APARTMENTS WANTED Tv mRvzw Ia Hoiidayldwn WWWm part 11mg complete minim providedAri investmenthfr poo to an oily negled required or pendulum Khalil interview ullanonta MINES or wrha Bet Dll Bani Examiner Ildldlya was Beach and list lice auum Gnlï¬ Room ï¬lthy Auxn Burma list 9th and Sammy moruiiu only PLEASE N0 moire caua OPPORTUNITY We are lookinzviorta distribu Jaraalerman whoyanta to can whhn ntaan franchiaaroi hi can whilst ed lily Iweu the Wurld new pa folding portable huddle boat for family fun fish ng and hunting establish ed exercise pmducts Ihiavhual nessrequires no canvassing pa and no paellcltlng hard worker Inl hitloua own car ahwin la cash opening inventory and low franchise fee and to $14736 Toronto zlvlnl your name address and telephone number minimum for equipped Good huunm be In fully equipped hubr pmunt rcnunr momamrl naept all 57mm travels ligand mm eryounxe ee tan nilam RENTALS Housas FOR RENT man aweunwmnnt in Aillildlll ma sutlahlodor tollllil Telephone mean BEDROOM heme near 5L in mediate wumlvn with lam am month Dunn the dnycau ass Ind walnlma illMu ï¬lm of 0m 3110 monthlytaxi rem in cm ï¬ni EliIll rianax ammo senlrnihei inn is in turn acme Brand naw sioo per month telephon 1831 after NH nousss WANTEP mu annaoonr llhuxa wanted in Barrie an or helmAunts Gnu iamlivllit7h mm bedroom unimilhod apartment nquimt in liLh mun be about coilvti Urillia airmu the ne J1 anach tryr Van no been make an nmnnm My Real Hamel IntBu SVMW far Githpth ult 420 null and um omen ualum duh min min mu Stationery MmunloLSkw We om Inl automatic did condition nuan riarro far Deli unruht lieu am be non Emu3 of mm nenaee or mm in Jillian might it villi til and mm to an iv me local credit siandinFcail how 31 mud lmpilu 39an let an whylimo aun mm mm MEN Msraaarmu or rule aid your Atimhnnl mole rnr rm titer lamination um mom non la re innertor cue hue aim hed mam Iuit no two chrm oi drawn on and so nnlu kitchen om unleanr Tele Mist new game uécui ï¬n of auri ball to 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BEDROOM tailed art merit in nut All iiiiii whiten Alumina diltrlct fir TOWNHOUSE SUITES bedroom dollhln Itluoozn dirk lnx mm of nan privnie or human entrance hungeraim etc wagnar dryer heal hyd mpwiler Ind parkinl luppliQd mo Ind $180 monthly one year Minimum hut d° headhun RooMsro LET on ilhed room in my Vii $193 mm orth Women Telaphone 718 liter pm Two inhuman it mildew mi airline naming11m IN em HOME rum bldroorn ulna twinhcdisulit linemen thninwn 1man clematis 7mm mgr enm humr Ind HM Br Mrl =ratar at sultancut ii unite Malian aoeM =AND adaan quam boarder futen your man preferred Home atmluvhcr gaunt multiu TIIGIMMJH am rurnim am EliMela plan an rum Second Hind Shop in cmngimiin Pa cram TquDn dinire rui wanlo Motor Limited inn wahnne 77254238 ioAaricLEs marlin It Jackiun dfnrd strut Ivamnn motor inr lose Inn Fordltmck cylinderr lal ham John at 72min eiierlllv mmhlfl in Ill sizes Telephon grads urinals your own an aunt nullt lion supplied 1n cemmirudy picked rimJnninn mt planed alike Ind Grave Sirlli intuuctian on illxluvnv 11 min nacusuurrn in hlnck Ind tin from IIYI Mldhursi ielflhnllo mm Titanlint Profcnlonll nraoml ll breeds Dickrifth unwary125ml nunuariii her thliiink within Claw eélw admin se TvllphnneOM 3755 at IWLI hamsrm amqu Spaniel nne for me entangle ii dNEWEEKVONLY 12 ALUMINUM BOATS Made