may We Reuters Cze chohlovakia hopes iora$290 190900 credit from Western rope if Russia turns down quest for loan lghhanklng western source said Tuesday night that several Western European na tions held tentative ta Prague request or $400000000 loan into cold stor age at least until the end of nest months crucial Communist partyfcongress here Foreign Trade lliinister5Va= clav Vales said on his return kom talks in Moscow iast month that discussions on his coimtrys request hadyet to be concluded There were ï¬rm in the source said that Czechoslo va would turn to the West if Russia lailod to agree to the re ggestsoon most likely by Octo Czechoslovakia wants the money thy that ï¬m because plans provide for tiie countrys economicprogram tobe put tiie secondlime in eight years Richard Nixon stood on th threshold of nomination asgthe Repuhlrean presidential candl date and the big momentlor him tonight was only hours away Govs Nelson Rockclellero New York and Ronald lies of Caliloriua Iwere yin rto reven aye cralsmoeting choose their mangenerally Dennis ing capital investments this couldbe done bygrant Wants fHeaï¬ng DuringVConveniion hWBEACli APt uealnng coveredwagon rawn by two black mules and es cortedby more thanihldeoim Hopes o1 vsuccm in the Nige rian peace talks plunged today with the departure of Lt0ol Odumegwu Olukwu Blairan head oi state and leader at the countrys team in the negotia tions with Nigeria olukwm considered the only man in IthefBiatran hierarchy capableofmaking concrete decisionkit the Ethiopian cap lalluesday night toi Abidjan capital at theivory Coast with members tien croi the lederal Nigerian dele gation told Tliesday news Invésï¬oate Death 0i Tomato Martin Manitoba DAUPHIN Man to more iattmptlngg to piecI together circumstances rounding the death it tioning Toronto insurance corn pany molayee who was loud shot the head and on burnedin gravel pitI IManitoha Mood Police nevi dead man as DaVId ring which was found at the scene police said Police said Danni ily thought he was vacationing in theJort Erie area at Ontario that no nown familycon Cily newsLe Classiï¬ed is 10 clad Negroesstopped Tuesday at the door of th Fontaioehleau Hotel The Poor Peoples Campaign contingent Abernathypieked this symbol at opulence along the Florida GoldCoast to launch ctlorts or shearing by the magnum na opal convention to beI Nixon the part horsewhohwas beaten byJo Kennedy in millby 000 votes thr we in Chicas poetng to he VicePreside tiubcrt Hum Senato EugeneMcCarthy nesot iv cstimates based any with delegates puijNixon with handful votes at the majority Other polls was over he top 00 people in the Miami Beach Cooyentlon Hall and iniliionarnnre on television will be watchln The slimchair bl Jimhotel ler and gen tun ed tintheir ability hold he enough voiesto tree lit from amalorltyonth llsLbaI anoint4 Sportsl2 is Hi5 rv Listingsz Weathebl Womens6 jroii initiations iibiviiiiiiiion muddy With the JAssociated eountof delegates standing 616 for lea ry iorhtmseemed toliinge what tcheamlght tsk place ifflle came close to sary 667 th owed iio lav mittédV rid Mayor John Lin states recognising thesecession lstI government oi the Blalran delega Giiei Anthony Enahoro lead meeting is not suinmlboitr whose bod was conlerence he also would stay away irom lurther aesslqnsjas long as epresentatives of other countries acted as mean hers oi the Blairandeiogation lie claimed at leasttwovrnem bers ol the delegation are tram Gabi one oi iour Alrlcan Ojulswua departure was seen hy observers as gesture bs ce oliederal governmentsourcidn Lagos said Gowon would not go to the talks andaddod mihe delegation isfully empowere abSence Blairan side is expected be headedbygDr Okoro alegal advls oliserv rs sa PIéInslllfllléf AhDDryGrimsjl how did you ï¬nd those bran dieId peadies we sent ere indeed delirious but ydiat we appreciatedIIespIec rally has Seveï¬ Illin01s police Am shot itre Tuesday woundedseven po licemen and woman ng distinbance caused by Negro youthi and scores goi law en forcementxofiicers moved in early oday to secure the trou hl area tale county localpolice officers helmetcd and heavily armedrnassed at food store parking lot waiting for action butthe areawwas cairn hours aiterttie at latenight out burst Mayor James liaines of vey imposed curfew until dawn inthe southsuburban ail cago community which has grown increasingly tense since police oiiicer