yr¢¢ 1AIM fen14 v17 wwggwcwymlw rr senor BOWMAN Strand bulldozer owner operator digs one oi series oi lo loot deep pits beside the pro yniWiiiinin =Tiél11on1he 131 lilth line at lnnlslil into which trees and masses ol rocks will be pushed and buried nnisiilï¬TowhshipF road improvcmnnt program or loss Photo by baker Rocid Improvements Mode Ingllnniisï¬llf By BRIAN BAKER mono ln ten years the lnnisti road department under road supervisor John Cowan has built up and generally im proved almost twothirds oi the roads in the township This year at present two miles each on the west ends ol the Filth and Seventh lines at innisiil between Highway No 27 and the Filth Sideroad are being improved Also to be im proved are two miles on the Ninth Line between Sideroads 20 and 25 down to the lake it is also hoped depending on the money remaining that im nrovemenis can be made to the Filth Line lrom Eelli Ewart West to the east boundaries oi the properties of Glen Nix and Orviiie hlarllug making total at ten miles GRADING DONE Method or improvement usu ally consists of grading the sides upand tilting the road with depth of gravel to pro vide good drainage and elevate it so that in winter snow Floodlights in Proposed For lOlTENHAM Stall Flood lights at the ball park would big boost to baseball but dications are it will be low years yet before this is likely urvey showed he We would certainly apprec iate getting the lights said John Greystone one of the itcbers with the Tottenham ears whohas been outof ac Lion with broken am It Ralph Thomp manager also said floodiights would be big advantage to Tottcn hams Simcoa County ball lea gue entry Thefine lighting at nearby Benton grounds has been the envy of Tottenham players and fans Alliston Can Ivy heals visit Orillia Tonight IVY Stall shewells lvy Leafs in the thick ol ha battle lor first place in the Sim cne Countp baseball are scheduled to visit this evening to meet the uniors under floodlights IVY Grillia Majors and Allis ton have been closely bunched at the topolvthe litclub circuit With the leadership seesawing gt irom game to gain The good lvy show has been particularly pie rig to all fans here particularly cc thera had been talk of di handing the team in the spring However it wasultlin ately decided to proceed young layers have come along and theLeals line showing has heen the talk of ball followers around the circuit vessel Approves SchoOi AdditiOn mnnunsr suit Vespra ownship council at its August meeting view Secondary School in Bar on uncil whic is head ed by Reeve Wellington Dohson wasadvised the estimated cost iiite res and the necessary by son twill di ubllciscbools in the county illba austerred sweeps oil the surlace oi the road rather than drilling onto it To lurthor prevent snow drilling elevated lencellnes hrusb and treesara being rc movcd and buried along with rocks and other debris Ditches are nisobelng deepened and graded or better drainage Much at the work is being done by veteran maintainer oi erators Mel Browning and Chris Steenholdt $15000 Past MILE On any road which welrn prova we do everything right with the futurarln mind says Mr Cowan Weare particular iy careful to build the contra oi the road up properly Some sections olroad cost more and others section less depending on what condition they stain and what the adjacent tencellnes are like aswellas the dis tance that ill must be hauled The average costper mile of roadimprovement is $51000 Therer olten criticism of our plans and oiicn where we make improvements lt is not Ballf Paris Toiienhain licks also have theladvnntage at playing under llnodiights at Riverdale park With the schedule nearing an end Tottenham is in abattle lor one of the six playotispois in the ioclub circuit and ii the Bears make it Graystnne expects to return topitching action Paul Feeheley and Paul Sinclair have carried the main pitching burden while he has been sidelined most of the catching and hitt ing well whileJay Feeheley at lirst Kerry Worrnd at short and Ted McCullough at third have been functioning smoothly in the inï¬eld in of the pitchers has been play second while John Boyce lan Moliett and Ross Crowley have made up the regular outfle in etlort tor iiicrest lnn campaign or floodlights tor next year was discussed but it was suggested it may take longer to get the necessary lin ances We would be glad to see the idea