by Springbok Al la hflIMD or Wemtiiiinvc in Johnrnn mi Crui Width mm clock and unit man In lamina else 1th sleet AUTOMOTIVE vo an had tin Tragtnsri1ission Ltd as Mary St inxaam AWWmJzr munvwrwr arnmfï¬as Mm an autumn aclm mom memento lwlew uvnh NICKS DEAD STOCK Elm euio uvo manual algal11nd inaneooh Wk mien Na asacar Nick linutaxne rm FEED SEED ORAL GRAIN IL 11 on cannon far ui an iiee an and hu In mi COMIC In Elvin Emil TEIEWOII MEI VDLUMI Dellveryu Illii cum il now availbe marmgr in the arrIa area call Al aim moral up to pm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Whammy mm muna rm an cannula ill to for VP than Am Wllnm an lbs and our entrain mat be mm an hmnu Not sand was tor n1 recorded in ennuii anm aarvlceahi Juan Johhllnn wt 12 Collus alnn ii innth Talephnnl Liama mm for rain Sinwbe Eleni unwell min stnlunnn ll Ital an inward mliedi ana lam with BFï¬Wmii iiah lEnhs gallanttoe Telephone airmen Alan uddln TIEm IIANDINU Al 5WD aniwa lIl Mind inlet mwl ifimmfifl on learnt FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delavai Service Complete line of Dairy Farm Equinrnenf Somalia Hawaii10113 Hwy 27 gt mnsia hi la 5elephnlletildvgz89 DION tthhilI 22 rtr menu Ilse lhlghrirllinmlfl air hindzr both an mb Good condition teleahnne men numnldvu Harvester with Mfoor box and 52 that om rack not rider on the ma TRUCKS FOR SALE 15 Cavgh Hm lliy znod no and chififteen offer ii ark inr mourn iuzmmNATioNa lain xxceiientmechnniniiegnditlazfuni so me Keepinl mullVulth Telev nhnne matador furthli partl cnim gt mi undo truck IAta pinkup ii in cheap forslnulzkmn Ann Frau stret in new mini Lenoir CARSWANTED WILL PICK lur nla cm innluii tartar aura REPAIRS man Pinup Automatic Specialists iiiaw cnas rqasALE TH IS WEEKV Price Itlo xcelenmonci an xiii Pireili givinr urn ngenniiflmi lall tunic pain Ron it but Im Ire ireliliill BA ill ill and 39 Ii coon hud lo amnesia mm Mr lop Putdinn Conner III rorrmc hie mu Infill mew IIIin Vl 3l um ELM mm Sigvii lac turn in la and mum at Annmaun mama marsum no 1863 CHEV AUIOMAIE 2323 dnilhh°tm or lune am an en aunt at ran an 1959 FORD Illazln ma condition rib Mom new after no Jar itoufmoiunnrdreuels rkllhbk transnaruunnl lost ai Mllneiu Sport seen me then mine daemt burn all each 31 no it 10 mm In roe1m USED VOLKSWAGEWS gun isno ligation WE if yawn nuvomunendnm aim or name iii itl FAIRWAY has can no sin dim 1him here 68 Volks Stati gon hello hilly mediumlam law at our um an iiiiin mi °hniun at 1962Volkswagen Deluxe din cnun tranmrt 1M PONTIAC match non vertihie Bicellent condition Prl to Win Tmufl rormiicvlcomtlixl tic owar remix and am $175Telepit0rla 71M JOB ELIAlli idoor ndlrd Wiclephonc mini am 31962 Austin Cambrid Ann Good condition M50 or al Sign fiwhohl 72le die CLEWOLBT tllmgliil 2469 on power antler Iuiomliic aai va em radio with rear mt am er new tins remote nlxvl fur III miner 7600 mm mLiicia nu MIL 1951 METEOR pr door hardlnp cm Va automatic radio powr Motrin newer arm mll whom iollck huokat rem cuninl mnenmi hlua while limuiund vinyl roof ence mm and Bay city nn iiimo 1101 not PERSONALS Lang item flaw nu lug TilTB nmmus no you want our turtnne laid by cards Talep on mom for woolennan POM POM HAIR STYLES 32 TIFFIN Sl Heather Rawn invites you to enio our Aurust Special on Perms711 off reg alar priceplua free manicure witha ahampoo and set every Monday and Tuesday