Chéhges Fading Soaliered Fighting Genius SOVIET TANK moves into Wonecslas Square in Prague early today Some lighLing is reported in the Czechoslovak capital alter the Soviet Union and four Warsaw Pact allies invaded the ry last night AP Wircpholo by cablo from Prague Until Fridcty Morning TDROMDï¬lCPi limits Kiln arithmetic has given this citys 2000000pius residents days respite irom transit strike threatened for nish hour Friday morning 3But plans already are under way to cope with crippling mahutdown Midnight tnnight had been strike deadline but Leonard thYnchan president of division lift of the Amalgamated Transit Union said Tuesday night union ii matlcal error in setting the Istriltedate The Labor Relations Act re quires seven adaystn elapse after receipt ota conciliation report helore start of legal strike This means transit strike could start midnight Thursday night but union offi cials have set the deadline at am Friday to allow night tran sit workers to ï¬nish their runs Mcanwhilef lastdltch negotia tions were expected to resume today Dickie govern ment conciliator said niesday lets hot talk about strike deadlinewere going to have settleinent by then gal counsel hadihade math ï¬n service will halt if the 5400 nanny workers strike against the Toronto Transit Commie siou The ilC handles about Ikei Has WASEDNGNN AP Eon president Eisenhower is resting comfortably and receiv ing visits from members of his iamily despitevhriel periods of itragular heart beat Thls was the sum of the latest medical bulletin issued by doc torsat Walter Reed Army Hos Tuesday ni They added that the 77Jyear old generals ondition re mained es tiaiiy unchanged throughoutthe day as they sought to bring him through his seventh heart attack suffered last Friday it There was report mean while by the Washington Post than new experimental drug is Visflors being used on the general and that it could he contributing to decrease over the past few days in the periods of irregular heart beat The Post said the drug brciYi lium tosyiate has produced dra matic results at other medical centres There was no comment from the hospital riie Tuesday night inedical bulletin said Gen Eisenhowers condition remains essentially unchanged He continues to have brief epi sodes of irregularjheart action from time to time lie is resting co ortably and enjoys hriai vi its from members of the immediatefamily éCAPSULE NEWS Hepa iiier WaneilnYorlrvilie oi TORONTO CWHealth authorities dealing with hep tis in Torontos Yorkviile area announced today that no ewcases of the disease have be tuation continues to irriprove outbreak en reported this week andthe some Still Expect Trudeau Marriage wrath omrite Daily Sketch says iiiends 6i blonds CarrolltGuerin in Montreal stillbelieveher wedding soonwilibe announced to PrimeMinister rude ii Soup Idioiied In Bolivia LA PAZ Bolivia ReutersTiie goverume rr tos Ortuno today communique said of Pres foiled coup med torready cries Plan Siaieyln Municipal Election 31 onto unanimously endorsed slate of Tory candidates or Minist Spanish hoiidnyrandrrctuin crisis External Alf int hom hecausa oi the C2 has been appointed til Ford Motor Trudeau will ozentmn his hoslovakla VStiléetcar bus and subway on farrrisat the endgoi the crop drop in export indicate the 1000000 fares on norma working day strike would also close down Gray Coach Lines is TiC bus subsidiary serving several Ontario centres from Toronto Fringe beneï¬ts are major hurdle in the dispute The union wants the iiGopcrated health plan replaced by Physicians Services inc It also wants pen sion plan improvements relief time for drivers and timeand ahalf or driveig glpntaer toworkd soif craters now moire $305 an hour conciliation board recommen dation of 15percent raise in twoyear contract would give them about $350 hourly Cgecii Crisis May Harden Foreign Affairs Stand CHICAGO APlAt se Livernoment in American poi tics the Soviet Unions invaalm of Czechoslovakia is likely to harden the foreign at pos turc of Democrats convening in Chicago and of the Republican partyas well fAmongDemocrais the crisis in eastern Europe probably will assist VicePresident Hubert llt Humphrey who already is the commanding leader for the presidential noinination to he awardcd at the partys national convention