Cltlli artists use this Eadie itetiei is Lake Foo eat ill has difficulty believ in that she has set tie world record in the womens aool mater ma style event yesterday during the National in or niche atria merely mmammdwhiromatsu lawman literary team train last May and right winl MU Swimming and Diving Championships in mneola tier record unto was lines lAP Wirephotol in vHomériuik Shoots InWi110oo creek Geli CMABY OP stan rim enuilr still nurses rueiul memo ries from year ago when he had the Willow Park golltlassle championship in his grasp but lost it during the last hour of competition was leading by tour strokes atarting the last nine holes when just couldnt do thine right the slightlybliiil Dauphin Man roller said may hi hi after iaarin theiiriironno cart with lathin reriliow wPatir uhl racotdtimo to the winner lioinenutk an eightryear prolorslonai fired blistering ourunderpar or Friday the only veteran who was able to lteeping up with Wayne Volimer of Vancouver and lrevor Eateman as at Manireal who sioie most of the limelight dur ing the opening day of the duo whole tournament The first day is easy Hom enuik said its the last day thats vtough liiata when the pressure builds up Homenuiif thirdplace finisher st year was generally pleased with his opening day play as new for the second hole when thermilSSEd the green and the 1iilth when he shortpulled should have had so he GOT rwo touches Voilmer who only turned pro this year put in the most impressiva performance as he 19Posto1 Striker Removes Weslbck from Tourney monumental Th CA nadan amateurgoll ehampion ship which opens Monday at llfayfair Golf and Country club has already fallen victim to the strike of Canadian postal work ers Tournament officials learned hiday that Nick Warlock four tima champion has been totcad to withdraw the strike haa erred an extra workload on Warlock and he is unable to leave his engineering business in Brantlord Ont Thus the tournament will be without one of its major attrac lions Veaiock did not quality for the Ontario Willingdon Cttp team this season but baa the sort otgame that would litiuee ly on Maylslrs heavilyheed ti tlytrapped do yardsuv tisa tourse that demands leeuracy more than length with finesse off the tee and from the fairwayWeslocks gains The mail strike afl ineaaa post entries in the ch pionrhl Will be acceptedifio noon Fr day there were in golfers in the fold with about 100 omeo snounniimair Even without Warlock sever al golfers are entered who should fladMaylair to be their kind of pmrrse Stuart Jones of HastingsNow zealaad the dafeudia cham pioap will make full in of his tasted the Sheyard parfive lint hole and then repeated on the vineyard parlive 14th The Vancouver golfer who won the Alberta Open week after aplayotl with nine orman oi fliiford Ont and hob Wylie ol Calgary admits the victory which earned him berth in the Canadian profession of got it four championship helped his play Friday because he was not under pressure He had birdie on the second hole but got uncoverpat on the iooyard lath Bateman displayed hot Slate for the parda front aloe wt or strokes but tapemi off and shot pai on the back elne Batman too eagled the first villost veteran golfers gave poor performances Homenniks brother Will who plays out if Winnipeg and won the Miller tournament only managed twooverpar 73 while Stan Leonard of Vancouver wtnnei of every major tournament in Canada in years past has Vir tually no chance of winning the Willow Park after shooting 19 on the first 18 holes COXLBREEN ilED Bob Cox Jr of Richmond ac who tired the best practice round of as Thuraday and Bobby Breed of Weston Ont were tied for fourth place with so hive golfers were tied with score of 69 They were Norman it Not great puller he will rely on his iron to put him slots on greens smaller than usual for championship oourse Jones hasnt played nittch this seasonhut stopped in Vancou ver for few rounds before coming to Edmonton cant say that Put on top of my game he