Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1968, p. 10

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ANNOUNCEMENTS sowinan mhmloiiocemedu mama to wads cardsibt ThanksB Willi isddluonnlm it In Menuism no verso Vern per count lino em Coming EveuLI DURING THE POSTAL 5i Readers wishing to reply numbers may telephone 57282414 Giviug Their NameAndAddiess RkE ofs mdml inside IndioiiLTbc lot Examincrybox 1m luau rm horno ready and completely This lover homo offersfagood livinr and finished recreation room 77 most able down paym ntu slitbat ceded For further details Stanly sol hone humid My nerwbo his room Including Futures living moi kltflun utillty dining room room and den Jans lawan and low taxes art This Information will be forwarded to the local ox the things thstVyou In looking rGivem cullvtoday and is will abnwyou this lovely borne holdcrs by telephone Glitz florid BIRTHS grown at nro arlllecsictll loaldllfllilmce pneu or our er oy yum ens any Jilly ml was at Royal Vic ar Rossini in Lister Itll and Mrs Robert Juno Parryl ENGAGEMENTS Ill dvertirnn anm DAlGLB lllr rna on iiuih Ann in Mr bruu not sir and sin Arthur Dnlg Acton 0n Ilrlo romirriv or name rne mm rm to take aim in Christ church Anglican ruetorn Ontario on Sat unfl Aulust ms at and oclock mum DESCIMMEAULT Mr and Mrs Punk Slclvu of rhcmion wish in Innnuiite tho onxuunrni or their daughter rue Iluscly to sin Dnnlld Joseph Duchlmbluli son or ur not rm llrmard Dcschlmhnuli or aruua rhe innrim to rake nine in nor ton Avenim United churrn Home on siurdry September it idea at 051 MARRIAGES mason Mr no sin Thorn Wltson ol arrrte re bum in un nannce the munrue their dmghtu Marilyn in on Reid Inn at sir and Mrs iinore min of lrelnna The nodding look mm on July 7a was in Toronto DEATHS cums Herbert Edqu At tho Royal Victoria Hosoiii usrrie on merory July so me Herbert cirre briovrd husband or sun lush oi lesson drir lather ol Herbert Predeceurd by iismrei iiiin Wilcox xnndflthnr ur arenas Mrs Blgnoll or Oshawa our brother or nine minus and Ker rie Club both or Toronto nesting or the iennett forum Home 151 Bradford street uuxie for service on Thurme at nrn interment nil commlltll service at on to Prospect cemetery rorn WALLWIN Andrew cimnce At eviiie oennni nonunion ms July in rm Andscw Clarence lwlrr of Eclicvllie in lils mu son at the late Mr na Mrs homls mum brother of ionn Mrs Drum ionu Ind Mrs nrbei ClmpbellVlll of Ernie Walter or Regina Saskatchewan urn smn Thompson or Belloville In Mr Gordon Elflck Olivei Ah lusting After run Wednesdry the Steskley iunmi Home an Wonlev Street Barrio Service in the rhlnel in Frldly August to uni interment Barrie Union meters3 CARDS OF THANKS llIoIADDEN We wish to try thunk you to evirryorio or help mcclved nreparlnc for Auction Side that made it success liter holy Inn us move Also tor lovely in weu nasty and at sir and lllrs om McFadden Nspier st norm COMING EVENTS STVINCENTDE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday 25 pm Friday 25 and 79 pm Saturday to aJlL pan 33 Collier Street Basemmt ol Jerrys TV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONVE 72824I Ciufllikd advertisements ind IEH II or In vile must solved by p111 dly preceding publication noon lln Slklldi thllstlhlatii€tightintgl iiim be in by 1100 noon unscdinn 33 cancnuanons ii It dill to Lin tnlfii um Lmzu no sin chum or so cents in mi nExlrninsrBox bcr or Box who tun tr Bofiznrinmu granites to ding day in consecutive huertioiu 