Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1968, p. 5

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Oroa 116th annual Worlds Flirwfll be had atthe lair grounds ncar Milfiiell Square onNesday and Wednesday Sept 10 and 11 Four kecn boosters ot Dro tall exhibitions over period oi years are these iour iormer presidents SHOWN FROM LEI1 Signs Limiif speed Ofn Essa rPdrkiRoodf IVY Stall New somtie penhour signs haVe been plac ed at the entrance road to Essa Centennial Parkon the Notta wasaga River three miles west oi this Essa township commun ity The signs were intended to restrict speed outside the park inside the park there are one way traffic signs over the winding road which goes through picturesque wooded areas to playground sections and then takes tratiic around to the var side We put up speed signs in the park because ive have had good no operationirom drivers said Louis Truax member of the Centennial Parks board on which iteeve George Davis and Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith are Elsa council representatives He sag gestcda safe speed inside the parkwasl5milesperhour VEWEQUIPMENT New swings teeter otters and slides which were recently installed hay seen much use Greeniore livents Toilidioe Fund CREEMOHE Stait Ar ranged to hid the Crcemorear ena artificial ice iund main moth barbecue and entertain ment will he held here Satur day August Beef supper will served from to 11111 with baseball game Tottonharn hears vs Creemore Red Spit at the local ball park starting at pm Mike ONeills orchestra will provide the music or dance at the arena from totiz pm haltton steer award will be made 115 by youngsters There also has been quite number oi swim mcrs and plcnickers visit the park There have been daily visitors and quite iew during the weekends sold Mr Trunx Ample picnic tables and benches have been provided well stocked booth ls operat ed during weekends with Vit ired Shewell ivy merchant having the concession This place was known as the fishery as long as can re member said Mr lruax native of Utopia and tile long resident oi the township when asked about the iishing WATER LEVEL DROPS Water level oi the river is down considerably train the spring peak but there is still strong iiowa iavorite swimm ing spot was near the old bridge the cement abutment oi which are still standing Fred Batchelder is caretaker tor the picnic area and his as sistance to visiting plcnickers was commended by Mr Truax and others in order tocall attention to its extensive iaoilities thepaiks boardhas decided to open the park camping picnic and trailer areas to visitors without charge or the balance oi this season Essa ratepayers in particular are being encouraged to visit the park and make use oi its iatilities Mr truax said Established with the aid of centennial grant the l7oacle is maintained irom Essa taxes onelane road has been constructed up potential ski hill and plans call for ski run tobe developed later The present road is just temporary ravaxeumfin WANT ens PHONE 7252414 and wider ouewlll be bu when conditions warrant it the board member reported Entrance building and change rooms all have electric lights inside and out and park lights also have been installed Groups from Ivy Thornton Angus and Baxter have visited the park as well as others irom Barrie Orlllla and elsewhere Council To Ponder Oio Zoning Plans Ono aroma stain Oro township council which is head led by Move pln will hold ext regular meeting on Tuesday August instead oi Monday which is Civ ic Holiday Municipal planning is ct ed to be discussed alonfilth routine business Tudhope clerk said lack at mail has reduced the correspondence Besides Reeve Gillespie mem bers of the Oro council include Deputy Reeve Kenneth Gilchrist and Councillors Howard Camp bill Wallace Kay and AllanMe ELECTRONIC TELEPHONE srCRiiARiQ Automaticaliy answers the phone Perle Gives callers your personal message winter killed by item BOOSTERS or 0110 not rams Woodrow former rceve Bert Guest Currie and Earle Re Examiner Photo Bill Will Be Awarded phies ANGUS lSiatii ewemire phics will he awardednt the three day baseball tournament wlilch opensat Angus Satur ayAugust it we announc edhy Harry Mnior chairman oiuthe committee incharg The Wiimiiig team will be awarded the Molson trophy won last year by Ttiornton ln dlans individual trophies will be given to die leading butterin the tonrnamen ltiorthe hest pitching pariormanccs and to the most valuable player The presentations will he madeiMonday evening at iax chtlmpWood Iair To Get Midway COLLIN GW Statil iogs Shows midway will he set up at Collingwood iair grounds thern ltxhi event set or Thursday Friday and Saturday Sept 19 2ft and presiden members of his executiverhave been husyior monthsin main ing arrangements thevfair hich also ieatures hnr racing Livestock Show and iarmproduce than IVE service iidelity Records incoming messages iacciirately For information or demonslra CALL MR BAKER Phone 4285276 STAYNER collect BARRIEF out c1815 initiate iooiiwcf Jim to HIViti CHURCH Reported Good ante Aheavy buyer is mostly stored away and tanner oi in nisiil have already harvesth large portion oi the Lou wheat onshou average yield With the emotion oi some 13th as water the inll wheat was heavy uop Nowadays this is mostly har vested by combine and one does not seethe WW oi stocks across field by which it was possiblejlto Judge by rough count lust how good crop came oil acre The grain Is now dumped back into the con tainer and hauled irom the ileld to the bins and the only way it can be estimated is irem ven hal repolts oithe harvester SPRING CROPS lfhaont and barley crops look good and unless the recent heavy rains have knocked down the grain it is in perieet grow ing shape