hit EXAMINERï¬lmed Warm mau ARQMW lMth No DUC mo lacing cam era kisses Xuan Tbuychiel of the North Vietnamese peace talk delegation at in Bonn set saneioiin Paris today an no returned from sixeweek trip to Hanoi Tho Is key figure in North Vietnamese 19 mpgmvwau nyanyawewr gaver brigade Deï¬es delegation and US nlflelals speculate that his return could open an important new stage in lha peace talks AP Wire pbolo by cable from Paris North Vietnamese Returns Fiem Hanoi PARIS AP Le Duc Tho key figure in North Vietnams peace talks delegation came back to Paris today after six wcek trip to Hanoi On his way back The con ferred Monday with Soviet offi cials in Moscow He returned to Paris day after Cynis Vance deputy chiel ol the US delegation returned tiom Texas There he not only conferred with PresidentJohn son but also biiefed Republican presidential nominee Richard Nixon on the Paris talks There are signs thnt the John son administrations handling of the talks is undergoing either policy change or tactical shill tailored to US domestic poll tics VicaPmident Hubert Hum phrey contender lorthe Dem ocratic presidential nomination said in letter to theNational Committee for Political Settle ment in Vietnam Mondayjrthat he thought all bombing ot North Vietnam should be stoppedll restraint and Hanoi showed reasonableresponsef in retuin Humphrey said he was dropping the wordlcciprocity to de scribe conditions for haltin the bombing iiis letter is subject lo the in terpretation that the adminis tratioa is taking new look at the lull nowalmosttwo months old in the lighting in South Vietnam to see whether it might be acceptable as sign otre straint to justify ending the bombing Diplomatic authorities here assumethat Johnson has been trying to get from Hanoiprob ably indirectlysome word that if he ended the bombing tiie Communists wouldhot suddenly launch new olfeosivo in the South Humphrey said in his letter Monday that the discussions now taking place In Paris have reached stage where real pro gress may be possible Police Watts After Iï¬teiiSive Pqtrblij IDS ANGELES AP Po lice packed up their ammunition and abandoned their Watts com mand post before dawn today after 74 hours of controversial saturation patrolling of tbe Negro district An outbreak of shooting and planting at midnight Sunday night brought three deaths and 48 in juries but police spokesman said the only activity Monday night was an increase in minor tires One ire did $35000 damage to quilting plant four miles from ithe disturbance scene in south ccntral Los ongeles The iires origin was undetermined Long before sunup Wlice had closed the command post in AlainLockc high school from which 2000 ofï¬cers had been di rectedon constant patrol All three of the dedd sunday were Negro men Police said at least two were killed by Negro gunfire and the third may have been shot by police who reacted quickly and massively to sniping and looting Six of the wounded were poV Iicemen Thirtysix other per sons were treated tar gunshot wounds and six for injuries Two were listed in critical con dition APSUL British Trade Deficit Rises mNDONReuters Janene trade deficit ionized 000000 about $205000000 in July an increase it £30lt 000 over Julie government figures showed Itodayn Exports and imports were at recordlevels PromisesIederal an in noon roar SMli or ï¬ction Monday night promised ians and Nortlierri Douchprn There wereihsarresls 28 on felony charges WOMAN ARRESTED The outburst began wither throwing followed by sniper gunï¬re and looting after police arrested drunken woman in Will Rogers Parkscene off the third annual Watts Summer Festivat The festival ironically coho memoratcd the 1965 riot that cost 34 lives anddid $40000000 property damage More Trucks lire Requested MONTREAL Gt Postal officialsin Montreal today called on local cartoge compa nles with available trucks to help speedup mail delivery in the areal postal spokesman said about V150 trucks are neededito get mail delivery service back to normal The call tor outside help comes in the wake of violence Monday by striking mailtruck drivers and call by Postmas terGeneral Eric Kierans