FullgTime can bureau Needed in CitvBéf¥vfi 5n italph harry oi the Bar rie police department iuuest ed today that the city should have full time youth humic Speaking to breakfast meeting of the is Kiwanis Club the police officer told the gathering that the cost oi pre vention was not nearly ushigh as the cost oi reiroiving an in dividual who runs into trouble with the law We have got to be prepared to pay the cost at working with youth if we dont the cost to the community may be more than we can hear he said Sgt Berry said that youth bureau would consist ol spec iaily trained and qualilied stat who were adept at communicat ing with young people it may seem like largo scale project for city or this size but the time will soon be at hand when we will have to consider it MAJOR PROBLEM One at the major problems that face Iamilirs and the police department was the lack of com Couple injured In llulo Crash Near Penetang Weston man and woman an in lenelang General Hospital following car crash on County Rond ti north of llighway 27 at 135 pm when their vehicl trol on an curve and roll ed over Deitcr Missler 27 and his 25 year old wife Margaret were in satisfactory condition this morning rtllislnn Ontario Provincial Police estimated damage to the car at $1500 HELLENIC PROXY NEW YORK CPI The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association Satur day night elected louis Yankos oi Toronto as supreme vice president in charge of the asso ciations Canadian section The Maids of Athens junior womens branch of the assoc tion elected Alliti Liaskas of Vancouver as grand presi dent The convention was the doth annual and largest to date nucleation that Occurs when child enters high school The police department mus safety and citizenship program in the elementary schools but high school curriculum do not leave room iorclassroom in struction to citizenship The split occurs just at the time young sler is mosililtely to begin to get in trouble he said The home his lost its grip and the police are poor sub stitute he said 11 parents neg lect their children then the pol ice department must take on their responsibilities but we are really doing your Parenishot only disregard their responsibilitics they give children poor examples he slid Children have seen mom walking across the street in the middle oftrntiie Dad teaches his son to drive on back country road at the age of is but he is only torturing the boy because he has to wait three years to drive legally Heyis be tempted to steal car ildrcn play in the street Jom SEARCH ssnvcnmy om tCPI About 100 teenage volunteers tuday resumed the search for Robert Brown 12 of Vildrid Ont missing sinee Aug while suiiruning near the Georgian Township park GREASE FIRE InnislilFire Department was called Friday night to extinguish grease lire caused by try ing pan on anelectric stove The tire was at the home ol Vernon Gillespie Willard Avc Aleona BeachnDnmoge has been estimated at Sim COINS STOLEN Barrie police are investigating the theft or coinage from the change box of the launttromal at Simcoe Street The thelt was made on Saturday night DIES 1N CRASH UXBRIDGE Ont tCll Barbara Anne Copeland p0 of Mariposa Township was killed CITY new lliE IlAftfllE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 25 l8 LOCAL AND Gaucher it Rendezvous Forliity Meir threoatrcraltatnparotetimea iastwoekendlodmotaglinin Great ale no the southwest sot RALPH nanny and alien parents play with them hesoid The parents policy should be to tell the child at home provide good example at home tell them why and see that they do it at home Then when the child goes out they monkv have to worry about she was passenger went out of control and rolled over on High 47 south oi Uxbridge Ux ridge is 30 miles northeast at Toronto Greenwood Downs Borden Plyers ill Winnipeg The Borden Flyers lost decision Sundayto Canadian Forces Base Greenwood N5 to came second in the first Can adian Forces Softball Champion ship held at Vinnipcg Greenwood was undelealcd in the four day nine tearn tour nament Teams from across Canada and overseas bases took part in the round robin champion nhiF ray sxniiinan wnnr ADs night they were soon joined by more Hudson Bay 150 miles north of James Bay Friday During the trip they wen as far north to Ridimdnd Gull and at one point were forced to land intbehayduetohravy fogs No tloat planes one occup ied by pilot Lloyd Bristw and passwger Gord Cantu and the other piloted