Some fields have been swathcd and those grow ing are in various stages tor garnering accord style oimachinn used Many iarmera will use the swathiog methodwhidi cuts the grain and Jean it to dry on the ground Old time farmers tell that the weath art of the country did not lend self to such methods and it McNicoil no sales to cut and nook Hound labor is OOJMHW turn these days to make this practical Allowing the an to ripen on the stalks Is the gen eralpragtoe and this needs the sun and dry weather Stand ing oats have headed out well and the grain is plump and of goodfish course there are hazards ahead and much depends on th weather ior the rest of the month com The average cropot corn does not seem to have reached the height it usually does at this point lathe season Some itelda flint may havohad more tender loving care thanvaver ago nrcwell up but avcoro iannhear Churchillmhlch dot pends on this fodder to iced cattle lnside the year round was wottylinlcss the recent rain ashes it up it did not look st week as though it was going to be satisfactory crop Corn ior both groin and slluage is higcropfln lnan iii and the large silos to seen everywhere are prooi that tanners arejepcndlng on this jcrop more and more or stable iced or both milk and beef cattle FIRES The July ort oihthc chieitshows total oi laiire calls Six were answered by Village IVIReeve Nearing 20 Years In Oiiicer PORT McNICOLL Stalin Reeve Albert Calvert will complete 20 years as head oi the Port Mchcoll council in Januhry He wasfirst elected tor the 1945 term and has con tinned as head oi the vtliage council since Longest in service oi any member of the present Simcoe County council Reeve Calvert was chairman of the consulta tive educational committee un til last year He gave up the post to Tottenham Reeve Frgd Machan when lit last summer VReeve Calvert succeeded the late George Patterson former warden as head of the Part McNicoll council Mr Patter sun had been reeve from 1935 PAUL lilliiE ul rhinos PLAIERS 1qu isovicsiooo 1100am VSUN AYSgt PDN hrcNicoll became an in corporated village on April so m7 following passage oi pri vate bill by the Ontario Legisla ture The first council oi the village included isaac Ward cll as reeve and Belang er Albert Chew Frederick Dock and James McErtcn as councillors public utilities commission was established by vote oithe electors on September 1547when Reeve Calvert and Johnson Young were elected commissioners Mr Calvert re signed the following year to stand tor reeve and has held the oiiice since The village um qualified for deputy reeva in 1966 when lohn Reedy was elected ummmmmm JAMES DEBBIE GARNER REYNOLDS MAURICE RONEl The iii36s notjustfi EQCTIDtaI fibqjéy ADULT unimung mm mane MAHNEE DAILY PTM EVENINGS AT 700 52 9100 EM PMS the chleiwlthout museum their trucksaadln some use were iortharesuscltator ihiumiiéhi an yeu chokingChleiBuios applied the resusdtator while Corporal Ron Crooe drown them who plial where the lninht was tum ed over to the medical stat When getting thedetails irom Die parents Chiei Burns iound the mother had been his next doorneighbor in Tomato hirs Brown summer visitor at Ctearhrooke Circle Toronto was extremel gratctul tor the etilcient servce rendered her baby Anotha resuscitator ser vice to heart attack victim previous to the arrival oi an ambulance helped save the tile oi Duvldlllrnellard 69 ot Bell Ewart Ooe grassilre mm omen eltethrown trom car was re ported by OPP and was extlu gulshed by the cbint without InsJ slat ance STROUD STATION iour calls were answered by theStroudsta noncntLong wood when honilré gout on at control and the assistance oi the truck was neededA tire call was made bylhirs Neilly The blaze reported near the continuously or township dumpwassaidio have started fire in an oat laid it wasex tingulshcd with 50 gallons water The Council is endeavoran to obtain more property along this boundary tokcep tires un der control Eugene Belienget on Paterson Avenue had me in the basementwhlchdid ap proximately 3650 damage and mMRME FRIDAY AUGUST required no galloqu tort control Mooro Sawmill Strmnihndlflralnthoboller room which developed from the randust blower causing an dams and requiring no gal lons oi watchWalter lenndl 0i NInterarkhad bonilro which was out control casino from hurnioghntah on the property ol telmann and took 500 gntlo and the use oi tankpscka to extinguish The tanktrunk trons Leiroy is now away being praised iorpmaiorcepfiri€ alter tenders for new truck were considered and it was lound that an emendituro oi over $5000 yiouldbenecesslry to put new under the tank Chiot Burns said the old equipment is unsaie An fly is the MT EXTWWMOR iniilslil has on animal control olticer but his dutiesdo not he do oxteiminatldn of rats ratqiayer who has written and phoned council members asking help with thtsproblem claims that rats are we nhhtg her premises and have gained holes through cement flooring Shenys she is unable to as th these nnlentsWhile has had vlsltirom the head oi council with promises so iar thncrat prohleszfuaahated onensncomear ALLISTON Stall Annual two dayilddiers contest and entertainment aty Shelhurne will béhelil on Friday and Sat urday August and to it Was announced in notice received hero BARRIE Huaouia DRIVEIN THEATRE monumtomnmoumicmnsz PlUS LAST TlNiE rouioiirs BILLION DOLLAR anoint hlso Jerrylends in THE BIG MOUTH BIG DUSK TOVDAWN SHOW SUNDAY AUG4Ilt TENTCRUSADE awaitcritters DON CANlEtON imruiiioiu insole miniseries IiiVWAY CHURCHVCHOlR Special Seivicer of Prayer forti2 Sick All are Welcome unionist Btmltlslstiitsiotiitlotitltlillt iifious SISTERSGOSPEL nusic trains osmotic an 7500 PM ion momma iii72 5709 or itsoizo concerns CHAIRMAN

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