considered com mented Mr Grayston Operator the ToitEHham Inn David HGreenspuon was given considerable credit for providing thegreen and white HELP stone our STRANEERS lion quite Mom or the stranger in town or the nominees lathe nolgthot hood Member your lost move howyou telta the moving van pulled away bologna marathon notions youd never comer soau your nownelfllbon thoWeioomongon Hostess bring greetings and gm to make thnmtsol at horn Hot tainp our shangm 3i olconwhlngon today unitormsworn by the Totten toollngs such osthou Lot iully appreciated But we have only an olioied amoun to money to wnrtr with and we do the best we can as soon as pos slble Volume of trailic andor condition of roads are the de ciding lactorsin determining which roads or ti ol roads are next to he improv ed sircanna will pHoid Mere Talks Over Wages MONTREAL CF Dli als of Air Canada andethe Can an Aichlna Pilots Association re to hold lurthcr contract talks today loilowing rejection by both parties at conciliation board report The report re leaned in Ottawa Tuesday by Labor Minister Bryce itlaclm sey recommended ionper cent wage increase spread over 26 months or the pilots who who now earn up tov$2 000 year at senior levels gt The pilots union which is do modding an increase or II per cent has termed the recom meditations unacceptable and not grounds for settlement Air Canada haspropnsed lipercent increase over two years inane mion RETIRE Asypartrot new ï¬tne pro gram the mayor oi Manilahas ordered all city ha employees to stay away from night rlubs and racetracks orbereiired on one 0N PICKUP onnnns meal lo and genitive mediator than count odintniotntio nald Gilliam toOro owned It wbihl statedho hm agilityto Monet aimlan Reavo Gillespie oatlio interest ism lnOrillla or regional malnutrition Drillin has decldcdjto with draw ran the county and that in the best regional gown meat said the Odo rceve de lending thaeounty election syn tam torwhich Orlan obiectcd on the ground thatit was un latr to larger municipalities Tholarger places getcvery considerationrtrcm tbumouno council and at have maintained Reeve esp now serving his eighth county councillor Orilllas claim for representntjoii in pro portion to its asscsnncnt was not valid he suggested Oro Councillor Allan hlclï¬an it issue ith the pointing had separated yearsa thosame seas 0rilila this year pays almost tllth oi thocuuniy levy but has only two members out pl 55 On levy or assessment basis the townwould boys to or COMPARISONVCTTED individual ratepayers dont vote according to the int ectcd Reputy Reeve Kenneth Gilchrist man may have million ars Worth 1clpropcrty but he just gets one vote the some as is small property holder Orlllla isin uch tipasnme position 10m consldcrnbla interest in the regional gdvemment plnn advancedin Orillin was reflec ied by the considerahle discus stone the August meetingpre sided dyer bylicevefllllesple frhehcad oi the Oro council whorls nrnember oi the countys settlement conuniitcc negotiatingwith Orillia said be doubted if or would save by becomia ty The municipality wont have to pro vide itsown assessment and other county services sessing we could do our own in Oro at saving suggested Councillor McLean Qro coun all was told Oriilln assessing cost the town $2200 the last year undo local administration assessing lhe cost has jumped to nearly 5700001 To accurate ly judge the figures it should be remembered that thetow an nexed suburban area bout Mott population in was pointed out viding new assessment has ucs CONNECTING ROADS 0rillia was always ia treated by the county sub ted Reeiia Gillesp arguing that theoverall picture should Janu required witbdraws as 91 aiy 1969 itwiil be to assumeresponsi some connecting likely to be the Uhtholl road SDcDELlVTiRY cannon on roams urinal $400 wmme cm Linurs arrio 190 are no county roads county lev iDrillin figures to save in as and in this third year of county also has been pro edonlMpercent property val marn unansme and Edgar road bodi county sue county levy lor the currentyear law county turned as rebate since there in the town However since thcciiy ol Barrie has nilecledn substan tinl saving lrom sharing iin maintenance ol connecting links instead of paying toward the Orlllia alscantl pales doing firm oi ne counlnnls said on the basisiol last years iigurcs Drillia stood to save 31 mills Councillor McLean said