liliOltlINTCENTRE WELCOMESSENIOR CITIZENS ainder ol the summer the Ariny Navy and Air Force ylall on Dunlap SL will be FIEch Tuesday or the re bINCE 170i Field rocielaiternoon lrom pm small card doc About to men and women dropped into the hall iyester day for cards andconversa tion Yesterday regulars at the ball the name is appropriate upon to senior ens Ior op ntre sketched Exarmner Photo If Opportunities1i boy wl were helil Fortuutelyuuhrotlterandlq II had ipilnalvs therapy and wing decent lives but themva Pious keep tellingvthe teeneg are that sex is nothing to be habamod that properly instill partof to writ get even So became pregnant nigh byanolgoodhunabtypareau whenMrs sent tome another tataand never did return bnma alter at My brother married very quiet girl another PK at ago back But had nervous newcomers ZWeicome to the Smile And Be HappyGronp They feel irom their enloyment at the Within two years his wife breakdown and ï¬rms mmvmmsren wenivnabar nniv nopein PLACEST Talks IovTeenAgeriAbout Sex dad can be hear Mn diddim years ago It is called Itnn Landera purdiuod in paperv sin ght llnplied cling if parenteod child that you describe happeoajn all paths dons The dedicated nunisters It know raise ï¬ne children lets get something PEMRIED dont buy your Dear Ann Landerl about preachera publishing kids some of my best friends Pliiorled Ricsand the conflict be PillP an the letter cu womenje Editor rTORONTOWCl lilany loldergwomen who return to Worinaitcr years as hnusct wives ï¬nds changing econ oknirly has outdated their Job st Marion Royce iormor dl iU ly wine men do get clean conniving wives ta law of us devcrva whatev arwecangetiromthelwville skunks when Gay and werlzritar rled his talks told theirhome bought trailerand moved to oor batiyard Guy has never made an inttpendcntndedtion It was always lll have to ask For it years served Gtw his coffee In bed When was sick with the no he went lisbiog be cause he wasairaid hed catch liil he hung around Aiter could have tolerated hll dia rigned regard for me but couldnt Ill bet you are the stand the way he ignored his oi every divorced chfldrcn lie said it was The increase oi women in employment has pointh up the need or more education vto sharpen up old int skills or acquire new ones she says lot oi women are waking up both faetlhet they need more education Women enter the labor force withllitla The day his ten waited hmaiorhiadadtocome take him to vital luneLend then called to make iiwu the day decided to let divorce We have 360000 aavad in cash and bonds want $300 month plus 515 nipport or each child We have three lie is scream ing like stuck pig lam asking you to break our rule and print mylctter even though you are dead set against divorce Granted thcr no such thing as good dlmru bui it beats living Illetlme with mamas boy who in no lather no husband and no me lt Beautiini Dear BeantIMr llerea your leiter Surprised to see it in print Ithought youd be tiring Economy Dates Obi Skills Of Older Women by rain sonar whole thing cenlrnl wurca oi inlomiationabout what is available She aaidcouiuclllng lacillr Iles are rare random and scattered but proiect she la doing or the Ollilllfl Institute or Studies in Education will catalogue them and provide mmmv In hqrmacyf Careers Call Mi startanon or root oudrgoonnon at moon dont think entirely reclorfof the womens bureau ENGAGEMENT Alli also toured Edmonton and ot thetedorai department of labor is one person who can Valorehatise n1 ideas as more nrganllations want them By ROBERTA hoasctt iopen ug upon your personal rrnacy Once admit The ï¬rst public pharmacy known to man was established the city of Baghdad lraq during the eighth century And since ihattime thescienco oi drugs known as pharmacy has own into career field that is £11111 opportunities tor people of any age fchen you choose careeras pharmacistr you area strong right arm to the health ï¬eld be cause oi the skill you can ofier tor compounding testing and ispensing the medicines and rugs that are used all over the arid in the preventi diagnos and treatment of disease Mttch of the work that you will do will depend onithe spe alization you select But va ety oi int opportunities will be open to you ranging irom re search to comhinatio of rci rice and salesmansh ay ELEANOR nose went shopping or new pads sor lawn iurniiurev and then toured the housewares depart ments of couple of stores to see whats new and what else could use Weil as for my original pur chase liound inflatable pads at and ce cushiony effect to lawn furnishings They would good for camp pieces too fade or sellventilating vinyl these pads are easily inflatable pack down to compact site for portability and storage when deflated Just golngover with asudsy sponge or cloth does the cleaning jobii you dart ever get the iounge cards oil the pads Another good summer possi tittysomething that would choice you can work in com munity or chain drugstore hospital government agency the armed tomes the drug and chemical industry or In univer sity teachingzaad