am descendant of More es brother Aaron war and missioned by Artaxerxes to lead group at people to Judah and restore political and religious order to the na uon Em Though they carried gold silver and pre cious vessels valued at about three million dollars with thenlithe 000 mile iourney WEEKLY MEDITATION Accept Jesus FOr Salvation By REV JOSEPH IMOLITORIS For God so loved the world that lie gave His only begotten son that whosoever believelh in Him should not perish but have everlasting lite Foand sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved John 316 l7 We are always finding our selves making steel cages In which to contine Gods goodness and mercy The Jews of Old Testament time and at Christs time thought that Gods grace and favor was intended for them alone The Pharisees im agined that the objects of Gods love were to be found In the narrow confines of their sect And this some pride of costs is to be found among Christians today There are churches which believe that they are the only church that you cannot be saved unless you are mem her of their church it is true that Christ is the only Savlor But it is equally true that he is the Savior of allr God loved the world He gave His son lor the world that through Him the world might be saved Hut the Ivorld means all men it is hea vens sweet bell calling all men to salvation assuring all men that Christ is their Snvior it opens the gates of Heaven for every sinner Heaven is open to all men on all sides it includes not only Abraham David Dan iel Peter and Paul but Coin Pharaoh Ahab and Judas if these latter men were lost it was solely because they reject ed Christ built up hell again which He had torn down and by their unbclief again barred unto themselves heaven Ivhich the Savior of all men had al so open for them When you stand before God on Judgment Day llis only question will he did you ac ccpt My Son Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul It is only faith in Christ which saves it Is only unbeliel which damns You see Christ has bought all men with the pur chase price of His lite He bought us too with His holy hinndand for our justiii cation He rose from the dead Oh my friends let us believ ineg accept Him and cry to Him Thou art My Lord and my Godl As sure as We do this so sure will Christ who is the Lord oiall give us salva tion from Babylon to Jerusalem was apparently uneventful Erra In his prayer of con fession Ezra indentined hireI self with the people and ac hnovrledged that despite Gods goodness to restoring atom from exile they forsool His commandments Eara Ezra demanded the people confess their transgression and divorce their pagan em Edited Old Testament by RAMSEY The two Books of Ezra and Nehemiah continue the history of the Jewish people down to about 400 BC Ezra appears in both books but there is no reference to him in the Book or Ezra until the sevenlhmhapler which begins todays lesson Aside irom the progrompl rev form which Ezra Instituteti for the Jews he is an important tiiblieal character because he edited most ot the books of the Old Testament and put them in their present term great deal of knowledge and scholarly abih ty was necessary to do this but Ezra apparently was capable enough for we are told he was ready scribe in the law of Moses lie was descendant of Aaron brother of Moses intelli gently taught in lheword of God capable of leadership and skilliul in using the appropriate means to accomplish his work Apparently Eara was on good térms with Artaxcrxes king of Persia for he received com mission lrom him to go to Judah with another detachment of Jews and put the nation in order politically and religiously This was not torced recoloni zation for only those who wished to return to Jerusalem went To finance the anomile journey Ezra was allowed to Birth Cannot Turmoil InvolvesMcInyFc1ctors Ey GEORGE CORNELL NEW YORK APlSeveral unusual tactorsare contribut ing to the continuing turmoil over Pope Pauls action reaiv firming Roman Catholicisms ban on contraception They Involved besides the specific issue some general trends and new attitudes in the church and they inlensiI lied questions over uses of papal authority With the controversy stIii gathering volume more than two weeks after the decision eame some of the special conditions adding to the tip heaval ovcrIit included tt came amid growing emphasis in the church on the rights of religious liberty and the primacy of individual con science lt was issued individually by the Pope at time when the church has been shifting from centralized monarchical rule to broader collegial or collective government tt came when many priests and some bishops par ticularly II urope have been advising Roman Catholics to tollnw their own consciences abolut methods of birth eonv ttu BASED ON TRADITION lt was based mainly on traditional philosophical con ccpts of natural law although the recent Vatican council out new stress on the biblical basis of divine revelation to ST on crowd that goth rediat Eucha VI lt conflicted with widen ing opinion expressed