0rd per insertion Tines consecutive Der insertion toll $2M unnonsnn connECrmm ntions inmiinn nrdrn lcccntlfl convenience to Idvsrtiurs Thugortuiulustfl We xrfrnent Quill kindly Mam incl advertisement lmmrnillcly after llls inrminn in lht my error or omissions any rn Ported sum in order lame be reotlnmi ny advertisement and then the extent of vnrllim or In lnvolvu th niisnrtnt Errors which no Insomnia Value at in mortifiean not elixlbl motion by mr goods REAL ESTATE HKEITHV REALTOlt room brick home stone trim loads of mahogany finished my construction lovely location insertions to per word Examiner PROPERTY FOR SALE WIS Edgehill Drive Good sized ready for building Barrie area lan unclcarerl close iobusiness section and busy highway Large Building Lots 51500 Contact Earl Babcock Barrie 7285095 ON SUNNIDALE ROAD Lot Foundation Both for $50 and complete plans on modern bungalow Contact Ed Grccn Barrie 77484123 VEARRIE BRICK HOME to large rooms central loom lion overlooking Iskcnew oil furnace bathrooms lire places good income properly $25900 Contact Earl Babcock Barrie 7205095 KEITH H111 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Eabcoclr Barrie msoos Colbourne Strand 4364301 lli Machod Barrio 7284759 Snow Strand hr 455311 Wood 0m 1872173 Spencer Thornton 450911 irom Ed Green Barrie Torn Fitzsimmins Churchill 4563520 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlop St Phone 7200110 lst and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthl payments We buy your present lat and EH mortgagcs gt FERNDALE ROAD Four bedroom brick home with barn and chicken house plus 10 acres oi and Make oiier Anglousvlo se PRATT nono Attractive Custom builts bed channing family sizc kitchen boards living room with fire place finished bedroom and semifinished rcc room indry basement Grounds nicely land scoped STEELE STREET Largerthanagerage bedroom bungalow diningliving room with fireplace large kitchen newV rec room All wall kept Grounds afford much privacy OUTSIDE TOWN Older bomo beautifully remod clled inside Close to shopping and school Just off Hwy 27 PAINSWICK New bedroom bungalow under load basement bus serviccg l7 ACRES ust oli Sunnidaie Road in Vcs miles fromrtown Nicely with crook Priced to Shanty Bay stream OConcession Essa near lvy Congssian ii Essa close to non ninth um mu cubofis MLS Realtor flaydim withaitached garalr3ruoo largo bedrooms lishipcd ing and dining room bud 7Amity sized liilche Ball for more de tails Lila mum NR THE LARGEiFAhIllY Living room dining room kit chen bedrooms This storey brick older home in beautqu ooridiiio Much ha been doncx to improve this moperty in the last year For iurther details call Hannah Penllsnd wilhlnrga lot lull basement modern kil chnn Slum iullV price with 32500 down pdyment For fur BiiiS 4496559 HIGH How often have you said houses are overpriced In you siifi of bearing $25000 or $1000 for back swimsee monow Ive lost inspected bedroom painboickmbecltr split ne hools at $189001hat ll carry or $101 monthly M7 includinglaxes This is bouse wifes dream and sensibly pric ed Get in before school starts Canine mam Joanlr MDDERNSPLIT LEVEL This lovely homejs situated bi Angus on nice aired lot Only months oldyhas many extras 4111211er Filzsimrnins Chhiii 4564M Cecil lliilis thcr details call Jim Higginson WM iltfVlvlsnGIrnrr llrionNrwml John Elk Elke Will Lawrenn iiin Klein MEMBERS mm For more particulars call Marg Wakefield 4455465 mdm Faultnon norm Dirncnio on nmsn