next week ilis chiei rival SlenaturE battle over Vietnam war policy to bolster hishid to overtake Humphrey hirike Delays Statistics Report OTTAWA 0P The Do in Bureau oi Statistics report on July 31 stocks of grain has been delayed due to the recent national postal strike bureau spokesman said today the report would be sued in about week The report compiled hythe bureau and the statistics hr of the board of grain commi sinners estimates thosupplyoi grain storedin elevators and on years Last year good harvesLand yearend stock of whea will be more than 600000000 bushels carryovers in The xaminer TODAY Ann Land 56 iiyNcw Classiï¬ed20 21 Comics1 Denth in Foreign Aid OlTAWACP Signs of im pending change in Canndas ex tarnnlald program are likely to appear at the October annual meeting of the World Books in Washington in one major public statement and in manyconferedccs the Canadlaiidelegation is expected to picture new relationship be tween Canada and Ihe World Bankgroup as well as other in ternational aid organisations Statements by Prime Minister Trudeau and aid olflcials sug gest this will take the form at tighter rein on contributions to these agencies for midtliaterai aid programs But Canada will at the same time sock closer working rela tionships withthcir experts on selection and coordination of assistance Firemen Now Can Strike rename or Theeliml nation iuesdBYol nostrike clause from the constitution of the International Association of Fire Fighters meeting here will give lndivrdual localsthe right tostrike for the first time in the associations 50year history United States attending theatr nuai convention gave more tliantwothirds malority approvu al to the motion deleting the clause CzerhinvasiOn Shiits Approach MAB MATES Czechosltr vakia aini siirroundingcounq tries Prague radiolast night announced that Lroopslot Rus Despile Order Not To Resist siaPoland and East Ger many startedle cross the Otechoslovak border AP erephotoMap Shcéjcks federal OTTAWA CP The Cana dlaargovernioent views in iczeciipslovaida with iid dismay External Affairs Minister Sharpsaid Mav We condemn this use of told new confer tes otter caving meeting where formal oi suction OiIintiVielnam warDernocrals WASHINGTON AP Crit ics ot the Vietnam war ackn cdgedloday the Sovi invasion of Czechoslovakia make harder to nail spec warendlng plank into the Dem ocratic party platform But inadmitting they are minority of the 110rnembei platform co tee they ins edv theycan still carry their point in the Democratic national convention whichopcns in Chi go Mondayt They began to push newvar That the heavy com tment oi men and materials in Vietnam hampers the United States reaction to crisis to where The news that Warsaw pact troops had crossed the Czech irontier broke dra ati iiy at platform hearing Tuesdaynight just as State Secretary Dean Ru was completing the ad strati major defence of Southeast Asia policy Rusk bore down hard on two contentions Abandoning colic tive security in Asia bywith drawing uldbea nvrtation to disas ventfon place to write detailed instruc tions to diplomatic negotiators Lets play that till totaireh in Pragu omit lovakiaTueadny er enc to He said Canadais hol di5lt cussions on the Czech crisis withiothergweste pitais at the UnitcdrNations nd lathe NATO cnunci All NATO conn res were xioust ke in ind the goal 18 West accord Czech development wa so olis setbacltt this Sharp nounceiricnt at news confer He Canada strongly con demnsrrthe Russian occupation ot chhoslovakia hut cliorls to seek peaceful relations with the Soviet Union must continue Mr sharp issued terse statement tion with ock and dismay and describing it as flagrant breach of the principle of no intervention towhieh the Soviet Union itself professes to sub scribe European Defence Is iii Low Ebb WASHINGTON AP The Soviet troop movement into Czechoslovakia comesat time when the US 7th Army back bone of WestEuropes defence is at its lowest strength in years Because of the balanceohm ments problem US Czechoslovakiu Prdgue Radio PRAGUE CF Sovietth troops supported by tanks and planes occupiednevalibcrab izcdCzechosiovnkia in light ning invasion Riesday night as most of tho nationslept and some shooting was heard today Within hours Soviet para troops had surrounded Commu nist