ma AND memories 11 crewman LifeLong Residents Oro Celebrate Golden Wedding Editors Note lbm ihawford son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Crawford of Oro Station and school teacher in Barrie wrote the following article in trrlnrte to his parents on the occasion ed their golden wedding anni versary and submitted it to The Barrie Examiner it was fifty years ago July that liir and Mrs Thomas Crawford of Oro Station were knarried at the Prebyterian manse where highway No ii crosses Concession of 0m Township The edding was performed by ttre brides father Rev Nell Campbell who served as minia ter in Oro for many years The honeymoon was an ex tended trip up into Muskoka using the lifedora one of the two passenger steamers wlrlch used to travel among the many islands of the Muskoke lakes They remember that the days were cool and clear tirat year near perfect weather for view ing the beautiful landscape of the area lifr and Mrs Crawford have if children and eleven grand dren Alastair is tamer at Oro Dick is in business for himself in London Ontario Betty and Pat are teachers in North York and Tim is each or in Barrie Tom now in his 78th year is one of ii children of Richard Crawford and Mary Ann Pack ard He went to public school in ore and bicycled ten miles to and from high school in Barrio For many years after he was married he was 1he area tlrrnasher travelling from farm to farm over large section of Oro Township with steam powered tractor team of horses and threshing macblt ine in those days the sheaves of grain had to bemowed in the barn to wait for the arrival of one of the very few thresh lns machines of the area Clov er thresbing oftenhad to take place during the winter One year he threshed for nine months and one weck which must be some sort of record He also had ditching mach ine which laid drainage tile to many acres of Oro Town ship in the off season he ran saw mill Along with his bro titer Albert they once not 21 36 board feet of lumber in tenhour day with goth power sleamtractor which must also he reco Later he took up fur farming and won numerous rizes for his silver fox pelts tiring the annual fur show held each Jan uary at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto as ueil as at the live fur show in the Royal Winter Fair He went out of fur form ing to turn his full attention to the subdividing of 90 dues of WILL EXCHANGE VOWS Mr and Mrs Baron have announced the engage mentot their daughter Elin abeth Rose Theresa to Cpl Robert Orville Brlttonpson of Mrs Watson at Barrie and hrrtton Toronto The marriage will take place Sept at noon in st Marys Church Barrie iFavero Photo joyabla and seilsfyi lence through the streets can really got to know and savour its true personality he said land fronting on Lake Simcoe at Orobeach which now keeps him busy HOBBIEE lllr Crawfords hobbies are target shooting with rifle he in still an excellent shot and tinkering with machines lie has an old drag saw once pur chased by his grandfather in 1860 which uses horses for pow er and at the time the old Barrie post office was torn downphe saved from the funk yard the original town clock built many years ago in Eng land PLAYS PIANO Mrs Crawford one of five children grow up in Cm and graduated from Barrie high school she plays piano well and for many years taught plane and played the organ in the Prel byterlen church in which her father used to preach She loved to sing and fre quently coached church choirs and school children in singing One of her more famous stu dents although she takes little credit for his success is her brother Wishart Campbell who became well known in radio during the 305 and 405 For years she played for the old fashion Christmas concerts at 53 No 11 at Ora During the war she was very active in the Red Cross knitting and sewing clothes for the soldiers overseas FLOWERS gt She has always been an em thusiastic gardener and natuo alist Her flower garden has often coined many passersby to stop come in and roam round the various bloom and the house in which the Craw fords live is frequently called the place with theflowers in honor of their anniversary Mr and Mrs Crawford had all their children and grandchil dren home for day at their long time residence in the village of Oro with the dinner being served at the new house of Alastair and Jean Crawford Walking Vacation On Tight Budget gt Due to some over spending at Expo last year many people may be faced with tight bud get for this summers holidays Should this be the case the Na tional Council for walking ad vocates vacation on shoe string It Hera pre ant oi the Council urges the who may be staying at home to make use or their leisure time in getting to really know their dty and its surroundings Its amazing how little so many of us know about the city we live in he stated in many instances people from abroad know more about it than we do But only by walking wa city at dawn is entirely different from that at dusk and equally different during the day than ethigh To get the medium excite people exploreflharr city aelt they were complete strangers to it It approached in the true spirit of adventure such enploa ations should provide many err on Hengpointed Von that walking was simple and healthful pastime it costs prne tically nothing rarity these days he it is within the economl