runcilia mim Hlnnlh reVanna ORANGEVILLE TORONID BOARDS tits Realtor 33 COLLIER ST $20900 Mm bungalow on good size lot basement Carries or 5100 Morrison mm VV CROWN HILLHlGHWAY 90 Attractivesixyesrold brick bungalow Kitchen Hanovercupboardswith separate dining spate livinger is spaciousand you will like the tliree bedrooms having ample closet spacVenv4Tiiis home is situated on an attractive lot with full basement and recicatioii roomvroughed In Thomson the ismi altachedgsrage This one wont last long W1 room brick garage ull monthly lunar anxious Call Mary yo DUPLEX616900 Lower includes fou bedroomsliving room modernized large kitchen bathroom sunporch and attached garage with private drive Upper is iselfcontained bodroom apartment Nico large lot Handy to cverything Forappointnicnt call Bill Hamilton Bill Hamilton 7285315 Norm Synnoit 7282533 Ed conga hopes liiLGralh Elinvale 739M Russ Carso CAMPBELL Puorm sins REALTOR as man RES 7287380 BRAND NEW Six roux on dunnerinns Street now under sirnotion bedroornmi bedroom apartments Cable All service wires underground basementall convenien Terms available srncumrons INV rs 45 acresotlaodinltheci good to last on the market Charlie Read mzaiuingh Plowman Don Campbell 776024 Doug Campbell Fred Taylor noises RonVAllan Paul Penmani Smith Campbell HAVRO as Baylleld Street PHUlD 7255453 Mortgage FundsAvailable Fr Customer Parking TEN songs or motion VliighwsyIZLsoutthitb barn house and buildings This property can be bought with lowdown psy merit and would be excellent or horsrs VLouGoedemoudt for further particluars rim scans quarter miie Ironiagebnvlu half mile frontage on Concession Sandy clayéandy land Call Jan Kloostermnn or further particul cmv WEWGSMMCALRE mo 12 in Moon ow mogafigggsfirz mam noessmart worm is HAY ma scannnm SHANTY $1000 down overlooking enemy 2storcy double garach on beautifulfwide at This is your chanca to locate in Barri cost Leo Cavsnaugh Stan Hhmmond Frahk NollesV more beef form bordering main highway located only In phone ted5125Crumose at nie innmlLm aunt lot in viii armorsan 115800 indown Atown smuuvo bchairy your moiwags new inokomovu Kcmpcnleltgw no yust right anyouwitln bedroomshtohon VcrestlonrounJarg mfwo moonins inn Mntifim mention including baruurge nxrooni hitdsen and closet to it everyonos requirements maco onnuietxmet This hornehasyou in mind with iamiiyikltclwn built In oven nd stove command in All Rosa lies Mio 15 RafimR Dick Hartley MIMI char Baycrnlt 7W1 Bill Hacknut Sriilth miEMORYMILLE T264881 VnEALTdR albumen ST THERES JUST HANDFUL of him thuea avallnhl at reasonable clown Minimum lidi this one bedroqu bév siding hingalowwitb attacliod dmbio role and broeuway not dry basunentwlth exlt Io rd Sitting on Ilandscsped and shndodiot in lull view of solco Ni price51650 wltlronc private lst mortgage For complete details on this Vhomqnakers drcsm 10 minutes from Huilie please contact Peter Mouton onocmv sronn Ann rosr OFVTTCEVInyillag non Excellent building with large living quarters about $15000 own will handle For birdier parttlculsrs call Kchillar Wino bedroom in bidfivhmgdlow with inched double garage ished recreation mun Taxesro out on this one Tolephono John Cole today ohm Spencer John Cola Robert Flewellilll Kenneth Miller Harvey Weber 4553515 Peter Mouton Percy Ford 778 Jammy Benhnm 7mm Float Fame Broiler 308 BAYETELD SR 7109451 SPECIMEN RURAL PROPERTIES COUNTRY LIVINGV bedrooms ups and one finished bedroom in the base meniNcw furnatu