Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1968, p. 5

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OUTHELDER JACK Foran leftt and pitcher John Gottld are two of the stars of Becton Beebives who are close to Bieeton Can Advance vWith Win Tonight BEEiiON iStafft Now lead ing the series two games to one John Rutherfords Beaten Becbives hope to wrap up the first round of Simcoe Gotutty playoff seltonight when they play hosts to Oriliia Majors uu dcr floodlights in the Breton park win would put Beeton into the semi finals gainst Allis Ion Canucks or Thornton ins dians Ivy Leafs and lilidland indians are engaged in best four out of seven series to do cide the other finalist for county honors HOMEBREW CLUB We should take the Malors said Bruce Gould Beeton club representative alter watchlng the Beehive win to and to as well as the to loss it would liequite an accom cllminatlng the favored Orillla ltiaiorr in Slmcoe County baseball league play Ioffs Foraos fielding and hitting plishmcnt too for hometown team made up mostly at jun lors Our players are all from home he said as he alluded to the hiajurs importing of players such as Nick Owen from Alconn Beach and Chris Hnrber from Ottawa Of course they are more interested in the senior 03A Three of hectons players first sacker Ted Gould 2t and pitchers John junior to and Larry Gould to are sons of Mr Gould The beelon team has been entered in the DEA iunior playdowns Satr outfield er Jack Forum shortstop Rod Ellison and the older or the Gould will have to be dropp ed but nearly allthe other re gulars are of junior age Playing Coach bob Walkam vho pitches on occasion and and aunt plldtlng have played important roles in putt log the licehives ahead two gamesfovonc his assistant Jim Aiken are two veteran players along with Walter Sumerian used as pinch hitter TOP ENTERS But junior eliglbles incltaie top hitters John and Larry Gould second seeker Jim Rutherford infielderBob Con hell ontflelders Charlie Llsk Randy bentlre and Clare liol mes and catchers Raymond Liskand Bob Sumerton Holmes has been out of ac tion with fractured thumb but is expected to return to the line up soon Connell re cently returned home from British Columbia We feel we have rctly good clu saidPhiiipE son official scorer reflecting the general enthusiasm of Eeeton baseball follpwersn Keen Citric Spirit Shown At Greemgref CREEMORE Staff Dos cribed as village with pro gressive outlook Creemore has two former SimcoeCounty war dcns as residents and in cur rent oouncii also is headed by Warden The latter said Reeve Wile fred Warden is pun because thats rrty name But former reeve George Shepherd was warden in 1931 and another resident former Nottawasaga recve James Pat ton was warden in 1959 gt County clerk Gordon Watson was former Creemore reeve for seven terms retired from the municipal field in 1553 said Mri Shep herd tvho remained as Cree more reeve and county wuncil representative two years affler Vbe was warden The native of Primrose who moved to Cree more from Shelburne in 1929 was secretary of the Crremore Horticultural Society for 25 years before giving up the post year ago FLOWER SHOWS We have had some exceiienf flower shows in Creemore he said praising Litegood civics spirit in the village and sur rounding orea He gave the or ganization much credit for its part in helpingcivic beautifica tion pi 1Asked about his term as Locir DumpGale To Save Bears CAPREOL On 10 Town council has decided to lock the gates to the town dump at dusk in an attempt to stop curious onlookers from shooting feeding hears Bill Lannin conservation oili cer with the landsand forests on rtment suggested the eve aid he knew of seven are shot at the Capreol dump and nearby township dump adnngernf bears by 21 calibreihullets the shooter or other bystanders he toldcouncil He said most of the shoot 3J5 done after dark and nrwone tfound with an unwrapped rifle after dusk can be charged under the Fish and Game Act wmrnnn WARDEN nnty warden Mr Shepherd saldrthere had been great changes since 1951 when he heldthe honor The county had just appointed an assessment commissioner to help keep local assessment equalized couple ufyears before Fred Hunter former Tecumsetb reeie start ed as county clerk in 1948 County roads and administra lion of justice were major county services along th reg istry office There arevery few members left on the council who served when didsaid Mr Shepherd recalling that Port McNicoll tanguishene lteeve AlfredCage were two Dalton Jarmey reeve of Medonte also started no county codncil about that time or shortly afterward County supervis oiassesc ment was in eifeetwhen Mr Patton was warden in 1959 but the assessing itself as done byehtcalassessors You should keep local coutioli tb llielocal ratepayers as much as possible and the cou administration also should sthe to the betacccplabie to ratepayers arcnnanfr Compound of Gaelic word meaning Bag Heart Cree fire in 1354 The picturesque Canreol is is miles north of Sudbury grasr TAKEO on one location on the Mad River at yrssavtcE cellent rink Current drive for said stating no other method should more received its first postoi tracted settlers and by 1383 it became police village in Not tawasaga township good sporting centre Cree more has playoff team in the Slmcoe Countyleague as well as aDufferin VSimcoa league entry an active minor hockey organization and an ex funds to instaliartifical ice has reflected keen civic spirit Newspaper publisher Reg Weslhrooke one time star hockey goal tender for Coil ingwood has been an