TELEVIsiouiPaoaUMSf omum MooI JibIll rue hawk manaUOUsr limo INIII Weather 6Peoull Ah INIIII WiltLu sum eolen Campbell mumt IMO 11 av conï¬ne of lunar When 55 Graha lDocunmaiui lav on nl Ian Nun uNnu weather 590m am lNOIH Writher South 30 an 11 16 OGonacr rm ma 3350 ma Cour lIlqfla km unm 1Wlll MN Ill Vault iIIun man Nlll lealh3xswfll pun£0 am Mam Harlan IIar Hahn camn Hayhum Mia EA ldlovia ram noaen IIu l0 SATURDAY AUGUST MORNING AND AFTERNOON TIM braux no can Humia seamin der Man anemoiaelil Di auo mag cs Ho ocartoon Mo aliueulu ehankemtn Jr Harmon uHawam ma Ma arlerculo Harmon an 2Diclr ma lRohln Hood rue 1sanuoa Honey eTna Spaee anon rJoumey 11110th Time 00 ZJlldmln aarahy Dick 1Klna xonr Hock and Friend also Huber llerora LSunlIrnan VGedlll nTa new iIueta yam rm 445611160001 aNm Ion safari 1Eea1Iu 94 via 1301i Derby km Jlmbflitl Hm ma Your Famiiv 1Chamnlon Bowilnl nilLemme 100 Hm lRuni lilview ml and Track scu Manorwnlly um 1Hnrneniu 23M Lamont SBuebail rllovk Bï¬Ar uni nwresuinz 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Hunted nun LNaws 1Mavln mi Bandit ma flll Princess oIumu Album 1232 Girl mm £33m rum lFaee iholNatlnn uouidmm gamma 5llaraid fruit Round hi SUNDAY ayausr EVENINO 636 mumta 245mm Klaraion Tammasons oolalona llMhln Hood can 5m ungm Diane Hlndiflnigl 92315an iiï¬ny Talen¢ run azoa 2er TN aIlIan Aliv dTennesea win iiéenua Ben no 10 Laud was an sGeana aen Hamill AllaLr AnyDaniel noon mu aMomerIuLa DI Drbam oi guano an zaananu WHEN WANT AWN1N6 ALWAYS GO MORNING AND AFTERNOON aHunna Heron oRtllooat Junciibl 1Hollkucd Pale IITne saint xozoo toma annual Iona 4i Id iViUiBIt Saturday Xllllovlo Theflrelt beam moo 01311NIII weather iwria uan 251 auea saw balnvi lCalI Ma Madam aalovic Belween Heaven And Hell hioliu lambmoan naurmer nsmuuyn llFlther mean 111 sCountry Clllndll aImla tron icrostfln HThl sowMu 2m 7PM uu Heal JvClulednl or Tomorrow asmar 7lin mar Myth aMov MLA ll5ne=imm 110 Zilohelt 1ques and Anawera liCamera on Canada aMuvi as Hanan 7Juao Nash llLeta sina Out mo INnvrilrpo 114m Favorite mlaa Snecial LMisinn Impaflihie ncnamalonr IIJme On Rm ton mm ZiHllNuwr Weather snort Mien sMovle lrIrI aquvle main vMavle man humorous By JAY IECKEV Ml What would you hid rim with each the ioliwinu ï¬ve in game The opener generally has about points part oi which may he in distributional values in addition the opener guarantees iour curd Irurnp There la ample reason in go on to our spades The hand is queen hotter than minimum grade response we can very iikelyFmalre at least ten tricks wruutrum Aaam is very probable and the number or lrlelu we can lake will al mo surely depend on how many aces North has lor his lump raise Blackwood is there ore used to elicit this inlorma Lion Norih responda five spades siloslag three lines we bid six li North shows rlour ares by responding five clubs indi catlng no am or all lour aces we undertake grand slam course if North responds ï¬ve hearta showing only two aces quit at live spades Three notrump Nlna tricks at nolrump might prove easier to make than ten trch at spades Partner usually con rem to our spades in Lhis se quence because of his distribu tlonal values but occasionally he has notrump type of hand and will para lybotterlouae the made til we are practically sun to have an aeolian chance or slam Partner Sum in three apadu when no tar as he know our apade remonae mint have been based on points The alternative bid in our dune iniendinx to contract or at leaal air spades later on huttha chances of rand slam are slim and it is probab direct method of getting to aixihere it not muda lent in unneces aarIly dLsclOslnz ininrmalion to the opponents Four clubs Again there la chance slim but whetn er it can be