for the pubho in the area to mail only first class mail 97 news tMinisler some sort oflederal aid for local who sufferedlosses ioa series of landslides Revealiiaciai iiiiaclr In Idii wow yonir the acial at in New orkCitys Jail has led to theguidielment oi 23 while convicts on charges ofgassault and possession ot Weapons lh day charged that about an wh ichard Nixon says ci diclmeiita made public MonA attacked hr Negroes on the consider vitalwnl get up bllllng ln Keneral election TORONTO cei who might have thedisease The area was quickly satu rated with 2000policemen vbo restored quiet before daybreak Monday All through tbewarui Monday and the cool pleasant night po lice maintained their vigfl and Watts remained relatively sliii ill0111 Reported Far Outfit Sea corn llAliERAS winds estimated at 75 miles an hour near theycentreland gates extending out175 miles in all di rection was reported for at sea today and no threat to land area said the StfllmVIaE located about 375 miles north northeast ol Bermuda Hurricane Dolly continues to movebetween east and east northeast at about25miles an agued Yorkvlile claim polieer may hav tered young hipple transients Brian Chapman volunteer fat njtrailer where blood tests are bei ma diseaseusaid have di ap earad from York ai police madea raid in the areaFhld AP Hurricane Dolly with highest eather bureauradvisory lied Cross one ADDlS AEABALAP Pros pects of getting sulllcientlood and medicine to starving jBlaf raos grew dimmer todayalter the Nigerian In or n4m ent spurncdan appeal to stop sbopl ing at Red Cross planes Peace talks in the EthiopiancApitai stalled at the same time The Nigerian lion isjlo shoot at any plane at Interno tlonal Red Cross spokesman rc portcd alter the Lagos govern earthen Is meat reiecled its appéai to Iquit shnoiin at more flights into 5€¢£5i°Pi RedCroswhicli has been flying food and medicine into besieged Blalra sinca Nov ember suspcodod flightslrom the Spanish island of Fernando Ponioo miles off the Nigerian caast alter D06 carrying food was tired on during the weekend Fears that arms are being airlifted intoBlalra in large Pildis rSiari jStrilrei Ville MONFREAL CP Air Can ada pilots were to start voting today on whether to begin strike that Acouidground the ab linlehbeglnnmgnext Tsaesday eJ000meniho Line PiloLs Associ tho strikavota Sunday after gotiatioria betweerpthe national iwwned airline and the ciatlon broke down CALPA members wfliyola at association centres here and at Toronto Winnipeg and VaneouJ ver The votes will be counted Sunday atthe associations na tional headquarters here However the CALPA has said the two sides brim so far apart on economiclssues that an agreement is out of the ques gt Air Canada has ottersdlts pi lotsa llpercentiwage increase over 28month contractwhlle the association seeks zi centmorees ytintb iworker aada doctor in the hep for two more city Dr MJames man for the YorkvilleNlllage Association said the area is as sale as any other In the city if visitorswear shoes Hegrald some liippies are barefoot and infection coul be proud quantities behind the ferler at gover ments action the fed Cross pokcsmaa said He denied lhatany Red Cross flights carrlai arms nodmill lary supplies although he said hadhaard larger quantiï¬es at arms are being flown lollial rasince President do Gaulic ex pressed support for the mea son drones rarhoorouws Unhanvaan antmv VARY Reuters Walter Ulbricbt the hardline East German Communlst leader left for home today an unhappy man still convinccd Czochorlbvaklas iib at re forms constitute althrcat to his and other Communist states informed sources said Man dayinlght his sevenshour talks with Czechoslovak leaders head ed by Alexander Dubcek failed to caseUlbricbtfssuspicious The two leaders held ddillo alprivatetalks after official conferenée Rad Pragl day ad was greetedby frosty silence from crowd of Czechoslovaks commdnlque which took four hours to compose and was issued early todaygave away almost nothing on the substance of the talks braised casamoaw it cloaked over what were re ported by retiable Communist sources to be major differences on Westsermany