Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1968, p. 6

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summer cou mama neramm nag flfiWMTWWfiW IViLLIAhI HENRY owner and operator at Crestbaven Riding Academy puts one at GAYLE HENRY wiie oi liani Henry adjusts the stirrup ior aughtcr John ior riding lesson Joa ha onlybeen ridingior ton monihs but she loves his show horses through its paces In the jumping ring on Shantyhay Road tic wont allow his students to start horses and has no iear oi them Sometimes wish she did have some fear said Mrs Hear She was thrown about pnlis ago Exam iner Photos isnwos orwomaii Sittidy Problems Of Yukon Litring WHlTEHORSE YT CF Women oi the Yukon diiler rom theirprovincial counter parts the royal commission on status oi women was told esday The chairman Mrs John kird Commissioner LolarLange of Alberta arid Execu ive Secre ry Monique heard the laim ronenir ive hrleis pre ented at the opening session are 900 miles northwest of Ed monton They were to hear live ihcr presentations ghL The commission was told Yukon women play larger part in the community than elsewhere because their men hre awayIrom home great deal LA briei said the need ior so cial participation is underlined by the absence oi normal iamily ties and the act there areicwer Sholéeflanded gliaises Money gt TORONTO OP Susan Usher 20year old public achool teacher irom Moosonoe James Bay has been knock on businessmens doors hop ing to raise $8000 or new li brary ior the Indian children she teaches But she hasnt had much luck in getting he money to take Mousonccs libraryout oi its presentnlfifiiycightioot quarters the community 11 The people call on have ecreiaries who want let the et chance to spealt with them said the blue She that the ona they have nowcan hold 500 books do therels room leit ior reading them Ilbe hildreu needa quiet diace he si and aead They cant rea Eome because oi crainpcda con itions and they take bohks home they often becomades oyed by younger hildrenor sydtology irom bin older people In the North to im pose their experienced views on the young The brieiiacommended the iederal government establish day care or nursery facilities sesin hlld care ior eachersraitd pariic llarly Indianmothers and iam The commission was told later that although Indians ac count iornearly 18 per cent at the Yukon population school curriculum is not gearcd to them and they immediately are mi long time mission worker in the Yukon young Indian are leit in an unhappy posi with little incentive to improve themselves because Indian girls want to consort withwhite men Teacher for Libraer movies or museums atJlIooso nee where they can get en riched Books are no problem campaign is collected 5000 books Theyre just what the children need but there is no room ior the books and they have to be stored in cartons in the base mentoi the Anglican Church IiIiss Usher planned the lib rary as centennial projéct but the board never received the donations expect munityhas raised $2000iover two you period with receipts dances and turkey Atltiiat rate pnother eight yearsbeiore we raise lite$19000 needed she Andby that time whole generation will have gone through our school without the woman whim NANAIMO ac Clt Indlnn stick as part oianlstdian ai tabs department job draining program Lacrosse coach Earl though andbegaii bending her hel lob Diana is considering oArFaAitaour merit to any wouldbe Romcos eight jumping til he is confident they hava reached the stage oi complete control oi the horse STUDENT GETS instruc tion irom William Henry in the ring Exercises on the back at the horses are an im score one By Youth For NixonfGroup IIARI wad iAPI won it thou dsitlaturahout to cast attthou voles mm nu can in in tha world that pon Vince Richard Nixon tn at their candidatamilht notuoepthaconvmi In undioodad hoteltuhe Tricia and Jollar Nisonand Juli nounDevid Elamhov emutontboaduntahcdand ialrlybouhcod in Iifldpaliahod Remhlican national convention cl and ballots anyroom ul Julia ltWau late in win on the first ballot and we ra going to win tha election Every body should him We do The thm oi them admit that tittoy new Its been melting job portant part of the lessons think we wen almoit no convention battia could neatly been in polltlea loos tint All bar tits in he met Julia wasntavca have what Richard Nixon was iiiat leud to congrats in ma Tricia new so It only an inlant Hc MnlnlndMdelr tiesmostly Iaavar ainca so both his daughtan have grown up tuba campaign wars Tricia Julie and Davtd lolned forces this year in the Nixon cause tha girls as Iainily cam paigners and David as national chairman oi Youth at Nixon been Iha hardaat tldu in many ways David said Weve no it though and it can be butan Tbciaa no doubt abootihaL 1hc ihluihatshun so as citing about lhls campaign Tricia said la that wava ban able to do sunnihlu more than lg awcct Ior catwa thin vabaaa ablclodoinen than watch Mom and Dadon ialaylcion Wan been Ibis an to do something to help The trio has been so Mlle at its job that some vcn tioneera bara have started lit ing oi David In terms at Iutura candidata material fOh brother theyve got so baklddinxl vid laid Here Linda kc Ihoi Oriilla has some oi her mistakes Pointed nut Familys Loire oi Horses By STARR SMTIR Somehow and the proprietors