made depend largely on the makeup of Norths hand especially with relerenceio his diamond hold ing flIa our club bid is slam trylor it we were interested only inrgama we would hid our spades dIreeily The eventual contract depends on Norths response in the euebid Bo Scott Sliiir Unsigned Rider omwn tan Two more Ottawa Rough Riders signed 1968 contracts today leaving the club with iive still to sign on the eve oi its Easiern Coniercnce Ocpener against Hamilton ï¬ger Deleuslve haliihack Joe Pair ler and linebacker Wayne Glar dino signed their contracts the club said No terms were re vealed Sliil unsigned are fullback Bo Scott Olieusive end Jay Ron erlaceulre Doug Speeht defen sive halihaelr Don Sutherin and olleusive guard Roger Perdrix MONDAY AUGUST MORNING AND AFTERNOON In illJo 8Windmv On The World Hundr Scum mo ITodly cNcwa lINwa Tao VROCKGMIID kW acxamn Kannroo iIoacanmu new IUniven o1 en Mr 4ch IIM Iluo mo aIomu Hontlct 7DlaliJIl For Dollara onamvar Room 11 Alien eao 2Dohle Griria Hulk sauea nurses Hal1m Pllyhoun IIInterestlna noonI Imoo Halv Judxement H4 Allen acamla Camera DMr and at when 00 JNam ONewa So Ill 12m DAILY CROSSWORD Gem shines Bulged Amoss LBeauLilul hird 58mm osmium InnadlcaIa Innsnsmt narrneJm 9Ready Singer money lorinstnnoe 11Pereeivea VWlnef 13rob storm 150uitk lacaumula 1aGreek tion leituI 1LWOmaniII 10Predaic 21mm Zarcmwda fluid Ran along the edge 18 Claudio 2o Inquire 21 Reclama lien or glee 22 man 25 Feudal estates 26 Corrosion 27 one 2a Clinga in Weep 33 Old Line state abbr 34 Mileage 36 Flexibla as Ceremony attachaer 40 Cues 41 Enlak and acoaceutrauvn amennly Giant lBurrriv lllllbiliiel Gave 91 Scandal 1PErI0nlltv sMr nreuun Andv Grimn nToronto roday IIMarriaaa Conï¬dential ZHoilvwood sPlck oi the Week 4th van nyxa oUncIe Bobby IIaloment or mu aJenoarny Weather 1Hewlmaed uom Lina zaltke DonalIr Wmh or Tomorrow 7Trearuro oHnuwnu Writing 100 sLunsnaon mu aIum the lumen 7Dreun Imu oMovla TJLAJ llPhola Finish aMavIe man As The World Tom 1weddlnr Party moo 14 or Our leea GIAVI Han salmdvr Thine 1Nawlvwed Game 25 31W rt use tggbyl Gillyney on unemidm mo zAnnlner World LTake an aIo Tell The Truth 7GeneInl Emits oqulnntea court mu zYou nane Say sEdn or Night 7CananlallderTom DIta Your unva sauam 24 Residue 01 15 Clennh ed 21 Finest 290mm an snap JD Marsh bird 35 Native of ill Musical Yemen group 17 Mans name 32 Honey Peach Ir lnciia DOWN Luster Dowager AfreslI Neon ayln JULIET JONES FORCED U9 INIO BANKRuPrzy DONALD DUCK GRAN OMA anonpre SECRET AGENT X9 Burmessm BEST BUGSYWHXPS WORLD IEr Aou Bradford Barrio AUCTION Come in Today Ind Mlkl Your Action Offer on Now or Used Cari TONTIAC BUICK LTD Dial 7161895 wuo muses ms MONEV you HOUSEa You an vow HUSBAND TODAYS aooowul useo CAR 64 Pontiac Lnurenlian Station Wagon VI lflloflllk Finished in bronze mffniil $1650 25 Mom Goonwm mama FACE 15 50 DIRTY lTS OBVIOUS mu HAVENT HAD ANY WAIERMEON WE BOTH Dov ITS HFifilFW MOMS TOUGH EVENDADWU ARGLIE WIrH sue USED TE Eli DEBATING CHAMD CDLLEG Mï¬Ã©es ANDdiKEETE out nmu¢b4uhh1¢¢qi THE DEVIL WANTS YOU To MS OYOUTH GANGS oaOPE OGLUE YOUTH MEET THE BiG TENT Don Cnnreion Reveioi Quarter John Tinlin of Toronto Teen Challenge VAUG To 18 wSALVATION N0 TMANKS NEEDED IF YOUIL JUSTJAKE AWORI OF ADVICE FROM IN ON HEN WHO 550 To WRITEA COLUMN FOKOIE LOVELORN on Mlss VENNYMT HOW CAN evgknwm NR KEEPING mm FROM lilMPiM FROM fliE lam ACTUAL STORY OORGIEs THEN 57W SAVING 47121 VISNES LYING MURDERS MIRACLES FROM DARKEST CORNERS OF NEW YORK CITY aYREV DAVE WILKERSON FOUNDER OF AUTHOR En TEEN CHALLENGE jcaoss aszTCHaLA cannussxou FREEV Information Phone HEALING TENT IcaUsaoe NiGtlTLY DEL 7285709 woke MRRIEDinAmsmsmve mo rasnolous ouua MANIMDHEL Ili THINKS VOWKE WHVFRFULDMPT