Yaku mostly thearea ina squad ear Three oth persons were womanIAlberta Lampkin 21 Eritrean Leaves 75 ADDlS hBlABA mom il Eostal Doctors Say It May Take Days LIlre audition wishcsvthatjdetallsrbejs to assess the damage om former president Eisenhowers thlrd heart attack in slightly more thhn three 1n guarded in their comments on his chances of recovery hospita talk for un certain orient cers were woundedlrom Negro youths who ing rocks at passi shouting expletives which startedylate luesda nighton Hieoppressive heat The dlstuihancé centred in tourLblocksquare roa near the horderlln of arvey and xrnoor suburbs miles south downtown Chicago with Eight arrestsiwere eported disordqr nduct spokesman or Ingalls HosI pitalsaI no lieIemen was on ally Three oiticers were for treatment One ffic shot in the face as he patrolled treated to minor injuries and released uding aNegro ment was keeping tabs contin otten His son John and grand publican nationalconvcntion at mm wwwrmrwmcmm Resume This Week iirm or Jim in sion on whelharlo end Canadas national postal strike hasIbeen tossed in the lap at 24000 post oiiiee workers theydeeide to accept re portedfwagc increase otter or 39 cents an hour the maltrconid Negotiators or theCouncll at Unions and the govern treasury bonrd finally cached meeting oi minds late niesday alter marathon har galnin not that hens and so manysix since 1955 flhey prlevlousty altecied equlpm nti monitoring theheart heaty ibiy sending 351mg overlappingthelatest trouble an honor th leneral so the latest attack at said Any individual who has sustained receii region is considered to be set eal robahly amyrocardial or blocking of blood low in th heart blood clot posits Am the blood Doctors said electronic eouip ually on Eisenhowers metabo lism was on low salt 1qu the on lim dausliter new here iromtlie Ra lvliaml Beach IDON CP Toronto bishop today attacked the proï¬t motive ya the basic sin of modern soc yandsuggested therworld has turned itshuman iflve society wlucii as an twice inside her reference to what he call the acquisitiveociety gt ly no stop hours The ihreat oi pa iamcntary intervention was hanging over their heads for more Ithan Di With the strike lnlits 20th day Prime Minister Trudeau said at noon Tuesday that action had to comeone wayor another El ther the negotiators would an nounce tubsianl progresror thc machinery old he started toqreeali Pa men or smor gencyactlonto end the strike lhe Ottawa negotiators and Judge Rene Lion of Montreal Jeieiailvamlnled medhtnr who guided the la thr gh their lastcrucial stages re vmatncd mum about the agree nicnt details Th1 wasapilarenlly in line with the unionteam expressed the various loe emerged quickly after vidnal members saivlhcm in Impress or heard thcnion OFFERHCTURE EMERGES liut gcneral picture oi the proposed wage pocknga sums wcntx out headquarters lo across the board at 39 cents ad haur in tun stach oi umonth contract retroactive to Aug 1961 and terminating DcLI 1969 Forthe iinal it in boost would he crease ol about meet lid in Centlhsel WASHINGTON Ari lieiaillood inn periodic average percent agriculture department aid tod today voted heavily in iavor joiI wage offer cia 39 centhourlyincrease Gail peanlpiesident oi local 11 oi the St Catharines lliiion stated that th also prepared to reicct any return to work order Head Oi American Motors anAï¬FroN hn crf elected president of American Mo nounccd toda in the chnological resourc ack socta oats sai oierri in theIdrair report Why Because weare not use of we We=are asi lly akes the profit motive thecontIrolllng fluence tlievdornlna influ ence in our linancial industrial and commecc welfare re our basic si cooperative and servingso 14 church sh uldIticconiea cats acquis lyst orI action in the mailer higher this yearIth rejecting the latest government DP Hunts ws The dr report nnIrenewaIl of cornmi ees which discussingthe among other thina id should smell loChistians using unorthodox in us such civil di hedlenceand lt should inao could Senator Hatï¬eld of Oregon tor mer go or and Vietnam war critic His presence on the icket would be aimed at at tractlngjiberai RepublicansI sdndiarned Democratsparticu larly those agai st thew nd independents The convention chooses the icepresidential Thursdaynight The Repubilcun party ap 1IraiIiIschedtho momentoi amni IsnIdldatev in lighting moodaéns ing victory in In or std election or the