research You can also run yourown phar macyli that is what you would like to do Either parttttme or lulltime work wilI ha availablcto you and you will be able to find em ployment anywhere in the coun try lrom the smallest town to the largest city It you are woman you will also discover that pharmacy will fit in very well with home and Yfamily life To prepare tor career asa pharmacist you wil need to ac quire good liberal arts and science background in high nchnol You will also need com parativer good gra adrnlssln lace so popular in pots ind pans Now the peanut butter knife can be its easy tosuds as the rest of the silverware in the dishpan iound one hardboiled mania lacturer has laced up to tile bah tie at the boiled egg by devising an egg cup that just wont tip over no matter what Made of sturdy flexible plastic it can go be boiled in sudsy water it stcr ilization is necessary sewmc Novena And for thehomc seamstress there is something newa Web that fuses any type of fabric evenknittedlt Still in life eating area into the dishwasherlt can even through the Bibi oi syntheticï¬bres withsbrown paperbacking Holmes is permanent machines lenibark on either live or year program of study le ing degree in pharmacy Your wo ycarasoi prepharmacy work will include organic andiioorganlc chemis try physics biology and mathe matics After you have received your degree you must spa tapping matcly one year asanintern Then you must pass state board examination to obtain license in the nitric in which you wish to practise Thesalary at which you will begin will proba bly be around $6600 though as always it is difficult to general ize and have iigureanpiy unI versally To be successful pharma clsi you will hoednï¬rt oi all an ability in science You will also need an aptitude lor accura ey and order since pharmacy is proiession that remilres great patience and orderlinéss You must like todeal with people And you must haveeih in and Judgment that are be yond reproach It you have these qualities lions an otterschool or week end 10b in local drugstoreiis an excellent and practical way to learn whether pharmacy is tor you while you are still stu dent BIBLE NOT ENOUGH Kan an Juamta Silvey was fined $10 idr not wearing motorcycle hel met while riding her vehicle She said the city ordinance was unconstitutional and the only helmet sho heeded wasthe 2hel tit met oi salvatio offered or to or St it of at non tomorrow Thursday will probably Mrs and the piast WHAT THE STARS By horseman The engagement of Phyllis ariedaughter oi lilr and Wt Kay oi Mnskoka iCory Bruce Wlison has been announced by the bride elactr threats The bridegroom to is LheJon oi MrgandsMra Wilson of Tower Cr The arriage Will take place Sept in Winde rmerehlialted Church WindErmere at port ALBERTA HOLIDAY Miss Llnda Reed at Collier returned to the city that evening allowing two weeke vacation in Alberta lilies heed the guest of herbrother in law and sister Mr and Mrs Garbert of Ban cooks contra Quick MedlsFor Summer ï¬bers in nunnnv couraosii The beatzlrind of vacatioucoolr log is no cooking at all How ever since cooking is one at lifes necessities the best friends summer chei can have are con venience foods Other heipmstes arefï¬paper cups plates and bowls which take the wash out of dishwash ing The newdesigna and colors Jhese pieces are irresistible Vic coatings make em as practical as they are tractive 0n SAY Dont take action iora meat and vegetable lnnd of Calgary betore her flight via Air Canada WESTIOABI VACATION Mn and Mrs John Feltll and sons Tini Gill VandMattltew ol Perry St lait Saturday loom liialton to visit Felttrnla tar and tarnin in Vancouver Mr Feiua will return in two weeks MrsFelilaandéhlldran return will stay month MONTREAL oven Mrs lreneSlrnsrdia return lngto her Montreal residence today alter spending iiieput ten days as guest at her bra ther in law andysister Mr and Mrs Ralph Snellroveï¬nt TheresaSl the humor of the And preparing eals it you plan ahoa atlon and are Whether Youre cookingvover camp stove galley burnerinr campfire the secret is at plicity if the cook hasto slave over the stove nobody has any fun Dnehour is maximum for preparation for the main meal of the dayiess lor otherrneals Outdoo appetites call lior good so ying foodatind all in on skillet meals are inst the ticketThe lollowinx re cities are good examples of this do main course Chowders almost as thick as stew are another good choice ponhdv grou best small onion chopped the help them tlnd new place in huslness world hilt AND MRS Ted Harm sen cut the tbereception ch ioliownd their marriage in the united LbChurch Holly July The rid wedding1eake at the former Margaret mniter at lot of flaccid train for women think Elaine Bentley daughter of ilitr and Mrs Dewitt Harold antley at hit Barrie The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs lbeodore Gerald Hamson of Kingston On 19640 vsbortages We aiill association PROGRAMS CROWDED Miss Royce says the OISE study tound many or the existw tog programs nvusubscilhedr 4A $75 seminar