Man Iesuee Ar Brought 16 Light Bygqustal strike WAWA flzdsind as countrys pot are sues of far broader sinilicsnea than the temporary eurtaiimmt at mail service dlmuadve as it my gt beiBfl Some ed the lanes ihrvwn into sharp fouls induda should public employees have the rim to strike dbould labor demands on the public purse be treated in His salted nfllanner as those in vain ry FriJust how far should the fed eral government go in its good mloyer stance list public service Stall lteia tlens Mt enacted early in toeI gave for the tint time to some 100000 federal unployees the rim to strike All employeesexcept those in essential and mantleslat po aitionscan choose be tw on eoncillnuon with possible strikes and compulsory arhltre Him The government exceeded that roost federel employees would choose the arbitration rout And they did The 115000snemher Public Service Alliance oi Canada big gut bargaining agent in the federal public service has yet to have component choose the strike route But the shimmember Coun of Paslal Unions quickly took the right to strike end at am EDT July pit exercised that on Federal doclnald workers otera and airiratllc control ers totalling afcw thousand employees also have chosen the strike option All but the can trailers have signed lirst con tracis without strikes The con trollers are seeking coneiile atlon board and are understood to be relatively close to peace lul settlement But as the postal strike plows on the government may be hav ing some second thoughts about inaliectlve bargaining in general Iï¬sd its new legislation in partie Bi Prime Minister Trudeau gave evidence oi this at news conlt fercnee lust alter the postal strike began He noted that the government unlike private employers has almost unlimited resources to meet wage and other demands by lta employees through in power to impose taxes The mixakin the private sector can Aeh ascornpany halancesheet singlyxallle its demands accord liowever governments are re LOBITU MAYME THUMDW Services were held June at Steeldey Funeral Home Barrle for Mayme Thurlow at Fergus onvue who died June at Royal Victoria Hospital Arnong the floral tributes to the deceased were those from st Pauls Church Ferguson vale Reverend Baulch or that church conducted services interment was at Hfllsdale Presbyterian Cemetery Pallbearers included Jim Mc mGinnis Jim Cumming Al Thurlow Bob lhurlow Fred Archer and Lorne Drysdale Friends and relatives attend ed the funeral from Toronto Owen Sound fCreemore New hwell Orlllla and Peneian quishene Mrs Thurlow was born in 1891 at Fergusonvaie daughter ot the late Mary and William Johnston She was married at lililsdale Presbyterian Churcb March 31 mote the late azarles Thurlow She issurviv ed by daughter Betty Mrs Les Switzer oft Barrie and three grandchildren Ronnie and Jean of Randy also of Owen Sound Mrs Thurlow Was patient at RVli for seven Weeks beioa her death AGNES ETHEL Services wereyheld atPethick Funeral llama harrlelor Mrs Agnes Ethel Keast 79 who died une 29 at Royal Victorlailoa pltaL Mrs Keast daughter of the lie Daniel Banks and Mary Kenney was horn in innielil on entrallinited urch Reverend Donald Jay that church cuoduetedieerv oer Interment wasat Mineaing nion Cemetery Mrs Kcast had three sons and ne daughter Her two sisters maked cut and men and de Fanatic mead to rates 91 la met demands manta ms least attractive Bed at public era unions are watching the disaster earemliy One spokesnan feared that pro longedpostal strike wik remit not only in Parliament legislat in an endto on wlihwt but also an end to Iii strkea in the public service How ever the lorernsnaot several spokesmen aay will give its new iesialation atair chance Mr Trudeau has said he iavoruettiomentby negotia tion rather than by legislation The unkan factor is wile motiontcthopeatatstrmand to strikes in the pthtlc service generally amine rï¬ht to strike it loulht or this flttJn legislators And regards it as theone checkon potentially unsatisfactory arbi trsted settlements The legislation still la so new that the new public service arbl tratlon tribunal has not yet heard ease Remand Winston Couple Charged With Child Beating WIABTON Ont GP young couple was remanded Needey by inï¬ltrate Otto Ct McClevis to Oct 29 for sentence on charge at assault causing bodily harm to their 14month oid son Tony Gary Thomas 11 andth wife Helen iris it of Miller Lake were convicted May They have been trader sur veillance of the Bruce County Childrens Aid Society nd the Bruce Counw well epert ment since the charge was laid last February Their son has been placed in foster home Dr Hwkinaon told the cwrtMathatthechildbada fractured lower lelt Inn bruise on both temples cheeks arms buttocks and legs when brought to his otfloe last lan ll He said the boys abdomen was also distended and his toes and ï¬ngers frostbituneandebiue in color The parents testified the boy had repeated falls from his er but denied striking him are now deceased She is sun vived by Superintendent Gord an Kesat oi the ileum OPP Barrie Fire Chief son Leslie Reset is deceased tier daughter Luella Haiilon il also deceased Pallbeaan at the funeral were grandsonsh Ronald and Byron Keaat Ray Taillon Don Owens and two nephews John Plasten andlldsrvin Gill ARTHUR FEEDING PRIEST Services were heldat Jennett Funeral Homes Barrie for Are thur Harding Prielt e1 oiliam illon Ontario who died July at Chedoka Hospital following an operation Mr Plan was born in Allen wood Flos Township Sept um to mom Priest and no ale Parker Priest lie attended school at Crouland and Barrie Central Collegiate before leav ing to reside in Toronto llam ilton and Carliale He married Margaret Keene of Bancroit The couple hadno family Mr Priest had brother and Harry rs we Barrie Mra Stanley haliek Mines Mr Tyson Johnston Patlbearera werest of Mr Priests nephews KlooIsKOOL 35 bonito Reopens Sept 768 Registrations new open lor puma educational program Wellewlooed school in delightful sur roundins am or ternoon claim of child sen 33 years ComMent staft includesReg Nurse cut nowh with BUY NOW FOR NEX AT THE SELECTION BEAUTIFULLY ABLEVPLUS BLA Furs qiltdet and female minilourshudesi Norweg nbiuev tipped fox binekimuskrul dyedinchnmpugné muskratidye iippedvrqéoon bleoehed rucocn lynx lamb dyed Fabrics includes Sizes Intimate