and ideolog cal matters by stating that the Bylncatedtbe bodyrnf an 11yearold girl andhet critical lyéwoundedmother The caller told theyWantizd t0 findhisvictim bodies they should down lo adv theres one foinidslumped over the wheeloi situation in Europe was dis cussed in dctai columns 3st HAWAII BOUND MEMPHIS Tenn AP Cliristnpher Columbus is moving to Hawaii whe he says he will insist on being listed in the telephone directo iy as merely t2 PColiimbus Columbus who wo Mrso Columbussays havin husband named after the man who discovered America is problem lot of people ealland say they dont believe Colum bus discovered America she so Columbus say he has trou ble travelling bottom ialt ota twopiece bathing ton blouse had been shot twice therrhead toning to tape record loss of the callers conversa oh warned that the ca parked atthe FortiLauder ale olivwood iiiterhational Airport She wasblecding from ve bullet and neck fMotorists discovered the body of herdaughter Marilyn at the edgeof side road iourmiies away in Hollywood Th girl Stanfieldiiitsvv Trudeau Moves orraw Con erva tive Leader Staiil aldsayi PrimeMniatar Trudeau is run nlngthe country by press coa forenee and Parliament hoiild ounds imiier head Vino 60 hi in it weaken leloatly cloudy with widely scat tered about Wednesday Low Wednesday 70 aae page prime ministers tials committee spokesman at 165 copy jiione Shaped After Three ATHENS An attempt assassiualafslrona crlccorgc Pap Greece was made today on road outside Iilberts and later at least two bombs wcrocxploiled in Athens govornmcnt spokes blew up on the road just about thetlmc the premicrs car was passing but Papadopoulns was naburt man suspected of planting the bomb was seized it was the first known assassi nation attempt on any member of the browhacked Greek rci gime sind the military seized power in coup dotat April 21 dry an of being well coordiuated nndplanned by resistance nle meals the spokesman said ORGANIZED TN PARIS Greek rcsistance move ment announced in Paris that organiled resistance to the regime vvnuld bcgla today in Athens The attempt on 4$yearold was made CfllClGDWlleuttrs Chat the legality of 14 ale to egalionsr litemocra nainaal convc have been filed with ihe partys creden ena Eugene McCarthys Chicago headquarters says The numberol delcgatcs veil represents about one lliird of the 2662 votes at stake during th convention which irunation hot Cfliidr Murder nice murder caller ljust killed three n2 licii three people Caller Im serious catch me Please ltlcoi Where are you iloase in Where are you ont Caller rn gonna ll emto night too Please Rlce Where are you opens her Aug 26 it will iukc or the Democratic delegations claim procedural irregqu Disconnect Is Seized Bombs Pail as hcwas drii in iiiliis sum vplac gnnuiri to government spokc gtSccurity police arrested man named as George Panas gouiis former lieutenant in lhe Grock Army the spokesman added car security officers had ï¬rst passed the soul Then as the prime ministers vehicle went by small bomb gwns thrown it it lhe spokesman said The bomb exploded harnilcss ncnrby The prime minister did not lose his composuro the all general of the prrss ministry tolda press conference that the arrested Panagoulls ed here from abroad to orccula his criminal act Stamnlopnulos said that secu rity officers had no difï¬culty in arresting Panagoulls who he said was trying to escape from the scene s¢ioeogne LAIe Challenged Hughes was to open next week untile Chal in slate delegations Those were expected to york blltcr struggles between the partys rival bcral and conscr vativc wings Delegation from Alabama Georgia Louisiana Missis ppi llicli hear lcbgc North Cainlina and Tennessee gt will be challenged grounds they are ilegnl and Nezr imembcr Tcxos dolel ll be latte ed with that two challenges against the tent lndiann Mich an csota Oklaho Pcnnsyl and Washington state io most cases in excluded McCarthy so the slut ISD far lierrthy has MW convention in Jackson Miss gt last week It will chiil tbe allwhite regular dole IL The group has also been dorsed tit VicePresident ert Humphrey and no George McGovcr OLSouthD kota