Wttarwm MONTREAL CPL Dr Fiern Grundinr wants to see me tie wants todlseuss my husbands homecominganti still have to decorate the bed roum and maybe my daughters gain to take care olGaetan Amt oh cant waiito like him tishtng again Tho oxrilcd voices belong in Claire Paris wile oi Canadas remind heart transplant patient who may soon come home tron th Montreal lieart institute The excitement mounlmi Mon day night when Dr Grnndinre turned to Montreal from South Africa where he hurt attended conlhrcncc oi heart transplant surgeons in Cape Town it was ill the airport that the teyearolrt svirgcon hinted ltlr Paris received his new he go my be going hme En tour lir Grundin said in teloi phwto interview Tuesday that Mr Parts will most likely not remain in hospital or more than another our weeks We ari going to look at his home and matte possible sugaeslioux to Mrs Paris as to what should he done to ensure the continued progress oi liir Gris said Dr Grondin Flll iii JOB en we are going to try to iind job lor Mr Phris who is lesilner which lm to work but not strenuously in the past he has had to climb iatldcrsor work in cellars nntl he just wont do that right now snirl the doctor Christiane Paris id laughter may into the ltlnntreni iieart inslttttte tor training on how to cure tor her lather at home is nurse said she has signed with local hospital and ltlusl stay there until the beginning of September but alter that maybe shell be able to help care or her father ilr Paris 45 is ianxious to get home said Dr Grondin eident victim sot mt St week atter hit operation he kept entertaining tn lth Joke he knew Now lot and watcheatelet1sio hlr Paris who has ï¬veehih dren rcce ed the heart of Ytonhastie Eyearold ao iie is among lD survivnrs of 29 heart transplants perlormed around thewnrld Mrs Paris say LIVING IN TENSION gt nce myhusband has been ck liusthove been iiv in slate of nervous tension dont even remember anything Britain Opposes Russian PreSsure LONDON tAPl Foreign Secretary hliehnei Stewart isre ported to have reminded the So vietUnion that Ed in opposes ention gin informed sources said the warning the lirsl sueh by Western governmentwas given hxesday to Soviet Ambas sndor hiikhail Smirnovsky The Russian asked for the meeting possihly as an atter math to the handsoli CzechoA siovakin speech Stewart made in the House at Commons July 13 Woodstoek Books From New Loop WOODSTOCK Ont CF Ontarios newest junior hockey league tailed Monday night to attract Woodstock into the told The Western Ontario Junior ilockoy Dengue invited Wood slnck to join the live teams now nt but Sam Keeping Woodstock club president said it would cost too much tostartza team and theloeai arena with seating capaéity otélJoowas not big enough l7 Mulcuster Street next to the Library since tut September when we were told there was nothing morn that could be done on Gaston 3lnt still nervous because you knoweven though every thing looks very good it takes long time to recover lrorn such caseot nerves want to redocornie the bed room helorc Gaetan comes home and want to take him ï¬shing know well all tool bet ter alter weve gone lishlng again Dr Grondin says some ol the procedures strict sterilitation are being eliminated gradually and will ease up eve more throughout the next month hlr Paris is eating normal food nnd while we used to have two nurse handle it mealsg one in special noteroom and another near hlr Portswe now have only one nurse RARitIE SUMMER REoRmt St Vincent Park FREE ADMISSION sown RACEs iST RACE or =a= Directly Oil The Vaterlront At soacm ArrRAmoN Message To People 0m MYM CPI Pope ruling on birth mn lrot ls dear the Host Rev Al eundcr Carter said ntwlay There renuins the pastoral task at bringing it to the Ittenr Ilonolthe min Thhï¬ishopolth are ores olVSntiitSte Mane also prest dent at the Canadian Catholic Conlerenee the organization anadinn bishops said he pm tars to wait tor the next meet ing or the coolerenco hetero commenting on the Po real ï¬rmation ot the Chur oppo sitlon to contraceptive pills and devices plenarysessiun oi theeon terencela sehéd tor the 2nd Boniface Bishop Carter said diseus sion at the Popes ruling will be conference agenda Bishop ol Sault Ste prepare to give thopriests ol the Sealy Posturepedicf gt ExtraFirntorGently Designedin coop attunvwith orthopedic surgeonsfor conifohablyï¬rrn su 130 No morning hackac from sleeping onatoo solt mattress Sleep on ihsvery bestl See Theiwtde Saleem SEAtv MAUREssESY HOPEN THUR GFizl TLJLL 9PM orREEoELivERY Lastfchancex to cash In onklthievseï¬rmlyremarkable savings PLUS many many morallyadvertised items FINAL CLEARANCE LADiES SHIlTS AND COTTON Short andsiéevéleï¬istyiéspoiiéhéd cotton and rayon viabrics Assorted colors and prints Regular and hall was ltegninr Value LINGERIEDEWL MAIN FLOUR FINAL CLEARANCE MENS Assortedsiyles and colors Sizes XL MENS WEAR 151 FLOOR Rcev 83 as anAt Sale Price 91 91 EENALCLEARANCE novst sponr suitors yPiains prints or stripes shori 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