both by theologians and layorganiza lions in the churcll including last years international lay congress in Rome lt was contrary to the ma jority recommendations of papal commission of theolo gians doctors and other ex perts which had studied the question for five years and which said responsible use at mechanical or chemical ot contraception should be allowed lt recognized the changed church view that sexrelationc serve values both of unifying couples and producing chil dren rather than using the old formula that children are the primary purpose But at the same time it said each marital act must be open in reproduction without interter once FORESAIV CONFLICT Under these varied circum stances Pope Paul himself fo resaw in his July 29 encyclical that Its view would not be readily received by all and be repeatedly since has plead ed for its acceptance However debate about it in the church rather than easing oil has generated increasing scam The results Emay ndeecl heighten the crisisin authorv ity we are already experienc ing in the church leading Catholic historian lusng John IFieid tvhe ihePupe Tracy Ellis of the Universiw of San Francisco told the Catholic National Register nntcd moral theologian Rev Bernard Haring said if it were simply apersonat matter he would silently ac cept the teaching but in this case the whole credibility of the church is at stake While church scholars dil tered sharply ovar the en cyclicals position both criti citing and approving it bish ops generally voiced support tnr the Pope But some or lhem said the matter needs further examination Canadian bishops expressed support for the Paper American bishops urged Catholics to receive the deci sion with sincerity and to form their consciences in its light Although fears were ere pressed that the encyclical might cause wide defections irom the church Dutch preiate Bernard cardinal Al frink noted that the document was not presented as infallible and requires only that Roman Catholics considerit in form ing their consciences The time for schism is over he said Encyclicals can be no reason for schisms for anyone with some theolog ical education The key question for mil lions of Roman Catholic cou ples is whether Iorjrlot the teaching is binding maderl tirft appearance at At yuungComlnunists collect monies from the Jews living in Babylon and from the Babylonian themselves Aria xerxes gave iEzra money from the royal treasury and ordered that the treasuries oi Babylons satellite oationscnntribute to the return of the Jews if ap pealed Io In addition the priests the Levites slogers porters the Nethinim and the ministers of the house at God were given taxexempt status Ezra was commissioned to make inquiries for the king regarding condi tions in Palestine to enforce tho tawot God in Palestine by tcachindthe Ignorant and pan ishing the disobedient Idolatry both then and now has piactleally in regard for moral valucs Modern love ol pleasure Indulgence and power constitute idolatry as serious as the idolatry ot antiq uity which involved graven im ages and pagan incantations ln capable ol compromise regard ing matters of morality Ezra insisted that moral values be given first place in mens lives Ezra realized that the only hope tor the returned remnant oi the Jewish people lay in ex ciusiveness ottoitb Past and present cxpericnce had shown that true faith in Jehovah was destroyed by intermarriage with the pagan peoples about them if allowed to continue he argued the divine plan to bring the revelation of God and His holy purposes to the world in the Jewish people would also be destroyed loud music Really ls Hard On Ears KNOXVILLE Tenn tReu tarstParents who have been saying for years that noisy music is hard on the hearing get support from doctor here Dr David Dipscombdi rector at audiology clinical serv ices at the University 0fTennes see foundlhat luttblast pop music can eause damage to the ears He said cell destructionwas found in the unprotected right ear of guinea pig subjectedto less than 00 hours ot rock roll music Cells were dis placed collapsed or totally missing The ainmals left ear protect ed by plug wasundamaged rueup taw Is Failure BEIDGETOWN Barbados tReuterslWaiting tor bus on this sunpslashed Caribbean is land can he more hazardous than in New York London Paris or Montreal The accident rate in the morning and evening rush hours hera became so high Ithat the government approved regul tinns tocontrol the situation law to enforce orderly line ups was introduced in MayII but the happygolncky citizens oi Barbados still scramble for buses on the basis that the tit test survive Cuhans Receive Slate Organized Twork vacations anvsui The Cuban government has come up with somethingnewin LIis land of ass mobilization Transport ing 5000 Havana workers and their families to the rugged Isle of Pines every 10days for work vacation gt The lirst eo ngent of 500 left in midJuly iorthe island olt Cubas south coast whichlegend says was the site at Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure land Renamed the