by Jack Nixon Ind carrying passenger Roy Smith leit Barrie Thursday The third plane took oti tats Saturdayplloted by Ed iiitin With him were Arch Brown Ind Jack MeCaw who kept log oi the flight We didnt intend to accom pany the others said Mr Mc Caw but we were aware they had felt ahead of us The trio iiaw north to Jim mins where they stayed over night pushing on to Moosonee and Fort George the next day They arrived in Great Whale later that night and stayed two days due tolnelanent weather An old RCAF radarsite there has been converted into tourist accommodation On Friday they travelled north to Richmond Gull where Mr McCaiv high school geology teacher examined the rock Iormstloni peculiar totiio site Returning toGreat Whale that the other four herd oi too white Beluga whales had been seen lust oil shoro the day before we arrived at Great Whale told Mr Mc Caw so the place is well nam ed We saw Iew ourselves but nowhere near 190 When the party ieit Great Wbaio the next day the weather was good Limited visibility the next day aiter an overnight stop at small lake forced then to fly close to the Hudson lily shorallne Wo eventually landed and beached the planes at small island and waited iour hours loi the log to lift said Mr McCaw Ono ol the highlights of the tripwns meetlng Prof Bernard Saladln dltnglure and his wife at Great Whale The couple have been in the noth country or some years making study of Eskimo lie and culture He said he wondered whethr or his Sorbonne olllce had been wrecked by the studentriots Ba ltri ga Imperial Eastman of ABlYliIBIDdYI cit1min runs onovr Panic Hour hicmbeil oi the Barrie Civl tan Club sold lirst aid kits yesterday to raise money for Bob Gilieland lelti and Herb the rrle and District Mens Sen ior Softball League announced today the team will not Newmarket itays BA in New market Tuesday night The best of seven semi play his is led by Newmarket three mes to one DISTRICT WEATHER Sunny tbo Grove ParkiHoma tor the Aged Above Civitan members Captain Brian liieCann suid the team has three heels no decision has yet been reached on the game called oil last Monday beause oi lighting neither team machedngreement on replacement players and the team doesntwant to play back tohacir games in Newmariret Cool on Tuesday Sunny skies across most of the Montreal and Ottawa Tuck Justin trisnn links nieces iul sales pitch to Paul Landry of Barrie tExarninnrl ClingEastman Refuges To Play In Néwmarkei iitcCann said he undesitood each team would approve oi the others replacement playert iot iowlng suspensions for Mondays tight He charged that Newmarket broke faith by not telling impor tol Eastman who their replace meats were RINGER player who is understood to have played in the Oshawa Sen lorteague They brought in ringer MLCann said Our players feel they have been taken he said sour turn for the home game wont god wn ther He said team would have kept their pitcher Marty Reyv nolds it they had known what ivas going to happen lmperial Reynolds was transferred Lssi night Nowmarket usod Eastman announced last week Washed Up Near Wasaga on body of sixyeardd Paul Haber ol Stoney Creek who drowned last Tuesday at the mouth ot the Nottawssags River was found Saturday Washed on the beach at £19 Hymnlimbde at pnL nu ionnd about two miles north of the area when the man on dercurrentpulled Paul and his 6i year void giandlatberp George Thles of Oakville to thalr diam The body at hir ihtea non mmmer was found about 11 hours after he got out of his depth in an attempt to save his grandson Wasaga Beach bad no divers ce nor ctirred KEEPER FOUND SUDBURY CPI ihe body or Bert Chilsteruon to of Parry Sound Ont head llght houso keeper on Geroux island in Georgian Bay to miles south of sudbury was found Friday night under seven fret of water in cove on the edge of tits is lond Pollen said the death was probably aceidentaL with 20000 attending war PHONE 7284414 day mainly sunny and contin uing cool Winds westerly 15 but gusty to 25 this afternoon Sunday when the car inwhieh ooivsionc province are predicted for Tues day but temperatures will still be lower than normal following weekend or ehangoable weath er Todayssynopsis ior most at Ontario is cloudy skies with some showers inthe south For the Georgiarivhny reglon the forecast is tor light winds to accompanyTuesdays sunny skies and cool temperatures The cloud cover today should clear tonight Low forecast for We went along lor the good or