the economic Witliilalse Facef sections of ihe North Atlanlic pad The economic provisions of NATO have neverbeeoglvcn urioua consideration because of obvious differences belwécn the NATO members as evidenced by the attitude of France to ward British entry into the End ropean Common Market When asked hiriDiclmhaj her if he foresawtany dillerdncc in the governments attitude to NATO following the change III prime ntlnistcrs he replid qu clnctly fTlie Trudeau govern menl la the Pealson govern meat with false lye IEEKI IDOPERATION hfr Diefenhalrer as always fully recognised the advantages Implicit in the economic propos al of the North Atlantic pact although these ware originally by Mr Pearson Vhen prime minister he took close personal interest in Cans dian participation In three inter national conferences charged with exploring their possible im plementation in surprising con trast ltlr Pearson although the slrcol those objectives did ob soliltcly nothing to atlalnthcm when be occupied the ofï¬ce The third member of tho triumvirafe of prominent politi clans on Parllament Hill made no immediate comment on the fact or the lessons of the rope oI Cccchoslovakia lhat third man Is hlr Trudeau who was report edly dancing in Spanish night club while the Soviet tanks were prancing into Prague The moral of all this is that even though Canada could play only an insigniï¬cant role in power pollllcs we have now even abdicated the posture of persueslvcness which we might excrcisein the absence of the muscle to lead And for those who care to compare platituilts with realistic thinking there is this lesson that the old Chief may not be the most fowerin genius In Canada but like that popular bottled spirit distilled by the Hudsons Bay Company he may well be Parliament llilla best procurablef Honderich Wtirns Press DiscriplineiE TORONTO tCl Canadian newspapers radio and lelevb sion musl learn to discipline themselves or the government may try to do it for them Be land Hondericli president and publisher of The Star said Fri day fr Honilcrich addressing Communications Day luncheon at the Canadian National Exhi bition said failure by the media to seek higher standards and to conduct themselves in man ner that inspires public confi denceand support could lead to government intervention At the moment doubt If there is legislative body In Canada that would dare to enact laws restricting freedom oftha press BIBLE THOUGHT 50 shall my word be ill gneth forth out MM mouth It shall not return unto me mild but It shall accompllsh that which please Ind it SIIIII prosper lnlhe thing wbereto sent If Team 5511 Because Hei will nullgo back on Hls Vord we can gofor ward on this The cinnamon4 Canadians some My word shall not It is well to rememberhov been made in the past in Can ada and they may be made aga ln newspapers management and unions have not given enough attention to improving professional standards and do veloping code of ethics ifr Honderich the press radio and info could join lit communic ive council which could Iteep watch onac tivitics of all the media andby the force of opinion exercise an lnflucnce to improve them Such council would assure the public that the news and in formation media are conscious of their responsibility to the public your Iran to Three members of the Noith Vietnamese Union of Women are in Italy as guests of the flab in Union ol Womenfa group idiainpionlng womens rights HELD oven CAUTION THIS MOTION PICTURE SHOULD BE KEPT OUT OP THE REACH OF CHILDREN tenant Willi 0Ellll vim rriortcoors Amusementliabiqu Evenings rvas