Name ramemu Habitsth bvv cont limo uuuu nip yuanstratum outrte Walls Whitaker WIitamfoifor emission momma Managing saunas ms nutr r4 drumming fvorssoor ed here for years Mus ion for representing pro VIrendsCanadian iohends stunoi been the arm fears they can foresee mm probably mu tre m¢nd°m expenneit ransom established here its NDP nix3 vocatcs this if 11DiéienbaitenRoberi Thompson T0Occupy Same SeiOi Benches Shoppers in the six countries that makcup the European Common Market ve an abundance of goods offered in shops and stores These two shopping malls are in The Hague in The Netherin Narrow streets of the old city rise ofï¬ce butldsngsgmai de centse were repaved and vol hicular Hallie restrided top Conservative party leader at the in the Commons arrows céist on too easy to picture John Dietanba vnsnipuiaiion of his federal party by the Athena premier Irer and Robert Thompson occu ltd pying the same set oi bench Butitiagotngtohnppenwhen thenew postelectlon session of the Commons starts probava in September Poittiosas the sayinggoes makes strange bedfeitows loco election was no excepti Mr Dieienbairer deposed as 1961 convention wasreelected to the Commons in his horns constituency of Prince Albert Mr Thommm who quit as Social Crelit party leaderin 1961 ran as Conservative in iheJune 15 election thirtima aniwas eieooed inhis Red DeerA riding Sivltdaing political horses is not unique intCanadian politics But Mr Thompsons new align ment has some morethnnusual mice at least with Mr Dietero baker as menberof hisnew party bro nsvsssou John Dielaobairer was prime trsinister in 19oz fighting what in the suburbs features high partmentstorea and small mecialty snaps cannon turned out to be is battle to hold divided cabinet togeth erand to nvoiddefeat in Com mons vota centred on big divi MJCW monumlivgvsissueqneuzercrna should accept nuclear warheads for her antiboniber missi ihemult of that vote on Social Credit and Robert laid federal Social Credit had acted as it saw fit and in thebest interests of the country This is wheretha sawoff stands to ï¬lls day It would be fun topicture th two men attending the same caucus ol party ltiPa perhaps clashing over what partypolicy more be liiis wont happen As former prime minister and tomes party leader Mr Dielenbaker does not attend caucus He said recently caucus does better job of ironing out in thinking when he is not there antnewnr be in the com mons And he will notbesilent aboutethings forewhich he hasa deep feeling $12132 mm Credit P3 used to ham on needdor what he called petty poiiticising to be set aside and for the govornmont to get on with the business of runs ntngtho country ltlr Dielenbskerhos feeling that what some people might call petty publicitin is the es senate of pasiiamentsry govern men He wants to ensure that the rights olanyrupoosition are not tr bygoverrirmint yourseiLaway from it and that nothing done in the cruel name ofrpolitical expediency comeback to haunt the Cona dian peoples commissions Find ioeianders Goodrsetilers synccomm ylhlaisibothieofyelswbe angers Iran man parts Mommasth Mtrsmldi or outer furious riv eriln the itlaritimesto ca Atlantic salrnon No lears ago they mild have impres sion that their attitudetowsrda it vrpl Willie realistic Mr Ritarts has various corn it till iietww ii ng or nt French snagein various areas ltis mum that one at the prime factors in these studies vliilbethemoiierdMJnd it can almost be taken for grant ed that the government wont be going off the high board with bundle cash It Is almost positivethat did the ofï¬cial opposition would criticise it Rather it Is to be expected that there will he slow an proach Bilingualism in the courts and administration of ustice in cer tain predominan French areas will probablybe one of the early targets tdsa federal government is involved in this catstnt Atlantic 3an in the Don and flutter rivers in Toronto it was on July no mo that John Graves Simone use first Lieutenant Governor oi Upper Canada began during land for the new capital of the province Originally the capital had been at Newark on the Niagara pen tnsuia but Simooe felt certain there would be war with the 05 and Newark was too close to the border He made runarksble tour oi the provim starting in Feb ruary 1M