oi Crcsthaven Stables the lVil llam litJoys are still trying to figure out how they started riding school just outside oi Shanty Bay It all began tour years ago when llir Henry and wiie Gayle bought six acres oi land on Shnnty Bay Roadon which to build home withienoumi land to raise tow horses Mr Henry galbedhis love to horses as chiidwhon he was raised with some always1 round Mrs Henry wasnt as lucky She learned to ride at young age but could never at iord to buy one oi her own un the couple moved tojstianty ay BEGINNING Just aiter we acquired our first horses peoplevkept com ing to the house asking us to make jiistpne exception and board their animal ior them Mrs Henry said We aim inLand dccldcd to charge ust what it would post for ieed and care at tbahorse The next hurdle the Henrys had to cross were the young sters coming to ask it they could go for ride nrtakedes sons Mrs Henrynaid both she and her husband understood the problems faced by children with love oi horses but only their own small pocketbook With which to fusther the interest It was at this time Mr Henry iirst consldercd starting ride ing school where youngsters couldvlcarn the art oi riding and showing horseeromiheground boon srnrtr parttime underta ing and he charged the youn sicrswhn came as little asp siblc lustenough to cover iced that by this time was growing onhis sinnlliarm just down the road eitocness Thc riding school has come long way in tour years until Mr Henry decided iust two weeks agothnt to do thaioh properly or the numberoi stu dents he now has the stables must become lulllime propos ltion Two weeks ago Mr Henry quit his iull time job with the Board oi Educationin Oro Township With no guaranteed income Mr Henry still has only optlmv lstic ideas about the iuture Bit not pipe dreams Now that the school has be come iulltime Mr Henryvhas number oi ideas he hopes will be accepted in the Barrie and surrounding areas ilis most geolous idea he tried ietv years ago when he rns working in Torontoas riding instructor at ahunticlub an early mom ing ride ior sinessmen Mtme RIDES The idea oi the ride is to give men whodont get much chance Ior exercise and who are in an office all day the opportunity inr physical iiiness and Iresh air The iprrner cnrly morning ride began with handtul oi sceptical non riders and 9nd ed with good number oi ier vent advocates who carried on Mr Henrys tradition after his departure In the past at Cresthaven Lady Bartender HearsProblems Has Theory 0n Causes Of Diirorces Theyre sousediyto me and Im us Leads To Riding Facademvfi Mr Henry has stressed stari ugplrnmAthe ground up with his students This means learn ing to lack horse Irom saddle down to blankctvaod knWing the correct way to mount than practice in the ringuntil good riding style is developed Mr Iienry said too gt youngsters have come to him who have been riding asf long as tIVayears and nave hownf limelye is crime he said WINNERSv Illsselution has been pit In to practice Theravare show horses at Cresthaveuithat hg lets capable studenta show The policy aid cit at Sundays Imvys li Clip Clon Club Open Horse Show at Hawkestone with Cresthavcn coming away with 45 per cent oi the ribbons In their interest in milking it possible ior youngsters with little money to ride the Henry have anothei unusual arrange ment They ailirw students who they feel areiai enough ad vanced to pay board ior oi Cresthavenshotses nii this puts that horseon reserve ior thestudent while taking lessons or just riding The student can also ride tbaborse at any time on his own Mr Henry also insists on private lessons cantwvatch whole group in ihering at once and give proper instrue tionr That policy even includes prir vate lessons for the newest horsewoman in the iamily four year old daughter Joan The ideasare good the cepts new And litr Henry ie only time will tell iiaiiea resi dentsaccept the Cresthnven ivay But regardless oi outcomor it seems the Henrys tiill al ways keep heart big part oi their business as they re member their chlldhood with dronmroi ahorse at the Constellationifloiel the 28yearold buxom miss hears more than enough prob lems iromher male customers to form basis or her opinion Canadian women she thinks are too possessive Thats why there are so many vorces she says bunny gi to 400 men daily some were astounded to see her be hind ihobar They soon accepted her ear to their di icu es Im one at way she says their problems wouldnt tell theirwive With experiencegleaned irom writing book to showwomen how to keep their husbands Apart from her proiessional duties she maintains no contact with her customers The call me untouchable Look ut dont touch People get the ldcathat bacauseyoure bunny girl youre loose1 Thatsnot true Guys think they can date me they iindoutr iast enough And as note oi discourage her hobbies inclu ing and iudo ot blunde thartende also he doesnt see ay to eye womens1 withDianes theory ssessiveness but shares her eeling on dating customers Lorraine Gilroy behind the liar at haTDanIIlghicldli talks withher customers ii shes not too ousytm ail itrsi third girl in the ha female fraternity who works under the numeoi Du hg bar hours onshi with the patronais unti listenser than Va in monls Thisls where the iNatiooal Para chute Teom andwhl com to Wedded peti ia CF