danced with dungeons and at al Midland has been charc urcicss driving and tearing cd with bar liquor in pine the scene oi an Ixidcnr was other than his residence Curt Anthony Joseph Smith 14 are pending autos Chris mmaonn Henry iiallem tine Pirie oi mmno Jc TY NEWSJ mmmnonmv GWENS HighSpeed Chase Ends In lineal PAUL POPE and his 16 year old twin sister Alice took time to visit their pony Pillll POPE when Paul canic homo irom the hospital tor the weekend Paul is recovering irom sun name 77 Killed At Dalston ATIyeIrLoIdBarricwo nunwukilladycstudaywhila aoaaingmuflatbalaton Deadirhiralflorcm Mo much 11 Burton Ave who was cesslul kidney transplant op erotlon which was periorlncd on June Life Isnt Sd Bqd With New KidneY Paul Raymond Pope to who receivcd now kidney on June filth wns reunited with his twin sistcr Alice at their home in innislil during the weekend He is the son oi Mr and Mrs David Pope who live on the tenth concession of lunlslil Township Paul who has just received medical okay ironI hisdoctors recently passed the kidney rc jcction period satialactnrily Al thougb he returned to the hos piial this morning for observa tion he will be home with his tamily tor good in law more months Mrs Pope said that his doc tors report that his body had adjusted to the kidncy and that cvcrything was going well now hhat the rejection stage had passed Paul and his twin Aliceshare common interest in horses and since tho opcration Paul believes that he may soon be back in tho saddle again Lite really isnLsoJiad with new kidney says Paul who is grateful that the only diet restrictions imposed mean cutt in out salt and chocolate He can eat all other iootls and says he can lead fairly active life ï¬t he doesnt jar his bodya great deal this means that modcrn dancing is out but rid ing is not Paul received the kidney transplant operation almost three months ago when this or gan was donatedchy the lnmlty ol year old lan Bonciln oi Gravcnhurst who died at lor onto General Hospital tram in juries received in an automobile accident south or Barrie Paul who suliercd lrom neph ritis serious disease at the kidney which would have even tualty destroyed its lunction had been in the hospital or sevoral months belore 1h kidney was donated atrucbby southbound car lcw ntonicntr alter aha got out at car with her daughter Era Arthur Dolllna oi Barrie Drivcroi the car which struck Mn McMillan was IRosa Croucher 4a oi Isllngton Bar 3er readers With Close Tie To Familyiierald Tho Family Herald will cease publication in September and the publishers Ira looking for anyone who has had close per sonal ties with the magazine to help them with television lrl hula The CBC promam Country Calendar will pay tribute to the lam publication September at and anyone whose lllc has bee aom altected properly is Edward Pcndykos reading the magaune Some examples would he married couple who met through the pen pal pages tumor who had an article written about rclallvc or someone who built sewed or knitted something can traordinary lollowing direction published by the magazine They may contact brianaaker at Thornto Stolen TractorTrailer Leads Felice 011 Chase The driver at stoleniroctor trailer which was weaving on Highway 400 on Saturday has been diarged with drunk driv ing Barrie orp had to pull twn men from the cab oi the truck altcr motorists mnplaincd that they had been unable to pass lhe vehicle which was taking up both northbound lanes woman said she had been unable to get ahead oi the truck from the Holland Marsh to Barrie lhe OPP were also alerted by dispatcher tor Hendrie Cartage who spotted the truck and started to follow it when he realized it had been atnlcn lrom his company Police had diiliculty stopping the vehicle and when it was flagged down an OPP cruiser was almost smashed Charged in connection qu the incident is Kenneth Gordon Hawry z7and Ralph Adam Geiger to both of Kitchener Hawry has been charged with careless and drunk driving and Geigcr haa been charged with having liquor in place other than his residence Both men have been returned to the Metropolitan Toronto Police Department where they lace charges oi melt Constables Tony Fouvert and Cpl Phil Caney investigated weekend liccidents Take Lives Gilli Leastlilillcross Canada By THE CANADIAN PRESS At least 68 persons died in weekend accidents across Can ada 45 in traffic The