party headquarters in Prague virtually imprisoning nlncol the ilpresldlum mem bers and threatening to bring the eightmonthhld liberal Czechoslovak regime under the soviet thumb Czechosiov eaders py pooled to the nation to remain calm and not to resist the ad vancing troops But lighting was reported in several places in agne radioreported tliat itizens are trying to slopwitlr their bodies the advancing So viet tanks which are heading for the Cscchosiovak radio bufld he Other Czechoslovak rcpoited for work income ofï¬ces this morning Many badvtears theircycs Government leaders through out the world calledemcrgency meetings 4to assess commu nisms most explosive crisis since Soviet tanksicrushed the Hungarian uprlsi ix years ago The ovi snnd troops were afdlllzid iititflo Prague Ain portfnr the attempt to crush liberalization hich ro thioughout the morning sai clashes had en placebebween the cu troops andcitize is built barricades oiï¬c soviet statement ued in said that So vieth lgarian Polish East German and Hungarian troops had moved into Czechoslovakia to save that country fromtb enemies ofcommunism Unconï¬rmed reports in Nina cow said coup in Prague xenoisonoaoo pasodap Ransom party chief Alexander Dubcek and replaced his liberal regime with leaders who invited lhcSo viet troops czacii nannies MEET Butt Dubceir and his col ter cas termittent slatl leagues were reportedmeeting in the partys central committee announcem in teacher should besprepared to gate jail rather than disclose conï¬dential information about student an educad nist said Tuesday Bruce Micklehurgh editor of the Educational Courier said the questionlwas one of teacher ethics after gover nors of the 90 opposing disclosure teachers of confidentrl student information to outside agencies Mr Mickleburgh anobserver the governors meeti in resortcommuniiy 35i1 north of Peterborough sai that oonunrsus Oiuo State officials land rebelling nvict ried on war otnerves today guards ag nst priso prising esdnyt The convicts said tir involving the P2ni 7w id ers Federation passed of RichmondHill High$5choo barzawns the near1 or nine headquarters building sur roundcd by Soviet paralroopi and tanks Czcchoslovnk President Lud vik Svoboda was reported in hit office IbiragueCasii which was siirroundcd by olhe mops In Brathlava troops of fivt Warsaw pact counlries were said to be holding keyvpositions on main roads the airport the Danube Bridge and the radio crowd of many thousands gathered in the main square in the centre of the city to demon ttrate peacefully and express Iheirsupport for Dubcelr and the party leadership SILENCERAMO STATIONS Radio stations controlled by the llbcral governinent woi forced off the ai describedbyi an illegal station of thoioccc pying armies remained on the air it hroadcastnppeals toitlie Czechoslovak military to up part the invaders Reuters correspondent cent Eulst reported that So troops shot at cmonstrators outside the Radio Prague build ing but some of the gunfire was overtheir heads Troops guarded the Czechosloa PM comniitteg building and Prague radio said shooting utside the radiobnildin was gaining in in tensity and atcanuon ï¬ring could he heard thaticestrnirrclsar chairman of the Czechoslovak national counc has been dot PY the Prague radio building The Czechoslovair National Assam ly appealed to unloved ersto withdr oil in cch vakla One of Prague radios best known conunentators Dienst bier read out the assembi messageover the radio as rifle and machinegun tire ckled in the streetsoutside The message sai The entry of foreign k0 was com plete violation Czechoslovak sovereignty The National Assembly is in total disa ament with th terventi Teacheis llire Place Confidence 0i Students First Ontario teachers inlght dup where German teacher were nder llitier niess conï¬den tial student informationis ins privileged in the courts McDonald who inii duced the motion said informa tion onstudents often was give teachers oothe nndcrstan ng furtii McDonald said latetithat recent Toronto court case whichtiie record of actudcnt wasdisciosed in testimony inns in the back iii Coroners OHIO and was iwutly ut down at in atjataq liabanon correctionali Fch ytcbanon prisoners shot and some other erson prisoners fnsed to return to cells end of recreation peii