Oro was interested in the develop mentol both Barrie and Grillia as neighboring municipalities Bath places are going ahead and many Oro residents work inlhese centres EQTJITK lN COUNTY The question oi what Orillia might doviorlreglslry office scr vlce wnsvraiscd lie ve Gilles pie said he anticipaed this would be brought up when set tlomcnt with the county was discussed VRceve Lloyd Prid imet Sinnldnlo and Protect ot the latter committal lbo townbu Inï¬nity in county property havrag plld its at taxes to thoeounty on urban centre ala 157 We don will work out yet Mlluod been Gtilemto when attention was own to the government taking over tho ro glstrymtï¬oowhbmirts tall and other administration 11 Justice responsibilities earlier in tbsyenr special committee hubeen negotiating in an en deavor to get compen tor the enmity tortho buildinuin volved nnd premmably Oriliia would be entitled to its share it this is paid in any event line this is now provincial respon shims 05 in look to the county Tor these services barrlc contributes to tbe Oiudrena AidSocleiy of certain other services but ect payments are now less than $1000 per year HOME ron sponsor Deputy Reeve Gilchrid gave ce llngwood at lhesite where the new 31600000 county home lor the elderly is to be built It is nice location he said The plan ls be called Sun set htanor Othercountyibomcn are Sinicoe Manor at Beelon and Georgian Manor at Pene tang Orlliia made blot lor the third home as did Creemorc and Stnyneras Well as Coiling wood The lattcr place provided he sits tor nominal sum was nisoooironr CANOGA PARK APT Patricia Condortotelephone rangls times in one hour all wrong numbers She ram she could get 2985 more wrong cells because thatï¬many recreation hulletins carrying her phone number had bcenmaiiedlm thinking orchanglng my name to Disconiiortf she said BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE CtiliDilEN oss Jae93m be considered When Orillia rue WAv Foa ooiviii JAMES onunv tir of lHEVlï¬GtNlANLW iiim 113mm WARRIORS rcoitviootonsnunsouf ON OUR STAGE IN PERSON Secrets ot Sensible Sex Bedutijiilorthelilost Dangerous Emotion iiithe World its Ehlidrln ldmiltod vnim lilh gaunt Adult male and tomato audiences together SEE ll DISCUSS it In home DRIVEIN THEATRE oigpasi panoramas stilt Ciosl ing ottbaCoulson post vollica without ndvancoinntize was cri ticised by the on council at tti August meeting think it was rotten said Reeve Kenneth Gillespie who suggested it advance no ticerhad been received residents could have made represcntn Elmvale ions Willfllward car ELMVALE Stall Anew car will be awarded as top prize at the annual bullet and dance at Elmvala lions club to be held at the community ren Saturday raising event of the year for our social service and commun ity work said Harry Rowley former Elmvale councillor who is the new Secretary at the Lions club Councillor Alex Currie well new president ol the Elmyaio Lions which will beginta new term In September hleeiings are held at the Pal Matinee Evening iEALST PLAZA raioav wonr Min known automobile dealer is the Office lions Thong said so hgnd oHt hoppealn at other places but this didnt snake it any hot tenvln one can charged the post nlï¬ca was moved across the street IDeputy Reeve Kenneth Gll ichrist said the Oro Station post olllce has had three locations over lennvul years The pre sent post sicr Eric Ling was giving good nryica kosiona ibuptvvzliu post offices are usually busy during the summu vbledonie now passed resolution protesting the dosing of the Coulsoa past olllcc which has been located in the Coulson general store ior yoars The community is parliy TLTIEEIMNGFS MEANING NEW DELHI AP Gherao lllndi term now appllcdto strikers encirclement or plant ora managers otliceoncs had happier usersaid Tarakeshwn rlSinha She told parliament it originally in enctrcling bride and groom at their wed VWebfliehndmism MaryTerrMooxo CardCharmlng Eliits THtjltlJ M0 rail st liner Children 506 Children 50c Stndcnll 125 Students 150 Motinos Doily2 pm Twocornpleto shown each evening It sits 010 pm Jameslois sari Mitts emrvo Mayor Whcro Tho Swlngers Are TUESDAY Nier 130 Til Mt Ecoao Hoe FORHALL sirens 75 Non Members WATCH FOR OUR AD EVERY THURSDAY 53010 moo GEORGIA STRAIT SATURliAY NIGHT trom Toronto Tha MEDITATION ou ootooo FIRST nisrnicr snownve do Corporation nodm cMcQueeii Fave unaim Fiodmdahdmmdw hf