Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1968, p. 4

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clip won Publish harm Published in Canadian more liliniicd 16 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario Will am Tailor ditor uovn rim can Claims Needs Mere Control Over Programs it has long been adebatrbia question Who runs the CBC With some it is debatable question whether we should have CBC 0n the good side ofthe ledger the public system gives us type of program which is lamentably lacking in the commercially sponsored net works But on the bad side is fairly formid able array of arrogant abuse of privilege the Trenton Courier Advocate claims NOone wants the system controlled by politicians But does the appointed man agement control it Those who watch the tenor of socalled public affairs pro grams must wonder There seems to be aclique in control which wants to flout every conventtion insult anybody of worth and downgrade anythingofr value pronounced list to the left has been notedin recent years in this ship of Canadian culture What passes for news is toooften some radical broadcaster or programmersidea of what somebody should say not what he really say Rudeneis to guests being would inter viewed and technique which gives guests little chance to interrupt the flow of propaganda from the interviewer leave the impression that the whole pur pose of the socalled information branch of the CBC is to ideas Religion is foremost among its tar gets forilampoon and attack But in many subtle ways the bias is evident How to control it is the problem But since it is taxsupported system the people of Canada have right to expect that their money will not be used to non MEMORY rm WAR DAYS so yeans AGO Barrie Examiner Aug 1918 Capt promote revolutionary Robert Grok Midhurst arrivedihome on leave fromrFrance where he had been active duty two yearsiwith Canadian Army Medical Corps Lt Leslie Frost Drillia who we ver seas in 1916 with 157th Simcoe County infantry baitalion reported seriously iilin London hospital William Wat ters West Gwillimbury Township had 10 brothers sewing with British forces five of whom have been killed or wounded Pte Gordon Nevils Cookstown of 157thBn killed in action in France Herbert Jennett Craig hurst awarded Croix tie Guerre by French government and promoted to sergeant in Canadian army overseas Pie Clement Etherlngton Barrie re pierted missing believed killed in action went over with 157th was trans ferred to15th Barriewho had already Won Croix de Guerra awarded D50 Four brothers have been 11 action in France one kill ed in action 1915 CaptTetcy Sar jeant surgeon in medical corps home ouch 1111 eant in Mesopotamia and Palestine was with General Allenbys troops when theyien tered Jerusalem Student aviators Major Eric Pepler look for control promoto ideas destructive of democracy and every associated ideaL In the name of artistic freedom the prominent spot on the CBC is to be NaziLa Communist radical or an ill clad in pie with love for pot and sex But po tlcinns representatives of relig rlon or anybody associated withanythlng sane is held up to the smartaloe fast talklng technique of newsmcn and interviewers whose sole purpose seems to be to put them in as bad light as possible That is how to appears to some of us looking on Since Parllainient han leftwlngers and snout kooks have virt ually taken over The surest way to get dies the moneythat pays the sphverters ofgood ltis to Parliament one must One way to do this would be to insist on some ground rules which must be observed if employees want to stay at work News must be news not editorial opinion Keep the two separate Interviewers should be ordered to keep their opinions to themselves and let the guests state their views Left and right wing extremists shouldbe invited to stay off the CBC Some restraint shpuld be required in socalled cultural programs which either promote leftwing views or hold up democratic ideals to ridicule Radical Why not One doesnt put food out for termites He tries to keep them from eating the house doWn round him The CBC termites are cat ing awayrat our democratic foundations at our expense the CourierAdvocate conclude Crop outlook in Simcoe County very goodplenty of hay Barrie Colleg late students made excellent showing in grams Richard Tubmanfataily in Jured by team of horses on farm near Elmvale Henry ODonnell killed by light ng hile working in field near Brad ord Two prisoners made dra matic escape from county jail in Barrie still at large They made ladder of bed sheets and chair rungs came down from upstairs window Ross graduate of Queens versity named principal 301 Heth post studies at Yale and has been principal of iillson hurgsecondary school Mrs John Craig and son Willie of Barrie were held onltoll road between Bradford and olland Landing Sunday night They escaped when willie who was driving jammed foot on auto accelerator and took off at good speed New Aaron Carleyrreported catc bass in lake near Big BayJoint When horses ran away while raking hay in Flos Townsbiip Albert Priest 17 had remarkable escape from being killed ecil frKlrlrland Lakebought rton farm south of Allandale from FredElliott for $15000 