PIONEER eiui ï¬st Oro iairyn 135 when the township tion was under 3000 then use theBarria to orlllia road wbi new is known as Director denon Wililainuark Wallace Key Howard new John Barrie Gordon Woodrow Nell Hellman at Tndhope Jack WWud meérHUo an Associate directoram Roy Oenwbalii Itevae ivaa Clark Bill wierd and liar ratt Muir lo marge at the Ionian div titan are Mrs Roy Gray Mrs Bernall McKay at East on EarlScott Mrs McKay beads an active executive which Mr Gii Lloyd hire Victor has been busy tor months mak Hart lira Mel Jamieson and tog preparations for the iair airs dim Pearsali Joe bevison oi Guthrie and Directors in char of Junior George MscKay ot Coulson lair arrangements nclude Nor are vice presidents and Nor man McKay Ted Devisnn net Cochran at Port shading Alias it than erbnrough harem prise Mr Cochrane also received top ward tor beat single driver Garnet McEacbem was in the pony class under indies iiheignfwhileflllan ltManaa Peterhoreugh entry was larger poni First Baseman VhtynerStthey Leading Batter lit lllliston AtJilSliOit Stall Wayne Smeltum with 23 in oitrles was tfluckijtorey stantlrst base second 3801 with man is the leadhig hatter with Inï¬elder GaryCralg Allision Canucks it was shown made ilhits in 21 appearances box alter it was delivered by by latest averages released by had an average at 408 but courier service started by Clark Brooks otticlai scorer wasnt at bat sutticlentiy to he Utelflfel eonmany With tor the club claiedijasma regular Gary poo widIShjuhï¬thnnsupvflta tsintourtriesat Storey had an average at Ht om earn in me wk he whne mnemhpiwe Gm Storey and Srnoktnii were not in gt the ilnoflrp wonio BRIEFS with nine hits in 26 tries Paul Mason was batting at 3431 clip whiie Egan Maï¬a wi 13 an wanna nrvoncar avenge Sl TOPAZ France AP We in we Samar ctr lntielderpltcher Dave Mart etc at iricnds said Sunday night imer lathe leading home no she has tiled divorce action hm Willi the team Willi against her third husband West German millionaire untber Sachs The sources said the pa Boh Doner and Paul Masin have shared the main pitching pets were filed in Paris but no such action has come to light burden with Dave Morhmer tin taking turn when not playing in the iniield Ray ihibert there Miss Bardot has been seen recently with Luigi Riui 24 shipowner troin Genoa helgians lrom Minden won over live other entries as the best work team on the grounds Hughes Brothersol Strand won awards tor their teams of Per ch rons llarie Ont still receiveshis pension cheques in his mail box Mr Piper pulls the most recent cheque irom his mail Soviet Gen Sergei Sillka cause of his ailing health to kn 61 above has been sp cording to reports train ADN pointedchiet oi staii tor War the East German news their saw Pact Forces He succ cy This picture is irorn Tall coeds Soviet Army Geri hi the Soviet agency AP Witt Kasakov who is to retire be photol up with dance to Rudy Meeks ordiestra attracted close to 5000 spectator Bond Head links New Memorial To Sir Francis BOND Staiil Inten cst has been shown in this his toric South Simcoe community in proposal to erecta plaque in honor oi Sir Francis Bond Head oae oi the early govern ors ot Canada alter pbom this place was named There are plaques in mem ors at Canada after whom Sir William Maine and Sir William Oslcr at the Bond Not all mail was stopped bythe postal strike George Piper retired Alanna steel worker living in Sault Ste inuisrit horas The Night Was Hotyk And So WcieCouncil been crowded around the table in one at the ottlces They had dealt with number at minor matters Including the reserve toot at land needed to allow an TheiUltiniate In RubberStampil ay 11 According to Reeve Cochrane the civic holiday was not oiiltv lat in luniinI0ther munleip ltics which celebrate the at the park andattcr looking over the situation decided that tenders should be callcd to con struct the pumphouse They al so wenton to look over the Glues 25000 Impressions no ink PAD REQUIRED who usually plays at third and mortst Gary Smokiln also day have proclamation sett ing the day aside Inntstit had no such proclam atton However the township statt took the day oft The ex ception was the parks statt who were on duty to handle crowds at the lakeside park duringrlbn weekend Sunday was record hreaking day thereand on Sat urday night all camping space was titled POLICE BUSY Wth water fatality in the municipality Innistil police were kept busy Though there were no serious motor vehicle accidents many calls oi triv iai nature were handled The Saturday evening crowds missed out on the motorcycle caval cade which on previous Sat urday had created some excite meat ADJDUENED COUNCIL special council meeting Fri day evening broke up suddenly when discussions became heat ed Reeve Cochrane aiter ask ing Councillor William Gibhltis for an apology which was re tused adjourned the meeting without motion It was hot evening and the members had entrance into the property ac quired by the provincial gov ernment They also had dis cussed the bylaw tor water drainage in the west side of the township and passed it then when the chairman of the Parks Committee Conn Grose mentioned that they were building now pumpbousa and moving the pumps things blew up Councillor Gibbiris asked when this had bean approved by council and be suggested that something Itxldcrltand was go ing on Reeve Cochrane also on the parks committee object ed to the remarks and asked tor retraction from the coun cillor Council met the following day WOULD MALT SERVICE LONDON Ont CP Cana dian Paciï¬c Railway 10 has applied to the board of trans port commissioners to dishand passenger service between len don and Windsor Company otti cials Monday night would say only that notice or the intention to abandon the MiniouWmdsor passenger service has already