travelling by horse to aid ii 3nd of water ovr on While Simcoe directed the cl In of the land he and bi ily lived in large tent that belongugltgflcaptai Cook real up and Simcoes father but with Genual Walla in the Quo bec cunpaisn Simcoe did not like the push geese Toronto for capital and changed it to York in honor Mi fooliiihmmi it to the name dsanged back Toronto drawn sleigh when he set up arms EVENTS camp for the night he would sl lmdsamplain helped ltu ways make the members of his sons defeat emu It WI otail stand at attention and sing Point God Save the King nitsn Hovendon Walker Simcoe would have liked to sailed from Nantssket with have established the new capital largeexpedition to capture Can nt the presentday site of Lon donhut Toronto offered better transportation facilities How ever one of his first steps was to build road the area mm Mannl THE LIGHT TOUCH These Remarks Irk People 011 Diets HAL some NEW lle marks that make people on diet celliko starting riot Why go through all that agony of taking it oil if youre only going to ti right back on againi What do you mean youve lost 10 pounds already Where7 Have you tried soybean pork chops They make the fat melt nwayitke magic Pardon mehut isnt one of your chins missing The only exercise that will do you any good isto put both hands on the table and push Yam provernent already You ed to look like you had ermeion under your vest Now can see big me it just looks like youre smug glinga bowiingballT It took you it years to get in that shape but think that if you keep working at it you should be able to get bade into condition in half that um Alice what in the world have you been doing to your selli You look so drawn hardly recognized it was you Now dont tell meyoure on another diet on no not again Whats the point in trying to fight it Maybe you ought to start counting your bless ings instead of your calories Have you tried the frozen Jflmushroom dietl ltsaflll ingas well as chilling JUST FAT NOT SAW You used to base fat and sassyr Now youre lustfat ads tanWork boun clearing Inst for Fort Langley ac rueFirst ieatrain left Van lsslRnitway bridge commot ed over Lawrence lat La chine useman Privy mes eld right of Manitoba to lish sqmnte schools JimJapan prohibited easil grationtocan lmEdwerd Prince Wales Prince George and Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin arrived at Quebec lestField Marshal Alexan iden former Governorflenerll opened Britids Empire Games at Vancouver What happened to the old sense of humorrt beds dream about you last nigh George The Grand Canyon was filled with gravy andyou were trying to twins across it from rim to rim it makes me feel guilty to eat when lrn with you Alice Everydmel part anotherdab of butter on my rnashed po tatoes you look as if youd selt nretly like to strangle me Have you tried simply to think your agreess weight away Rememberthe old sayingmind over matter Taire it off take it off take it 021 ll Thompson was the Soued lead er As Mr Dielenbaker told it laier and told it often Sodal mth memmnmmmmmmrm ii handled by the radio so Inewqupets Best Way To Find Out Most teenagers and adultsrhave the same ideas about the value of edvertis in ingethat it results in better products presents true picture of the merchan diseoffered and often persuades people to buy things they shouldnt Ahdwhenieenagers waniadvertising and nonadvertising information they choose newspapers as the best way to find out ihese an points made in is us sur veyon which mass media sources teenn agers turn to for the information they want eachday so reports writer in tho Juneissue oiltiarketing The Opinion Research Corporation prepared the study for the Newsprint In formation Committee using sample of 479 teenagers aged 12 years to 20 years ORC worked under the supervision of the American Newspaperquhlishers societions bureau of advertising New Volk On the value of adve vey found that Ads result in hetterpro ducts ieenagers 80 adults 71 ads present lime picture66g 65 ads often persuade people to buy things they shouldnt78 81 It also showed that 44of teenagers choose newspapers as the best way to findout about advertising messages 34 choose TV 12 magazines and When teens want nonadvertising formation 51 of them turn to news papers 25 