EXAMINER TELEPHONE emutoo max on otherW mam Mostly no nary acuuea thuddenbooerlvtooigbt laww museum Ndly 75 For limit Your No IN stctts OliTll 1306K Minister was oi attestationat Ottawa Wed Commonwealth zirime hearing light coloredsiiit and ascot tie signs the book oi Parlt moot in the otiiee oi nesday Mr Trudeau took the oath of Mine as member Ofï¬cials new areiright who were the trade tional garb oi parliamentary clerks CF Wirephoto gilectciCtiVlOleanequres In NdrthwesifMictmi MIAMI Fla AP Bands oi young Negroes set lire to cars stoned white motorists and looted stores in iiveblock area at northwest Miami Wednesday night in disturb ance touched oii when on massed at rally aimed at log problems facing Negroes some 25 persons were iniured including two Negroes who poi has said were shot by unknown gunmen consume Ky AP ltescue workers began the slow process today of carrying out the bodies or nine miners killed EWednesda tn afiery explosion in coal mine shaft 80ittttaet back irons the entrance and nearly so leet underground mine employee said it would take some time ioi this workers to bring the victims to the suriace hecau entiréarealeadlngzw the River Queen mineentrance was cordoned oil soon aiterthe cool if mining community ern Kentucky Abou road leading irom the shine on to seek out loved ones rel atlveskanddriends bcing carried out Th explosittn rocked About 100 Negroes were ar rested mostly on charges oi disorderlyconduct loading to rioting Trouble broke out to the pre dominantly Negro area about 630 several hours belore Repu lican delegates 10 miles away across Biscayne Bay on Miami Beach nominated Rich aljd Nixon as their presiden tial candidate gtMiamiPolica Lieut Jay Bast Kills night In KentuckyiMinef inside the he with series of blasts miner who had two working ina nearby area said The blast knocked you ow every time you gotlupriustiike cyclone its list Little Re Meets staitde disruphn the mayor communist supplybase again as part of their campaign to blunt the big North Viet nameseViet Cong otiensive peeled in tile nextmonth or fleet at 200 helicopteraiand ed more than 3000snidtersto the USiolst Air Cavalry Div sion and the So Vietnamese istlniantry Divi in the northern partoi South ietnam Sunday and Monday uncement oi the opera tion than tithelduntll todayjor securityrearona said two shots rang out in the darkness but no gunman was Golden said both of the men who were shotwere in good condition He said The police have not tired one all Clarence Curry wounded as he was being ques ltonedjn looting case Goiden seen Theother shooting victing Cephus Grillengwas hit by stray bullet as he walked along sidewalk police said Most of the injured suffered cuts from broken glass and bruises lrorn rocks and bottles Policesaid at least 32 stores were broken into and seven were looted Three cars Werel by rocks HERE ONE You think so much oi your old golf game that you dont eVEfl emember when we were mar nedn Ifoi mussel do my dear it was the day sank that 30 City Newest Classiï¬ed121514 Comicsl Sports12 is Theatre5 Aoreement catatonia MIME CANADIAN PRESS National strike headquarters oi the postal workers reported today that acceptance of backtowork formula Is indicat ed by voting returns from most union locals ii tim EDT the oiï¬clal tally was 10644 iniavor oithe settlement and 7635 against un changed item an hour earlier as headquarters awaited iuriher results Paul Grusiin general secre tary of Canadian Union of Postal Workers who is conduct ing the count said perhaps 2000 oi the 24000 striking workers did not vote This would leave only abou 4000 moire votes to come in in cluding results irom Quebec Oityand Ottawa simple majority dccid issue and Mr Gruslm looked as though members would uphold the agreement reached by government and union negotiators Tuesday Goyernrnen niorntants said Parliament would almost ceitaihiyjycalled into spe cil strikeending sessionit the setlement were selected NARROW ACCEPTANCE Jack Colvllle national secre tary otthe Lctter Carricrs Union of Canada said the 11 am count included big union locals inMontreal and Toronto both otwhlch voted yes by narrowmargin But Marcel Perrault Mont reatloeal chairman oi the CUPW said in an interview today that Montreal workers voted against the backstorwork formula He said the vote tnlly was 1426 in ever at accepting theproposcd settlement and 137 against Mr erreault dcnicd the statement by national strike headquarters in Ottawa that the Montreal workers had voted yes by narrow margin Theynar row margin was correct but ti vote was no Mr Colville said returns irom lV ern Canada where the de cision or militant West Coast members could be allimpor tant were scattered and there were no oiticlai results from Vancouver However croSSCanadn sur vey by The Canadian Press showed workers in the greater Vancouver area voted 74 per cent against the setUement Republican Convention Vii ll Show DavidrMerriclrf MIAMI gtBEACH AP showMr Merrick how would you rate the Republican onal nveution Amp David Merrick the Broad way producer gave his ver dict with an aillot finality and voice of experience Hes had show