mastication wwwm AMHOWMM Canadian Banks Cut Interest Rates TORONM 4C Ali tip the motor Canadian chartered bank reï¬tted their prime in terest rates Monday In response to the weekend drop in the Bank at Canadas bank rate to Wr Per cent irom seven The new prime ratu tor the tire will he seven per cent down inrn lla The are the Royal Bank oi Canhda Toronto Dominion Hank Bank oi Montreal Bank oi Nova Scotia and Canadian Imperial Bank at Camera Other banks raid they are atndying the situation The chartered banks line rate interest drarg ior loans to their biggest and beat ctistomera The Bank oi Canadaabank rain is interpreted as sign at how the central banks want in terest charger to go in Canada lilgtr interest raiea tend to protect the value oi countrys currency by attracting iorelgn capital Kewaiin DOUGLAS Mich AP the Kewatin considered one oi the last classic passengru steamboat afloat opened as trill tourist attraction at mooring on the Kalanrazoo River near here during the weekend The Keowetin was owned until last year by Canadian Pacino Railways Built in Scotland in root the mioot lake liner was weileknown visitor on two Great Lake ports Arrest Sniper CLEVELAND Ohio AP Lteveiand police have drarged second man with ï¬rstdegree murder in connection with the sniper shootings of three police men last niesday night Lathan Donald 19 pl Cleve land was charLcd Monday on ona aflidifltTovedu all three shooting Hewas being held in the prisonvward oi Metropoli General Hospital Fred Ahmed Evans 37 black nationalist and astrologer alleged to have led the snipers pleaded not guilty Saturday to one firstdegree murder counts Evans is also being held on charges oi shooting with intent to kill possession oi narcotics and possession of carbine Professors Bored in so anon It vet Western Ontario are pretty bored with remains as the wanted last up as but not too ttimuistliu Wyn ton Sample endemic attain normalstoner of mo atu denta council raid Monday in main to Itudent evaluation at Westerna proiernn The evahtation oi preterm oi lintyear mm is proied oi the rtndenia council com piled irom siionnalres which Western misï¬ts were aied to couplets spring MendéSLFrance PARIS RM Former ench premier Pierre endenlrance has resigned as leader otthe small leftwing United Sociaiirl party and has ielt the party informed rourcer disclosed Monday Thev sources said Meade ï¬ance til resigned over what he considered extremist alti ion the wave oi riots and indub unrest in May rift M313 espre ropen Inppo ior rioting more Liberal Youth DAKVHLE OP Aetion Canada Liberal party youth Sunday President is David Jones is secondyear Univer sity oi Toronto history student mrpose oi the movement is to case the work load oi local members oi Parliament He said the group will let up system oi general services to constituents and people will be able to get in toudr with Adion Canada directly arid fining tiieir problems Tlo ua villeho Growth TORONTO GP Metropoli tan Torontos populationiin the next I2 years will increase to 4000000 irom its praent 000000 and the area will have its biggest building boom ever the Toronto Real Estate Board said Monday The board said building of rental units has readied its peak and ownership trends will be towardcooperative apart ments and row housing Metros rate of 30000 new houses on the market annually will double to 50000 with new rental units accounting for only hall the total by 1980 it said Now iive new rental units are being built for every private house Carpenters LONDON Ont 40H To ronto carpenter Monday urged that employment at carpenters be placed in the hands or nation al manpower services and re moved 1er theinrisdiction oi union hiring hills Joseph Smith amenrber of Local 27 Unitedilrotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners at America and business repre sentative with the Toronto Dia trict Council said the move would eliminate accusations that some locals operate slave market and dlacrimi pate in their placement oi mem bars est Seooer MEXICO CITY Reuters The daughter oi American iollr singerPete Seeger was among students arrested and charged with causing damage to government and private prop