to TV 14 to magazines and 10 to ca sing the sur Do they look forward to advertising newspapers Some 44 aged and 56 aged 1520st they dou to only 29 and 20 for ihecorrespond ing age groups said they look forward to TV advertising According to 52 of teenagers newspapers id be less satisfying thout hdverti and 21 said the sameabout TV Those who saidfmore satisfylng represented tonnews papers and 49 for TV while Ithose who saidthe same represented3fl anrl 28 Most teenagers choose wspapers asiheir medium for new ewspapers age 1214 759aged 1520 75 radio 38 01 TV 38 38 On in average weekdayolder teens aged 15 20 read anewspaperw Teens whowant to lear mg the survey says read more Some 76 of Credit was withIthe conserva tive governmeo February night but against it at after the usual Commons dinner breakn Mr Diefenblirer insists to this day that it was telephone call consultationbetweenMr Thompson and Albertas Social Credit premier Ernest Man ning that turned the tide are the sitting resumed the govern ment was defeated Social Crodit MP votingwith idle eral opposition in recent years each time ML Diefenbaiser vbrought his version of this event uptn the Commons there was Tirolran nonreply It would come ther at Mr Thompsons turnlawns teyer debate was under my or in special press release The formerSocred leader at ways deal that there was any But never drink lhe wata that snaugii shall never those who aspirétoa college education and 74 of those who areinéollege read newspaper yesteida 0f agess who do not plan to to college 53 read newspaper yesterday Other survey results were Eighty bree er centof teenag iamilieswith an income of $10000 or nanore year read newspaper to By Eightysis per cent of teenagers in families whose household heads are eon rs in The weilof atesthatde gives insured every believer ragaInst an spells in his journey of Draw irom this everlasting wail managerial occupations or profe ons earl newspaper yesterday seven ven percent of teenagers who plane professional or managerial aree road newspaper yesterda bTHER LEDlToRs VIEWS WHYMAKE il TOUGH The announcement by the White House of plansto try onestop inspec tion syste for foreign tourists entering theUnite States at Kennedy airport is welcome one The idea isto cut in half the hour you so tnow takes for federal officials fromfour agenciesio clear tours ists here is nogood reason why the four checks health and agriculture one ma cannot be immigration customs sunponr ogsoN 44 London Free Press So whats so surprisin that has to support his son eguy going to get sion dad doesnt fulfil in the world if hthe sons social background What surprising is the son is 44 unemploy ryenrsfrom 1963 ged $1410 to se and get on young ith he possibility of sunny alkingip ears from now to his month parentalwren ponsibility 2Thats probably how the Nationa Advertising 425 Univer promo from therfath than oiusiveiy tenttiled to the rise for republication oirnll hows dispetdseil in this papergored itedtolt The Associated autsnustnsrorus wonsnsasoouvruss on accidents happening on matter iuitwages notation Part should always be completed whenthe worv disabled from enmtng ihea deni accidents Please wonsutss WAR and the date Fociurther internist on monum ouramo August 1963 directly affect the reporting of accidents Thesechangesshouidha ted careiuiiy Waiting Period The thre waiting period repeat Compensationwll be paya ior7iimetosi beyond the date of the accident No compahsa flon will be paid for the actual day Which the acciden happened Maximum compensation Th maxt um wage baseior torn pensaii payments as been raised from $6000to51 per annum in reporting work man earningsior ac dents ono tier August 1968 the increase in the ma mum in beoonsidered Pavnotsmranuanou and if net amended wags estimate equestto new maximum of$7000 from August1 968 tilt gyo 196869 Employers Statement of Wages Paidenrty nekt year It will begnecessary to calculate ssessablo earnings for196h at ih annual rate of $6000 pe sén io Juli 31 1968 iiead Office 90Harbour5i Toronto Phone 36245411 DistrictOiï¬ce KitchenerWaterloo 151 redetlck St chener PhoneSlGMSO North Bay gt 20 Algonquin Ave Sudbury 69 Einr St on 674nm Lnkhéaa Water St Port Arthur Phpmatsesoo v0ttawa Richmond Rd Phone 7293143 15260uoiieitaVAvc