Momm an ttu associationsMM be com gender municlpllconventioe oreu entourage and other withlnoraxnertem Ittrect ingsnatlooal Vlad International convention to cantitan cities The seminar which opened Monday heard troman Ameri can Iuthotlty that Canadnhu superb convmtionjaciiitier but leflrtolellitoelltntbecompeti live worldmarket the proposal toestab organization which would act as cl house iodides and opport In the convention burineuwaa mode by James Beasley or manner oLVancod vers convention bureau regard ed as leader In the lldd Canada He told the seminar Monday that too many cities oversell themselves erecting bad rep utation both for the city and tor Canada Deaptte locai cnthn mttycamnoï¬m slumrand intercity rivalries mm bmllshww in The example showsy how our new six andso oaa at calamities faéuggimaigg ï¬ngï¬ug reduced rates save you money on weekday Sunday and weekdays atterin mg bag or the mun evenings and all day Sunday The actual rates on stationtostetion calls between vary with the distance of the place you call any two points in Ontario and Quebec 15 mm FamilyCallingTimelominutes Mungowmsyoucanseemo ville federnlgovarnments mime compmng tor epncaolhvetwalvetorthapnca VAtter Midnightratesaraevenlowerl nianuai of convention lacilitlea available in Canada gt now available M°ndaYthm Satutdavi and the two rate pa ads offered on Sunday betwoan any two pointsinOn rioend qu bec STATIONTOSTATION MontrealToronto Nigh OwlMidnightam cuerue ddimct scanner nuutsucr FOR nonnarm ha curious but etien audicnce born in field on hcr parents Wirephoto BellCanada Built managedno owner litCanadian SAlGON Reuters US mliitary field commanders were given an Itpoittt directive aimed at reducing civilian cas uallier after 42 persons were ac cidentaliy kilch last week in South victnam it was learned today Theywere told to warn civilm ions at impending bombing raids and to plan operations in sconsultation with local oiliciais During the last week 35civll ians werekilled whenuAmerican troops detending themselves from Viet Cong ambush acci dentally shot up village in the Mckong Delta Eight Americans also were accidentally killed and 139 civilians and sit 175 scrviccmcn accidentally in jurcd Thc mishaps were the latest 11 chapter of accidents involv ing civilians and friendly trczus ranging from the tragic to the bizarre Since the llS intervened in lich war in 1961 civilians have tuutsrit nous Bids Total $25000 By lnnisliis sale of lands for taxe as should be warning to prop erty owners to keep their taxes typaid up Thecomnium hallat Shoud was filled Friday alter lnoon when 15 parcels of lands some with buildings were rauc tioned oft yvith bids running high over the taxes against the par cels Before the sale started TreasurarhichardGroh gave ing been advert summary of how and why the sale was authorized the terms bywhlch the owners had one year to redeem their holdings by paying the taxes due plus ten per cent onlthat amount though it the bid exceeded the amount of taxes this did not draw inter est He refused to go intoreoy details on descriptions of the placeslbeingsoid th sale hav months and any buyer whohed not look ed over the properties would have to buy as were He saythatit might be concluded by the amount of the taxes if the lots had buildings error not or not anemones Vernon Ayres had been en gaged to handle the auction legendary Headless Valley say the valley held them in its grasp for 15 days Elma hwrst of Aug none the worse or their ordeal The South Nahannl River Vai nicknamed Headless uropee Vtheirrilght iret Canyon been accidentally bembed shot and seared with flame throwe and troops haveheen hit by craft and artillery supporting thémillombérs eoiiided tank hit another tenlrrand helicop tcr once collided with HUNDREDSDEAD Notigure available for the number oi civilians killedby accident but it runs into at least hundreds Many more were wounded Military casualties caused by accident are also high But there are law soldiers prepared to iorego theirisk of being hit by their own aircralt and artillcryt Senior American olficcrs here said this sort of error occurred in pastwarsprohably in every one since gunpowder mania into use What is different in Vietnam is the nature of this conflict and the massive publicity it re ceives The helicopter gunshipbrist ing with machine guns and fIn Annual Sale the township by the late Miss which formerly