DROPJIIEQSEE USVAVORA CALL 7289811 FOR AN APPOINTMENT Gnvcrnineat fChartered Schoolv thorough trainiagrin all brain rhea of beauty culture WICKS BEAUTY SALON tihlmlop Weil ï¬ne Amy lnneiilmihxillilgy an mlmnnthixnway ltl sunnui wearan Munon wniirm for nilhtrhlil full iiml am lone nnlh will in iween la noon and HarriWW service cn thwav town WANTED 1mm lately Man nr wmn ind mm sflnflauméu in all nun th ml mourn Can uni theolon gallon return it TH Waili allumrm renlllnd ior sum of mm the demand We need he only neiuxe rut MAN Reonmajinr melt morn work good opportunity Mtween am ma p11 ion at Barri Jammy imenuhle mm water INSTRUCTION not mine sin We dark blue color Contain pair redhlldd our flahinl rodlnd FYMW muggyext winnersz thon donntdenyuutWrart mmmhem way In eaniddildlfll the uni mwm rm Sinoa the 115 invade our fatherllnd the South and It tech the North whyishnuid wo rcnounci our right to defend our entire faiherland fmlL even but CM terrfloryf vvioinumimlm villa llintforLIamdioeliasio on the Ir peace VII ou Violamataoutolthe South moat iii white film to adult illat you areae tlially helplhl the National Lib tadrle box Reward Telephone mam 10V HELP WANTED FEMALEVHELP WANT AVONCALLING WORLDS LARGEST COSMETIC COMPANY Hap Iminediata apénlng energetic woman exoelient weaily rlncoma To Inionnatlo pla write Mu front moiui an 433 Barrie orphono TRAnEjVSCHOOL Have You Creative Honda $31m All ma niriilywio 153 um nldulm at vPul ma hunt hoot Duranlined innumer ill to train nu and hi on on cwardlnzwllfï¬imernl uiiuilty cannon mm The Paul Pogue ï¬nality SNerhoolnearieat you 10 Nmmtsï¬flggzï¬ sum SALES HELP 3AGENTS de Barrie Bflnch to All new nll meiunu vacuum cleanerv mum llpll Victor In in abeflnl and on with punlnn St 3111 MALE HEL GETiii ON SOMETHING BIG Full or parttime buiinersila goodl We hnvetn expand to eat sincere aalasmanio inn now and stay long time Dont worry ahontiexperiehce iitrain you to be successful an receive mpid promotion Age 21 to on Youll earn whiih you ï¬alzmcnma or weekly pills cash bcnurea fnr extro participation lilia iaa pleasant digniï¬ed vork DAY AUGUST pm namely cmenilfl wanted ill timetotals 11¢ whnnarillv nun banana are main all much they land the pm li more refill dflvmwig driving record Avril WWII turn ind trial In ly huilna lialdin Sunstvmmltzshtaln on now PULL mmnwiu Italian attend Brit required Inenl nnLv in war aiwkmaia 7W1 nu nl Anal Sale Mann Barrie niiu wa en Gnlv au lzuq and when Wt REPRINTS you wouldglllie tn ha orkln wth dhiixe prints of any new pi lire take by our tampholographen laase calla nurhuaiaesr 0H co We are wrrliWc cannot accept phone orders BARRIE XAMINER new irshmuh earyaaw slip aover swatrations to Alicdhrookmcare oi lhe 50 came mntact FRANK AYERS at the BARNE HURONIA MOlEli flMR experiencedhrrtth alood NM or With drawl oi Ihhiaw Grocetarlu Co Ltd irorn the stampficld means trading atampa in Can ada will again haabie tn fuliill ita original luridan oi haipinl ayllucaanooxa VI Save dallorel Givoiiving or NWm brick new look thamart allocovers Mala an old chair or sofa look covers Send for Siepbystep for basic ally my palm lcainsi for each pattern no stem Please Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept plums Tannin 0mm tharlo realdznil add cent salcrfnx Print plainly PM DRE ew 1959 Needlecrziit Catalog best iaahinnai Moat ew daslglwte knit mchol sew