on flood minnowsgleam Hampton umlm =2 1eauynnlssuig5em6c oarno wun Publisher wuuun McPherson Managing Ed Safety Bicycles Are Concern Pcirenis Public Each year far too many young Canes Giana are seriously injured or killed in dentslnvolvlng motor vehicles and cycles Des its safet programmes con ducted by schoo the police and safety councils the unsafe bicyci and the careless or unskilled cyclist continue in be serious problem for everyone concerned with traffic safety Bicycles ridden without attention to theireffic rulesaad wimout proper safe 3y equipment area menace not onlyrto those who ride them but also to the ace of mind of the general public ï¬re safety programmes under way in Kingston should be encouraged but the education of the young cyclist must be gin at home Parents demonstrate dan crous lack of public responsibility when ey permit their children to ride their bicycles unsupervised before they can ride with skill and assurance and have thorough knowledge of the traffic laws The Canada Highway Safety Council last year produced booklet safety Is In Your Hands This booklet outhnes the traffic rules as they ply to bicycles and discusses the sub ects of bicycle maintenance and safety equi ment The dangerous practice of bicyc eriding at night without proper lights and reflec torscontinues despite frequent warn Ingsthis should be sourceof concern to everyone interested in the welfare of our young people The CHSC booklet should be reld by every person who owns bicycle Thelongrangergaal of bicyclesatety education is toproduce better future motorists As the former Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police George McClellan once put it Just as elementary education lays the ground work for higher learning so does the operation of the bicycle prepare you for come amotorist Preventing accidents involving bl tho time when you will eventually cycles and motor vehicles requires greater sense of responsibility on the part of both cyclists and motorists This is the goal towardwhich allCanadians must work DOWN MEMORY LANE 70 YEARS AGO iN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance July 31 1898 Town Council dedded to have tptepayers vote on bylaw re installation electric lighting plant in Barrie msL $35000 in 20 annual instalments airman Peter Soules presented board Works estimate for $2707 which in cluded snowplowing street cleaning re irs to Allandale wharf boulevarding pmes Craig and Alex Stapleton ten dered for concrete work on sidewalks 12c and 11c square foot Miss nziska Heinrich of Barrie took gold piano at Toronto Conservatory of Music Ed Byrne George Vickers and Bob Black appointed town fence viewers eese Board disposed of 2096 boxes at ill and 79in lb County factories com plained of great drought curtailingsup pties of milk At Saturday market new potatoes were 30c peck cherries 60c pail butter 15 1b eggsAIZC doz ï¬sh hay $5 ton pBarrie baseball won in Collingwood 1511 Fred Thompson was catcher Billy ness pitch er Frank Smith 1bGren Caldwell v2b Jhnmy Gallagher ss Fran Gray 3b lyon rf Percy Bingham cf Ab Gray if Horse traders camping on Bayfield St near Butterfields foundry responsi ble for fire which burned grass off three acres on commons Nearby residents helped Barrie volunteer brigade fight blaze Household furniture belonging to late DAlton McCarthy said at her residence Caernarvaer on Bayfield St by auctioneer George Ford There was large attendance and returns over $300 County Council will endeavour to improvevbad roads by use of new in chinery Cornerstone new Methodist OTHER EDITORS flew GENOCIDE is SUGGESTED Chatham Daily News Doctor Hugh Keenle side former directorgeneral of the nited Nations Technical Assistance Administration re cently addressed the British Columbia Conference of the United Church of Canada He chose as his subject the rapid crease in the worlds population At the rate the population increases at present 15 billion people will crowd this planet by the year 2000 Yes that figure is right 15000000 glg that is four times thepresent popu ost of the suggestions advanced by th doctor are negative ones such as genocide exterminationheuthanasla in other words death sentencefor millions Doctor Keenleyside even wrote book on the subject twoyears ago1n lsuhe quoted uthat extermi ation 1e in charge He suggested several methods lettingpeople die exposinch rpetualwar allowing famineto take ts toll send surplus peopleuto our lanets stopmedicali treatment in to preserve iivesand refrain from ombatting plagues and other cemmuni able diseases As was said earlier th on have tobe decided by thepeo is mostly gativc thinkin and there is no re ort rlptlte svaythe Conference of the ted or of Canada accepted these sug when pertinent munity ha medal for highest honor standing in ren schem insufficiently suspicion that anythi Church laid at Thornton Farmers annoyed at rise in price of binder twine Stroud correspondent reported sev eral young men from that lnnisfil com ined forcesyto help in Sp merican War Howard Whitesides is with cavalry Charles Stewart on hospital ship Gideon Dolmage was in the charge at San Juan Puerto Rico twice wounded Dog poisoner reported at Creemorc Barn raising at John Pattersons