isle of You the islandnow is run bit the aim otbuilding Cubas lirst allComo muoist societylj Ten tent cities have been constructed with din ing halls nurseries recreation centres andbealth seririces Amabmltlous program en tertalnrnent has been set up for th orkerigtand aftereaehm stint Iittflagricultural work the partlcipanta get or Myth tslaiI wivesand husbands Reine tantly but with great resol so they obeyed Ecras de mand Esra lo GOLDEN hlltND Ezra to GOLDEN TEXT Ezra om rare Mernonlsr cuuncu zoo anyone 1000 Im Church at Study 1wa um Church it Worship 110 pm Evening Service WED 23TH MIDWEEK SERVICE Rev Carl Dull Pastor lUTHERAN CHURCH THE GOOD SHEPHERD 220 Steele St Rev Joseph Molltoril Phone MM Sunday School 945 am Divine Worship II on Rldlna Church of The Lutheran Hour TV THIS IS THE LIFE PORTAL OF PRAYER FORGIVE NESS Rev MacGregor ll am HOLY FIRE this no Sunday School for an area NURSERY CARE DURING ALLSERVICES THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE St Vincent at Grove Rev Robert Hillock 7289731 NORTHSIDE BIBLECHAPEI ounn Peel Sts Sunday Sunday School till nail hrda supper 1100am Evening Serviee 709 pom Speaker IonANDREW RAEBURN Hamilton Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 800 pm GROVE Pllllll CHURCH OF CHRIST Grove Cook Sunday Schedulo unday School 10 humbly ll HERALD or morn EM CKVR TV Evening dueeting pm Thursday Meeting 700 pm it you would like to read about Churches ofChrist begin with ryoutjtew Testament humerus Wesley liones IDale Hideout 345 Grove 7264003 at on St Minister Organist Mrr Lcalle Walker ItistnAr 10 WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Telephone 12845 REV Rllph McKthlte BA BB or Mr Norman and FAMILYIWORSHIP 089 AM Sermons PURPOSE BEYOND OUR anonaa vlsltora or always Ia FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLAPPERTON at WORSLEY Pastor Rev Harold Allaby En El Union 5mm with st Anal rewu Presbyterian Church held In First Baptist church 1100 lmliE YE PERFECT Nursery facilillu and Junior Church 500 pm TRE EXTRA OVERFLOW room welcome at First supine sr MARYS cuuncu RolnonCotholic ss lluzcnlï¬an sr Izuoss SUNDAY MASSES am 9am lOl nun 30 mm SUNDAY MASS pm EVENING DEVOTIONS Wednesday at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730ll15Iam 600 pm llunce Church Located utunrner ot Steele and Cook 1288l12 Parlor Rev Black RenaenceIzcms 945 Bible Schoolfor allagcs tt00 and 700 Sorclnl Speakers from Christian auniuessmrnu Association cordialinvitatlon in extended to all Special Music won ran canvas AND BIBLE STUDY special welcdmc for all seeking Church Home ST ANDREWS rocsavrcnun CHURCH owenvaod Worsley Rev to Heron no3 an Organist aIIIreVan denture it only Morning Worship During the month of August St Andrews congregation will woiship at First ptist Visitors hereunto Wow filévriyrottnrn REFORMED CHURCH 5L Vincent St Rev yr 31a an no Of slbe if 1° WORSHIP SERVICES Io AM and zoo PM The Back ToGodEonr Toronto CKEY 9043 Ian Every Sunday Morning ALL WEIKJOME All chuich copy chan VEXamIner offices by Thursday it The Anglican Church of Canada ST GiltEsf CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH news direct Coulth Ravel1A Haney Nut lb Post Ofï¬ce mHDLY Communion no Re CD onion Ll no Imflail Service no Merrill an rm urnunrnlnr have Rum Archdeacon Run 11W pmachuloltl veryone welcome our Gerry Smith for weltolnl solstice serum 159 Collier Street Church Service Is in Sch speaks to you Testimony Meeting Christian Bel Sertu Em Blah hid Wed each month EM CKBB SUNDAY MORNING It Summer Union Service £s5AI ROAD rRssavrERIAN and aunron AVENUE UNITED cuuacues csss lltilill rorsnvrenuu VNursary Facilitluior lnianto Vacationers and Visitors Welcome SUMMER WELCOME To listen830 am CREE To comeEMS mm Bible School for tho whole family Sunday and BIBLE PREACRING SERVICES Hoog Kong Missionaries MR AND MRS TERRY MADISON Challenging testimony or the Lords guidance and unique opporinnttiu of missionary work talentcdin Iunrnullsm photography radio programming and Gospel preaching Special Music MrsJack MeEwln Wednesday ngcntyman Mission President on Feaver is pm aAeTIsr cHuRcu Ila St Vincent Street Rena Hollidny Pastor Mr Bowie Asislslant Rarrles Erlcndly BibleRelieving Missionary Church vvvvvvvvvvv IDr Bolt Finley WASHINGTON oc lnternatlonal Student Loader iMissionary Statesman Leadar in thagraat Korean Revival 1950 Also in China Japan Formosa India Philippines illOO oerrisis of Communism in our ourColleges NurseryCarej Childra church 35 years For Information phone res1 Roy TunkL SUBJECT theoldtime religions coming back to Barrie Vilay Choir Lyons Sisters Trio one 72057095 Tanks Pastor WAY CHURCH pgvrgcosm tours may nuv Donald to Jay an ad COLLIER sr UNITED COLLIER sr quIrD Hutch Corner color unnfroyntz Minister ncvt enocron I3 Associate Mtnlst REV FINLAY DID supplytorganlst Mlaa Margaret Ring ccnpiegntlons of contraband Grace Unite Churches wil worship with impairment Minllter REV coon Orgnnlat MrlArchclVCollefl 0AM UNION SERVICES ATI COLLIER STV UNITED sundry stun discontinued for the sumrnar Yo Welcome