dangerous hazard mail record oi accidents Alter constitution between the Canadian Transport Germain alon repreSented by Trash and the road camtnlueeganol 313 will hit weep repaoemen bridle by standard com structure with changeJn the grade to allow sufï¬cient height and width or Wind trailin The commission will pay 50 per Ely Laue run hm Toilendai to the lake on the westerly lim itLol Mlnels Point It ll than cn in street but Mrs Sop Blfllntyfle haa comma odiocwncilthatcwaersota subdivision to the east at the lane have engroeehed on therright otdway and blocked use oi the roadway byher and others The road committee have looked over the to rumortho coatkmthem council ingllund the railway will pay me per cent while the depart ment at hlrhwayl and the town ship will absorb the balance The townshl will also pay the cost of approaches To tal approximate cost 11 $50090 Elammdrhseeintheflanm area was recommended to get several loads of pit run gravel iillCatherine Street in Alcona Beach will have culvert in rtalled and ditch on the west side opened mummy slot The roadr committee recom mended that the countymaie the corner of 25 side roadnnd the low line tourway stop and thatthe nth tinecrossing on the same road be equipped with ntluher light It also we ommended that centre while lines he painted on paved roads of the township Number ROADS An arrangement has been made With Mr linrnr owner oi land near the vturnand Shep pardtarir tovobtain snifldent to improve the corner coundl arranged to have Wood and Company aiioronio flrm of land surveyorapluadle the details mi away swan mm Stroud volunteer fire brigade was called to liuroniadistrict ctansnms MontrealReneO Binette rJ wellknown ï¬gure in the Quebec plumhhrglnduairy cauamart PRESS Prwrc sum The Christian Business Mens Association of Earriewilihold it annualplenh at lnnialils centennlal park thir week me of the members are let WVEOUSEJAEK The new numbgnhonsa at In nisfil park is conatrueted by Yatescontractor at cost ol This lsior build lng nine by seven cot and six feet hilh lmled on the bank of the lake near the bandstand mound twill be at concrete hiohkconslruction with slab rooiiive inches thick The mm are already installed corn has been expressedthat they millet beldamaged heiore they were enclosed Sodding ten ders or the tile bed havean accented wamsamr The swimming classes operat ed in lnnlsill through thecounty recreation department have al most completed their program ot the seasonive day camps are still open butmortot the graduationa are completed Dver 40 children participated in the classes held locallyfwideh in cludedteaehing swimming in eechool andolder chidren argeï¬percentale at these chl dren received their badges and many of theseniora gut Red Cross swimming badges or llciency It is hoped thatiitranspor tatlonctn be arranged innirill centennial park can he made use of next year or the two months Pupila come from Hell mm Gillord Leonardo Beach Strand andBradiord to learn to swim Eethesda lidCharles Sorensen as an auto indurtry pioneer who also designed the iactory that produced the Liberator bondoen oi the Sec Hond World SpainPrin former Spanish diplomat andilr dushlal engineer Bellrat CantSeldom Sech Slim so recluse iorWeara desolate corner oi Death alley who was born Charles Ferge tn Sprlnllileld ill iolnï¬mt MM FEW Afltl lengthy illness iiiflay al Victoria Hospital Denis Fer riar passcdvaway on July 7th in her 73rd year She had been in telling health lor some time Thoswho knew her will always remember her kind and thought Mwayeailihoughitrwas difï¬ ior her getting aroImrl she hora her sullering cheerfully Belore church union Mri rler attended Strand Presbyter in Church then transierredio Siroud United Church and later to Churchill ilnlted lnher younger years she sang in Shoud United Choir and taughth the SundngchnoL Alter coming to flint community she became faithlul memberoi theWe ens Association and the rWo mena Missionarylinciety and as also meniherot the of MnatPalnstrMay at me daughteroi they late Aler erMleonald and the former gems Wrce when quite young Enentgmm toEtienvaie on remaining there or eight years She lived oat of her life in lnnlsï¬rluwn always on fernl whe enjoyed gardening wor with flowers In September ml she named the late Joseph Ferrier who pre deceased hervhygten yearn deli mourn her loss is one daugh Jet e1 Mr Cyrii Spence rstrou etonaons Howard rand Donald who live on the iamliyi rendehildrenienn iVlrsr Fred eynoidr at Qooksiown Murray is NancySpen initian Mauuet dc Hohenlohe 71 may mm at 31000 to MN mm Vtuxurleua thatsand hoodsiat rnunificenit lNowpyou cun feel elegantly pampered in mink vvithouthpindvvleked ly ottinva nr Mink Avmnxmzr ortnrvrgmre ummn few umIeawvmnmmrmW ï¬lamousnlanirn qonrs FULLY one LINE at IS muskrodeedt tippeclrncoon bleachedj svummcs soups Hamhers Poau do an Cypress 195 yd Reg 398 yd 493 ydi 695 Yd 695 yd gt 359 Hm fabricsboufllï¬nd WOOLLENSr Hannale Bonded English Worsted Crepes no as SheatheSatin out can 1w