overyim It does notr uir any apno ial equipment than com fortable footwear with suffic lent support and soles thick en ough to provide comfort parti cularly when walking on ce ment pave me nt should be suitable to the waatie er light and looaefonthe Sum mer 1A city walker canehoors what heflwants toflseo oy pe monu ublio hididiflp archf lPEOPLEiANllyP CES mmmmwmlmmtmaw perms N9 Mu inboiCbittick has re Oaterl will mendth oral day with her brother and sin for 4le Dr Indvhfn tion Mimi and fIrniiy Durr 1m St East Mn Chlillck la stiff mine It the Ontario Kydro plant on Abltibi River MONTH BARRE Mr and Mn Waller iilllrnan have just returned to lhelr Scarborough home after spend lng five weeks with Mrs Flor tnceiieisoy otliiapln ve PROM GWH Dr Iouise Colley former din actor of Shame County Recrea tion Servicerand now assistant profemor Department of Sociol ogy University of Guelph re newed acquaintance in Barrie this week while the guest of Mile Sh of Cedrlngv ton St On ll nesday evening friends of Dr Coiiey were an tortained by her bortau Guest included Mr and Mrr Bud Tomiinson Harold Cusden Mr and Mrs Llew Beaver Mr and liraï¬rialoythlrachanPMr and Golgiy Altai mmcbhhrohom ï¬nned Mindingrot Stern rSchony no tho do in mm terday afternoon to bar holidays in Montreal and the urination 10 was com Mmwliliam Wuhan Dani St But he returned home from trip to the west coast She travelled by car with friends to Vancouver Ind Vio torla BCretwoed by rail to Barrie stopping off for several dayl visit with elntl in MARITIME VACATION Mr and Mn had Rows of DubiopSt Welt Ind Mr and Mrs Beverley Rowe of Thorn hill have returned to their homes after motor trip to visit in Nova Scotl and Prince Edward island En route the Rowes unveiled througr Var mod and Maine nxannnnn WANT ADS PHONE vianu WindsOi Change AreVeryReal In QUYearOld lDNDON CF Despite de feat for Canada and New Zea lond on the question of admit tlng divorced mothers to the Anglican Mothera anen leading delegate to last wcekr worldwide conference says the wimh of dosage are very real within the 90yearold so ciety in an interview with The Chinch Times the Anglican weekly newspaper the New Zealand president Joan Hob land sold theNaw Zealend plan to give autonomy to union branches in different countries was defeated bythe conserva tive English elementï¬e West indies and the African vote But the voting on this motion which would havs enabled the various branches to make their own membership qualifications was much closer than ballotting on an almost identical motion put forward the previous day The vote of is to lie coup Borne H5 or Mothers Union led thefaot that each Eng lish digress had three voting delegates while each overseas delegate had only one made us realize that the winds of change we very real said Mrs Hob Mrs Holland said she did not want her country to be the divi sive element in the movement so she had suggested the next tlhee years be an experimental period to devise some method of association between the par ent body and the dissidents srlrjch as New Zealand and Can special commission headed bfle london bishop will be arsed with this tans Canada and New Zealand are nowfree to make what experiments they will in the matter of rules of membership or anything else to provide dynamic society for the service in Toiomo SCHOOLS Wlhlhltlnmlndlloftinm formed militia annuities of the Hair in Toronto Auo station for Retarded Children its major project now is In mum on mu drtion for Toronto high moot liming this fall The sitartion it getting bob for but too many people still think it is an evil to be re tarded my chairman John tion 19 find unless people have someone close to thorn who is retarded very few know just what is being done in this field ithinkitwiilbeagoodthiogln inform young undowhile theyre in school eon It Shadow Lamn recreational camp near Stoutfvlllo Out for malty raurded youngsters The children are great They can be involved in all sorts of recreational program lust like normal yellowen assurancers About 105 to no young can ers attend ucb threclweok lu rlon There are counsellor aged to tolDmort are hill school renters and nnivmity studeruand dolly trained program staff The Sptutda afternoon pro arm in the last about to hours and involve leout lo Vol iliPI°9IoInjq On Betdxaqtifcnv Scheduled Asraill Project mnmpu arm nyl nt uaieer leopard Wallet l7 Alanna tm mm ir leyeIrold Karen Sedition Grade 11 student from Thorn hill Rae been interested in mental retardation when lead er of her local climb told her about the Shadow Abe canto come there are sonic timer roblunr Some children are it havent yet brd any experience with lever retarded youngstn its too flcuit to deal with than in hut moat rufflrtrl have milder form of retardation and with hob can live fairly nor mal life gt John lion says Weve got make people see that the men tally retarded 1r peopiatiih Inyoneclse Jab In The Ribs iProvided BY Consumer Aiioirs Dept Prawn ca Manure titrerr are getting lab in the ribs from the consumer via the consumer affairs departman lind the manufacturers have been more than cooperative with us says director Eleanor 0rdway of the departments di vision of consumer service and information At the end of May in barely the first two months of its oper ation the divisions central mailing address Hie Con aurnar Box 99 