told aiter opening night iiesa aterrie Ikes Cdï¬dfliQn Imprbires Slightiv WASXHNGTON AP For mer president Eisenhowers doctors say he has shown some progress since suiiering his sixth heart attack but that this early he outcome is unpredict There have been cardiac lri regularities since theattack de scribed as major but they have been pronounced doctors report ed Wednesday Iapan lléaartE Transplant Is Success SAPPORO AP Doctors at Sapporu Medical College in northern Japan reported today they performed Asias second human heart transplant in threehour operation They said the operaticnwas successiui The heart was graited into layearol Nobuo Miyazaki and the dono was azoyearold Japanese male killed in anacct dent the doctors said The donors identity waswlth the request oi hi lamil Support To MIAMI BEACH an that ov Ne Nixon on thecampaigrt trail this straight defeat pursuit of the presidency th his chin up at prodawn no conlerence said it support whoev cr wan the nonlineevnltha co vention he said support somequ unless you campaign for hi support Eichard They indicated optimism over the 77yearold generals condi Linnaital his third heart attack in three ln and sixth since toes by it tins to one day unless dltion worsens lowed to watch theRepiblican national conventi von xtelevi sion since sullering the attack Tuesday morning Abortions Nearly Triple In London LONDON GP Britains decision to legalize abortions has eamad London the title of the abortion capltaloi the wor thenmasscirculation Daily number of abortions strtke have again reached an eral med continue tings College here died Wednesday Theer Yorkhgovcmor con gfatulaied Nixo on whatEoclre ller alled his on success gasptdzllcan presiden by telephone uamaid vnt medical huller Mirror in the Aprildun period the perionned in national health ospita lrotn aqusrterly average of non to 2348 Imp many locals across the country voted against the alter as were in favor oi it There was strong poss that Parliament would be sum moned into special session to deal with the strike nowtln its 22nd day it the unions rejected the agreement reached by gov ernment and unionnegotiatortn Post oiliee oiliciais weré opti mistic earlier in the week Ihnt the postnlworlrers would accept the government oiier covering two periods14 months dating and 12 1968 cents lor the ltmonth period and an additional cents or thaiinaljlh months The strikers hadastred ior 751th hourly crease in it month contra etroactive to Aug 1967 bore Too long Too dulL Theres mortiuans conven tlon in town and its more lively From the point at view at showmansaid Merrick Wednesday nights nominating session missed big opportu nity All those repetitious demonstrations jhe said should have been staged in the attention so the balloting could have been durlng prime television time Draw Criticism some AP Amid storm oicritieism from the Italian mom moi who swept to iirst ballotvictory early this morning tellsnewsmen it his Miami aaecn hotel headquarters hehad toner hourj NIXOII tit sleep helm leaving hla suite for meeting wltb lie rpuhlican Party leaders Nixon isexpected Ioname his runn ins mate bqiorotnoon tad AP Wirephotol first ballot MIAMI BEACH CF For mer vicepresident El Nixon capped remarkable po liticai comeback early today by winning the Republican partys BULLETIN lt MIMIIBEACHF18 AP Richard Nltion winner of the Republican presidential nomina tion todayplcirod Go iro Agnew Maryland presidential nomination onntbe press south African heart sur geon Christian Barnard ar rived in home today to examine several children atlhe request of actress Sophia Loren flhe italia re narnard ior arriving amidst such pub ty lbullldup One paper said Miss Lor log to do with his vi actress was not eve says BrigadieriignewDieslnKingsion itttiosro om an L4 Brig oonatd to Jan artillery specialist and former commandant oi Royal Military Agnew ï¬rst ballotas expected He imm atelyt pledged campaign tor the Nov eleclt don in way to unite the na tion lhe problems at homeand abroad are simply too big ior politics as usual or ior partisan ship as usual the b5 oldw lawyensaid His longpredicte triumph as the iavorite ot the partys hier archy and professionalrank andlite came in maratho nominatio ssi near ly nine hours Nixonwan 692 at the1333oi itcialdelegate votesatr to more than he neededin one sided race with Gov Nelso Rockefeller or New York nonvwlnneritn the last three Re publicanr contests and Gov Ronald Reagan of California noméchhoLmuvie she who captured the hearts of the Republican right wing Bellemare Qu ter ay hewil introduee in the nex ssionroitthele Grain Handler Talks Beach impasse woman or Opposing sides in the grainfhandlers asse on wagedemandyaod Vi The Democratic part ing in Chicago later this month ante Nixons opponent president be Hum is the iavorite over Sena preconvention fore asts showed Bockeielle with hi votes and eag with too tee reforescnt ment the Con decationo Nag tintat iradeii nos the Quebec Federation oi Labortand other lcboriorgauizatlonsg Theropnr ad ubltc last week establ lines olua nora ceptable to all today tho at vesse re headed await sinitl 400 milesoii seham