been posted in GP railway sta tions park allowances in subdivl ltaly have done occasional mound duty Read community grounds and sions to decide which at these would be retained and which should be sold and the money placed in ark iund inr pur chase ctlan more suitable to the residents at the areas where thgdpark lands had been dedic BUILDING PERMITS Building permits tor July bout as many as for the pre vious month totalled the with value at $5011900 which in4 cluded the addition being add cd to Warnlca School The Cen tral school addition is yet to he approvgd by the department ot municipal aiiairs and the0nt ario Municipal Board will he asked to approve the total de bentures icb will then be submitted to council heinre the Whole procedure is completed Details of the permits or duty will he itemized and iabledinr the next council meeting ITS IN THE COLOII British study showed that of 2048 trafï¬c accidents 25 per cent of the cars were blue 20 per cent green and 12 per cent white Heart Recipient it MONTREAL OP Gaetatt name home today He came home for cup of coflee Butl didnt cry lididnt cry Im not the type The excitedthough restrained voice belonged to Claire Paris wileot Canadas second heart transplant patient whose health has been improving steadily since his operation June at days ago got call from the heart institute Mrs Paris said in an lnberview Monday and before know it was meeting him at the door He said he came home to have cup of coffee So made him cup of notice and he stayed for about halt hour and then went back to the hospital The visit came unexpectedly atterlr Pierre Grondin who iperioruned the operation said last week Mr Paris would re main in hospital or at least another tour weeks Last Tuesday Dr Grondln who had just returned from ohm 326 rennamywniermsnuwv WARN 0F LION PORT LAMBTON Ont 0P Louis the lion is still wander ing around in this part of the country and police any it could attack child it provoked The nopeumllinn cub escaped from circus trod early Saturday between Wailacaburg and here and since was seen once Police said it would be nnwlsalor dis trict people to let their children wander too iar from home or be left alone Port Lambton is about 10 miles south of Sarnia WANTED STDRK SPOTTER Sean nunlately stark that IE When thesterk deplrtl Its timetnrtheWeicorne Wagon Hostess to arrive with gitts tachabyjndmelpiu eonierence at heart transplant surgeons in Cape Townsauth Airica sai gt are gm look at Mr Parls home and make possible suggestions to Mrs Paris as to what should he done to insure the continued progress oi Mr Paris it will he just matter at checking to see all is clean We are not going to have the place sterilized or anything like that At home to greet him when he arrived was Mr Paris 18year old daughter Louise Ohmy she was excited to see her lather at home again said Mrs Paris Louise will enter Grade this tall and then got into nurs ing said Mrs Paris WILL TRAIN HER Christiane the cldest is nurse and Grondin hadsaid earlier she would be brought into the Montreal Heart insti tute lor quick training onhow to care or her father at horn litr Paris is Dr Grendins £350 Home For Celiee Visit among 10 survivors of total at 29 such operations performed thgiugliout world When Mr Paris wen ome briefly Monday he was accom panied by doctor and nurse But he came home in an ordinary car not an ambu lance 341 amino metion tor the new But since the stinks out numhcvthe Hostesses We come Wagon needsspotters to help out lie stark spotter In your neighborhood Our Host 2552 will appreciate your help and so will the new mothers To report stch FAST TAKEOUT SERVltlE Open Daily tili midnight Fridayanddaturday tlii 1s rThefsmLart wayjo saveand travel Reclining cash seatstali reservedin adv he at no extra Ask ahc toth economyEWhI né club car accommodatlo these receive much attention irom visitors third plaque to Sir Francis has been suggested by businessmen First aim and pod otiice was established at Bond Head in 1337 and the community al so waa the site of one of the that Simcoe County grammar schools as High Schools were then known Father ots WilliamOsierp Rev Carton Oslerwaa en Ang lican rector with large parish in the Bond Head area thctosin has been drawing much betterlttian last year tor which the Headlights created at lilveradle Park were glven much oi the credit The lights have been in important actor and so baboon the tearns int proved playft said Brooks who went on to say he believed the calibre oi ball Vthroughout the league has lmprovedcnnsidef Pcrrnastarnp Rubber Stamps have the ink supply intE pregnated right in the starrip vNo messy stamp padrta worry about Custom made in any sin and wording to suit your special needs CDMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION nit Binniixnmintr is Hayfield sum stand 7266337 ably during the past two years CHARGE rr on an All Purpose Account use our inversions Credit Plan LuxuriousYet PractiCal Most SpotsAnd Stains Sponge Away Easily Casual tweed pattern in bright multicolocs makeroems come alive Dense pile is ti sheared fora soft luxurious texture that loo and feels like wool Slow to show soilmath and mildewpronf Double juteback COLORS Canyon orange parchment brown Willow green gold surf grecnldark fern green cherry red parchment brown deep antique gold Bplca brownbeige horizon blue li blue AnniversaryNYLON sq yd DuPont 501 Certiï¬ed ionthe carpet ï¬bre that outvircars them all care tooslaw to soilp most spots and stains Just sponge away Deeply sculptured attern tipsheared 36 runner and 12 wi COLORS Spanish gold moss green spice beige blue tangerine ferngrcenn 50800 Double the bite And Comfort of gamete Guardian Underpad Thick resilient waflle sponge rub ber reinforced ï¬bre mesh an 12 ft widths 12ronm size pcadoabluhMilflï¬qufl cranberry 12wld