enthusias tic supporter of community campaigns Besides Reeve Warden now serving his second year as reeve the Creemore cmmcil includes Councillors Gerald Blackburn Frank Hartt Har vey Pettigrew and Alex Mc Allister Mr Warden came here from Arthur where he formerly ser ved as councillor and reeve DONT BE FOOLED BY COOL Beware of complacent mom ents under aihat or protecting urnbrellaNeither of these pro tects against sun rays bouncing off sand and water Watch out for hazy days of light fog Ult raviolet rays are penetrating and creep up on you in cool sunless air In mountain areas unielt burning rays are stronger than the cool air would indi ca Reeve Albert Calvert and Pene walkl runningfilloifeithe 13er Additions to warnch lnd Cen tral schooa will be flushed by debenture issue of $01000 of which approximately 360mm will honoured by grants from the department of education mmhlohhutbea paeval of much awaits provl of the Catariclfunldpal nm the who should start medialely is the desire of both the school board and the tractors Unless the outside walls are completed before win eella ter sets In there could be pro blems notantlcipated in the contract Both additions are to be built by Bertramjrotheu of Barrie WAEDS Division oLtha county into wards lowblchrepreseatadver will be elected to attain the county board of education will be discussed by county council this week The educational committee of the county has tabled its recommendations on arrangements for wards cordlng to assessment of munlr clpatltles it has been atom ed that lnnisftl be grouped with Vespraand Qro There are likely to be protests from ment bers of many municipalities who may feel that thegrouping leaves an unfair situation How ever the act requires that the assessment is to be the basis oi decisions Election ofmene bers of the county board will be held about the first Monday of December and with munici palities such as lunisill not an ticipating local election thlr year it may be hard to getvthr vote out for trustees GAE ro PARK Application of the gas com pany to place over soon feet of piping on roads leading in the subdivision of Highland Park was approved by council The road supervisor was given tauthority to sign the applicar NUT DISCUSSED The special meeting of coun cil set for the 26th htchurchlll at 730 pmis to enable any contractors who wish to make commons on the new building bylaw to do so before it is given third reading Also at the meet ing the matter of new rules and conditions to do wlth subdivi slon control will be open for dis cussion However thedecision of council to add service charge of $500 to every lot sold off any plan approvedaiter July thi year will not be included on the agenda WINTERITES PICNIC very enjoyable picnic war held at the home of Mr and Mrs Peroyfilewison Big Cedar Point last week when about 50 friends who winter in the St Petersburg Florida area met to renew friendships Riotlng in that city may affect some of those who live in the downtown area but it is hoped that things will soon be back to normal HOLDVCROFTS warm newsy letter has arrived from Mr and Mrs Harry Hold croft who are holidaying in Eng land afterlt years on Canada They mentioned the Brooks who lived in the Churchill areasev eral years ago before returning to England and hoped to spend Abandon Pioneer Sunnidaie School SUNNIDALEZCORNERS Staff brief school con structed inrloaz mile east of here which was closed this year has been attracting attention of visitors The abandoned school was the scene or recent reunion of former pupils The school was built to replace 3a frame school which had bedn buiitrin toot The first school in Sunuidale township was log building erectedinr 184i ngtro Mrs DonaldHarvie of Harvie pia¢eis9rinsa AL lhastatenxatolezotndlulm fwtbolmnnterptcalcaudcae for admic stool 561 menses were as follows street dance bands remitted etc has arts $31866 mo pin onus 51633 swim competition 60 publicitva advertising mt entertainment parade fits general expenses mls gt oeuuestlmate0wmak ton DillJo steam from which is deducted receiptsifor admissions and commisdona STRICT EPianQIoriéitanehxprertsway Studied By SunnidaieCouncil leaving the balance ardabitlo general funds meeting at the park to present trophies prominentmt tmmmltu The Junior hardball team Huron lost out in their flltlls byth games out of three This after Steve Robertson was hospitalised when he ruf near which be was playing No other players had left the area Those in charge expressthankr to the committee who worked hard fered bums at flre with the team Robertson will have the band ages on his legs removedthls week NEWS BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST toss Site Of Glengarty handing link with VColllngwood Harbour gt DISTRICT BRIEFS ANNUALCOMMENCEMENT Edenvale Park EDWARD Staff Site of the Glengarry landing in lots Edenvale conservation park has been attracting consider able tourht interest Various groups of plcnickers have made use of the path ion benches tables and other facilities provided by the Not towasnga Volley conservation Authority beside the Notlawa5lt aga River Speed in the park area is limited to is ntiles per hour gt large sign inside the park carries the name Edenvale Conservation Park and ex plains The Nottawasaga Val ley Conservation Authority em braclng ea municipalities has with the assistance of the gov ernment or lario established titls 12ch conservation area The area is maintained for the demonstration and interpreta tion3of the wise management or conservation of the natural and historical heritage of the