the league and look what happened he said McCann said he had heard conflicting reports from the leu gtie executive on whether last Mondays game was thrown out if it was the next game would ha been our home game he Sal gt my EXAMINER WANT said Mr McCaw All three airplanes used were singleenglne hlghwlng mono planes fitted with floats Once landed on the water they can be beached by turning them tailend to the shore and pulling mark Anniversary Teamsters gVole Inlavor Of New NHAVEH ONLY 111 Forccust Tempsrhturol so 70 45 7o 45 7o 70 40 63 to as 50 50 Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener ltlount Forest lVingham Hamilton St Catharinea 70 With iiiroot Cake Lloyd Dunlop manager of Dunlops oi Moonstone sounded like Paw Cartwright on Satur day at the tooth anniversary oi the business as he greetedetis tomers and handed dollar bills to small boys Apprdxinialely 6000 people flocked to Moonstone which has Population oilso for the cele brations Mr Dunlop said that his turni ture appliances and goods are shipped across Canada with cus tomers ordering his wares lrom glowioundland to British Colurnv ID Hundreds at people milled into the store and sampled piece of the birthday cake which was 1o leel sriubre The cake which took 25 hours to ice was made by Mrs Art Cornell of Cold water Mrs Cornell baked it squares or cake in the same pm Over $2500 worth oi prizes were handed out to customers falsity Minnow oi Pate horoughwss presented and at least one dozen children went home wide eyed alter receiving one dollar bill from Mr Dunlop The anniversary was marked with the grand opening oi Dun lops new ski doo chalet which has been built across the road from the furniture and appliance store The building which hous es the ski dons was orginally blacksmith shop in the vill age Lloyd and Marguerite Dunlap started their business in 1935 alter the general store and house which they Inherited lrom Arthur Dunlop was levelled by lire Al lhistime we had to storl from scratch one year we built part oi the store the next year we huilta home and kept adding to it until we reached the development we have to day said Mr Dunlop Yihe lirst Dunlop to own the general store was orthur now as who put in brief appear stores loothannlversary cele gilt by Lloyd Dunlopown oi brailoas aSaturdaynpproie ance at the celebrations on Sat urday From small general store the Duhlops have built ware house which is 32000 square feet in area and 128000 square tool store They have 15gtemployees and store operations are divid ed hetwecn the father and two sons Doug and Jim Th totvn oi Moonstone got its name from mystery novel ae cordingv to Marguerite Dunlap fThc village was once called nledznie but sinceit was can used withthe township it was changed womanhsuhmitted Moonstone after reading mysA tery novel by that name Since there was Moon Family and stoney ground the name was ac cepted said Mrs Dunlop The new sirl doo store was olficially opened at pm with County Warden and Elirivals Reeve Alex MCAiIlEY Dr Rynard MP for Siriicoe North and Althur Smith MP for simcoe East in 8ttedance the locals and st trucking iirms 3Year Contract pidale in 1684 eldest of iamliy Sunnidale Roadwhero she re aided until the time at her death andNorman oi Sunnidalo also ozer WMS The runny llorlal is ad by RevxF Edney irom on Doner Harry Prosaer Allan Le gateDonald Knlslay and El Members at Local oar Inter national Brotherhood ot Team stch in Barrie vntEd during the weekend ior new contract with trucking firms that will give them 407 pereent wage in crease and substantial fringe hcnelits over three year per iod Members of the local which also covers branches in Toronr to Sault Ste Marie Sudbury North Bay Peterborough and Drillia voted llTI to 277 in favor ol the proposed contract The contract will increase hourly wages total oi $110 in stages over the nestiso months and increase triage henellts in stages over the same period equivalent to 37 centsvlt also guarantees the Teamsters wage parity with theDeiroit area under the next contracts Basie hourly wage nowis $270 ior drivers andnso ior dock workers Tbe contract will cover lhe in the provineei marksman NEVIL teiong resident of Sunni dale township Mrs Alice Nev ils widow at Franklin Nevils passed away quietly at the Coll lngwnod General and Marine Hospital on Aug Site was in her 85th year Mrr Nevlls was born in Sun oi eight children at Luke and Ellen Wines She attended pub lic school at