said in an in tended out in Vancouver liampage Wins lake Ontario Yachi Race OlfavMONT tut ail Rampage owned by John Odanhach oi Rochester NrY sailed in sec ondstralght victory Friday and took commanding lead in the first division of the Latte Yacht Racing Allsoclation regattaon Lake Ontario Rampage was designed by Goorge ouihbortson and George and uilt by Btuckmaan of Burlington Ont Close behind Odenheoha host in the 25mila race was Madame owned by A1 Goidslein also of Rochester Goidstein also fins ished second Thursday in the opening iaea oftha threedayj regatta ycAiiaitri Mhsibu if your Barrie plum Anrl Copyof Examiner carrier on not arriuar phone raa shutdown in pearrod In Your Home by nun NOVCHARGE FOR Jones 43 is aixtime New the ilzfoot yacht willow Park champion in 1966 and thisryeara leadln money matter who Cans an pro tour dim lilalray oi Fail Church WVa Bill Wakeitain of Victoria Ruracll Farrell of Calgary and James Lavlriaol Winnipeg now metts Bramaiea in the first wlrW Li urge aluult with deadly weapon hernia Woman salesman tromait and spectator at the same in the Spotta arena testified attic atiuet tha tirathlow with hoctay aura to his head the witness who claimed his memory hrsbean AEutedby the altered attack said he could not be sure whether the coach cslled lnhimt come to the playtrt box and see what you load coach what am thirdrow DORE ma Walaniaa laid ha Blah aporoa ehed and said euro not you act rabbit air it was their Welsnun contina ueti that Blake hit him on the head andlntoa eat melee utereiï¬ayara laciu Pro im with mean on ialta now in an executive wiihthac adleoa Wenonah dvaaother apeela tor him hi artt Otleas who claims she also was ninth heralded $655000 civildahs ag butt against the defendants iii team Illd lba bomnahy whrc ownsjha learn lb Nil Bramaleahxoeisiors Down Mimioo Mounties In OLli res oauapiut passe oranialea aicelaiora cloned out their Ontario Lacrosse nico elation Junior season with lots with over ilfniito Mountie Friday night nia Ereolaiors finished the season second with is wins and slit losses lhay finished 12 points behind Oshawa Green Gaels who finished the union undefeated They wouatl to te rles games thtco iiniahed tutti eight wins and 16 defeats to end no in of hth apot with to points nother action Patelborough heat Mississauga 1510 at Peter borough to take over sixth oiara iii lb allildihzh Pltllbbtntlgh Bombers Face Sash heron On Sunday ltEGlNAiCPl Grey cup contenders or also rana Winnl gnfliua Bombers bear watch on when the running is done by Dave Raimey As they take on Saskatchewan Roughriders in Re the Sunday Joe Zaleskis rebui ding Bomb ears are 1noltlng for tileirdirst victory in 11 ular and exhibi tion starts snc Dot 1967 But Rainioy western Football Conference allstar for the last three seasons has never been in better form He closed out the exhibition aniledule by scoring all five Winnires touchdowns in asses loss to Ottawa Rough Riders in the Wot ner against British Columbia our last Tues ay heran back lrlcitoif in yards for ather touchdown as the Bombers dropped an fitlb squeaker eager this Weir ihatl It unveiling companion said Jonee game now is the best it has aver been and Zealand amateur champion and has been member oievery flew Zeaiand international team since 1953 other who mightiilte May lair are Gary Cowan ofifitehe nor the foal champion Keith Alexander at Calgary the rose champion Doug Silverber and Boo Wylie also both of Ca gory Bert licehurst and JohnRussell of Vancouver andiJohn Sale of Militown N3 Ali areflae iron players who specialize in keeping the ball in play Wylie especially hailed good season He won the Cal city championship and the Aairberta amateur then was iiiihplacawih=ltpoinls 7527 spot because of oettargoain nosed out in playoff for the Al berta Open crown littlle SUMMER St firearm Directly The Waienmutat round of the quarterfinals whiah start Monday Peterboro SI Catharina and Toronto shed the restuar season in threelwaytieJor cathsrlaei