weave emhmidi eri say editors Urea Mam inside encents Bonkof is jiffy ruga co plate patterns inexpensi Book No Dclux in completepattern Send one Book No Museum Quilts wauerns for 12 quills 60 centa Boo Nc3 Quill for in ny living Naw exciting 20L lacticn ihmmplate patterns hunk of an lirhalls Kurt crochet la afghan no cents sidinmodwrth pens scallop all around collar horn Fashion fresh nilhava arrived Qlitlla ind ndent retailers hey my West Mr Walt chairmanof than nadian Kuociatlon of sump Cnmpnniea Midin aitatamnnt Mail mil iiihim more an open an Leitadtlgreminpénnld handlinl ii mliiv Headded1hat ntemprwill continue to provide on impoli tarlt promotlpnliai oapcellill to theaan retailer lla was replylnu iahia annnlillmmem earlier thatll will discontinue lnuina Irldlnl stamps at the end of thin month RBNFREWOntIOP er yiiiaMcDauahiin loeldn thahac Langhlinin the heaHraditian of her err pulled in her breath and creamed The man quickly told or that it waaall joke put away his gun and fled Provincial are lwkinzio him SHINGTONgiRauters Whtlenrtha Vitepublleana are meeting in Miamlheaeh to pick their preridentlalnominoe Son atnr Eugene McCarthy candi weekvhorn his post hi over seeing McCartins effort in round up enough delegate fat the Democratic convention Ill mileagestarting Ann 25 In bail VicePresident lid in Hum widthsWham fused to give him over lnand of strategy durlnl the Chicago convention Finn viously understand ii have the gnatinii hich Tueaday kept secret until not puhlicly explained an some aide he had phen Mitchell tormer uatinu chairman of tha party creep hack to the market treat ubstanlia 11 iii New police Arlnathsaldln Manila today thatAharwar Dun made the ualemenrand later confirmed it with North Vlct namua pros oftlcialru lured why they had denied thk pravlntuly and their answer am that they hld never denied raiding South they deniedeommittln lien on the south uld boonan oi euhtomei Pilihil Mr Wait laid mull retail unable to cord use trndlnz rtnipl advertising budgetwu used to provide atampa they did not Add tind hecnrt or merchandise ll Sinv altar rurvey in till United tu hat shown lhai when rtnrea dircontinue thl Itlmp program they do main anattelnpttn reduce rice in dim period But teaernr veya allowtil lilikk level ties were lat betnro Pornwlthnurrlampr but with tilt same pricelevel as when lhayobiainad Inn it in not poasih iilJmiaXi emotional uiiyn lunaiv ma radii tux type promotion to Nawhisxaaub Taxman iattiementin Mday mikeazainitlNarthera one Co were announced new or aiiectgdjtifi Wither Tom Conell representatllil for theTelephnne Cnmmunlea don Workers aald member votedmznintavnroia tinn rain with retroactive pa from 75 to use Plant hourly wua rates andcrad Telephone warkara thew Lia card Timrninr and Atikoka anti and Norther Quebec Tales phone Cu wark at val DOrq linuyn his an and Villa lililhiii Call or Zakarian 85 iiileimul millionaire Who cornered th rnybeall markupand was deidiflle aaslstanee when hi Bowiefiiiyjauatomist and medii cal researcher who taught ah McGililUnlversity nd the li vanity of Manitoba Tylfllihlil Morocco Grindlylfldali 50 director CBC iiienchianxuaxe news an publicatfairs proarams of in rial received In ntomohi accident giddmoreueAdlhhylmSmith trave clause billed all the worldasmhflc mm and stood in inches tall posrilt STRIKE CllltONOLOGTY agent or romp 28900 polli