Oiiiclall trom the no Mar shals oiflce have still not cs Vending dIIMthhine Operators Face Problem With ew Coins Modiï¬cation of local vending machines to take new nickcl coinara has been held up by heavy demand Jar parts and manufacturing problems Vending machine operators have less than week to pre Pam totthe release of nickci dimes and quarters by the Roy al Canadian Mint SEEK cnusc tshlished dialectso oi 360000 barn lira at the lam of William Clark RR Barrie The mini shifted to the pro duction otnidtel coinaae Aug irin the face at risinzrsilvcr prices on the world market and national coin shortage The lirst new coins are ex pected tobc inipuhlic pockets next Thursday orlridnyu Mint oiticlals believe but can not be sure that many Iaradians law inaction entices Admitting Milstcikésf oan Prevent Others noun annnr Barrie Police Department Thereis stillhopoJoc some drivers Now and again we come across person found in trafï¬c fault who is complete ly honest palninlly so It is extremely thlspersnn objectivity as the one who in aists he was not at iaultin any Inspect regardless oi how blat ant the cilense has been We are tempted to lenientiy treat the honest raon We feel that the man to admits his enor wili usuallytakc steps toward co acting himself without the pr ding oi outsidcra He will seek to improve birnscii there by bettering the situation tor everyone Learning by experience is process rah rins considerable self disclplne Better how evar to have learned by exper ience or misfortune this never toilaarn at all neiusal to adnnt mistakes la Or Lofse Land ltiiteon properties with tax hills owing in amounts up to 12160 wiuhc auctioned at city hall Octoberit tithair owners dont pay up in the meantime Cityttcaaurar Doll ioucl it yesterday gt that most ar raara ln taxerwould probably be met beiora the auction dale and properties would be re vdeoined Propertiu invoivod in allude buildings land and arti oa year parod an nottllod on year in advance ot tho sale of their propart Usually all pro narti are redeem on before thcyhit thor auction block Plcniy ol warnina la given to those invoivcdbecaosa thaproncityiandvortisod in to Ontario Gazette ubiication sale it to same not only dishonest hutdanger nus And there itle hope of person who every situation Fools continue to rush in where annals fear to treadThe unthinking man will not beneï¬t trons experience He has antio han inhaling tinues having mishaps The suit is that he crays dearly in many ways an as it this is not enoigh plicates other people they re ting great dir comiort whenever he is around Menorah We recontlyscrved sum mons on ayoungrnanilnr serious driving nttsnse in an othor araanl recognised uls mm andrcmernboredhe had been so habitually nonporous type oi driver while living our city supposev iiva yaai has one by aincahc leit Ban rle lt appearcra new environ ment hasnotr improved him much ihapattern continues no cause as remember him he av at tax auctio but not become oiiiclrliyhi one you has passed this than period the owner honI chlnce tofu till property ltit inrodcerhed than owncr ayr tho dtttcranca of origins amount oi hia tax or rear and the amount at monay it was told for At the public auction For example it aprop is tilted the Miller 000 and itll auctioned ioffoiï¬tto he orialnll owner molt paytha city the difiaranca pint additional call for minim tion auction All to par centi latest Mr Jams laid rovaral res why tail in truerneuritic or at Inch it inaclaea it orta rnv XAMiNElt worn ADI noon moot ms himself in or erosion which took place early Friday morning Hay was still burn ing today in the inundation at are hoarding silveryllld that some interests an illegally melting coins to sell the silver contenL VALUE INCREASE The increase in value imm $140 to $260 an ounce ior sil ver over the last year makes it profitable toirtelt down tho illpercent ailvor chins was never at lault was torcver being pamcutad and disliked in his riilhts phi osophy was his right to be ex cused irom any civil respons ibility Everyone appreciates the hon est guyllcbcginsoo maketm takes as weall do but assess in his problems improves with ale Vic holiday weekend is upon us an excellent time to practise civic responsibility the operation of our motor on clear We would like to predict nuiet weekend with fewer acci dentsLbut the past is prophetic of the present and moire hence we can only be essirnistic Face theiactt at and ideal ind could ha 11 to you thlsivackv end Fan will fail to hood the warning Why not make an hon cst ottort to avoid yours wroucAN srtccflvouanItON but have to be changed me runninmuinn Mormon AUGUST in Pick F0 Campaign To Save Park or licd cum hasbeen nam ed campaign chairman of the Barrie ï¬ttzeas Save the Partcnmoaloa Dorian Potteriesdc the announce Maddy kills on the commilIOIu Bill Boll Eldonï¬rcer Roe Stewart Mn hilllam Arthur Harry Armstrong Bob with Jack Garner Russ Wedge Wayne Binrgan and Wayne Sykes Aid Parker said more People will Join the committee as time the barn Ncnty live calvas and to pigs were destroyed Examiner Photo Rejection and acceptance mechanisms in nearly every vending mnchine in Canada must be changedto accept the new cams The old rejection syslun 0pr eraled moanetlcally hut