sunted by the treasurer There wasno doubt this paid off as the total bidding hmounh ed to just under $25000 torthe parcels five of which were sold to enable the owners to obtain tax deed One whichhadheen ntended to heisoid in that pun pose had nospoasor to assure the taxes and was auctioned tor 81750 with tax debt or about $600 One party bought several per cels averaging close to stool each with the success or this sale there seemsiittle doubt that an annual tax sale will hold in the township lnnisfti with drewtromthe unty tax sales where the properties were lump ed gether with other munici palities bile Clerk Allen was He felt that better serv couldbe given with abetter opportunity for dcfaulters to redeem their prop ertiesprior tothe sale The first list when published earlier this year can ined loo parcels CDMMEMDR NE uggcsted that should be erected known as Sheppard Park which wasbequealiied to We couidJIot set out Engel blueieyed blonde who looks like anything buta hardened northern EXD ou of First Canyon our trip the nMackenzia seamed said Mr Engek aliehgios iu the rockets is new weaponfwhlcb ringsnewhazards Troops cali up artillerytire to hit ooiyia tew yards aheadwot them it under heavy attack and only few hundred yards when taking on welldugin guerrillas N0 WAR FRONT Casualties ainong eiv ans were aggravated by the nature ot the war llbcreis no front in Vietnam The Wet Congif guy where are certainly widespread andcontrol large parisof tho country and their civilian popu lntion The Americans accused them at deliberately setting embushes from civilian centres knowing civilians would get hurt when tire was returned Easidcsr the obvious wish not in kill innocent people the gov ennrnent forces areconcernad at the psychological eilecis such incidents havesince the wards as much psychological as military Pearl Sheppard One thought is that lieldstooe type of cairn would be appropriate and local mason has altered to bulldthis otherwise endeavor to obtain large stone similar to that used at Barriescentennial park on which tornount plague The proposathas been left to get the opinion of the community board under which the park is oper ated The placing of the cairn donat ed by the international Plowing ith committee to the town sht also came up for discussion and itzwas ieizfor report from the cohrrniltceheaded by Campbeli this work the tohnship flagpole whichhad been moved to place the cairn canthem be mad wrrhourgahxnvo Mr Morris Bywhere roads are not yet taken over by evfowuship came to Counc complain aboutatour footwide ch which had been opened on boulevard of that street and until this weekend there was no way toget into his property He said that acui vert had he stalled but he wanted to know why ditch was opened thewhole 7uuyfeet oi the street without the ratepayers ing notiï¬ed report to council With 20 more en tr co culverts completed The reerection of The CNE may beul hfthtngs lot oipeople butonet Ing cerioim The l968 CNE Is no drg Just spend eeouple of minutes reading this Youll ï¬ndoutwhy 3000000people wouldnt miss the CNE fertile world kKochmons Hell rivers Matinee Grd stond Sho August 1810 Sepletnberrl Including to Sundayss PM Adult Conï¬diqnhlstoryï¬trom to i885 On every evening tram August to to August 31 tinclu ng Sundays Showti PM hildren holfptlce Monday through Friday $00 to $400 Net nbuiiders 68 rth mericasiorgestond best Folk Festival September 15 EM Aquorem show twt daily at the Waterfront Grandstand Free Film Festival 45 PM every evan the Bandsheli Place To nd iha Academy Awdrd Ontario Governnie FREE at the Queen Antique and Custom Car Show theQueen Elizobsth Bu ing Foods of ne wane dewaIkcolés in Hoc ey Holiodeme Relivetha great moments of Conadidn qutt Free Food Products Building Cookingdernonstro on interesting too oducis from across Canada iojNerShoan the Horticultural Building Formal Watch interesting cro men at In thaQueen Elizabeth Fashion ShoiNsJind ui hols happening in the world bitoshion FREE doliyin trout lth Bchdshell Agnculhral Exhibit see all yountdveunia animals in championship form Find gt out whet its iiketq be down on the form of Midwaylha best cNE Midway ever Eightnew des hearts of the iirst to se the 8CNEI Mammoth Warriors Dny ParadeSes the buy ldiars Poruda starts at Fort YorkArmory oitl Mn Saturday Complete Family SEW the CN Hospitdl inbolonce Seni get FREE tome tag iur your children