untamed ca ireeis ï¬d wiiether and whe to seek them drew on rcgisira tions and more inquiries from women The sessions held at Torantos York University bad to be held to 75 memberln The Gun Vadls nursing school in Toronto organized to train women aged so to 35 has had about 5590 Inquiries lrom potential studente since see one have com pieted applications and too have gone through prelimio nary testing The lirst class had 32 members The nurse ihortage has also pmduccd pilot se ies of re iresher courses or utol practice bliss Roycecornmepts that sh or women The degree oi preiudice against them often depends on hava narrow conceptlon oi what women can do and what men can do that doesnt have any basis in fact UNIVERSITIES HELP The OISE study found few experimental torts omong universities Mount St VincenLUnlv ges alien work for sity in Haliiax has training program for older students in business nursing home eco nomics courses fliey attend classes with the ordinary dergraduates and larmed extractnricuiar or second ca reers The niversity of Calgary educairnn faculty is accepting older students the basis of pe an al interviews when Especiaiiy lavored now intel washable reinforcement for col 1mm guess mum d3 shoitenlne the cadmictufllmtm make wonderful gilt or patio thingis an outdoor grill equipped with transparent itcat rresistant dome This makes char Ian even out oi oi complete easy to keep the dome crystal elear by washing it inside and iter every use While Im on the subject oi lood heres long overdue dea Peanut butter or we all know can be pretty sticky visibility it is or rilli larmerly oi Barrie have nnduaced the engagement oi tars tacings and other con struction areas of garments panmeana good place to end any yarn fronouro ice mTeeh ads17yearoid Ana SapJ eja isnt content with her University of West it Oullllo London Mr Bo ue lailndourthvy gt good period is stocked in yard goods def plana forth but nevertheless it will be 21 mm in whichtn make Careerils Lanyér To Replace Present Successtit Modelling trate secondto Miss Australia in the in Los Ange fieldvgherwants to be lawyer She sad to spend her spare magistrates watching the proceedings Its marve ously interesting she say dont know yet what branch oi law want togconcén Theres such lot to learn But lthinktheres good ducal of initiation in some or our sh ï¬ne just drifted into modellv lngllast year when her mother sent her to charm school cure her her tomboyiways Soon she was doing catalogue modelling and so gt ras pomib on it prosper lohthe next lzvmoiitbs but do try to avoidsirittionvwih members fibe famil Ootabo iss Teen Int national contest Despite po one retains some oi the traitsleven chaim schoocouldnt cure swimming or ion walk omu most important thing is llka who are concerned This whichwill last untu November ist should be reallyoutstanding tor Ignitesthat is who cooperate with the celestial forces Your next good cycles along material lines will include the first two weeks otJanuary the last two latter halves of Marehuand May not the entira month oftlune comheneton tracted to col cuioural pursuits sort icon BIRTHDAY Ii tomorrow your rthday ur horoscope indicam that as of August 15th you will enter an extremely generous plane tary cycle where iob andor business and financial interests period for those of February the coming Nbvember also ould be one of outstaud ttl compiishrrientiit you happen be engagcdtn mental keci are increase during one or more these periods you may be laced iii some unexpected keep as much emnios hah on hand torestaahould prii May and June childlborln on this day will atromely oceatile ready at per andohlon and brow nnden can riots uohrn ed cream of 5° and one third cup Iter catsur Worcestershire Dash salt and pepper can aoiincesl whole white potatoeshdraincd and quart can ounces pea Boown beef with nation in shortening stir to separate meat icl Add soup water nings Stir in vegetable tir now and then Makes GUIDES ammo amass supper can in ounceai luncheon imeat cut into slices butter or margarine can taii ouncesl isliced clingpeaehes drained cirp milk canptali ounces green beans drained own lyncheon meat can peach slices over meat Blend soup and milk pour with green mlnuiee tirnnw Makes tyser gs BEAN nacoN VEGETABLE CHOWDER Vccop chopped green pepper Vt Fun chopped onion iii In lucapan ea lurters in butter until are tender Bleiid lnaoups and lIeat stunner low mint to will utes to biendflavorr Make died the former MR AND MRS ROB TYEEugexebanged wedd lng vows in Central urch Barrle VJuiy iii litre brld Altred Stu the son of roll of Tor in Smith St diiil Make delta with as béauty rill dig MANAGED av vrcron Revisions may not match traditional standards The Univ rsiLv of British Columbia he ed by founda ytian money setting up counselling acre in acces sibie downtov rrent interest in educ lion among women jest cos omoryvschoolage About oneitentb of the womenstudents 695 out of 6175 are or over and St per cent of these older women students are married um Hittt liittii lulul tnimtttv