was awarded fifth dramagainst ed toi lowed by Pelerborough so To ronto sunset HOBBY CLASS Sunset Speedway Results new class of racing at sun set Speedway put on crowd roariag show with of Third lilo on of Stroudtaking first place in the feature race followed by in 45 7a 113 f2 55 Next Friday night promises larger field of hobby cars DIAMOND CLASS iat it No 62 George Pat ltktJnd ll tiltiirophydaah ck Balte Connie hob Beamish Semi tiob heamish Last Chance New tar from Toronto Feature to Bob Beaml Jim Vikul Rick batters or Bill Carlialex ï¬Gérddiendy iihes4ï¬rnvest Duvendorde Next Eriday night there will be tin lap feature which will represented midseaion chain pionship Jan Pd ilv Ed Lclthiettit Barry ardson Dave nudge freshman and Deva Vil lonI each acorcd two goals for Bramalca otheracnrers it re Wayne Alliinsoin lord Ken Iave Martina and Ziggy Mu aa Kevio Silla scored three times torilllmleo Joe Timpsbnhhd Footradded Wm gulls ch single goals went to Larry hiecor mic Paul Parnell new but 8° MW 4t role ianrontotlog anddavelop Prime Mialsterinideau airing ing participationï¬in sport Borgia and flay Cotie 50 as on alaaoaao truer mason Mattie hear itilebtott0at librarian daaaaiitnleed rofaa into too second day at the national milbore rifle at manant than 1967 Paonnrerlcan gold medallist finished ï¬rst iaa held at as hide the only the oombétlllon in oulataadinl Lsoo too out at possibl to He platoon shotsoaad tea on helmet Giaar skies and light northerly wind tavnredJltost ahootenudt least two posed certain threat at tho competi Gout fSponoorsf Study Of Sports UiiAWA OBI in bearish of better competitive record in rtathe federal aoVernment iponmrlaga study of ama tmr and professional sports dr velopment and assistant Health Minister Munro an trounced Friday Recommendations are expert ed irom the dlili quiry group uca drier Naheyibreehewititlnslx or seven mont The group has been given up tozrsoooo to inquire into three Itiaior areas ninicepls anddefinitinna of amateur and ptoiesaionllVaport and the effect of professional sport on amateur sport The federal governments iniiaaaalotouava amduaygamaamile Mullah strain not an arntad totes place from Anderson Place OnL was third with Lair la ing Tl ahota in the target centre Mayer who emigrated to Can ada from that dermaal in 1851 has been taped to competition magnum no um member at the Ca nadian tempt the world than pionshibl ll West Galmlny in rose He won his in medaiiaat year for match tVayr the government can improve the extent and quality of participation at home and took Ai Wittill M15 bilinio emote lb bl to go into one major area hockeythe relationship of pro hocky endespeciaily ihe Na tional Hodseyvleeaguoto bodi ey player development and the NHLs effect oopiayers and on Canadas national hockey team But he told not contra place any investigatlauof NHL franchise movements including denlltl oi Viticotlverfa bid to join the expanded league will have to be made by someone else lha inquiry was lorecaet by the election campaign sacs onto iALecidSG may this hlimtifol rather Mlt condemnationbeta auuoiaaatotemo Others aiaooa In too to rat ilf Wallase so lupo Iv Que moms JirnKlrh toaster litany Schulze Watert loo Oat $qu Parker Pitioatlaitaatao Ovraah teamaoo indlvld men lshlilube announced at oat of match events on the basis ol $15 more from the bro days on Eunday and Monday the tag or omail tifie rco tion Vi be held The dimly Damian iohotCanadiftlfleAunimfl haru Milly 11 WA T00 NICE George Marsh 28 matalllnh gicai engineer and Rudy mahop propri heavy interim rota into the competition blamed the wrath ace gher ls ols made with blistering ache caused by the strong we lhe heat Ihd sun combided produced mirages in the form are throwing attorney woo Schulra wbowfli repre Canada at the summer pics in Mexico said the just took the thread it Teams from Australia United States uetree Onlazlp and Athena are htoitltd in th smallbore meet bare yl any exertions mm run mafia wsa Euoiattroi slHlS sitter