Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1968, p. 3

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lire Amalbamaied shown that more economical tVork on the reconstruction of Bradford Street West intor high gear yesterday and it soon became mecca for sidewalk superintendents ABOVE this boy matched bulldozers break up pavement for half an hour yesterday afternoon BELOW youngsters were captured by the jackhnmnier operator as he broke up sidewalks and driveways so the street can be widened Examiner Pho fosi oitILLIajCONrsarncs TOLD lfInterndiional unions Ppinrer Istxaggerated Professor John Crispo direc Iror of the centre for industrial relations of the University of Toronto told the 37thannual Couchichlng conference yester day that the power of inter national union ailillatlonsis ex aggerated He told the conference that some unions are not strenglh ened by their internationals filiatlon and cited as examples thebuiidlng trades and railway Canadianflorces Support Elements omenscs Canadian Forces Materiel Command formed in 1965 bylintegrating the supply and maintenance support elements of the then separaie navy army andair force is to be amalgamated with the technical services branch ofthe forces this sum rner the defence department said today gt gt The department said any statement that studies have and efficient operatinnfnr the support arm of the forcesucould be achieved by combinln the two headquarter cal services foliowlagamalgam ntron The headquarters will cohtinu to be ased in Ottawaf department spokesman said the move in edditionitoteliml natlng materiel command head quarters att Canadian Forces Bose Ruckcliffcalso mean considerable reductio unions which he said usually bargain locally Geneva Park nearOriliia is the site of the conferencelhe main topic deals with Ca da United States relations Prof Crispo also raised the question of Vveto power exer cised in bargaining by the par ent union in the United States and said mnst international unions attempt to hold the rein on the militancy of their Cana dian affiliates to prevent drain on the union strike funds He said unlon officials rarely participate in barge mg in Canadaunless they are lnv ed One outstanding exception to the general practice he said was the case of the lnternatloa al1ypngraphieal Union whic vetoed settlement between the Toronto local and the threelo ronto newspapers Prof Crlspo saidmost Cana dian union members do not care whether their union lsnationai international Cornwmlst Roman Catholic long as slot machine into which the union dues go pays off He listed four crit is to termine whether th Ca dips cy audio Automatically answera titer section of an international union operates autonomously éWhether there is distinct Canadian distric Whether there is Canadian policy conference where dele gates can Canad Whether Canadian officers ted by Canadian mam Whether Canadian problems canbe solved without referring them tovtho US He said few international unionsmeet all theriesta 7that measure the independent role of unions Cans decide policies for brown dog possibly houndkwasstruck by car Monday evening nnmghhmy 90 near Highway 400 The Barrie branch of the Ontario Hiunaue Socie has taken this animal examination has shown pparent ill effects Officials believe this is lost pet and are anxious tofindtho owner The dog wasweli and groomed when found ne Giyes callers your personal message city mugerAidei1nenA Macmillanlndl Scars on out of town and report of the generailg ernmcat wmmlttce shodid be adopted at thraext meetingin council ran war the ilrsttimeih four years the press has been allowed inattend and report on committee meeting The salary range for new manager would be 311000 to 116100 depending on exper ience City employees may also up ply for the position The general government com mittee plans to meet fnthencdr fulure to hash out the terms of reference for thaectty mansgu position possny with the helpoi some consultants active in the field of municipal gov ernment lt Walter Gigg said hewould nt recommend city manager under the circumstances Ald Les dailier said last night Mayor Bentleysald be refused to debate the cliymsnl agers opinion Aid Roberts said that before the committeecould ar liunier Saiety Course fillvailabl Barrla residents under it years of agovwhn wish to apply for gun licence will be abla to take the comptriwry course in huntersafety fromGard lily ers of the Barrie Iiunters and Anglers Conservation Club Mr Myers has been