Extreme heat and continued dry weather this staged big sports show at Camp Borden LoTHER tenors VIEWS SKILL iAS TRACKERS Toronto Globe and Mail sing skills handed down CESEOFSL 19 India Mehs grackerslocatedand rescued two children who had been lost for nearly week in dense bushland 300 miles north of Winnipeg An impression in summer threaten potato crop in Simcoe County Considgrable blight reported theigrass thread of wool affobiprlnt were clues enough for the trackers who succeeded where helicopter crews and squads pdsoldiersfaile Nth served as me people in Manitoba ten do thatthe trouble with indians andMetis ima mmmnunnmimmwammmisunn En loos eoto secures ATHERED disease 0F lilting mirage eves at riiMouunss liiEl wurao nine TUE 13 ilOiNIHE SINGLEFILEF MEN AND new woman STRUGGLING up DVER eras TEACHER yarn nib UKON ram mopknew flhfitvmmmmr WWI FULLYMRS arrow 01552 mt annual m7 SfiiraurpMtsJIHWM IWLGIIli 45 Minn nnmwr lwlllI potatoes 60c peck on Barriemarket thatlthey dont want now THIS orriiwi at PORT NDP Mem IS MY iurroailriou Pill bérs Death titirdannblrtbumtrollndtok ingihePoposmdulltlu molten Prudénce 0i Population face value oneshouhi it is impossible to rain tbatono of amdehed museraider in the dmlment The chief of the so no aroma es ease This should be takanJflo ac count by those at or who think the Pope wrooa on birth control le arziirnent has two levels one levfl la disciplinary and int worthy of consideration The Popo worries lest removing the one could argue even in termr Jromea ACutiiolic viaa the belief that life is the tribal be Sad Loss To House Dy PATRICK NICHOUDN UllAWAlhe sudden death of Colin Cameron MP for anal mo handles for Canadas Parliament as well as for the New Democratic Party The CCF and subsequently the ND group in the House of Commons has long been an ng to its small numbers its mem bers arelnteliigenl hard work ing conscientiousjand remarka bly free from narrow partisan ship in taking the national view Colin Cameron evidenced all tbeseoualitles and in addition was one of the most talented and eitecive orators in the House He was first elected to the House of Commons in the gen eral election of 1953 The 195357 parliament contained perhaps the most impressive group of MP over to represent the old CCFat Ottawa This included in addition to Cameron such men as Coldwell Alistair Stewart Clarence Glifis Rosa Thatcher Bert Herridge Stan ley Knowles Angus Maclnnis Harold Winch Scotiy Bryce Roy Knight Ernie Regier and Harem Argo igniiicanily many of these like the partys present leader Tommy Douglas were bent in the British lsl Colin Cameron himself Cold well Stewart Herridxe Winch rg igh subsequent election apart from the Diefenbakersweep of 1953 when he wasnarrowly beaten by Conservative Met Ihews This summer he really did not want to run as can date being in hisflnd year will probably kill mebul hav an THOUGHT So then everyone of us ahhllgive eth that shall he also reap En 3min summer is Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorizcdas second class mail by the Post ofliceDeo partment Ottawa for payment of postage in cash Return postage guar teed Daily Sundaysand Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rate yby carrier 500 weekly 00 yearly Single copies me By mail 13 rrie $14300 yearly National Ad rusing Oiiicc 525 University Av ue Toron Cathc nip ofxihe Canadinn Audit Bureau of Member Press and Circulationr iheu tor republicationoiall new 535 if isfllIlfizg AND nanemu The Canadian Press in oluslvely entitled ent got long to live anyhowi he philosophized Yet he did run and he piled up another of his impressive malorities in ex cess of 5000v receiving more than 41 per cent of all Estates cast in foilssided con Colin Cameronwas an omni Joli reader cxceedin well contribution disproportion te Ely informed in his wide range of interests especially in financial matters and fiscal policies in his role as financial critic in Parliament for the New Demo cratlc Party his speeches were always effective and informs oiirriis PARK live lightened with wit and murder sarcasm and listened to with the rcspectwbich his deep knowledge and welllound ed thoughts meritedf suggest the public is rcady getting wise to this nothing goverrunent he chided the Liberals last falL The public is tired oi it andwiil not take kindly to the suggestion that they tighten their belts little because unforumately in spite of rising gross national product and poicnllnl wealth we are really povertystricken countr ln an fear of conception will increase immorality and license To this of Catholic philosophy that to have humeral desires to sin if the only ream one does not in dulgaeihern is fear Mom morally worthicr mean of cone ulng promiscully thanfear case this fear does not step least privileged Wm of the christian world the Catholic poor of Latin America from having the highest ille gitlmacy rate in the world The other and pbilor more Wlling conxl atlon pointplr precious gift of God to man very special gift transcending any in other out Ind in new with alarm rm Jilin is the what God be given or Inme then to concede that min bun therigbt gonnaresins by material means means other gapMilton Gdéllllkellflmhl to concede