farm Egbert with 150 men helping William Maw rooted at north end Samuel Cunning ham at south Raspberries selling at three cents quart Midland Daniel FMacwatt of Barrie elected Masonic Grand Lodge Judge Ardagh heard manyappeals in county court on assess ment following amalgamation Allandale village with Town of Barrie Fire destroyed Grand Trunk freight sheds foot of Ba field St and threatened sta tion ohn Carléy acht sailed by Boys beat Dr es craft in race to Big Bay Point and return Each had crew of six Centre Simcoe liq uor Commission granted licence Pat McAvoy owner of Royal Hotel arrle but refused Webbs Hotel Allandale and Headquarters Hotel on Dunlop St Miss Emma Fraser Barrie took degree Phi at University onto to attain this Blacks new house adds greatly al beaut of Stroud Creemore Sunday Schoo ex cursion planned from Collingwood to Owen Sound cancelled when elderly wo man predicted that boat would sink and many parents be vedher Allan dale Railway families went to Graven hurst by special train for annual pic about sharing the wealth between the richer provinces and the poorer provin cesunless that wealthils produced He irright NO ROOM FOR COMPLACENCY Montreal Star The thalidomide scandal is perfect if horrifying example of whatis wrong with present methods of druitesting andmercbaodising Thelengt docu mented articleprepared by th aff of the London Sunday Times and published by The Montreal Star should leave no one complacent lt isobvious thatthose ho manufacture and sellvdrugs no matter how careful they might try to he should not be entrusted to determine whether drug once developed is safe gt for humanuse And this should apply both to prescription medicines and so called patent medicines sold across the counter as thalidomide originally was Thegfunction ofatesti cept in the de velopment stages properly belongs to some outside impartial agency which of Pennsylvania first lady graduate of University of Tor uFEELVMIMIISCLEIE orriwatarporryra 904Gb Maire In rat ships edon members by the pay ayale was will economics an gun or bilingualism lie ap pears as young man of some Government beckbenches fMorvev Thanr Postmveri By PATRICK NlCHOLSON OTTAWAOttawa is talking about wages but surprised about world carriersstart at $9735 year which would be $227 an hour for 46hour week they hit the picket lines asking for another 75 cents an hour GcGo girls here startat dou Me the post office wages nolt body has seen them on picket lines yet Highlytrained bilingual ste nographers perform responsible work for MPa for around $5500 year But an Ottawa cocktall bards advertising for Wait ress lounge glri approximately $7000 per year other surprising contrasts can be seen advertised male Help Wanted Dancers Summer Hotel 55 hourly and Experienced iter dlfferentleis Letter AROUNDTHE worm Solve Problems With US laurnntCasbier must beab to meet perple 5125 per hour Threequarters of Canadas marine pilots Ottawa has just learned with shock earn more than me who toil perhaps 10 hours per weekon Parllament Hill for 518000 year hlapbe weneed whole new nat OllEIJVBKE scale which would pay to eachaccnrding to hisHor her eitectiye contribution to society Meanwhile those GoGo girls are invading Oltawa and mak ing contribution to Ottawa so clciy and to the night life of tonrlstsuwhouiscd to compla that our capital was dead cl elter5 pm No more The topless waitress and ihe GoGo girl are dragging our capital from its part as the lumber camp of hytown to fu ture befitting its name as the AWard PeeragesTo Americans 31 Pm DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst was told last United this precious information to the distinguished participants in the Couchlcbing conference My in formant wss Pierre Caron Au guste de Beamnarchais man who said laugh for is of weeping Now lung dead he is also know as the author of The Barber of Seville and The Marriage of Figaro Became to melnedreamt our problem vinCanad said my distinguished visitor is how to combinehaving many American investorsI but having them loyal to Ottawa and not Washngton Thesolutlon mo cher is aimpl to Hayï¬eld Street trnent Ottawa and for doesnot stand to profitfrom salesand which does not initiate promotion to sell drugs as though they were household appliances or the lat fashions The impartial agencybest suite for carrier 50c weekly 4800 yearly Single copies Inc snail Barrle Willi yearly Ontario 312 this work is government Its concern must be for all people it has no vested interes in marketing If as somedrug compalu claim the costs ofcareful testing are often prohibitiv ernments or that public one oo drug stration are come to would be to ye these agen cies the sto do in testing job prop would the public benefl ndfeel more assured sstoo would the drug companle Would remove rossiy staffed or improperly equipped todo the theanawer it 415 University Avenue Taro 640 Cathcart tMnn epuhllcation of all news Ldispatches in this paper cre TheAasoctal Ihowto solveCenadas problems with ourabie wife does when her husband becomes Grand Dragon of the Beaumarchais advises that we should introduce peerages again and award them to Amor mittedin thelrpeerage Our system shouldhemuclr simpler investing money in