appointed by the department of lands and forests to lnstructthe cmnses much as he has been doing for seven years which young hunt ers must nowtakcbeiore they can even set the exams Hunters over zowfu still be required to take the exams but white tbccoursc is recommend ed it iii not colnpulsory liqu ho aiready haven licence irnéw senting the old one attime of application All anilcations will be screened by the departs meat before the licensee is is sued andfees have been raised from one dollar to five eighthour course given in one full day wiilrcost five dollars Mr Myers saysthat instruction will begin next month once sufficient applicants have registered Under the new legislation hunter under or mustrnake ap plication for licence at any outlet aftergcompietion of the safety course lle mustproducc certificate to this effect at the time of application ftOnca the application is receivedby the department theapplicant will be advised of the time and place for his examination if he passes it he Wilfre ceive his licence Nonresident wishing licences in Ontario must produce their old licence from their owhprov inceor state licence previ ouslyissued in Ontario or certificate showing that they have successfully completedym safe hunting course andexam ination lOillli GENERlllé 51me ms grass vilre onDownsvi Ave=at 425 pm oaairuly was the last csii answer the Barrie city fire department tnldale BREAKFAST other The Barrieifiwanis till one by pie Aft he saw the city man am the mayor said mummy um st man mu letter from his foreman the telly manager he lslntnamein bhrofcounctl tin ursa of action do you widest Aid Iii Garner fled that any ployee with grievance hlnsto his alder lutertected Aid Roberta Not at all returned the may Ald Robertsaslted why If it is no good bylawsorne dir ection has not come from th beadof lhkzvcorporation Tbo indicat nothing was ready yet yAld Roberts asked themay or frame had come toghlm wttha grievance without speak ing to thecity manager Si tc sevtle mayor on no Guny emu is oil law enforcement officer come Ioyou7 Aid Roberts asked Alfl Jolliiia disagreed was the blow in thltthere is no time limit under which grievance must be answered ii mggested five or seven on receipt of ibegriev aaoe STRANGE SYSTEM Mayor Bentley said thepro sent organisational system for carrying out councils policiés was very strange byslem liésald there was no func uoasl relationship at all where in men like the clerk treasu er and other department heads have functional responsibility back to council lie disagreed that this rcs ponieibiliiy shouldali be than nclcd back to cnunciithrough thech manoger firm has to be flow of functional res ponsibility back to epocple Aid lichens argued that there should be only one line of communlcalion from the voter to council and from coun cil to Lhc administration He said the city manager must pass alongthc policy of council He said tbc functional respon slbitlties come back to council through the city manager who reports back to councils eom mittees Aid Roberts asked the may or if he made inquiries of city employees but didnt direet them There may have been one idntanee iwss impul dvoihe mayor answered You dont want to discuss Walter Glggs opinion that we would be wasting our moneyJo hire new city manager Aid Robensrosked lhemayor said he wouldnt in Mr Glggs absence Questioned from Aid Roberts as to whethcr he had dlmted employee to do anything the mayor said he had asked hir Glgg to have some pictures pre pared to help show Ontario Municipal hoard chairman Kennedy the Barrie Counlry Club property the ciiy wantsio purchase TOOK PICTURES hlayor Bentley said Mr Gigg told him lien Peck secretary of the Home Planning Hoardhad camera hir Peck walked in to the mayors office little later with camera and the mayor showed him what he wanted picturestnken of to help illustrate the brief the city was preparing for the 0111 What finally happcned was professional photographer was hired to lake the pictures Aid Garner said Waller Gigg left the imprchinn on his mind there was no use tolhis function as city munagcr at all There is an inflexibility that must act as has Cooke did the mayor said am not doing anything ill egal lanr not fixing parking tickets as some alderman are suggesting be stated fJust minute Just mid uis was expecting tha id ioillifc said lie said he agreed tickets had ht been firedby the may 11 am not alter you monitor anyone he said fBut ism aftér anyone who tries to fix ticket Mayarhentley said