Ll maisonette Is Ruling Factor ayaomannomnam burDrJtotImIItbereIny hamlngivlnglnlntant cold mllhIDoesltdamagethoatona InhinInywqt Ihan been givlnzmyhlby coldnallknnrehewaaa and our old lie when cramps or tummy Idle and flawlessmismana dated that cold milk ll not Ior baby that the baby It toxin and has to have milk Also that everyone know warm milk but mu DCe It ueed to be ruppored thIt with had to be warm medical Itudier more recently rhow that milk doer not have to be warmed tor baby lhla does not alter the act I1 that babies mey have preterv enoer ii youngrter consist ent the nipple away II the II cold but not when it Ir warm then he yreiera warm lrtllkSoglvelttohllnOthflba hier are the ogporlle would be tablous about ziv ing thy Icecold milk partic ularly It be already we used to warm rnlllt But the Important point II that cold mllir not harmiul Dear Dr Molnar Have you on nude on poison called eIlmonellIt cant Ilnd It In my dictionary but are dto know Ibout ltEC Salmonella ls class at germs There are many varielt tier ot Iaimonella the typhoid and naratyphold germs being Salmonella Iniection results as rule from eating Iood taint ed with the germ It takes three to tour days or the germ tn multiply In the Intestinal tract to the point oI causing Illness Salmonella while not the commonest arm to food polson lug Is very common The corn rnmtest to food poisoning from TELEVISION it It loco2cm whiehdorellorlrmneh Mthertaohlermmumpliu tlnleaaestoalnlwhlchdothe dirtyworh Itlethldnaeerotellber these gem that lmpelr Om endotherltlotoloeumaay warning that food shouhi kept retriguIted Popular nob his food melt at 110th nlad nodwtchu eu dimer and to on are arty dan gerous beenae Io often peoola allow these Iooda to be kept without refrigeration Ior several ham In warm nether than all It takes Iorthe man to flooriah In the loot and canal trouble DeIr Dr Mtlaerx In In yeIrI have been to the hospltal etrbl timer for kid stone and twice have it surgery to remove them The atone consist ot mull matedIr but eyttlno la Ilvnyr preterit drink turn uantlty oI Ilq uida each day do takinl an alkali solution three timer day but the atone Illii Iorrn Are cyrllne alone an rare that there la nothing one can doto prevent them Irom arming IgalntMrl About three per cent or kidney stonea In the eyrtine type Ex cenlve excretion ot eyrtln In due to what known as in born error or metabolism and Iormntion ot turh stone tr diflh cult to combat Ar with all stones It is new rary to constdcr severIl IIec tors Iniectlon obstruction Ide quale fluId Intake You are correct in drinking ample water or other fluids and In using an aihallcltrocarbtp nate In your case Recently penlelliamine has been used or eystine stones It would have to be used accord Ing to the direction oi your phy rlcian or nroioziat oI conrre PROGRAMS rnurrFILo rannm rnurrrm 1aunmm ronomo mailman MONDAY AllGUbl 1o EVENING 50 IIHIXII 3330 CIBIIII lMllchu MIMI oPrrryr Probe ltRooln Hood till lMerv sum lKlltll Olllllw 6th or me ueneu IWllfl IlInhok 91 Love LIICV lIGflilnnn Llllnd ttGlnut we too eOn sum eum mun Uncle 74am ownnun nmaa ht 70 rm in Hell IIIhn mat uncle moo 530 ITrIII ml lMovla room St lzw LBeverlv dktï¬ilgéan ltPlem nema mm iuovt tlteavena mason monsoon MORNING AND AFTERNOON me two awrmw on To Win GMornlnz Smelter 100 zlodlu 6bit ltlll gt 73be mo ICavtaln Kmart 830 DLnlvaollty the Mr no an 1DlIiIng or DolIIlI oItompor Room IlIAI MIMI mo ooou outta eerlres Some anteer flmmm 1000 Hana ruminant 174 Allen ecmam CInrerI Mar and Mn tlIIMeyn can nNewr bNwr mo ZMILhes 11 Male ath classics esamt storm HAW Pro llIimoln Hook ill 10 IMflv Gflllln 2HIXBI 5lelle Mn omut or Conlenne 7Wlld Elli Illlikttx WM Ln NutInn IEIII 31 city is amn rmln um Ierrhal Dillon lMovte Clown IlMln Item and 05th lRobln Hood I0tll0 iRuee On bone no Zï¬evte oMIn 1mm nu wai New mutual 59am IIPierro ltrton nnuubII SMllkl Minn eTrutn ox oeumuencer IFIltv Dul tï¬ollvwood without Muntot lHonkflusk Hm Bill ZChlnmtonl oxauywooa no on nototh Mlle zNm on tnnverly Ellihilil can Sunder ltthua People 2H pair mad totem IlMonaent mu Your 7hustuv Ina Slltnbtollel We IIlenr Pettloet enatrt 1GIrrtsenr