Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1968, p. 1

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4gtWiQmwtemr4rm mumwflfimflfim Wines rateononss arm 1er 1mm At luatJfi persons were roporled killedha Costa Bloom continued lotiee lodny iroln an area aroundlayupewlog Arennl vol Islam about no miles north at are idea Jose Joatprln Trejoa rider reported 94 persons including 61 children are mlss lng iollouing the volcanor lint eruption in recorded history The president said the immediate area around the vol cane was declared disaster arch Government otticlals said SOS messages were sent to Ame authorities in Pan lm asking ior more helicop ternto harp with evacuation and otherflrescuework which has been hindered bytha remote nets ot the area tiwo US Air Force helicop tern arrived earlier irom their base in the Panama Canal zone to help my Whites to the vi lagesot lilarana and Liberia Trudedu Plans where the malarity of refugees are cpncentrat odvoiiicvlal sources said no village at Paolrlo Nuevo on the slopes of the 5mm volcano was almost buried liter tho eruptions started Monday US Steelworkers Gain $1 Per Hour Lo Lad PiilSEURth AP The United Steelworkers union has wrapped up its richest contract ever threeyear past that will cost Big Steel more than $1 000000000 inwage and other beneilts Hammered out In month oi secret negotiations it was nar rowly approved over strident ohieetlonr Tuesday night barely day beicre strike deadline at the end oithar aid agreement Reorganization ForCloer Ties With People vfiDEPAWAJDP xePrlrna Mio lster Trudeau today announced reorganization of hisoilice including iormatlon oi new unitto maintain close contacts with individualsand groupsln allreglonsoi the country Besides his malsperaonal as tlstanta the me minister set lp four units his otiice They are the regional uni second responsible for policy advice one tor policy proposals and one ior information fpsNEWS Mtaternent lrornM deaurolilca said the reorgaai nation will improve the prime ministers line of communica tions with the country Parlia ment and all levels of admiare nation lt will also ensure that the prime minister is able to meet the Vnowdemands placed on his office by the increased political dialogue and the complete re view oi many government poll cies promised during the elec tion campaign Marines Kill 90 lnliaid 0n cadg lhAIGONtméniorce olfannorednmaican gunboats hell mpter gunshipr and South Vietnamese marines plunged deep into theJdaktrng Delta to raid Vlet today said atleast 90 guerrillasxwere killed camp Fieldreports Bartdit Priest Suspect GP Police Tuesday arrested learner constable Illth oi being the bandit priest who has carried out iive abdnk robberies in the last six months lie was not armed naior Fulbright Is Benorhinaled mm in tirismator outlandish re illumination Vthetnrhansas primaries Tuesday against three Democratic Wpronmln who urged voters to wrest the office in him because of his stand on the Vietnam war conestoga College Seeks $4 Million mason cmConestoga oruegéor Applied Artsand Technology with $3000000 construction project under way has announced it will $4000000 more from the moment ior aserood block of buildings provincial gbv SuesConsumers Gas Alter Explosion honours icrirmnk Nicks presidentot uriaairk at Nova Scotlfl sday tiled suit ior unspecified damages against Cornumere Co of Toronto as resultat an explosion which badly damaged his W900 mansion Jan 31 onshonnrlos Man 1cm Masteriul nnd painstaking in tracking led nresday nigh hidingalith two lost enxwho held off the north Manitoba wilderness ior live days and nights Then with more reoogu When and Uncle Percy get back term the astonishing ordeal without food except berries with only Found huddled belundla log in sitegxswarnp were eight ear idJlli Sinclair and her id rother Kirby BE hncle oi the two who was the rrt to spot patchvoi sweater out iromi behind th up he tjsearchera wlhem relatives at the youns slcta terrified mom Then recognition cam limb Uncle aul said Jill Clty Now2 canned Deathbm Districta p3 dFOflhdf ts Cushrrisagehtslinus Mill leit and Georgaresta hold so mgmds oi pure heroin as th mens black socksaha news conference in Washingto The rogue lvsis ros tor it todayencased narcotics ha been seized since Sunday Turmeric hed hidden dope in file washrooms or airliners Twelve pounds were seized nea Dulles interaction Macaw Talks ClEilltA NAD moi lReu The PragueMoscow Vhlch Czechoslovak reiormist lead are defending their liberalizedbrand om munisrn beloro Kremlin leaders went into its third day today Communist sources in yrague had expected the meefingbe tween the two Communist party presidiums in this bleak railway junction town nottar from the Soviet border cud Tuesday at the latest butrt didnt Czechoslovak party leaderAL exandel Dubcek was known to want to prevent the meeting irom dragging on oolong Plans ior the arrival in Prague today hi Yugoslav Pies nt the first East Euro ao Communist lead break away from Moscows dominationand pursuean rnde light clothing against overnight temperaturearthnt dipped to the lowriils anda drenching ov night rain Monday The determined search party carried the children two miles through thick bush to reach the nearest road They were hrought by car to thi Laike Winnipeg hydroelectric centre 270 rnlla northot Winni1 peg then under police escort tol thehospital lt theGypsum ille radar base miles south Doctors there said alter pre limlnary examination they ap pearedto besuiiering exhaustion but decided xto keep them ior atleast day to titerchecks untiithey recovered theiristrcngih in straightline distance the two had travelled only 12 muesorterrwanderlog on last Thursday from the cam Mr and Mr llube had been ickiog scnécaroota at Honeymoonglrake miles norihofhara ihcy covered lot of sort tonight to begintwodays oi pendent cnu were