that life lgoif ll methyli it in In the uid In uttuly mated conception of man himself and of his life Yoncannot in other words says the RW believe in none God who creatlsyou and watches over you Ind with his caution of you or txnnan betnuwltbout tinge LAVIYImmInKle no must look at the statistics with advances medidnethc world popiuationjeeym to be rowing atanet tool thr per cent Icb 1your it will re real tho and of the century it exceed 000000000 by the year mo and the whole which of the earth Cnot count oceans IMAPOIIFWOQWL New York are today loavinl no room for minutiae iiT BilRRlE LIBRARY Entiieilr Diiféréiit Discussed By Evan albriat excursion the graphic arts lending or ref erence sections of the library wall illustrate the excellent rcp resentation they have received canes Book Reviewer butllso contains history the museums of art in Hell Having recently conducted lll own CXCLIHiDDI have selected three volumes for reviewirom tiiree entirely different culture and artistic traditions nsmo mums compiled ondannoiaied by JamesTA Houston is representative col lection of sealskln aloudlaJnd stone but prints by Clilidilii Es kimos like the artol any people there prints are re ilcciionof the peculiar culture ofthe Eskimos one of the world last truly prbnltive cili ur Eskimo art is famous for lie heaviness of line reflecting the unyielding brutality and stoic acceptance of those who llvebe yond the edge of civilization an acceptance and brutality which their art suggests but fr unable to demonstrate The imagery oftenincludes grotes Youthful Minister Looks Like ChoirCBoy by non onnanu TORONTO An old fishing date otPrernier Robans could have been po cal break for Bobiiiielch Back in the winter Mr Ro berts made date to go salimn fishing with JoeySinallwnod in Newfoundland on July 23 The premier fully expected to Camemr gm Evergtwlndzuprull lhronefipeechAd hate the keypolitical specc the session for the government But the house lagged longer than expected It had beenhopcd to have the windup by the night of Monday July 22 but Drlifortan Shul man anda few other speakers gave marathon talks lresday morning the debate still wasnt finished The plane provided by Mr Smallwood was waiting at the rportho liir Roberts left andd ei gs mu numu SilliilHlllMiDKSililll dispatches in this paper or ltedttotlt orflhcxllssociatod yoarnld lawyerirom St Cath arines looks likera choir boy He duesvlonk so young that you eiqaeci him input his hand it is tol lh But in political speech he can deliver more oldiashlincd wailop than anyone in the ov ernment He can bevroulinc at times pcrhapsereniiiili£ut£iytgthim the right circumstances and particularly few hecklers and he can ekcite and lift an an ence On this occasion he was at his very best What he had to say was not important ltwas mainly sitaim political counterattach This included ging declara tions that the government was if there is one immediate criticismf that comes to mind abouttireRobhrLs ad ministration it is that it is not DRIVEIN THEATRE voit This volume que perversions of animals and men which illustrate the printi live mythology and symbolism with which the Eskimos attempt to explain natural phenomena Each print is accompanied by an introduction to the artist and symbolic interpretation of the print in both English and French liloviog ahead several thous and years culturally and artis tically to the European masters noticed book called DUTCH MUSEUMS by it Van Butter main plates over lilo color and all uliy annotated ivithbiograpbic a1 and critical sketches of the painters The plates are arrang ed in chrono uglcal order by The Dutch painters who were Heastthennostiprollrrcothher European artists were masters in precise realism They never attempted to improvcflon what they saw an aspect of their art which was peculiatiy un affected by time The climax of that proiecii of life for me is Vermpeotéraualt£younbg in 245T on on but desperately confused taint ed by ignorance They were in tensely honest about what they wait in great they were unable to thing happy lblsi volumegnoi Bonly repre is the great Dutch painters and their mostriamoua works Come early Saturday ihe Chinese an art greatly1 unknown wertern mlndr Represents lolt IIt ls CHINESE PAINT lNGby Peter Swan and understanding of the Chinese plintcrl have for centuries captured the inherent lpvwirtiul nature of thelrrelne wattle to their environment Almost directly Weed to th austerity of the Dutch the Chinese artist has ire scendent quality Jirito their wortI whitth Would 0M2 rnys es un er their lives mealtime resith in paintings whlch to vlcwa of reality ugh and hopefully benevolent Thir book is an historic of the works of greatrCMnesa painters it is fullyannotated with running text and prln which havebeen pasted into th book by hand giving the vain itself an artistic quality differ ent from standardzprlnted vols iimes These three volumes are only personal representive ulcer tlon The art section have great deal more tootfer anyone interested in any aspectof the visual arts saeciAis JACkpor mom SHARE rile WEALTH Admission $0 night and pie Bingo inhalantMil it000000000 poop crowded as London or

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