Canada and administering ones investments in accordance with Canadian wishes would earn man points taking iprofits out of Canada or obeying US rab er than Canadian direc es would lose man poin NorongtoN Drums After accumulatingacertain number of plus points the American investor would auto matically enter the lung hon to the top of the rung veient to an VMBE wuuld bequite reasonable The next rank ffice of an order would require more points mail by to my office he lure and will nag elr husbands into investing re After all get much tun Klan what will she call herself peerage irresistible can be proved by citing the exton of W2 man who ell akickout of desumanla Source of legeiiwdhornoscm ty and abortion The Herein with aviopless troup is open from pant only day Saturday also from to Scandals 63 offer hang butnlce musical 70 minutes of girls The Play mate attracu lh topless 60 Go dancersihe Plaza Hotel boasts topless GoGo now for thofirst time daily from pm to sm also Saturday alterl noong These night spots advertise among others in the local pa pers Thelrads are oftenillue trsted by photographs or their entertainers generally will llmbleolr line ruled mmugh the bare beam as concession to0tteiwas Victorian con science The tourist furnin crowd how ever still rater top the changing of the Guardof Parliament Hill each morning As an encore the kids now crowd around the fa mous east block at lunchtime to see PrimcMinister Trudeau emerge from cabinet meeting Then thosquealing teenybop pera raise more decibels than the Guards military band Will the stenogs on Parlia ment Ell picket Trudeaude mending wage parityxwidt the GoGo girlsf Or will the govern ments GGlrls moonlight as GGlrls makingup their pay through is seen job like many postal workers Can it be of yesterday tlr yebrows raisediwhetr an Ottawa newspaper publishedan interview with party girl who boasted thatshe had one very good friend in the Senate tookher out to dinner and dance one evening wcek and always gave her Soot Would that be about 250 an hour for being senators topped dancer When the new parliament an senrbles the as newly elected MPsilocking into Ottawamae mda tytheyliuiaexpected The 166 old hands unacc tamed to these ongolngs may be Med with astonishment the commercialization of Tru rhuizrbave olawunsvfau Alouoris spas RIVEtlpleze 111i Motï¬gtmmtv meme Kiuxr Ilderzd to unto you dont have the opportunity to participate that io members do but still some ma aged lo makethemielver 701m ADiiiS STORY road Diï¬gih T60 Vulnerables ypectsctdlr velopmcnt in aviation onAug mo when the Britishafraidp loosrrlyedrat Montreal The nsAtilntic flightcfromCar dinglon England took hours and ndnutes or morethan three daysl Yet that evasconv be marvelous achievement because the fastest ocean liners took nearly five days to make the Atlantic cross lng ltseemed that airships would soon beicarrying passen gers and freight around the world The him was propellerdriven balloon shaped like long cigar Britain was competing with Gerrnany to es labllsh routes across the Adam tie and the trip toMonlreal was carefully planned with the roast and airs was one of the house Bill Farrier Coch rane South is perhaps no war Speederthe nmnheidefeated but he was feeling his way to wards some effectiveness Don Jadtmof ilmbkamlng knowledge lntblsfleldl Alltnallthesenewnmbera were promising and eventually could maketh cclckislaturcs les an openations switched to Dorvai Dirigihlcs like mm too vulnerable to Ithe weather The 11401 crashed oneflightto lndt twolmmgthatafte th on airship operatic lost the Akron of experimenter lion came to an end when the giant OTHER EVENTS flueMarcus ds Vaudreull made Governor at Canada atesMississauga all ceded 250000 acres now artof Yorksounty cooperation of theg Canadian governinent mooring mast tweet high was built at St Roberts airport underrthe di rection of lieutenant Com mander Pressy of the Royal Canadian Navy it includ ed an elevator to get passengers and supplies and th alrsll ter beltech resthe 3100 flow over Ot tawa Toronto Hamilton and legers Falls and caused reef excitem hflhafllghtover Otta wa tock7plac night and the airsh was illuminated by searcblights from the perils ment buildings The Rloo got back to Eritsin safely but that was the lasttime sin Canadian mkslavery was abolished in Britisthvlinnbia rueown Code of Lower Canada came into effect lassSir John AMacdonald went to Halifax and persuaded Joseph Howe to joi bis gove futOP workers di cred nickel at MariLon tubLouis Riel was declnred guilty of treason and sentenced to hang after trial at Regina railGovernor General the Duke ofIConnaught offerednrll troopsvln case of VETlo Huberts Field menace to aviatlnnlncludlng TransCa Airlines whichused the Ilrdrorne BIBLE raccoon as built is the van or Whethbe peopleofGodhave Inlnd to work and heartoo believegreatflihlnga will happen Noobin shallje new bie grown Ill cannon ndlll antler Cflllllnhlé and onyAugM it will leave fora teaching poet inSsaawak enueui gmMMflwalï¬me VMNSIDERABLE Tad IN THE HMDINO1F mm when nuts are mm gum WHITE WATER CANA overseasminnow anew DIZZYlNï¬ WRIRWDS AND WATEIFALLS Ataow Goose MoFWIiICllolE new man euasrs snow ole PAciEic Momrm momma mx Mm wow