erty police spokesmanysaid Monday IMilre Seeger Salter and the other students were arrested after violent student riots log theweekend Another 100 students arrested Friday during battle between lriotvpolice and university students were re leased Sunday Gottie Disease OTTAWA cot DrKen neth Wells iederal veteri oary directongerieil warned Monday that veterinarians may be losing the world battle against toot and mouth disea rnrattie gt He said that last year out oreak oi the cattle disease in RENE mvaacua Separatists MONTREAL or There was nocoonmeot Mhnday night irom separatist leaderRene 1c veaoue on the resignation oi Francois Aouin anerecutivs director of the vereineteAesociation and talka of merging the MSA widrthe Rassembiement pour liodepend ance nationaie Mr Aquin leit baht the saw ntive position and the separatist party in policy disagreement wi Mr Levesque Meanwhile there was no mediate word on outcome oi talks proposingxa merger be tween the 700041tem lliSA and Pierr Bourgault menflgtcr illN Teacher barged BELLEVHLEZ No iormer Belleviile teachers ware committed Monday to mod trialior the illegal possesion oi marfluana Christopher Williams 26 and Joel Whitton 23 both origi nally irom Toronto were arrest ed by RCMP officers in Belle viile June Bruce William Prindie 19a Beileville student convictedmn the same charge June 28 told the preliminary hearing at he sold the teachers marijuana No trial date was set car ro yearold exoonvic told mag istrate drugs avaliable in led erai penitentiary where he served months at twoyear entence lawyer Roger Smith did not name the penitentiary in court Outside court he aaidhe withheld the namebecoiuehe couldinot substantiate whathir cli dhlrn Britain was severe economic blow ironi which ihat country will hire yearatorecover tudca adopted by the paer dur movement was iounded here ouvement Som covery court onda tnat mo lodtssnrra cost oi copper butu little as lWth the cost oi silver Ind its use will mean much higher reis ltrimtare that is proiit ior the Heart Transplant momarm 71cm Dr Pierre Grendin who pertarrned Canadaa two heart transplants said Monday that paeun Paris hie surviving transplant patient should be able to go home within month and eventually return to his lab as electrical deligner Clock Population OlMWA tGPt knndas population hit the aooooooo mark Manley by the estimate oi the now population clock at the Dominion Bureau pi Sta tistia The olodt la lied Into DES cal culations oi berth immigration death and ernlgratlon rater its lllrnnlnated tigurea change every as seconds toadd one new Canadian Monday it hit 20 300000 at so minutes as seconds alter pain Wit it all rater contributing to population growthjremaln con stant Canadas total population will hit 11000000 next Feb li Valentlnea Day Getslour Years momma GP Serge Tummy oi Montreal war summed to our years in prison Monday after he pleaded guilty to charge oi being an accessory alter the act in $1760 bait holdrp mm was one of Home men arrested in Kitchener apartment alter the Feb 2Robhery He was acquit ted last month on charge oi armadt1obbery hutflrleadcd griiity to the lesser charge Restrict Broker rename or an Ontar io Securities Commission More day placed rcshictrona on the operations oi Lynch and lo Ltd and its brokerdealer Itfrliete Lynch Holdings Ltd commission spokesman said the commission acted in connec tion with an underwriting of 000000 shares at Allegheny Min ing and Ermioratlon OoLid oi Toronto by Lynch Holdings lreeze Stream TORONTO GP Metropoli tan Toronto officials and United States connaitanta are consider ing using liquid nitrogen or other $h€fflibï¬l cormounds to freeze midtown underground dream that has caused two caveins on sewer tunnel Sollitesta have continued the existence oi stream and un covered conicalvlhaped Crucifixion munch cat Two more men were charged Monday with nailing 34yearold interior decorator to cross in Hamp atead Heath Josephde Haviland 32 was inundimpaled through the palms of his hands to an ei foot cross last Thursday Hers recovering in hospital Friends aaidde Havila Hungariand réllgions but they could give no motiveior his being nailed to cross Erie Leach 