nickel coinage will be magnetic which means present machines would reject them spokesmanior Soven oi Ohtario Ltd in Barrie an estimated cost for rcpla it parts will he 16 each The new systems will operate on weight The lcdpral government has named to pay sitpercent subsidy on the modlilcationa The new parts however are causing difficulties spokesman ior Simone Matlc Canteen Ltd who have vending machines in Barrie oriilla Collingwood and Mid land said they have test mod els in theJicld tit they arent am when man acturing firms will be able to fill orders to replace parts in all their roa chlnes There lsstlch domand tor st hop pit crs Will be able to get them to us in time Weve been gating new mod els for some it now but we havent installed any yet There have been all kinds ofproblenys perfecting the nonmannotic ra iecters Wehave orders in in all our machines but we need the parts immediately The ones who may he hardest hit are the epcndent operators at gas stations and Shiflllvv stores many oi ernoont ovenko letï¬thot their machines can DEPOSIT ANDTHE Hall Aitt It pm 10¢ all Joint meeting between the rave lh per and campaign committees will takeltpiaca in the oormcti ohamberoat City Donations to the campaign which ha goal oi saloon may be made at any chartered bank in Barrio Next to be named accordillt to Aid Parker are canooign secretary and publicity chain rnan Manpovver Centre yr Reports Openings Employment open at Ceoada Manpower thla woek includes positions lor male carpenter and bricklayera who are In quired inr local contractors auto mechanics and head sawyer tor new saw mill Female kitchen help no or pericnoe needed hi the Barrie august agait time sales clerk is rcquir tor evening work Further inlormation rclardlol gt any of these positions can be obtained from Canada MIIWW or Dunlop St Flaming Cost lire Barrie Public School Board can go ahead with the planning of school in the Conclcs Road area The Ontario Municipal Board has approved the spending oi $5500 to cover part of the architects lcca planninvl and calling at lenders tor the school The GM has stipulath that noworlr into be started until thancw county schoolboard is in operation Jan Also no contract is to be let without 0MB approval Money for the school which was estimated to cost $459000 was included in Enrriaa capital hudaei but was cut when the OMB limited the city to $1000 000 in capital spending this year BEAST WRONTD CPl The ms anon anon The OMB has ruled that all privately owned land in the Three Injured 0n Hwy 90 Barrla area motorists eterth the civic holiday with three car collision last night with pro perty damages totalling than No mu raceluduninor tolurlas in the time car crash at can pro yertovday on men way an at the Innlniil lt Essa Town Linn the crash JuneaWosleyJohns Johanna Barrie received memo his left arm and other drivers involved were onto and Francis so of Barrie passenger Mrs Audrey liicharda Toronto received an hoary to her right shoulder accident ocmirrod at William Pour ice invesllgatod an accident on Road last night vrhenia truck driven by Thomas Patterson 33 of Angus hit mailbox and want out of control and MM OVEN Barrie OPP have damage at SL500 Mr Patterson escaped unrn lilrod mm the vehicle cm At its current two year gnmh rate Canada will have population of aooooooo by do rine lnrecaais for thavGreat Lakes isaued at 830 am Lotto Superior windswas terly 20 to 25 knots hecomln llDrlltWesFYG toiilotonightran decreasing to is Sunday morn ing Partly cloudy with scattered thundershuwerr cla urine in night Northern Lake Huron Geor gian my Winds southwest 20 to no knots onto northwest early Sund with iew scattered thunder showers Southorn Latarlturon Latte Erin Miro Ontarini Winds southwest 10 to la knots lumen ing in i5 to to this Salternoon Part cloudy few scattered than crshuwers late tod tonsil rAv SMALL BALANCE ISLOW Partly cloudy and tomrs thanaailnd aousrservic collision Driver truth involved in Annosloy Richlldl 6L Raw intersection on theblgtrwoy Barrie Ontario Provincial Pol Highway to west of SnowVatlcy estimated 82 Midland St We also wish Rdtépdver iscwsLdnaNovsrrozen But Mr iter believes then are several other Ru soon as Bunker creek and or an Part in the am behind the Barrie Tannery and Much Motors on Bradlord Street The comment is about pollution camel and now Ium are about toturn around allow the yell at Barrio to have it lost over lilo city said hir Brhtnw He told he wont latter as much loom what he remit lati out from tho brunet He lives in enough north to escape trons the ash he claims will he atmm over the city by the prevaillol mt wind ï¬dr 3km rrlgi mellow on nor the area lust doesnt make conunon sense because clty ol flcials aid at an 0MB hearth earlier this car toot the so we alto woo he lam mount to handle Bar than the next so yea gt lie raid the incinerator would bean eyesore that wiltcauu mob in now riabt down he valley to Barrie Tourists can see the area from Highway on he said it he tore youjetthe if ventures olrdgdon been ontotochooiou Colithe trained Showroom LowLow account on CLEANINGIPRICBV quin Dresses Skim tloln Pants Ladies Slacks Mens Suits causes DRIVE1N women 7th asernentot tho Texaco to thank normally vite you all to ournow Io ti