hethel inlotw she married Franklin Nevils and moved to tho homastead on the Mrs Novlls was predeceased byher husband inladtt and sonmddie ln tmrshe leaves to mourn her loss two sons Roy seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren one Its ter Mrs Janet Arnold oi Stay ner and one brother Fred Wines Sunnldalo member of the AnglieanChurch she was the tlrst child baptized in the Church ottho Messiah Sunni dale She was an active mam her in the ACW annwaa very interested in the work olEbon utasishowed the esteem in which thedeceased was held Funeral service View conduct Church ofthe Good Shepherd on Friday Aug Pallbear ers were audo MembigiLloyd wood Gordon interment was in Stayncr Cemetery tonight to degrees high tomor lflll 65 Nnnn temperature outside the Barrie Examiner was 52 Synopsis mostly cloudy over Skies will remain Ontario today and some light showers will occur in the southern re gions Prospects ior Tuesday are for mostly sunny skies across the province with some moderation in temperatures but still below season normals Toronto Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Ontario Haliburton south ern Georgian Bay Clearing to night sunny with few cloudy periods and Tuesday Winds light Tuesday Lake Huron Niagara eontinuing cool Sault Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury northern Georgian Bay Timagami Algoma White River Cochrane Mostiysunny and little warmer Tuesday winds light MARINE FORECAST moonr0 CPL Marine forecasts ior Great Lakes issued it till am Lake Ontario winds north west 20 to 30 knots decreasing his to 25 late Monday night Partly cloudy Lake Erie Lake Huron Genn glun Bay Winds nortbwnst 20 to 30 knots decreasing to 15 to 25 Monday evening Partly cloudy mt Superior Winds norther is to 25 knots decreasing to In to 15 this afternoon and be coming gradually south to to 15 by Tuesday morning today Fair tonight Cloudy 50 40 45 40 40 40 40 to 35 Toronltn Peter urou Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Kilioloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earltnn Sault Ste ltari Kapuskasing Whiteltiver 35 Mousonee 35 Timmins 70 55 65 65 70 65 65 65 65 55 ES 65 65 65 65 Trailic Heavy Despite Weather Weekend tourist traiilc through Barrie was little bet ter thsnelrpncted said re port irom the government tra vel intormation centre on High way 400 The manager of tho5entre Peter Head said that be had expected poor weather reports plusthe fact that this was the seeond exhibition weekend in Toront wouldstem the tourist tlde=sometvhat Friday evening and Saturday morning were quite slow with traffic picking up Saturday atternoon and in creasing steadily Approximatr ely 1400 yisitors passed through the centre over the weekend In too separate parties We do notexpeet large crush onthe Labor Day Week end said Mr Mead Parents are usually taking the extra day toget their children ready for school Statistics in previous years have shown that the weekend lollowing Labor Day results in if Gilles 2500Qlinpressiniis NOlNll PAD REQUIRED rush oi lastvmlntlte sightseers VPeni1astainp Rubber Stamps havo tho ink supply im pregnated right in tha stamp No messy stamp padaIo worry about Custom made in any size and wording in suit your special needs VcoMMeRciAu rainynus DIVISION DEADSTOCK SERVICE DEAD on CRIPPLED zinc Mrs NICKS DEAD srock SERVICE Zenith flllID DRY CLEANING SHIILT SERVICE STORAGE MOTH IROOFING war RHANluN NUiSERYlCE CLEANERS 7254411 PLUMBING GK GLENytlItAIEf Plumbing rr Heutng l90yBayflold mom SAND GRAVEL sand stairs All siren curs VARqu LIMITED Iiwy 27 Jiblost STONE MASON meanness annaacu PATIDS SIDEWALKSI DRIVEWAYSI vSHANTYbAY oAvsfl HORSES CATTLE drHOGS vHEATING utter installation To take advantage oif Cable lVs COFFEE Reconnetiioii SAVE $500 it you have disconnect ed Cable in your home some Cable TV will re connect it FREE OE CHARGE1 This offer also applies to all regular sub scribers who had their service disconnected ior his summer ilreconnee tion is made belorie SEPT 1966 THlS IS TRUE SAVING $5 usioiners SAVE $995 All the Games Football Baseball plus top mot4 los allyours by turning your channel selector No unsightlyrroottop an tennas Cable Televi sion recepllo the only real We erijoy your invorit ptogramsl Color is available on all channels Offer limited to one tree installation per subscriber on streets presentlyserv ed by Cable TV Free in stallation does not includes FM Low monthlyrata $450 zzcoitsitsrp 728 3544