Ontario dead YOUTH frcnomnipf nus snot The Barrie Christian Youth Fellowship club wopnd up its summer prosoam With hoot enany at Minesing Commun lty Hall on Saturday night Members of the CYF served teenagers in attenda hotdogs and pop to the on color HevBob Hillock holds the interdenominationai meet ings twice month in Bar tExaminer Photo Make ct dirtéwiihus for beauty ahedd IIamarvLIsrc no snnvn You SPECIALS 0N WIGS AND PERMS nautical av vrcron navanasa HAIR STYLING airing 7264lli27 SHOPPING PLA VBellevillen SUNDAY Norman Henry Blanchard 22 Hamilton drowned at Grand Hand 30 miles northeast of Sprc n1 ohert Lindsay is Wards ville Ont alter beingstruca by Canadian National Railways train as he walkedalong the tracks nanr Rothwell 25 miles east at Chattham Frederick Willoughby 22 Sunderland Ont drowned in the Pellarlaw River near Uxbridge 15 miles northeast at Toronto Florence McMillan 77 aor rie alter being struck by car on Highway 93 10 miles north of Barrie Marc Lessard 14 limmins drowned alter tailing oil dock into the Matiagami River near his home SATURDAY Rejean Lacombe Cornwall drowned in two feet at water in Lake St Francis about 10 miles east of Cornwall Donald James Taylor 12 Lindsay alter being struck by car on Highway 35 south oi Lindsay 25 miles northwest oi Peterbnrough lt Robert Gordon Lambe Toron to in msinglecar accident on the MacdonaldCartier Freeway near Whitby 25 miles east oi Toronto Thomas Edward Déline do and George Bruce MacFarland 32 both oi Beliavlllc when their collidedrwith another alter they werepursued by police in Frank Neil Anderson 19 VGuclph drowned while swim ming in the Speed Riv Copper Paavo Kaitila 50 Cliff Ont in headoncollislon on Highway 144 near Sudbury Leonard Howiey 26 horas inasinglecnrac dent thrccmilea Joh Janecek 18Dorcheslel 0nt when he drowned at Port Bruce on LakrErie miles southeast London Louise Deliose to Toronto alter he fell from the thirdfloor of home focthc aged ria OPP said that no charges have been laid todate investigating coronar Dr Frank Shannon has ordered an lnquï¬t Mrs McMillan is survived by another daughter Eleanor Bor rowbol Goldwater and ttvo sons Rex of Ohio and Allied oi Ajax Ontario Sbo isnlso survived by 12 grandchildren and air great grandchildren burial will be held at Barrie Union Cemetuy following ser vice at Jennctt Funeral Home on Wednesday at 330 pan Canoe Sails Prom Cariop canoe that sailed oil the top ol aycar on Highway too Sunday caused 380 damage to snother car according to the lBarrie Ontario Provincial Pol cc Charged with having insecure ki 47 oi Thorold South car driven by Frank Boydy oi of Toronto Iravclllng near by waa damaged by the tailing canoe Damage to Ihevhoat was estimated at $30 Oi millennial Alannummuuaanéi DINING our NIGHTS Ar as math 33 up has been charged with unbur ous and careless driving as well Vls leaving the scone oi an ac cidcnt Barrie OPP acid that car las observed by Bradlord OPP travelling at high speed on Highway Barrie cruiser war allowing lt when it ride VIIde lclr at the 10th coo canton of innialil Township The driver slid to stop continued at high mild until thccar crossed the median at Willow Creek into the path or south bound cara The car stopped at the shoulder and the driver tied into the fields Arrested Sunday morning and Barrie Pony Is CNRPrizeWinner The NunWing Commander owned by Mr and Mrs Lil McEachem oi Barrie won the childs turnout in competition at the National Home Show in Tor onto Sunday The pony event took place the same daytbat Kris Llndvlk oi Oakrillo rode Royal Guineas to aiunlor jumper champion ship The horse show was held as part ol the Canadian Na tional Exhibition Miss Lindvik won the cham pionship alter rare double jump oil contest with Susan Sporting oi Brampton on Copper Mchan placing second rav nxnamrm WhNi ADS cacao 7mm £ialréview RESTAURANT ARE MONDAY TOTHURSDAY ROAST TOM TURKEY with droning or BAKED VIRGINIA HAM with Spanish Sauce $175 Includes soup or juice bot rolls chalet cl potatoes vegetables dessert and La beverage InviteW Dial 7285I5I WORLDCOMPETITION DowntimeonlyCanadian ale option receive micrnatiOhaILdIStinctiOn at the1 ianavariya From among811dlffarentbrandsolhcerenta by 32oi tha worldsvlaading hr weriss at L7th World Beer Olymptcs held In havens Dow yvas amidst the only Gold Medal for ale This award Wastmadeiby an 968 world BeerOlyrnplics