he had coslsultedwith BA an MA and PhD to 1ch awritien opinion on Barrlcs city man ager bylaw Aid Garhcr said he wouldnt hiremany BAs MAS orePlum to work in his store for $35 week Council should decide on thcbylaw heurscd MEET CONSULTANT Later Aid Garner agreed it would be good idea for the comndtlee to Inch with the con sultantsto discuss the city man agcrs terms of rclcrcocc lie suggested having the city clerk get copics afthc terms of reference of city managers in other cities of Ontario have not gone out olrmy way in any malicious manner to make the job of ourelty mau ogcr hardcr thc mayor said Adv ng for city manager in Mumcrpal World magazine the Globe and Mail and local papers could cost in the neigit borhood of saw Besideslhe members of the general government committee Aldcrmcn Charles Christie itoss Archer Frank Horsey Dorian Parker and ll hlacLaren at tended the meeting Patientssensed commons Yoilivadustcu yourself with tal burho may havcio yourthuntlng knife or your fishing buddy has hookedyou instead of fish Where do you got Royal Victoria Hospital emergency section Between so and too people have visited the hospital each day during the last week for similar problems They come with evaryttuag from dog bite to common coldand mostof them an from out of town Most oi our business comes from tourists ltlrs Ruthan Wintereznergency section head nurse said interview New nasrnsurs 0th siiors are usually sidenis or peeple wh have nolamllyvphysi an Anaverage of four five Americans come indally The service is usually prompt but if it is exceptionally busy anthers is morescrtous case Patients may have to wait Four or five nurses are on dutyla the section at silt times The bustestiime of the day lsln the morning after 10 urn The second peak period is the early evening following the supper hours Afternoons are usuallyslow nurse will take down your name address medical insur ance information and what you thth isthe matter with The information iscarefuiiyf ed andkept The nurse writ telephone the doctor on call for the day Citydoctors take turns at emergency duty Thedoctor for the dayis usually in the has Sei rrergnegana slalom for SeaDocs willbe first the BarrleRe he vracesxwdi share at St ters to usuatllionday outine nektwcek with roundtablet in Lakavisw taurantilcsday morntng the afternoon that will visit=th olia wr com frombntarlo Ohio Ne York and All craft war bejclasx officials ofthe Canad the race Engine sizes will vary summoned if your case is not serious you may he referred tohis office nurse cant treat you She must wait for doctors in structions if you look woozy she may lay you down on one of the beds in the section but thats about all she can do without doctor Youcant just come in get some aspliinsand leave Reg ulailonsrequirc that you are examined or treated by doe tor MrsWinter sni lt takesa shrewd eye and in good Judge of character to tell whether patient willfaint anmiddie aged man fai ediuesday with only small cut on his finger Mrs Winters said Some people feel funny bout hospitals They get inside and they feel dizzy she said ntosrnmvoa Most emergency nls are not serious cases but once every few days there is maj or car accident and this call for speedy action Police usually cailahead to inform the hospital if serious case is afraid to arrive by balance giving as much infor mation about the patient as they obtain Once the ambulance arrives stretchers are rolled inunedi ately into one of three rooms in the section lihe emergency nurses get tlieltfull brunt of some rather H1919 9an Ward nasty looking accidentvictims Once you get the first look youre allright Then you just work as last as you can Mrs Winter ssi nf Barrie ran Boa Federation before from if to twirl 125 horsepower The entire oval course will be visible from St Vincent Park Main heats Will have flying starts entr following pace lap before the flag front of the park ndifticulty during ugh ad ssion will be free booster tags Will be on sale tg1ltelpr defray the cost Steam Tractor engines Hot air out Gas tractors Shingle mlli Drag IIVI Antique an Models that foUNDs cLosso suNDAY nms nurasn warren head nurse emergency section at the Royal VntoriaHospital1 phones the doctor on call for the day to summon his assist ance Nurses in the emcrgeni cy wing cannot act except on the advice of doctor Do torsthiougllout the cityshara At least emergency always on call Wéilri give qulisireom halo lean rug was toga

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