andgood well Situated on large lot overlooking the Nottawasagn River Va MIN Prdmpi EAVESTROUGHING srAYNEn miles homJStnyner Approxim ately 125acrcaworklng land Balance bush and pasthrepiua mVEsTROUGIz neverfailing streams storey from home Large bank barn 482121 ROOFING Types of Roofing SPHALTESHINGLES SOLD ANDAPPLIED FlatsEfflcient Sflvice Free Estima EXPERIENCED ROOFER mini IRONING val punni mian ruinow mm WVESTMENT pus beautiful hoineNcw be room brick bungalowwvitti lin isbed basement and 12min building casin converted into apartments Situated on one acre lot in squint villageGood terms tEIRONT COTTAGE FOR Rm Simcoe Beach Augustsnd September Evenings can Larry Torpey V7MB Bill Rawn 1258999 Dick Draper ETERS WILES VLTD onivmo sonnet arms browns an lt midisent HIGHLMII SHINGLING Contact Pots mun amount bncirnom with proximately use or land near yne Telepno cm more rosin ownoom Ranch lec oin iru nu iot Cannon non in churches mono RUNGAIA noun or Ivortn mugginth roman ilvlna morn when Hollywood cuplEards mu III hon oshlllo Vwi1ie or Phone 72o09ot edllll usd prowl ll um minan Also ems no icon roam meritwork nllntcd Ind tendod ticu nonn or 0mm VHFARMSA FOR SALE ArH nu tnm vii you iiininn unfit ror some interim Mortgage Loads Anywhere Au Hours nus our OPE son or vanUArious IiiVYouV lilldeed Money ooomol drbll Rdiieiaflmddtirifl Tn Wnllild Mortgage Funding um ovumi umnin3 °H iinxi 3n in nn 3330 was to has it union MOBILE HOMES one Homes ltd General Glendale travelux Partsand Service Cash or Tums up 507 Years no BURTON AVE mom 10 fully huuhhld mobil nnnn olen Priced to an Nicholsons Dan rraiirr gm Antion Ai niiimihy en Ava Intinl llllhwsy is room mm ruer Al wu dltlon some Iqu 1w GINO ll kmn P0 hltdl mirrors eiectricri clbll ruinonon Ali£130 Ammo HDK Tim Tull Ind TIM Ca men Trilllrl or sent TRAVEL TRAILERS VV VTORENT cmma m1 more or not Juno suck aloe mmlmmmlfl It Mlnnunlflhfllorflc lit Ant nunsnlrm Attention CLASSDHEDI smwcnvnnram GUiVnn VV raucous with null truck will do launch SERVICE known so also sirstar ciEiu Servlov urns William instiLAriou insulation in Eree Estimate ork guaranteed ASPHALT DRIVEWAYSIPAIL ost landlord Allis gw and Newmar so estimates an ce GAMGEIIOORSJPATIDS Telephone ulloc EPAVVING C0 Vi Painswick Maintenlrmo Bed mu kimono Ilaworbcdr Movies REPAIRS ARDEN EQUIPMENT non ESTATE GlVE oun sonvrcn ms 268368 Anita Swill HarvévSwlft mom Dewsnap mm Tltlt EXAMINER IVANTADS nonhuman 7230755 humor 5mm Photo Rzallu EAST At thiti Flv Po EVENING FRED E91131 mm MLSREALTQR Elihu in radios no women ril nmeF ha isms divided human onqu nne minermavinr rpr runner aria inn nadir onerous lullwr moou Nam nmnoom bunnlmv basement itchenuvtmr nmnioom butlira ri bu unboundnifihgg 17 Blkiflfl Ave quIr In six board so tome Er nciima outboard Teloohm itth 21 doom More Punting my EXAMINER WANT nos PHONE mews are Skilled inour Service athvvilligieryou PAINTING PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VANNOORT WYK 114 ROSE15T interior and extra tarminus rm mm ninth interior Ind extends Amen mun so miles or Barrio Culltobcrt saber Mar mos PAINTING Bungalow BCIWnihil IRS EWO wgflmhnlhlp su 72squ PLASTERING METERING Centaur Titanium Room Amhwm spud ants mm HOME JMPROVEMEVNISV General Contractors common EXPERIENCED in ALL osrouiswbnir was AND anion wonxV EXPERIENCE FULLYV harmonious For free estimates call 7284662 32649472 robots TRIMMING 13 YEARS EXPERIEN For Allbroeda

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