waterhsed to provide recreation fortha people and to ensure CQVCEDkStOWII Herd Gets New Stock COOKSTOW iStnif Pat OConnor well known Cooks towncattle farmer has been adding new stock to his herd Mr OConnor purchased cow of Brooknill JVF Elcena from Howard Brooks of Paris for $550 at the lath annual0nt aria Guernsey classic sale at Awards Made lit Dunlroon DUNTROON Staff Three girls were presented with 3100 scholarships by Simcoe CountyWcmens Institute here Mrs SanfordAikins of Stay ner was chairman of the schol arship comntittee and receiving the awards lat the 4H Garden Club achievement day here were Miss Patricia Norman of Stay ner Miss Betty Nohie oijlen cairn and Miss Susan Handy of Dalston Theawards require winners lohave good records in 9H work as weilas academic stan four one unrut way have beenjeonlsdered in social proposals now Inform for5uanldale it was outde Reeveugtyd Pridhatn Pointing intbrce mapsln the township halllatthe former Bethe School on the 7th Con mnan andrCoualy rota lil thereeve called attention in dif ferettt proposed tones on study maps consulting firsz now preparing official plan which will beeonsldered by council and the planning board in due Vol onaar POTENTIAL Great development is anllcl plied throughout this entire area said Reeve Pridham stating tha proposed ex ress wx now on paperwouhllnk wl Highway 400 and connect with Collingwood and points west andthen turn south to Guelph IIihls is in the planning stage now zhut 1th coming Wasaga Beach will be place of some year round residents before too many years and there will be much development all around Now largely rural munici pality Sunntdale has New Low ell as its largest cornmuoity Reeve Prldham said he anticl patedthere would be industrial advantage of the tracks which anus snows eat what are behaved toningnear New Lowell to take Honstoo thirchooldbeaa lode tt rtaio or mmmumvwmndmnun usiry commented the reeve who has been frequently mentioned as warden proceed for next year Viewing theJllldy maps lite head of the Sunnldale all called attention to airport mention and gravel pit areas also dralnltge areas in addition to residential commercilland indttttrial toning Large areas for county reforestatio lists were shown Wonderful things are etc to happen in our re on said Reevelrldhant with an enthusiasm which reflected con siderable confidence in addition to being reeve of Sunnldale ltlr Pridham is also chairman of the Nottswuaga Vsiley conservation authority and head of the Sunnldale plan ning board The new expressway will on ter Sunnldale fromhlottawasaga and proceed through Plot on the way to the 400 Exact route has not been made krtown said the reeve stating the map show to be gen eral plans BLIGHTY Golden Lad Is Popular public access to the Nottawas age River in perpetuity Residents of the area report the boat ramp is used consider ably at times by boafmen fra vallingon the river Numerous passing motorists stop at the Highway on bridge to view the river Wells at the park provide cx ccllent drinking water and there are outside barbecue fireplace for cooking gt Different groups of tourists have been seen viewing the large cnirn at the park entrance commemorating the Glengarry landing The inscription reads At the Forks of the Nottawa sage River Lt Col Robert McDonall Glengarry idghtvln iantty built the flotilla of boats with which he effected the re lief of the British garrison at Fort hfichilimackinac In may 1914 He thenvorganized oud expedition which onrtsth July captured Prairie du Chico sissippi of Newmarket He also paid $1000 to Lloyd Comfort of St Arms for Comfort Farmslevity Lana The Cookstown farmer paid nual commencement exercises tute will be held on evening September more Horticultural Society has arranged to sponsorvahus trip from Creemore to the Can dianNationalExhibitloh at Tor onto on Thursday August 22 Hambly Bradford farmer has purchased two Guernsey caives one from Monica Duncan andisons and other from Cochran and son also of Almoote atoms ARENA Dunlop St lllllllSllll PM Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc MINGWOOD Staff Au Collingwood Collegiate insti Friday WILLVISIT CREEMORE Staff Cree nurs rwo CALVES ananronn Staff Jack Almonfe BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE $240o for the yearling bull Tan nery Hill Nances Yoeman son of Norgerts Royal Nance out of Tannery Hill Kings Savannah at the Tannery Hill dispersal sale He also paid $1000 for the bred heifer Tau nery HillGolden Ray who was out or Rennwaod Neptunes Julie classified as excellent and sired hyEire Viceroys Duntroon Schdol AdditionPlanned DUNTROON Staff new two room addition tsto be added to Duntroon Central school toprovide needed ac commodatlon Approval was given earlier by the Ontario Municipal Board for the issuing of $53334 to meetthe costi JIM HilliflNlillHfllHl gt Um no nrsenvro snarsonoeuua PRICES =PU5 Mtettho moddeatntolt amenitymakers that ever made ahowllngmoss of the Edition gt Domain Picruf sassy ooito tattootownie BiililiiNiiio Williiliiilliiii tormenti autoimmune no MINI Show starts at 8545 LAST TIME TONIGHT DANGERVROtlTE TRACKOFTHUNPERL dards and be active inscbooi and community activities Besides Mrs Atkins bers of the committee included Settlement president of the County Womens institute and Mrs John Bell of Collingtyood mem WIMT In fill THEM llfllflf WASIMHIIIIB WMFMEDW WI IE1 In IE slur IMPERIA We itmi steam ENTERTAINMENT 910 Brarstuttoncd Canadians POLISH The amnxnuctno Amoltenns nonunion InnerIns Brandon IL

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