Ottawa Can ads received 1000 comgeaintr mostly about trade erect Where possible the division wrote asking the firm involved to cement on the complaint Miss Orrlway says and the res sonable but persistent approach often paid off in its new coastner commi alone bulletin supplied free on request the division outlined several of its success stories Vighe bulletin designni to pro the division and the consumer will he issued periodically dul lng with fwlde range of rub of our church said Mrs Hol land Newlywed Couple Tail standards of yellow and white chryaantheminns and glad ioli decorated The Prince of Peace Anglican Church in Wa saga head for the wedding of lda JoAnn Hutchison dough ter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Hubchison of Wasaga Benoit to Lloyd Earl Preston son or Mr and Mrs William Earl Preston of Wyebridge The bride was given in mar riage by her fatherRev Edney ofï¬ciated and Miss Mary Jane lSunkelmf Bards aangth lords Prayer ammieéhebgfeddlrng Hymn aocompa Bill of Wassga heads The bride wore gown of de glazed satin with elbowlenglh sleevespand wedding ring ml lar The bodice was appliqued with seed tale Her headdress of maiden of crystals and ponds held an elimylengdr veil of nylo tulle She carried bouquet white orchids and atcphanotlia The matron ofJionor wasthe brides sister Mrs Elaine Barth wick of Waaaga Beachthe bridesmaids were Miss Heather Tracy of Wasaga Beach Mn Janice Watson of Toronto Miss til iii itd ital egroom flower girls were Misses Shelley and Heather Borthwick nieces at the bride or Waaaga Beadt vfbe matron of honor and flower girls wore doorlength gowns of ripple green satin back meat from an at home hoillt Co ill expel pearls andvtiny crys ed crepe with wedding collars and elbowlength sleeves The bridesmaids were similar gowm oi swinlodprange ice and apple green arnel batiste They wore matching rosette tiaras and ear riedbaskets of whitechrysan themuma and yellow roses The groomsman was clean Carrutlrers of Wybridge The ushera were Ron Church of Pen etang William Howard of Grav enhurot and Marvin Howard of Toronto or th eceptionraFNancy Villa Lodge in Wasaga Beach the brides mother received wearing lilac ribbedaatin sheath and matching coat of putty brocade with accessorls bone and core of pink Sweet llre mother of the bridegroom was in sheath dress of mint green satin brocade with hat of mintvgreen and white organdy flowers and floViers of fuacbla Sweetheart roses For honeymoon to Buffalo NY and Niagma Falls and london Ontario the bride wore lhreepiece suitor yellow beige and turquoise linen with Writs of turquoise and turquoise and whlte corsage Titre newlyweds will reside on Tomato St in Barrie Outoftown guests camedroid Fort Erie London Kitchener Thornbrldge Colllngwood Mea ford Creemore Midland and Qievfeiand 0hlo Nursellorertce Farrell with oightyearnold Keith White or he prepares to leaia Torontos Hospital for sick Children yesterday Keith who has been patient at the hospital for five years as had more communication between feel such as consimer legisln tion and shopping methods ln Quebec consumer cone plaincd about an excessively sally intent product the boile tin said in one example lhe company ignored the complaint until the consumer service and information division epproardred the processor The problem was promptlyrrsolvcd to the con sumers satisfaction Another time the bulletin said an vOniarlo firm ignored prepaid mallorder for watch The mmngywï¬uythe carp pany repca sen registered letter Renrltr were nil until the di vision contacted tha mailorder house The watch was delivered within six days All problems cannot be ham died with such dispatch how ever the division warns Many fall within the lurisdlc tion of pmvlnclpl governments and these are referred to the proper authorfiler Some in volve contractual agreements entered into by the consumer Without his fully understanding iwindp pe sine andnowiras towers ï¬acheotomy tube in his throat Before returning home to St Johns Newfoundland Keithwill be guest of honor at party given at pit GP This is the only pla trend sell his obligation or that of the con tractlng partner 0f the complaints received by the division per cent co corned such trade reclicesu misleading advertl ng and la belling raferrai selling bait andwitch tactics guarantees and warranties credit repair and servicing Chemical Spray Controls Weeds Horticulturistswith the Ont Departmem of Agriculture and Food suggest using harbi cldes to control grasses and weeds on driveways and park ing trees The home gardener requl chemical which is availab in small quantities as well as being safe and easy to use eedriie availebleln molt garden stores combines two herbicidel Piiaï¬ilgt and diqu tocontrnl both rgraasos broad leafed weeds It to easily applied with watering canand an inexpensive sprinkls bar attachment One and three quarlct ounces of Weedslie dissolved in two gallons of water will cover an area oz zoo square feet of weed ridden As with any herbicide pres cautious must be taken to keep children and pets away tram the sprayed area until the chem ical has been absorbed by the pianist Since Weedrlte be CHECK TH SERVICE UlDE DEAD STOCK SERVICE Vow on mental nonsns came nose Mun DAYS NicKs asap srocx ssvcr DRY gCLEANlNG sirmsanvrcnjp crosses morn enoormo vWM mam NUSERVICE CLEANEKSi STON MASON