41yearold inte rior decorator was arrested shortly aite the macabredlsL being held Without hail ona chargeoi causing grieiiousand bodily harm to do all coor commons one bout es degrees west coast aoutirernSaakstchcwan in iorecast ior parts at the west today with Edmonton temper aturee expected to reach warm with show Civil war Rages InChincr HONG KONG APl Civil war ragesin Chinas Kwangsi province and toes oi Mao Tre tung ara ilghtingwith stolen weapons destined ior neighbor in North Vietnam aprovincial th broadcast said Monday Anotherbroadcastirmn Kwei chow province just north oi KMIogsl declared that unless the toes of party Chairman Mao Ira crushed there the state is in dangeroi being wiped onto third broadcast irom llonan province raid Maos toes are instigating the masses to irom the Soviet Union and Irina go by rail through Kwang ai trickle rm and muni tions also believed to be taken in by road irom Yunnan province bordering Kwangsl on the west Analysts in Hong Kong study ing the Kwangsl broadcast an it is posshia Maoists are exag gerating the situation in order to receive military help irom Peking While iactionaliam tanning aupporters of Mao is blamed or wld spread iimtingiin violence aabotagrandxrebelr Chin ththaitwangrl and lion Recent broadcasts irom that centrfl Chinese province have said Maos foes threaten to gain the umr hand ii the uprisings are aawlde spread as reported they could seriously interrupt the flow oi mllita supplies from China to North ietnam Most oi the military supplies Plan item Doï¬oriiéï¬isiifry aromas cm regis try oi prospective heart donors Will be set up in Montreal llruce Brown ionnei president oi the Quebec Heart Founda tionI announcedMondny Mr Brown ioundlng merrr her of the registry told news conicrencetlrnt this will proba hiy he the worlds iirst heart gt bank publicity campaign Will be launched to pursuade Montreal residents to volunteer their hearts ior future heart opera tions Therampaign will later cover the entire province The reghtry will be iinanccd through private donations Mr Brown said he will sews ll chairman ot special com mittee which will establish hennaday heart supplyseiv ice for the province of Quebec The service will alert transplant teams at availebiedonors and set in motion the teamwork nec essary to bring together donor and eventual recipient STOP iAilBITING Nil TAILGUARD it trtoattrm to mm on iloce in the prevention and oontrol oi tall Ditto In mine Its ltatmlm as tango and too out Expsnxlvl eon other not uitld simply spray or turn ptï¬ solution at wrlsra MILE ARD Swill Weld become flint No more battling hing tiiit to or no nut Guthgismiirhicimm Kvrr bourbon its mourns tiaror flounder ï¬gs BIhIKSSSIWI ltd stamp pads made to any aimand wordi to ilonan broadcasts blamed the uprisings on Chlnaa ï¬rms obey Merence to President Lin Shoochi rallying point for the toes oi Mao in the Chinese power struggle IAMatsr liXES Says Halt Bombs Arid Vietnam Will Mediate Thanh Le mkcsmon ior the North Vietnamese delegation at peace talks here said Monday that ii the United States stops bombing North Vietnam his country will agree to discuss any subiect the Americans raise lia was replying to question about the release oi US pilots caphrred by the North Viet namese He mentioned that three pilots had recently been let go But there has been no re port oi their leaving North Viet nam Pressed by reporters at new their arachnoid After the cessation oi bombing and all other acts of war against the Democratic Re public oi Vietnam either side can raise any question it likes and the other side will agree to discuss it seawater opéoorsoteoirts Accesses Kiss traitor cottinns om EVERY EK PARlS AP Nguyen Minimum month at too pergarment Take advantage oi ciothea ready or ill if NAPIERJP BARRIE PHONE 1344 FREE PICKUP DELIVERY BARRIE ANDUB BASE BURDEN 1C0 assesses 50 50 50 so 45 50 50 55 so CLEAN 8s STEAM SPECIAL 33 For limited time only no can am yourrarest proielslonll cleaned and steamed at the iaataatlc low price Minimum ordera garnrcnta per order this annual special nowhave ll your MAlL AFTER POSIAL isrgttts is sentso ELMERW sexton TERMINAL groroitro our yrortrrsc 89th LTD2