Label Branded One guide to the quality of able to consumerszobe label 51113an matinee WEDNESDAY AUGUST In PEOPLMND PiliCES Calllldlss Starr Smith mun not that at more BRIDAL SHOWERS Prior to her marriage to Frank Stone the tanner Elene Rodgers oi llii Harrie was guest oi honor at miscellan eous shower party arranged by co workersotiandy leather Company Friends and nelahbors oi Holly gathered at the Holly Commurt Ity Centre and presented var laty oi slits toiha bride GOLDEN WEDDING Mr andMra Herbert Bird oi 1151 Baylield St marked their golden wedding anniversary on llionday The celebrants have recently returned to Barrie alter trip to Newiouiidland LIVE INVENGLAND MrsDonald Elliott and chil dren lenniler and John leit by air last weekend to Join Mr Elliott in England and will take up residence in Cheshire nearMancbcster Mr Elliott has hean appointedr general manager ior Great Britain by Social notes are Intended to cover the general social Ilia oi the city District weddings parties travellers and visitor all llama oivIntecrath renders oi this paga Your help In normal this new wiilho greatly appreciated Plaaaa phonarflia Barrie Em aminer momma aal ior Starr Smith or Andrey Conl son at the Womens DIM melli Massey Ferguson Mra Elliott is the iormar Heather Currie oi Earrleand rlor to leaving had been visi her Parents Mr andMrs Glade stonaCurrlc Kempenielt Drive vim otrrawa gt Mr and Mrs borne Hay sill chlldrcn oi Elis Barrie spent iiveday holiday in the ot tavva district and returned home last evening Theiamilytravell ed by motor wi trailer Mother initiated Into Coll UNlVEIISTY PARK Pa AP In the 1920 she was the blonde little darling oi the ori gingl our Gang silentmovtes Today sheath darling of new gangTau DaltaPbi ira terniiy at Pennsylvania State nlversity and the only house mother ever initiated as rather into the group Shea still charmer When she was in pictures all age to she was the invalid Darla the poorlittlerich gal who romped around Willi Spaniry Freckles Fa Altai ta and Spot the Sh didnt make int tallii Quality VP poultry bought in Canada is the red or blue grade mark on the bird or onthc packaging The home economists at Macdonald Institute Universityoi Guelph use thisas guide CANADA GRADE guislied by red marklhis the grade most generally av ed Grade the bird must be normally iormed although slightly curved lice immin ed It will bawell fleshed with deiiuite deposits of iat in the otthe wishboric over the thighs and breast CANADA canoe distin guished by blueimark These birds are normaly formed however adsliglliltly crooked Ikeel lsperiuitte eyma no as well fleshed and yiattened as Grade birds moderate aiZed tears and mi ridiscolor aliens and pin feathers that dont seriously detract irom the appearance are permitted iromfiradeA tn Veda Bsolely because oi min or acrooked keel will lleed not make any dliierenca in the method of cooking For your home ireezer Red or blue brand beet Frohte Side and Kinds of ort moped om an ddiv at we Woods Freezers sh says the pa Now shes Shirley Cherring ton at51 lust plain Moms to no think beings hnusa mother havtng such oliywood She has two runs one in eola loge and her husband is an electronics technical writer Sbe tookthaTau Deli job in 1965 andhas been on the go ever since She sews buttons on shirla Slugsdowu lawbeers with the boys when they just want to talk about pchool or girl problems oina lntha it thal rides and anees it You knowcha any though was in the meme dur ing the slapstick comedy are at American films was never hit in the lace with pic until Iibo came ahouse mother and it tended my first irate pia knowinsnartyf lytnionin indicate Birds llge The presence ot black bones in cooked chicken doesnt mean spoilage has taken place says Proteasor Earl Hunt Depart mull oi PoultrySclence Ont Guelph Studies show that bone darkening does not aiiect the aroma flavor texture or ex ieillllv warped oi the bird Attractingfiait gr younger the blrd and the taster it has grown the greater the lncldanca oi bona darkening These birds have soil porous bones thus it iseasy tor the hemoglohlnrin the red bone marrow to come tuthehlliihce alter the chicken has been slaughtered Thu ro bieni doesnt ocutr with dcr birds since tbairbonel have hardened1 iew years ago says Pro icssor Hunt It took I3 to It Weeka to pioducc threepound broiler Now the same sized bird can he produced in llr to weeks with tha result that to days bird is more prona to been darkening This diorler production time isoha way the poultry industry hnbcen able to maintain cm parativciy low price levels industry considered the on problem to bamoro bnportant since the darkening oi bones In an adverse client only an appearance The consumer should realize that she is still getting top quality poultry maat ior her moon GIVE MEMORIAL Tha government oi the lie public oi Ireland announced that nations will contribute plants and trees to tha new John Iiannedy IMcmorivil Park near the Kennedys socia tral home BARRIE intonation as ooNaLosr shape at Registrations now open program Well equipped man in nutrition rmmdings Morningor at ternoon um ior child Compatani cteau STEAM gsECIiA lij proteaslonal cleaned garment Minimum oniont iarrn so cal Ilsla annualspoeiai nw hay ilyonr

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