cor llWInWIth The Star esnawtlate 1It lhitt lGM Comm Hand GrIIIlllI 7rexony Squad lCountnt MC In 1311 vutev IIMerv Grifï¬n rum Mnmet oom lot 00 ll 2tfll mm wutar sport as iTonllht Hireher Hwy Elmo 7Movll Hind In Band Heflvl Probe lIvln Illlllallllfl AMI mo lLuuheon Data 6119 Th mm 7nmm norm ouwtn Elm warmmum arem JAa Tet warta nun 741mm out uMtkepoume 200 2Day of our um OMVI II Ma Svlaanoroe Till 7de GIBI Him and we ZYOII Dont SI 4m of mm 11min IllPooch Maw rvesmr Iuousr to EVENING oeotmta urnnan Wadi uDaktart no FWDII IIke Manhatten IN ortnvte June DIM omw urn Hf Back Antultl 7nVl4m Hvennro 11May 10 Juaetl mo Hhownul ae Hhowtlme uldy Bon BOMB Itflot IPernI probe View For example wonder data the Holland Us match in At the first table the Dutch North Mn pair Rounder Ind Oudahoorn Arrived It our hearts doubled on the romance them Well ilelderrnan playing with Rubin led the diamond hint Deellrer ntiied In In and returned club East to Iowin Iw Upon winning with the ngleton King declarer cubed the Ice oi diamondr discarding made Irom dum my and ruiIod diamond and ciube until he lied exhade both rulla When he now led road toward his hing he could no longer be prevented from mah lng tho doubled contract with MINETS POINT ALLAN INGRAM Mr and Mrs BIII Ballantyne and two daughters also Mire Margaret Fraser and Mrs So phia Ballantyne of Toronto have been yocationlng at the nu cottage Mr and Mrs Outta and dluohter Marjorie at Detroit uereweelrcnd visitora with Mr and Whitty waweresonylnhearol the parsing of Mrs Dunn mother of Mra Anna Arlraey Southvlewnord Mr and Mrs Merlin llowat have returned lrom motor trip to Regina where they visit ed relatives and friends Congratulations to Mr and Mra John Wynn nee Sharon Bowen ot 1orontoon the Ir rivaI daughter Ind grand child at Mra Ellen Bowen OFFICE HOURS INm nrtm Berton tnlnmtheir atom Pemvtan ILPrtvet ILthl men tanner 133de aquIdi Vlfliiï¬i alllllafll Ellllï¬ï¬‚fllll rmm unununnnna Patllmlr Rheesz amatetr nn nounn nounlulnnn flfllï¬ï¬‚llï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ HIIIEVAWIIII um BLZnlerahte Thats not ve ltlve appmehbegglnxtham £1 Ioyon wont hue your job sales manager an cnostOnD $523 notrump tbnt Ioee down with normal playi The IctuIlcon giacxtwwent down three tor lose towns BYMJPMH Oonmtulationt to Mr and Mrs WIyne lllli nee Eileen Sweerie on the birth daughter First ngndehIld or Mr Ind Mn Robert Sweetie Renaud Mn Allan Ilaldem by Charlotte and Esther are holldlyinl iunorlhern Ontario and visiting Mra HIIdenbyI mother In Sault Ste Marlo Mr and Mn Ivan Kell and dauthlerr visited Mr Ind Mn Don Jacobo Ind Iamlly New to on Sunday Vlalton wltlt Mr and Mn Itoy Carter and Iamlly the weCRend ot Aug 10 were Mr and Mra DtIidey Carter Wey tone Mrr MIcQueen Cree more Mr and Mrt Tom Step llgton and baby Kevin o1 Isllng St Pauls bail team are in the semi lnrla against Patna wick So for St Paull are win ning having pIIyedtwo Whoa and won both PLAN TUNA MATCH WFAX Angler lrom live countrlet will take part In the annual International tuna cup match Sept litIt oft Nova Seotiareoutlrweatern coast United Staten deleuding champion will be challenged team from Canada the Brl Caribbean Mexico and Italy The latter ha entered tor the first time SiloIV lï¬nltie acu Sun on lrrllelr as VIIIay mover head nnnnnllunnnv yuannun Ann flï¬ï¬‚lï¬ll mgnnlilnnlll witarts ruan MDANING Hen MALTED You KNOW Henna or auvs STUCKON weiL tr Akee It sure Ger HER one uxe Moo now mneecenrsa narrqrAK Hep BUZZ SAWVERA vMUGGsaSVKEETEK runereams DONALD DQCK ldfl Wonk Etta SECREIz AGENT X9 ACTION AUCTION Come in Inthy ahd Mn Your Acilnn Otter on New or Used Cart TON Bradford 5t Barrie Atkinsons August 452 BUICK LTD Dial 7264885 PONTIACL TODAYS GOODWILL USED CAR span 1566 GMC Ton CIb Ind ennui ny thII one 1m whlet base tpeed tmu arn my matuomru dorm $3295 WRAP PLANNEDTDCAMPOUTIN THE WK YARD MTHOUR SON TONIGHT GrtANoMA WEILILEYSIDSS not Tue TIMEHEADS PAY BLONDIE BUT LITTLE Lams m1 ISNT Blï¬ ENouétt gt FOR eont OF EM tuonumtsmwsr gmnsueuoneeor eminent aurnlrautosrot mmmurmmr mutenmrutaez nogoeuomwml MR transom mmemounmtls ANPTIIESILVERI cuwrsornwnlm nwrresuoroaent moo