mum mm mummwwsr in NEWS or CHURCHILL ny rats HUNTER Mr Ind Mrs Thomp mn Ind Mr Ind Mn Gordon McQulrrle attended the tuner II or their uncle Lloyd Km It Aurora Aug Hr Ind Mn Ted Hillock and hmflywere Pawns on the weekend attending the eul den wedding anniverqu Mn llillocks parents Mr Ind hm nmmerviue The nled Church Women nellyVIIr md MchMld IndMn Ind gm Sinclair McDonald Scotch Set tlement spen the weekend It mum natulnuqn In Mr In ngxennathï¬uhnm tom nrlyAnnCon5thie More on Iha e1 uddhe bill or Mr Ind Terry nylon lunete Pointvu Aug II LJaseph Mane Bil Chief of lnnliï¬l new uented cmnvmmuwy Jaunt noypBell hurt Little Cedar Pdntlnd Bl Gadr Point re celved their bodies tram Peter Cévfll dlroetor or 5mm emu Recreation Servlce whn netup the amt Dlreetlng the amp was Erniehmler assist edhyddeputy directnr Erma Duckyorth Ind nenlor counsel lors Dpnnarlmhhend and Ross minim Junta Mahler from mules Mk Midï¬enxia Beverley Mtuln Peter Arch er and Bob Baler swimming instructor Seven volunteer lua lar nutter mm the beach ur Ind melmmhley Ind Bonnl mum Mn Duncan Chum Bel EI Ind Mrs lied Corner Win headed the rnothen committee to nuke local ar rangemmts and worked wtth the county reueaflonvurvinei The closing program burly three hours in Ienzthlncluded slitldunees archery contest volleyball presentatlnn n1 QUICK DRYINQMUL unicklld for drylnl skin smooth dumb mm Ice Indned luveon durtn hamSteam from erhde dowy mus TAKE POWDER ALOMI Carry amino body poi dcr when lnveiing U16 it alter Lbnth to act pflmy hut itchingxreeth hating or In moth ndunr skln irritations the arrivalot son July ma an ncanm aorrawcui nouun STEAK 110 Iv RUMP ROASI snuom POINT 0451 lb iSTEAKor 211n0Asrrgzt All BONELESS curs N0 FATADD TENDERAUICYREDBRANDBEEF if 1ourmanfeisï¬iquéitha5n65t1inée Fm KIDuEvLsUET nsmoyzn WeguaranteeunconditiohoilyeverythingxouhuyatMP LOINIMhbkizmoimb auarieanAN WIENERS sustrumw quAansulten Naming wth it isno matter Who makes it if Aï¬Psellsjt MP guaiéntees Wefeelfthutyoii cometqAï¬P you should be abiefo depend upon AQLP You hgye every right to expect to besstisï¬ed with everything ybu buy But this total guarantee isnit just for you its good for us too GOORSH CoRNEDBEEF32=4¢=69¢f coojn Batter wééks49r COLD CUTS flaw 79 an Bing Brand IGHT BRAND ALL MEAT BROWN SERVE HALIBuinsHxcmpsgevpuï¬iii SAUSAG PAITIES M539 nupm SAVE 10 MAPLE LEAF nanLzss ms PnceYouH Choose 2LSTORES BARRIETO SERVE YOU It mun skews 312 BAYFIELD STREET NSTANT COFFEE OPEN WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY efod Buys QMFILCEV Wheiiuvehoveitorefundmoxie fwazihtoknowuhy SoyWe start cheéking ahï¬nd everything thah might he the cause our suppliers our purchasingorour handling AAP Ernnd vHIï¬uiPrhjkl VAVE COD FILLETSi 316ozvké39i Au Bund Canker 3sz 10 It keeps us working hzird ah the job of being ï¬ne of Comadds mostdependohle food merchants heI sus tooto ask you honestly shouldnt MP eyour storé Aipiow EVERYDAY mm CARNATION cAMPaELLts l10FLOl1lNlf UNTIL iaom 2igiflflï¬if33 VI9j°2v IoMAToJulcEasléoo Vuknhclub 8nd wu we OPEN THURSDAY FRIDAY ninety AND 3174 DUNLOP STREET UNTIL97PM ValuePriced VAVPCreamStyle€0RN mouthing GRAPEFRUIT fNjK entourage Meoflvbul king silo hex CHEERLDEIERGENT Zdzinxa SPORK LUNCHEONMEAT KrflgMtnelg wms Rpjs1smyu 3241oziar59c sALAD DnrssiNG Reg Fringe 55a SKVE 6e maulr nr Dre carton at 1051 549 Gullltx Gnudim 130 supicuennuvnxncoou No GRADE5ZE llrmPar our SPANISHBARCARKE 3mm sutu nupmig REMOVER Applohc or Honey Smacks We 02 Kill966s CEREALS 3s Goldendac Colored MARGARINE nus nAv 1g Dave 96 SAVE DINNEREds2mm Pnrktr 41 lb prim FEATURE Pnlcel gt bag snmgrdmshu Qu tyFrnxn FEATUHE PRicgl rkrueurnlio 2bbag sutémk FuncyfnuIity FEATURE PRICE SPINACHIM mm mLMrjh 0n up nulih aAVE 106 iamjly silo no9 100 as IN HIS nn GUARANTEED muons th19l