postponed CTK the Czechoslovak news ilhere as still no molli agency described them as word aboul the substance or ttrnnk and comradelyj rgurnent inside In the language aiCornmunist clubhouse here statemenls comrader irank nass usually means hard talk lnghutsmncthing far short oi crisis situation It generally means the two sides disagree on althougha brietstatement by som ha questions LCaIladianiPrémrers Gather fiFor Saskatchewan onierencfieg wasxcsru Canadian premiers gather is northern Saskatchewan re Also Tanking are discussions bou medical though each rovrncialdeloga tion has imrlist subjects to All sessions are informal discussio the accent on fiscal topics Three premiers are notmak ing the tripbut only Premier Smallwoud ai Newfoundland wont have rcpresentatlve at the me ing delegate ll have backup young people ran wild through rocks and bottles and hijacked iour city buses Trudeau Deters Comment On Papal Decree OTTAWA CF spokes man in Prime MinisierflruA deans oiilce said Tuesday nght Mr itudeauhas not yet read Pope Pauls encycllcnl con demning artificial methods of birth control For this reason the spokes man said there would be no comment immediately from the prime minister on the ways ca no evening Cooler morny up may 1e ice at Retail Council Claims EconOmy ls VByjilE CANADIAN PRESS No national business organi zations sent Prime Minister telegrams Tuesday urging government action to slap the postal strike now in its 14th day because oi its ci iect on Canadas economy The lieLall Council of Canada and the Automotive industries Association at Canada both said lbe economy willfihadly hurt student Ribting Continues MEXICO cm AP Mexi on City was battle around again Tuesday as mohsroi the city lighting police wreck ing city buses and throwing At least onepcrson was dead antigovernment Friday coscapltal has eicperienccd in 10 years Tuesday night clubwielding students ved heavy rain alter iorcing terrified passen gers to line Then theyrsn the vehiclasinto the sides oi build lngs Earlier troop jrad volleys of shots into the air and dispersed the students The troops were withdrawn butthe mobs re turned marchinngom the old university section and seized the buses nearthe citys central square Riot sauads swinging long ba tons dispersed that crowd but at institute oi the youths gath ercd hall mileaway near teachers college Stiléillaifddiéfiiwarfiiifl SKUNK UDGIET arrested riotingbegan CASE UNSOLVED onomo on how an skunk ger Into 15Lb storeyapartment and bump oil budg med Bobby Police th the shrink may Wave belonged to some one in the building said the hudgies owner Jacob Keter ll His wife heard something moving around early The day and there he was side our bed goingaround But all that was lelt oi Bobby were aiew leathers on the iloor icit out oi could flyaround OverstresSed ll the strike by 24000 postal workers continues The retail councils telegram said it progress in negotia tions proceedsat no more than current speed delay in solution wrll place acceptable strain on 9CDan ihomas Whéliams execu tlve vicepresideht of the auto motive association said in his telegram Do not permh this slhravtion to happen as it will place an OXMSSIVElllIillclill load on all business firms irom there is no recovery The econV omy will he hurt through de creased employment and higher costs to Iho consumer and busi ness because at the added costs now being created retail councilcommended the eminent in the telegram it or acceding to demands ior settlement oi public service els The automotive association said that the loth oi the month is the normaljtlma ior suppliers and obtain discounts This is also thannrmal tima oi the mouth when all clearing are made thro gh banks the teleyam sni edperiod of time in order to carry on their busine lectipns can be tried suggested parilamentary rnaA chmery now be putinto motion Harris oNs What do you can whos been lucky lovef bachelor maul 1ooelAs1ésiAécéptoncoé fiBirlhtContrcilBqnc CASTELGANDOLFO CF Pope Paul lacing the possibility oi widespread refusal to comply with his ban on mechanical and chemical methods of hirthco trol appealed to Roman Cathor lic couples today ndcrsnd and accept his prohr in his iirst comment slncevhxs cncy lical Humande Vitae0i Huino Liiefwas issued Moos daythe 7oyearold pontiii or Roman Catholic Church told weekly general audience at and adviser to round out their éssential structure the eneyciicalhod caused him suiiering and anguish Heliold co in speech published in advance the Vatican press oiticein save 31 languages The knowledge our grave responsibility an it its no small suticrl we well knew be personal dignity of the we ded couple Werwere guided also by the feeling ioi chart of pastoral concern or married Christians WBrown president of tha wage claims at lnilpiionary levV tobepaidhytheirrcnstomm iithaycannot be met then firms will be laced With large loans over an extend The retail council telegram ily outfab was ac mpa W4 fired by honen minus ldocumout ll acccpted ior ilsirulh hope above all that Christian marr couples understand tbat its tcnchingrs but he manifestation or their needs of human love from the and irom love no imitationoi the Christ ior the church he text of the Popes spce issuedin French acknowled delegation Saul Cook the He knows Helmew theywer alive nd he hudbeen on the trail since their disappearance beiore an oil at search was LONDON Reuters oiiicials idisclosed today they are worried aboutthreata tokill Prince Cha the fmyedrhld throne pl extremis pendance Tile princ made Prince oi Wales at an in vestiture at Caernarvort Castle in Wales Julyl 1969 But some independence groups said they will go fto the ultimhte ex treme toprevcn lhacaremony taking place who want inde les ruin usmcairn llaitl and her inuryeanold brotha irby rest in hosniiniat Gyp

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